Module redvox.common.data_window

This module creates specific time-bounded segments of data for users combines the base data files into a single composite object based on the user parameters

Expand source code
This module creates specific time-bounded segments of data for users
combines the base data files into a single composite object based on the user parameters
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Set, List, Dict, Iterable
from datetime import timedelta
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
import shutil
import os
import inspect

import pprint
import multiprocessing
import multiprocessing.pool
import numpy as np
import pyarrow as pa

import redvox
from redvox.common import run_me, io, data_window_io as dw_io, date_time_utils as dtu, gap_and_pad_utils as gpu
from redvox.common.data_window_configuration import DataWindowConfigFile
from redvox.common.parallel_utils import maybe_parallel_map
from redvox.common.station import Station, STATION_ID_LENGTH
from redvox.common.sensor_data import SensorType, SensorData
from redvox.common.api_reader_dw import ApiReaderDw
from redvox.common.errors import RedVoxExceptions

DEFAULT_START_BUFFER_TD: timedelta = timedelta(minutes=2.0)  # default padding to start time of data
DEFAULT_END_BUFFER_TD: timedelta = timedelta(minutes=2.0)  # default padding to end time of data
# minimum default length of time in seconds for data to be off by to be considered suspicious

class EventOrigin:
    The origin event's latitude, longitude, altitude and their standard deviations, the device used to measure
    the location data and the radius of the event

        provider: str, source of the location data (i.e. "GPS" or "NETWORK"), default "UNKNOWN"

        latitude: float, best estimate of latitude in degrees, default np.nan

        latitude_std: float, standard deviation of best estimate of latitude, default np.nan

        longitude: float, best estimate of longitude in degrees, default np.nan

        longitude_std: float, standard deviation of best estimate of longitude, default np.nan

        altitude: float, best estimate of altitude in meters, default np.nan

        altitude_std: float, standard deviation of best estimate of altitude, default np.nan

        event_radius_m: float, radius of event in meters, default 0.0

    provider: str = "UNKNOWN"
    latitude: float = np.nan
    latitude_std: float = np.nan
    longitude: float = np.nan
    longitude_std: float = np.nan
    altitude: float = np.nan
    altitude_std: float = np.nan
    event_radius_m: float = 0.0

class DataWindowConfig:
    Configuration of DataWindow properties

        input_dir: str, the directory that contains all the data.  REQUIRED

        structured_layout: bool, if True, the input_dir contains specially named and organized
        directories of data.  Default True

        start_datetime: optional datetime, start datetime of the window.
        If None, uses the first timestamp of the filtered data.  Default None

        end_datetime: optional datetime, non-inclusive end datetime of the window.
        If None, uses the last timestamp of the filtered data + 1.  Default None

        start_buffer_td: timedelta, the amount of time to include before the start_datetime when filtering data.
        Negative values are converted to 0.  Default DEFAULT_START_BUFFER_TD (2 minutes)

        end_buffer_td: timedelta, the amount of time to include after the end_datetime when filtering data.
        Negative values are converted to 0.  Default DEFAULT_END_BUFFER_TD (2 minutes)

        drop_time_s: float, the minimum amount of seconds between data files that would indicate a gap.
        Negative values are converted to default value.  Default DATA_DROP_DURATION_S (0.2 seconds)

        station_ids: optional set of strings, representing the station ids to filter on.
        If empty or None, get any ids found in the input directory.  You may pass in any iterable, as long as it can be
        turned into a set.  Default None

        extensions: optional set of strings, representing file extensions to filter on.
        If None, gets as much data as it can in the input directory.  Default None

        api_versions: optional set of ApiVersions, representing api versions to filter on.
        If None, get as much data as it can in the input directory.  Default None

        apply_correction: bool, if True, update the timestamps in the data based on best station offset.  Default True

        copy_edge_points: enumeration of DataPointCreationMode.  Determines how new points are created.
        Valid values are NAN, COPY, and INTERPOLATE.  Default COPY

        use_model_correction: bool, if True, use the offset model's correction functions, otherwise use the best
        offset.  Default True

    def __init__(
        input_dir: str,
        structured_layout: bool = True,
        start_datetime: Optional[dtu.datetime] = None,
        end_datetime: Optional[dtu.datetime] = None,
        start_buffer_td: timedelta = DEFAULT_START_BUFFER_TD,
        end_buffer_td: timedelta = DEFAULT_END_BUFFER_TD,
        drop_time_s: float = DATA_DROP_DURATION_S,
        station_ids: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
        extensions: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
        api_versions: Optional[Set[io.ApiVersion]] = None,
        apply_correction: bool = True,
        use_model_correction: bool = True,
        copy_edge_points: gpu.DataPointCreationMode = gpu.DataPointCreationMode.COPY,
        self.input_dir: str = input_dir
        self.structured_layout: bool = structured_layout
        self.start_datetime: Optional[dtu.datetime] = start_datetime
        self.end_datetime: Optional[dtu.datetime] = end_datetime
        self.start_buffer_td: timedelta = (
            start_buffer_td if start_buffer_td > timedelta(seconds=0) else timedelta(seconds=0)
        self.end_buffer_td: timedelta = end_buffer_td if end_buffer_td > timedelta(seconds=0) else timedelta(seconds=0)
        self.drop_time_s: float = drop_time_s if drop_time_s > 0 else DATA_DROP_DURATION_S
        self.station_ids: Optional[Set[str]] = set(station_ids) if station_ids else None
        self.extensions: Optional[Set[str]] = extensions
        self.api_versions: Optional[Set[io.ApiVersion]] = api_versions
        self.apply_correction: bool = apply_correction
        self.use_model_correction = use_model_correction
        self.copy_edge_points = copy_edge_points

    def __repr__(self):
        return (
            f"input_dir: {self.input_dir}, "
            f"structured_layout: {self.structured_layout}, "
            f"start_datetime: {self.start_datetime.__repr__()}, "
            f"end_datetime: {self.end_datetime.__repr__()}, "
            f"start_buffer_td: {self.start_buffer_td.__repr__()}, "
            f"end_buffer_td: {self.end_buffer_td.__repr__()}, "
            f"drop_time_s: {self.drop_time_s}, "
            f"station_ids: {list(self.station_ids) if self.station_ids else []}, "
            f"extensions: {list(self.extensions) if self.extensions else []}, "
            f"api_versions: {[a_v.value for a_v in self.api_versions] if self.api_versions else []}, "
            f"apply_correction: {self.apply_correction}, "
            f"use_model_correction: {self.use_model_correction}, "
            f"copy_edge_points: {self.copy_edge_points.value}"

    def __str__(self):
        return (
            f"input_dir: {self.input_dir}, "
            f"structured_layout: {self.structured_layout}, "
            f"start_datetime: "
            f"{self.start_datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') if self.start_datetime else None}, "
            f"end_datetime: {self.end_datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') if self.end_datetime else None}, "
            f"start_buffer_td (in s): {self.start_buffer_td.total_seconds()}, "
            f"end_buffer_td (in s): {self.end_buffer_td.total_seconds()}, "
            f"drop_time_s: {self.drop_time_s}, "
            f"station_ids: {list(self.station_ids) if self.station_ids else []}, "
            f"extensions: {list(self.extensions) if self.extensions else []}, "
            f"api_versions: {[a_v.value for a_v in self.api_versions] if self.api_versions else []}, "
            f"apply_correction: {self.apply_correction}, "
            f"use_model_correction: {self.use_model_correction}, "
            f"copy_edge_points: {}"

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict:
        return {
            "input_dir": self.input_dir,
            "structured_layout": self.structured_layout,
            "start_datetime": dtu.datetime_to_epoch_microseconds_utc(self.start_datetime)
            if self.start_datetime
            else None,
            "end_datetime": dtu.datetime_to_epoch_microseconds_utc(self.end_datetime) if self.end_datetime else None,
            "start_buffer_td": self.start_buffer_td.total_seconds(),
            "end_buffer_td": self.end_buffer_td.total_seconds(),
            "drop_time_s": self.drop_time_s,
            "station_ids": list(self.station_ids) if self.station_ids else [],
            "extensions": list(self.extensions) if self.extensions else [],
            "api_versions": [a_v.value for a_v in self.api_versions] if self.api_versions else [],
            "apply_correction": self.apply_correction,
            "use_model_correction": self.use_model_correction,
            "copy_edge_points": self.copy_edge_points.value,

    def from_dict(data_dict: Dict) -> "DataWindowConfig":
        return DataWindowConfig(
            if data_dict["start_datetime"]
            else None,
            dtu.datetime_from_epoch_microseconds_utc(data_dict["end_datetime"]) if data_dict["end_datetime"] else None,
            set([io.ApiVersion.from_str(v) for v in data_dict["api_versions"]]),

class DataWindow:
    Holds the data for a given time window; adds interpolated timestamps to fill gaps and pad the start and end values

    If a start time is given, data starting from that time will be included.

    If an end time is given, data up to but not including that time will be included.

    Refer to the DataWindowConfig class for more details on DataWindow parameters.

        event_name: str, name of the DataWindow.  defaults to "dw"

        event_origin: Optional EventOrigin which describes the physical location and radius of the
        origin event.  Default empty EventOrigin (no valid data)

        config: optional DataWindowConfig with information on how to construct DataWindow from
        Redvox (.rdvx*) files.  Default None

        sdk_version: str, the version of the Redvox SDK used to create the DataWindow

        debug: bool, if True, outputs additional information during initialization. Default False

        _fs_writer: DataWindowFileSystemWriter; includes event_name, output directory (Default "."),
        output type (options: "PARQUET", "LZ4", "JSON", "NONE".  Default NONE), and option to make a example file (Default False)

        _stations: List of Stations that belong to the DataWindow

        _errors: RedVoxExceptions; contains a list of all errors encountered by the DataWindow

    def __init__(
        event_name: str = "dw",
        event_origin: Optional[EventOrigin] = None,
        config: Optional[DataWindowConfig] = None,
        output_dir: str = ".",
        out_type: str = "NONE",
        make_runme: bool = False,
        debug: bool = False,
        Initialize the DataWindow.

        If no config is passed, the DataWindow will not process any data.

        :param event_name: name of the DataWindow.  defaults to "dw"
        :param event_origin: Optional EventOrigin which describes the physical location and radius of the
                                origin event.  Default empty EventOrigin (no valid data)
        :param config: Optional DataWindowConfig which describes how to extract data from Redvox files.
                        Default None
        :param output_dir: output directory for saving files.  Default "." (current directory)
        :param out_type: type of file to save the DataWindow as.  Options: "PARQUET", "LZ4", "JSON", "NONE".
                            Default "NONE" (no saving)
        :param make_runme: if True, saves an example file with the data.  Default False
        :param debug: if True, outputs additional information during initialization.  Default False
        self.event_name: str = event_name
        self.event_origin: EventOrigin = event_origin if event_origin else EventOrigin()
        self._fs_writer = dw_io.DataWindowFileSystemWriter(self.event_name, out_type, output_dir, make_runme)
        self.debug: bool = debug
        self._sdk_version: str = redvox.VERSION
        self._errors = RedVoxExceptions("DataWindow")
        self._stations: List[Station] = []
        self._config = config
        if config:
            if config.start_datetime and config.end_datetime and (config.end_datetime <= config.start_datetime):
                    "DataWindow will not work when end datetime is before or equal to start datetime.\n"
                    f"Your times: {config.end_datetime} <= {config.start_datetime}"
        if self.debug:

    def __repr__(self):
        return (
            f"event_name: {self.event_name}, "
            f"event_origin: {self.event_origin.__repr__()}, "
            f"config: {self._config.__repr__()}, "
            f"output_dir: {os.path.abspath(self.save_dir())}, "
            f"out_type: {self._fs_writer.file_extension}, "
            f"make_runme: {self._fs_writer.make_run_me}, "
            f"sdk_version: {self._sdk_version}, "
            f"debug: {self.debug}"

    def __str__(self):
        return (
            f"event_name: {self.event_name}, "
            f"event_origin: {self.event_origin.__str__()}, "
            f"config: {self._config.__str__()}, "
            f"output_dir: {os.path.abspath(self.save_dir())}, "
            f"out_type: {self._fs_writer.file_extension}, "
            f"make_runme: {self._fs_writer.make_run_me}, "
            f"sdk_version: {self._sdk_version}, "
            f"debug: {self.debug}"

    def save_dir(self) -> str:
        :return: directory data is saved to (empty string means saving to memory)
        return self._fs_writer.save_dir()

    def set_save_dir(self, new_save_dir: Optional[str] = "."):
        :param new_save_dir: directory to save data to; default current directory, or "."
        self._fs_writer.base_dir = new_save_dir

    def is_make_runme(self) -> bool:
        :return: if DataWindow will be saved with a runme file
        return self._fs_writer.make_run_me

    def set_make_runme(self, make_runme: bool = False):
        :param make_runme: if True, DataWindow will create a runme file when saved.  Default False
        self._fs_writer.make_run_me = make_runme

    def fs_writer(self) -> dw_io.DataWindowFileSystemWriter:
        :return: DataWindowFileSystemWriter for DataWindow
        return self._fs_writer

    def out_type(self) -> str:
        :return: string of the output type of the DataWindow
        return self._fs_writer.file_extension

    def set_out_type(self, new_out_type: str):
        set the output type of the DataWindow.  options are "NONE", "PARQUET", "LZ4" and "JSON".
        Invalid values become "NONE"

        :param new_out_type: new output type of the DataWindow

    def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
        :return: DataWindow properties as dictionary
        return {
            "event_name": self.event_name,
            "event_origin": self.event_origin.to_dict(),
            "start_time": self.start_date(),
            "end_time": self.end_date(),
            "base_dir": self.save_dir(),
            "stations": [s.default_station_json_file_name() for s in self._stations],
            "config": self._config.to_dict(),
            "debug": self.debug,
            "errors": self._errors.as_dict(),
            "sdk_version": self._sdk_version,
            "out_type": self._fs_writer.file_extension,
            "make_runme": self._fs_writer.make_run_me,

    def pretty(self) -> str:
        :return: DataWindow as dictionary, but easier to read
        # noinspection Mypy
        return pprint.pformat(self.as_dict())

    def from_config(config: DataWindowConfigFile) -> "DataWindow":
        Use a config file to create a DataWindow

        :param config: DataWindowConfigFile to load from
        :return: DataWindow
        event_origin = EventOrigin(
        dw_config = DataWindowConfig(
        return DataWindow(

    def from_config_file(file: str) -> "DataWindow":
        Loads a configuration file to create the DataWindow

        :param file: full path to config file
        :return: DataWindow
        return DataWindow.from_config(DataWindowConfigFile.from_path(file))

    def deserialize(path: str) -> "DataWindow":
        Decompresses and deserializes a DataWindow written to disk.

        :param path: Path to the serialized and compressed DataWindow.
        :return: An instance of a DataWindow.
        return dw_io.deserialize_data_window(path)

    def serialize(self, compression_factor: int = 4) -> Path:
        Serializes and compresses this DataWindow to a file.
        Uses the event_name and out_dir to name the file.

        :param compression_factor: A value between 1 and 12. Higher values provide better compression, but take
        longer. (default=4).
        :return: The path to the written file.
        return dw_io.serialize_data_window(self, self.save_dir(), f"{self.event_name}.pkl.lz4", compression_factor)

    def _to_json_file(self) -> Path:
        Converts the DataWindow metadata into a JSON file and compresses the DataWindow and writes it to disk.

        :return: The path to the written file
        return dw_io.data_window_to_json(self, self.save_dir())

    def to_json(self) -> str:
        :return: The DataWindow metadata into a JSON string.
        return dw_io.data_window_as_json(self)

    def from_json(json_str: str) -> "DataWindow":
        Read the DataWindow from a JSON string.  If file is improperly formatted, raises a ValueError.

        :param json_str: the JSON to read
        :return: The DataWindow as defined by the JSON
        return DataWindow.from_json_dict(dw_io.json_to_dict(json_str))

    def from_json_dict(json_dict: Dict) -> "DataWindow":
        Reads a JSON dictionary and loads the data into the DataWindow.
        If dictionary is improperly formatted, raises a ValueError.

        :param json_dict: the dictionary to read
        :return: The DataWindow as defined by the JSON
        if (
            "out_type" not in json_dict.keys()
            or json_dict["out_type"].upper() not in dw_io.DataWindowOutputType.list_names()
            raise ValueError(
                "Dictionary loading type is invalid or unknown.  "
                'Check the value of "out_type"; it must be one of: '
            out_type = dw_io.DataWindowOutputType.str_to_type(json_dict["out_type"])
            if out_type == dw_io.DataWindowOutputType.PARQUET or out_type == dw_io.DataWindowOutputType.JSON:
                dwin = DataWindow(
                dwin._config = DataWindowConfig.from_dict(json_dict["config"])
                dwin._errors = RedVoxExceptions.from_dict(json_dict["errors"])
                dwin._sdk_version = json_dict["sdk_version"]
                for st in json_dict["stations"]:
                    dwin.add_station(Station.from_json_file(os.path.join(json_dict["base_dir"], st), f"{st}.json"))
            elif out_type == dw_io.DataWindowOutputType.LZ4:
                dwin = DataWindow.deserialize(os.path.join(json_dict["base_dir"], f"{json_dict['event_name']}.pkl.lz4"))
                dwin = DataWindow()
            return dwin

    def save(self) -> Path:
        save the DataWindow to disk if saving is enabled
        if saving is not enabled, adds an error to the DataWindow and returns an empty path.

        :return: the path to where the files exist; an empty path means no files were saved
        if self._fs_writer.is_save_disk():
            if self._fs_writer.is_use_disk() and self._fs_writer.make_run_me:
                    os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(run_me)), os.path.join(self._fs_writer.save_dir(), "")
            if self._fs_writer.file_extension in ["parquet", "json"]:
                return self._to_json_file()
            elif self._fs_writer.file_extension == "lz4":
                return self.serialize()
            self._errors.append("Saving not enabled.")
            print("WARNING: Cannot save data window without knowing extension.")
            return Path()

    def load(file_path: str) -> "DataWindow":
        load from json metadata and lz4 compressed file or directory of files.

        If you have a pkl.lz4 file, use the deserialize() method instead.

        :param file_path: full path of json metadata file to load
        :return: DataWindow from json metadata
        cur_path = os.getcwd()
        path_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path)
        if path_dir:
        result = DataWindow.from_json_dict(dw_io.json_file_to_data_window(file_path))
        return result

    def config(self) -> DataWindowConfig:
        :return: settings used to create the DataWindow
        return self._config

    def sdk_version(self) -> str:
        :return: sdk version used to create the DataWindow
        return self._sdk_version

    def set_sdk_version(self, version: str):
        :param version: the sdk version to set
        self._sdk_version = version

    def start_date(self) -> float:
        :return: minimum start timestamp of the data or np.nan if no data
        if len(self._stations) > 0:
            return np.min([s.first_data_timestamp() for s in self._stations])
        return np.nan

    def end_date(self) -> float:
        :return: maximum end timestamp of the data or np.nan if no data
        if len(self._stations) > 0:
            return np.max([s.last_data_timestamp() for s in self._stations])
        return np.nan

    def stations(self) -> List[Station]:
        :return: list of stations in the DataWindow
        return self._stations

    def station_ids(self) -> List[str]:
        :return: ids of stations in the DataWindow
        return [ for s in self._stations]

    def add_station(self, station: Station):
        add a station to the DataWindow

        :param station: Station to add

    def remove_station(self, station_id: Optional[str] = None, start_date: Optional[float] = None):
        Remove the first station from the DataWindow, or a specific station if given the id and/or start date.

        * If an id is given, the first station with that id will be removed.
        * If a start date is given, the removed station will start at or after the start date.
        * Start date is in microseconds since epoch UTC.

        :param station_id: id of station to remove
        :param start_date: start date that is at or before the station to remove
        id_removals = []
        sd_removals = []
        if station_id is None and start_date is None:
            if station_id is not None:
                for s in range(len(self._stations)):
                    if self._stations[s].id == station_id:
            if start_date is not None:
                for s in range(len(self._stations)):
                    if self._stations[s].start_date() >= start_date:
            if len(id_removals) > 0 and start_date is None:
            elif len(sd_removals) > 0 and station_id is None:
            elif len(id_removals) > 0 and len(sd_removals) > 0:
                for a in id_removals:
                    for b in sd_removals:
                        if a == b:
                        if a < b:

    def first_station(self, station_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[Station]:
        :param station_id: optional station id to filter on
        :return: first station matching params; if no params given, gets first station in list.
                    returns None if no station with given station_id exists.
        if len(self._stations) < 1:
            self._errors.append(f"Attempted to get a station, but there are no stations in the data window!")
            if self.debug:
                print(f"Attempted to get a station, but there are no stations in the data window!")
            return None
        elif station_id:
            result = [s for s in self._stations if s.get_key().check_key(station_id, None, None)]
            if len(result) > 0:
                return result[0]
            self._errors.append(f"Attempted to get station {station_id}, but that station is not in this data window!")
            if self.debug:
                print(f"Attempted to get station {station_id}, but that station is not in this data window!")
            return None
        return self._stations[0]

    def get_station(
        self, station_id: str, station_uuid: Optional[str] = None, start_timestamp: Optional[float] = None
    ) -> Optional[List[Station]]:
        Get stations from the DataWindow.  Must give at least the station's id.  Other parameters may be None,
        which means the value will be ignored when searching.  Results will match all non-None parameters given.

        :param station_id: station id to get data for
        :param station_uuid: station uuid, default None
        :param start_timestamp: station start timestamp in microseconds since UTC epoch, default None
        :return: A list of valid stations or None if the station cannot be found
        result = [s for s in self._stations if s.get_key().check_key(station_id, station_uuid, start_timestamp)]
        if len(result) > 0:
            return result
        self._errors.append(f"Attempted to get station {station_id}, but that station is not in this data window!")
        if self.debug:
            print(f"Attempted to get station {station_id}, but that station is not in this data window!")
        return None

    def create_data_window(self, pool: Optional[multiprocessing.pool.Pool] = None):
        updates the DataWindow to contain only the data within the window parameters
        stations without audio or any data outside the window are removed
        # Let's create and manage a single pool of workers that we can utilize throughout
        # the instantiation of the data window.
        _pool: multiprocessing.pool.Pool = multiprocessing.Pool() if pool is None else pool

        r_f = io.ReadFilter()
        if self._config.start_datetime:
        if self._config.end_datetime:
        if self._config.station_ids:
        if self._config.extensions:
            self._config.extensions = r_f.extensions
        if self._config.api_versions:
            self._config.api_versions = r_f.api_versions

        if self.debug:
            print("Reading files from disk.  This may take a few minutes to complete.")

        # get the data to convert into a window
        a_r = ApiReaderDw(

        # self._errors.extend_error(a_r.errors)

        if self._fs_writer.is_use_mem() and a_r.dw_save_mode != self._fs_writer.save_mode():
            if self.debug:
                print("Estimated size of files exceeds available memory.")
                print("Automatically using temporary directory to store data.")

        # Parallel update
        # Apply timing correction in parallel by station
        sts = a_r.get_stations()
        if self.debug:
            print("number of stations loaded: ", len(sts))
        for st in maybe_parallel_map(_pool, lambda s: s, iter(sts), chunk_size=1):
            self.create_window_in_sensors(st, self._config.start_datetime, self._config.end_datetime)
            if self.debug:
                print("station processed: ",

        # check for stations without data

        # update the default data window name if we have data and the default name exists
        if self.event_name == "dw" and len(self._stations) > 0:
            self.event_name = f"dw_{int(self.start_date())}_{len(self._stations)}"

        # must update the start and end in order for the data to be saved
        # update remaining data window values if they're still default
        if not self._config.start_datetime and len(self._stations) > 0:
            self._config.start_datetime = dtu.datetime_from_epoch_microseconds_utc(
                np.min([t.first_data_timestamp() for t in self._stations])
        # end_datetime is non-inclusive, so it must be greater than our latest timestamp
        if not self._config.end_datetime and len(self._stations) > 0:
            self._config.end_datetime = dtu.datetime_from_epoch_microseconds_utc(
                np.max([t.last_data_timestamp() for t in self._stations]) + 1

        # If the pool was created by this function, then it needs to managed by this function.
        if pool is None:

    def _check_for_audio(self):
        removes any station without audio data from the DataWindow
        remove = []
        for s in self._stations:
            if not s.has_audio_sensor():
        if len(remove) > 0:
            self._stations = [s for s in self._stations if s.get_key() not in remove]

    def _check_valid_ids(self):
        if there are stations, searches the config's station_ids for any ids not in the data collected
        and creates an error message for each id requested but has no data
        if there are no stations, creates a single error message declaring no data found
        if len(self._stations) < 1 and self._config.station_ids:
            if len(self._config.station_ids) > 1:
                add_ids = f"for all stations {self._config.station_ids} "
                add_ids = ""
                f"No data matching criteria {add_ids}in {self._config.input_dir}"
                f"\nPlease adjust parameters of DataWindow"
        elif len(self._stations) > 0 and self._config.station_ids:
            for ids in self._config.station_ids:
                if ids.zfill(STATION_ID_LENGTH) not in [ for i in self._stations]:
                    self._errors.append(f"Requested {ids} but there is no data to read for that station")

    def create_window_in_sensors(
        station: Station,
        start_datetime: Optional[dtu.datetime] = None,
        end_datetime: Optional[dtu.datetime] = None,
        truncate the sensors in the station to only contain data from start_datetime to end_datetime.

        if the start and/or end are not specified, uses the audio start and end to truncate the other sensors.

        returns nothing, updates the station in place

        :param station: station object to truncate sensors of
        :param start_datetime: datetime of start of window, default None
        :param end_datetime: datetime of end of window, default None
        start_datetime = dtu.datetime_to_epoch_microseconds_utc(start_datetime) if start_datetime else 0
        end_datetime = dtu.datetime_to_epoch_microseconds_utc(end_datetime if end_datetime else dtu.datetime.max)
        self.process_sensor(station.audio_sensor(),, start_datetime, end_datetime)
        if station.has_audio_data():
            for sensor in [s for s in if s.type() != SensorType.AUDIO]:
            # recalculate metadata
                    for meta in station.packet_metadata()
                    if meta.packet_start_mach_timestamp < station.last_data_timestamp()
                    and meta.packet_end_mach_timestamp >= station.first_data_timestamp()
            station.event_data().create_event_window(station.first_data_timestamp(), station.last_data_timestamp())
            if self._fs_writer.is_save_disk():
                station.set_save_dir(self.save_dir() if self._fs_writer.is_use_disk() else self._fs_writer.get_temp())

    def process_sensor(
        self, sensor: SensorData, station_id: str, start_date_timestamp: float, end_date_timestamp: float
        process a sensor to fit within the DataWindow.  Updates sensor in place, returns nothing.

        :param sensor: sensor to process
        :param station_id: station id
        :param start_date_timestamp: start of DataWindow
        :param end_date_timestamp: end of DataWindow
        if sensor.num_samples() > 0:
            # get only the timestamps between the start and end timestamps
            before_start = np.where(sensor.data_timestamps() < start_date_timestamp)[0]
            after_end = np.where(end_date_timestamp <= sensor.data_timestamps())[0]
            # start_index is inclusive of window start
            if len(before_start) > 0:
                last_before_start = before_start[-1]
                start_index = last_before_start + 1
                last_before_start = None
                start_index = 0
            # end_index is non-inclusive of window end
            if len(after_end) > 0:
                first_after_end = after_end[0]
                end_index = first_after_end
                first_after_end = None
                end_index = sensor.num_samples()
            # check if all the samples have been cut off
            is_audio = sensor.type() == SensorType.AUDIO
            if end_index <= start_index:
                    f"Data window for {station_id} {'Audio' if is_audio else sensor.type().name} "
                    f"sensor has truncated all data points"
                # adjust data window to match the conditions of the remaining data
                if is_audio:
                elif last_before_start is not None and first_after_end is None:
                    first_entry = sensor.pyarrow_table().slice(last_before_start, 1).to_pydict()
                    first_entry["timestamps"] = [start_date_timestamp]
                elif last_before_start is None and first_after_end is not None:
                    last_entry = sensor.pyarrow_table().slice(first_after_end, 1).to_pydict()
                    last_entry["timestamps"] = [start_date_timestamp]
                elif last_before_start is not None and first_after_end is not None:
                            self._config.copy_edge_points == gpu.DataPointCreationMode.COPY,
                _arrow = sensor.pyarrow_table().slice(start_index, end_index - start_index)
                # if sensor is audio or location, we want nan'd edge points
                if sensor.type() in [SensorType.LOCATION, SensorType.AUDIO]:
                    new_point_mode = gpu.DataPointCreationMode.NAN
                    new_point_mode = self._config.copy_edge_points
                # add in the data points at the edges of the window if there are defined start and/or end times
                slice_start = _arrow["timestamps"].to_numpy()[0]
                slice_end = _arrow["timestamps"].to_numpy()[-1]
                if not is_audio:
                    end_sample_interval = end_date_timestamp - slice_end
                    end_samples_to_add = 1
                    start_sample_interval = start_date_timestamp - slice_start
                    start_samples_to_add = 1
                    end_sample_interval = dtu.seconds_to_microseconds(sensor.sample_interval_s())
                    start_sample_interval = -end_sample_interval
                    if self._config.end_datetime:
                        end_samples_to_add = int(
                            (dtu.datetime_to_epoch_microseconds_utc(self._config.end_datetime) - slice_end)
                            / end_sample_interval
                        end_samples_to_add = 0
                    if self._config.start_datetime:
                        start_samples_to_add = int(
                            (slice_start - dtu.datetime_to_epoch_microseconds_utc(self._config.start_datetime))
                            / end_sample_interval
                        start_samples_to_add = 0
                # add to end
                _arrow = gpu.add_data_points_to_df(
                    start_index=_arrow.num_rows - 1,
                # add to begin
                _arrow = gpu.add_data_points_to_df(
            self._errors.append(f"Data window for {station_id} {sensor.type().name} " f"sensor has no data points!")

    def print_errors(self):
        prints errors to screen
        for stn in self._stations:


class DataWindow (event_name: str = 'dw', event_origin: Optional[EventOrigin] = None, config: Optional[DataWindowConfig] = None, output_dir: str = '.', out_type: str = 'NONE', make_runme: bool = False, debug: bool = False)

Holds the data for a given time window; adds interpolated timestamps to fill gaps and pad the start and end values

If a start time is given, data starting from that time will be included.

If an end time is given, data up to but not including that time will be included.

Refer to the DataWindowConfig class for more details on DataWindow parameters.


event_name: str, name of the DataWindow. defaults to "dw"

event_origin: Optional EventOrigin which describes the physical location and radius of the origin event. Default empty EventOrigin (no valid data)

config: optional DataWindowConfig with information on how to construct DataWindow from Redvox (.rdvx*) files. Default None

sdk_version: str, the version of the Redvox SDK used to create the DataWindow

debug: bool, if True, outputs additional information during initialization. Default False


_fs_writer: DataWindowFileSystemWriter; includes event_name, output directory (Default "."), output type (options: "PARQUET", "LZ4", "JSON", "NONE". Default NONE), and option to make a example file (Default False)

_stations: List of Stations that belong to the DataWindow

_errors: RedVoxExceptions; contains a list of all errors encountered by the DataWindow

Initialize the DataWindow.

If no config is passed, the DataWindow will not process any data.

:param event_name: name of the DataWindow. defaults to "dw" :param event_origin: Optional EventOrigin which describes the physical location and radius of the origin event. Default empty EventOrigin (no valid data) :param config: Optional DataWindowConfig which describes how to extract data from Redvox files. Default None :param output_dir: output directory for saving files. Default "." (current directory) :param out_type: type of file to save the DataWindow as. Options: "PARQUET", "LZ4", "JSON", "NONE". Default "NONE" (no saving) :param make_runme: if True, saves an example file with the data. Default False :param debug: if True, outputs additional information during initialization. Default False

Expand source code
class DataWindow:
    Holds the data for a given time window; adds interpolated timestamps to fill gaps and pad the start and end values

    If a start time is given, data starting from that time will be included.

    If an end time is given, data up to but not including that time will be included.

    Refer to the DataWindowConfig class for more details on DataWindow parameters.

        event_name: str, name of the DataWindow.  defaults to "dw"

        event_origin: Optional EventOrigin which describes the physical location and radius of the
        origin event.  Default empty EventOrigin (no valid data)

        config: optional DataWindowConfig with information on how to construct DataWindow from
        Redvox (.rdvx*) files.  Default None

        sdk_version: str, the version of the Redvox SDK used to create the DataWindow

        debug: bool, if True, outputs additional information during initialization. Default False

        _fs_writer: DataWindowFileSystemWriter; includes event_name, output directory (Default "."),
        output type (options: "PARQUET", "LZ4", "JSON", "NONE".  Default NONE), and option to make a example file (Default False)

        _stations: List of Stations that belong to the DataWindow

        _errors: RedVoxExceptions; contains a list of all errors encountered by the DataWindow

    def __init__(
        event_name: str = "dw",
        event_origin: Optional[EventOrigin] = None,
        config: Optional[DataWindowConfig] = None,
        output_dir: str = ".",
        out_type: str = "NONE",
        make_runme: bool = False,
        debug: bool = False,
        Initialize the DataWindow.

        If no config is passed, the DataWindow will not process any data.

        :param event_name: name of the DataWindow.  defaults to "dw"
        :param event_origin: Optional EventOrigin which describes the physical location and radius of the
                                origin event.  Default empty EventOrigin (no valid data)
        :param config: Optional DataWindowConfig which describes how to extract data from Redvox files.
                        Default None
        :param output_dir: output directory for saving files.  Default "." (current directory)
        :param out_type: type of file to save the DataWindow as.  Options: "PARQUET", "LZ4", "JSON", "NONE".
                            Default "NONE" (no saving)
        :param make_runme: if True, saves an example file with the data.  Default False
        :param debug: if True, outputs additional information during initialization.  Default False
        self.event_name: str = event_name
        self.event_origin: EventOrigin = event_origin if event_origin else EventOrigin()
        self._fs_writer = dw_io.DataWindowFileSystemWriter(self.event_name, out_type, output_dir, make_runme)
        self.debug: bool = debug
        self._sdk_version: str = redvox.VERSION
        self._errors = RedVoxExceptions("DataWindow")
        self._stations: List[Station] = []
        self._config = config
        if config:
            if config.start_datetime and config.end_datetime and (config.end_datetime <= config.start_datetime):
                    "DataWindow will not work when end datetime is before or equal to start datetime.\n"
                    f"Your times: {config.end_datetime} <= {config.start_datetime}"
        if self.debug:

    def __repr__(self):
        return (
            f"event_name: {self.event_name}, "
            f"event_origin: {self.event_origin.__repr__()}, "
            f"config: {self._config.__repr__()}, "
            f"output_dir: {os.path.abspath(self.save_dir())}, "
            f"out_type: {self._fs_writer.file_extension}, "
            f"make_runme: {self._fs_writer.make_run_me}, "
            f"sdk_version: {self._sdk_version}, "
            f"debug: {self.debug}"

    def __str__(self):
        return (
            f"event_name: {self.event_name}, "
            f"event_origin: {self.event_origin.__str__()}, "
            f"config: {self._config.__str__()}, "
            f"output_dir: {os.path.abspath(self.save_dir())}, "
            f"out_type: {self._fs_writer.file_extension}, "
            f"make_runme: {self._fs_writer.make_run_me}, "
            f"sdk_version: {self._sdk_version}, "
            f"debug: {self.debug}"

    def save_dir(self) -> str:
        :return: directory data is saved to (empty string means saving to memory)
        return self._fs_writer.save_dir()

    def set_save_dir(self, new_save_dir: Optional[str] = "."):
        :param new_save_dir: directory to save data to; default current directory, or "."
        self._fs_writer.base_dir = new_save_dir

    def is_make_runme(self) -> bool:
        :return: if DataWindow will be saved with a runme file
        return self._fs_writer.make_run_me

    def set_make_runme(self, make_runme: bool = False):
        :param make_runme: if True, DataWindow will create a runme file when saved.  Default False
        self._fs_writer.make_run_me = make_runme

    def fs_writer(self) -> dw_io.DataWindowFileSystemWriter:
        :return: DataWindowFileSystemWriter for DataWindow
        return self._fs_writer

    def out_type(self) -> str:
        :return: string of the output type of the DataWindow
        return self._fs_writer.file_extension

    def set_out_type(self, new_out_type: str):
        set the output type of the DataWindow.  options are "NONE", "PARQUET", "LZ4" and "JSON".
        Invalid values become "NONE"

        :param new_out_type: new output type of the DataWindow

    def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
        :return: DataWindow properties as dictionary
        return {
            "event_name": self.event_name,
            "event_origin": self.event_origin.to_dict(),
            "start_time": self.start_date(),
            "end_time": self.end_date(),
            "base_dir": self.save_dir(),
            "stations": [s.default_station_json_file_name() for s in self._stations],
            "config": self._config.to_dict(),
            "debug": self.debug,
            "errors": self._errors.as_dict(),
            "sdk_version": self._sdk_version,
            "out_type": self._fs_writer.file_extension,
            "make_runme": self._fs_writer.make_run_me,

    def pretty(self) -> str:
        :return: DataWindow as dictionary, but easier to read
        # noinspection Mypy
        return pprint.pformat(self.as_dict())

    def from_config(config: DataWindowConfigFile) -> "DataWindow":
        Use a config file to create a DataWindow

        :param config: DataWindowConfigFile to load from
        :return: DataWindow
        event_origin = EventOrigin(
        dw_config = DataWindowConfig(
        return DataWindow(

    def from_config_file(file: str) -> "DataWindow":
        Loads a configuration file to create the DataWindow

        :param file: full path to config file
        :return: DataWindow
        return DataWindow.from_config(DataWindowConfigFile.from_path(file))

    def deserialize(path: str) -> "DataWindow":
        Decompresses and deserializes a DataWindow written to disk.

        :param path: Path to the serialized and compressed DataWindow.
        :return: An instance of a DataWindow.
        return dw_io.deserialize_data_window(path)

    def serialize(self, compression_factor: int = 4) -> Path:
        Serializes and compresses this DataWindow to a file.
        Uses the event_name and out_dir to name the file.

        :param compression_factor: A value between 1 and 12. Higher values provide better compression, but take
        longer. (default=4).
        :return: The path to the written file.
        return dw_io.serialize_data_window(self, self.save_dir(), f"{self.event_name}.pkl.lz4", compression_factor)

    def _to_json_file(self) -> Path:
        Converts the DataWindow metadata into a JSON file and compresses the DataWindow and writes it to disk.

        :return: The path to the written file
        return dw_io.data_window_to_json(self, self.save_dir())

    def to_json(self) -> str:
        :return: The DataWindow metadata into a JSON string.
        return dw_io.data_window_as_json(self)

    def from_json(json_str: str) -> "DataWindow":
        Read the DataWindow from a JSON string.  If file is improperly formatted, raises a ValueError.

        :param json_str: the JSON to read
        :return: The DataWindow as defined by the JSON
        return DataWindow.from_json_dict(dw_io.json_to_dict(json_str))

    def from_json_dict(json_dict: Dict) -> "DataWindow":
        Reads a JSON dictionary and loads the data into the DataWindow.
        If dictionary is improperly formatted, raises a ValueError.

        :param json_dict: the dictionary to read
        :return: The DataWindow as defined by the JSON
        if (
            "out_type" not in json_dict.keys()
            or json_dict["out_type"].upper() not in dw_io.DataWindowOutputType.list_names()
            raise ValueError(
                "Dictionary loading type is invalid or unknown.  "
                'Check the value of "out_type"; it must be one of: '
            out_type = dw_io.DataWindowOutputType.str_to_type(json_dict["out_type"])
            if out_type == dw_io.DataWindowOutputType.PARQUET or out_type == dw_io.DataWindowOutputType.JSON:
                dwin = DataWindow(
                dwin._config = DataWindowConfig.from_dict(json_dict["config"])
                dwin._errors = RedVoxExceptions.from_dict(json_dict["errors"])
                dwin._sdk_version = json_dict["sdk_version"]
                for st in json_dict["stations"]:
                    dwin.add_station(Station.from_json_file(os.path.join(json_dict["base_dir"], st), f"{st}.json"))
            elif out_type == dw_io.DataWindowOutputType.LZ4:
                dwin = DataWindow.deserialize(os.path.join(json_dict["base_dir"], f"{json_dict['event_name']}.pkl.lz4"))
                dwin = DataWindow()
            return dwin

    def save(self) -> Path:
        save the DataWindow to disk if saving is enabled
        if saving is not enabled, adds an error to the DataWindow and returns an empty path.

        :return: the path to where the files exist; an empty path means no files were saved
        if self._fs_writer.is_save_disk():
            if self._fs_writer.is_use_disk() and self._fs_writer.make_run_me:
                    os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(run_me)), os.path.join(self._fs_writer.save_dir(), "")
            if self._fs_writer.file_extension in ["parquet", "json"]:
                return self._to_json_file()
            elif self._fs_writer.file_extension == "lz4":
                return self.serialize()
            self._errors.append("Saving not enabled.")
            print("WARNING: Cannot save data window without knowing extension.")
            return Path()

    def load(file_path: str) -> "DataWindow":
        load from json metadata and lz4 compressed file or directory of files.

        If you have a pkl.lz4 file, use the deserialize() method instead.

        :param file_path: full path of json metadata file to load
        :return: DataWindow from json metadata
        cur_path = os.getcwd()
        path_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path)
        if path_dir:
        result = DataWindow.from_json_dict(dw_io.json_file_to_data_window(file_path))
        return result

    def config(self) -> DataWindowConfig:
        :return: settings used to create the DataWindow
        return self._config

    def sdk_version(self) -> str:
        :return: sdk version used to create the DataWindow
        return self._sdk_version

    def set_sdk_version(self, version: str):
        :param version: the sdk version to set
        self._sdk_version = version

    def start_date(self) -> float:
        :return: minimum start timestamp of the data or np.nan if no data
        if len(self._stations) > 0:
            return np.min([s.first_data_timestamp() for s in self._stations])
        return np.nan

    def end_date(self) -> float:
        :return: maximum end timestamp of the data or np.nan if no data
        if len(self._stations) > 0:
            return np.max([s.last_data_timestamp() for s in self._stations])
        return np.nan

    def stations(self) -> List[Station]:
        :return: list of stations in the DataWindow
        return self._stations

    def station_ids(self) -> List[str]:
        :return: ids of stations in the DataWindow
        return [ for s in self._stations]

    def add_station(self, station: Station):
        add a station to the DataWindow

        :param station: Station to add

    def remove_station(self, station_id: Optional[str] = None, start_date: Optional[float] = None):
        Remove the first station from the DataWindow, or a specific station if given the id and/or start date.

        * If an id is given, the first station with that id will be removed.
        * If a start date is given, the removed station will start at or after the start date.
        * Start date is in microseconds since epoch UTC.

        :param station_id: id of station to remove
        :param start_date: start date that is at or before the station to remove
        id_removals = []
        sd_removals = []
        if station_id is None and start_date is None:
            if station_id is not None:
                for s in range(len(self._stations)):
                    if self._stations[s].id == station_id:
            if start_date is not None:
                for s in range(len(self._stations)):
                    if self._stations[s].start_date() >= start_date:
            if len(id_removals) > 0 and start_date is None:
            elif len(sd_removals) > 0 and station_id is None:
            elif len(id_removals) > 0 and len(sd_removals) > 0:
                for a in id_removals:
                    for b in sd_removals:
                        if a == b:
                        if a < b:

    def first_station(self, station_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[Station]:
        :param station_id: optional station id to filter on
        :return: first station matching params; if no params given, gets first station in list.
                    returns None if no station with given station_id exists.
        if len(self._stations) < 1:
            self._errors.append(f"Attempted to get a station, but there are no stations in the data window!")
            if self.debug:
                print(f"Attempted to get a station, but there are no stations in the data window!")
            return None
        elif station_id:
            result = [s for s in self._stations if s.get_key().check_key(station_id, None, None)]
            if len(result) > 0:
                return result[0]
            self._errors.append(f"Attempted to get station {station_id}, but that station is not in this data window!")
            if self.debug:
                print(f"Attempted to get station {station_id}, but that station is not in this data window!")
            return None
        return self._stations[0]

    def get_station(
        self, station_id: str, station_uuid: Optional[str] = None, start_timestamp: Optional[float] = None
    ) -> Optional[List[Station]]:
        Get stations from the DataWindow.  Must give at least the station's id.  Other parameters may be None,
        which means the value will be ignored when searching.  Results will match all non-None parameters given.

        :param station_id: station id to get data for
        :param station_uuid: station uuid, default None
        :param start_timestamp: station start timestamp in microseconds since UTC epoch, default None
        :return: A list of valid stations or None if the station cannot be found
        result = [s for s in self._stations if s.get_key().check_key(station_id, station_uuid, start_timestamp)]
        if len(result) > 0:
            return result
        self._errors.append(f"Attempted to get station {station_id}, but that station is not in this data window!")
        if self.debug:
            print(f"Attempted to get station {station_id}, but that station is not in this data window!")
        return None

    def create_data_window(self, pool: Optional[multiprocessing.pool.Pool] = None):
        updates the DataWindow to contain only the data within the window parameters
        stations without audio or any data outside the window are removed
        # Let's create and manage a single pool of workers that we can utilize throughout
        # the instantiation of the data window.
        _pool: multiprocessing.pool.Pool = multiprocessing.Pool() if pool is None else pool

        r_f = io.ReadFilter()
        if self._config.start_datetime:
        if self._config.end_datetime:
        if self._config.station_ids:
        if self._config.extensions:
            self._config.extensions = r_f.extensions
        if self._config.api_versions:
            self._config.api_versions = r_f.api_versions

        if self.debug:
            print("Reading files from disk.  This may take a few minutes to complete.")

        # get the data to convert into a window
        a_r = ApiReaderDw(

        # self._errors.extend_error(a_r.errors)

        if self._fs_writer.is_use_mem() and a_r.dw_save_mode != self._fs_writer.save_mode():
            if self.debug:
                print("Estimated size of files exceeds available memory.")
                print("Automatically using temporary directory to store data.")

        # Parallel update
        # Apply timing correction in parallel by station
        sts = a_r.get_stations()
        if self.debug:
            print("number of stations loaded: ", len(sts))
        for st in maybe_parallel_map(_pool, lambda s: s, iter(sts), chunk_size=1):
            self.create_window_in_sensors(st, self._config.start_datetime, self._config.end_datetime)
            if self.debug:
                print("station processed: ",

        # check for stations without data

        # update the default data window name if we have data and the default name exists
        if self.event_name == "dw" and len(self._stations) > 0:
            self.event_name = f"dw_{int(self.start_date())}_{len(self._stations)}"

        # must update the start and end in order for the data to be saved
        # update remaining data window values if they're still default
        if not self._config.start_datetime and len(self._stations) > 0:
            self._config.start_datetime = dtu.datetime_from_epoch_microseconds_utc(
                np.min([t.first_data_timestamp() for t in self._stations])
        # end_datetime is non-inclusive, so it must be greater than our latest timestamp
        if not self._config.end_datetime and len(self._stations) > 0:
            self._config.end_datetime = dtu.datetime_from_epoch_microseconds_utc(
                np.max([t.last_data_timestamp() for t in self._stations]) + 1

        # If the pool was created by this function, then it needs to managed by this function.
        if pool is None:

    def _check_for_audio(self):
        removes any station without audio data from the DataWindow
        remove = []
        for s in self._stations:
            if not s.has_audio_sensor():
        if len(remove) > 0:
            self._stations = [s for s in self._stations if s.get_key() not in remove]

    def _check_valid_ids(self):
        if there are stations, searches the config's station_ids for any ids not in the data collected
        and creates an error message for each id requested but has no data
        if there are no stations, creates a single error message declaring no data found
        if len(self._stations) < 1 and self._config.station_ids:
            if len(self._config.station_ids) > 1:
                add_ids = f"for all stations {self._config.station_ids} "
                add_ids = ""
                f"No data matching criteria {add_ids}in {self._config.input_dir}"
                f"\nPlease adjust parameters of DataWindow"
        elif len(self._stations) > 0 and self._config.station_ids:
            for ids in self._config.station_ids:
                if ids.zfill(STATION_ID_LENGTH) not in [ for i in self._stations]:
                    self._errors.append(f"Requested {ids} but there is no data to read for that station")

    def create_window_in_sensors(
        station: Station,
        start_datetime: Optional[dtu.datetime] = None,
        end_datetime: Optional[dtu.datetime] = None,
        truncate the sensors in the station to only contain data from start_datetime to end_datetime.

        if the start and/or end are not specified, uses the audio start and end to truncate the other sensors.

        returns nothing, updates the station in place

        :param station: station object to truncate sensors of
        :param start_datetime: datetime of start of window, default None
        :param end_datetime: datetime of end of window, default None
        start_datetime = dtu.datetime_to_epoch_microseconds_utc(start_datetime) if start_datetime else 0
        end_datetime = dtu.datetime_to_epoch_microseconds_utc(end_datetime if end_datetime else dtu.datetime.max)
        self.process_sensor(station.audio_sensor(),, start_datetime, end_datetime)
        if station.has_audio_data():
            for sensor in [s for s in if s.type() != SensorType.AUDIO]:
            # recalculate metadata
                    for meta in station.packet_metadata()
                    if meta.packet_start_mach_timestamp < station.last_data_timestamp()
                    and meta.packet_end_mach_timestamp >= station.first_data_timestamp()
            station.event_data().create_event_window(station.first_data_timestamp(), station.last_data_timestamp())
            if self._fs_writer.is_save_disk():
                station.set_save_dir(self.save_dir() if self._fs_writer.is_use_disk() else self._fs_writer.get_temp())

    def process_sensor(
        self, sensor: SensorData, station_id: str, start_date_timestamp: float, end_date_timestamp: float
        process a sensor to fit within the DataWindow.  Updates sensor in place, returns nothing.

        :param sensor: sensor to process
        :param station_id: station id
        :param start_date_timestamp: start of DataWindow
        :param end_date_timestamp: end of DataWindow
        if sensor.num_samples() > 0:
            # get only the timestamps between the start and end timestamps
            before_start = np.where(sensor.data_timestamps() < start_date_timestamp)[0]
            after_end = np.where(end_date_timestamp <= sensor.data_timestamps())[0]
            # start_index is inclusive of window start
            if len(before_start) > 0:
                last_before_start = before_start[-1]
                start_index = last_before_start + 1
                last_before_start = None
                start_index = 0
            # end_index is non-inclusive of window end
            if len(after_end) > 0:
                first_after_end = after_end[0]
                end_index = first_after_end
                first_after_end = None
                end_index = sensor.num_samples()
            # check if all the samples have been cut off
            is_audio = sensor.type() == SensorType.AUDIO
            if end_index <= start_index:
                    f"Data window for {station_id} {'Audio' if is_audio else sensor.type().name} "
                    f"sensor has truncated all data points"
                # adjust data window to match the conditions of the remaining data
                if is_audio:
                elif last_before_start is not None and first_after_end is None:
                    first_entry = sensor.pyarrow_table().slice(last_before_start, 1).to_pydict()
                    first_entry["timestamps"] = [start_date_timestamp]
                elif last_before_start is None and first_after_end is not None:
                    last_entry = sensor.pyarrow_table().slice(first_after_end, 1).to_pydict()
                    last_entry["timestamps"] = [start_date_timestamp]
                elif last_before_start is not None and first_after_end is not None:
                            self._config.copy_edge_points == gpu.DataPointCreationMode.COPY,
                _arrow = sensor.pyarrow_table().slice(start_index, end_index - start_index)
                # if sensor is audio or location, we want nan'd edge points
                if sensor.type() in [SensorType.LOCATION, SensorType.AUDIO]:
                    new_point_mode = gpu.DataPointCreationMode.NAN
                    new_point_mode = self._config.copy_edge_points
                # add in the data points at the edges of the window if there are defined start and/or end times
                slice_start = _arrow["timestamps"].to_numpy()[0]
                slice_end = _arrow["timestamps"].to_numpy()[-1]
                if not is_audio:
                    end_sample_interval = end_date_timestamp - slice_end
                    end_samples_to_add = 1
                    start_sample_interval = start_date_timestamp - slice_start
                    start_samples_to_add = 1
                    end_sample_interval = dtu.seconds_to_microseconds(sensor.sample_interval_s())
                    start_sample_interval = -end_sample_interval
                    if self._config.end_datetime:
                        end_samples_to_add = int(
                            (dtu.datetime_to_epoch_microseconds_utc(self._config.end_datetime) - slice_end)
                            / end_sample_interval
                        end_samples_to_add = 0
                    if self._config.start_datetime:
                        start_samples_to_add = int(
                            (slice_start - dtu.datetime_to_epoch_microseconds_utc(self._config.start_datetime))
                            / end_sample_interval
                        start_samples_to_add = 0
                # add to end
                _arrow = gpu.add_data_points_to_df(
                    start_index=_arrow.num_rows - 1,
                # add to begin
                _arrow = gpu.add_data_points_to_df(
            self._errors.append(f"Data window for {station_id} {sensor.type().name} " f"sensor has no data points!")

    def print_errors(self):
        prints errors to screen
        for stn in self._stations:

Static methods

def deserialize(path: str) ‑> DataWindow

Decompresses and deserializes a DataWindow written to disk.

:param path: Path to the serialized and compressed DataWindow. :return: An instance of a DataWindow.

Expand source code
def deserialize(path: str) -> "DataWindow":
    Decompresses and deserializes a DataWindow written to disk.

    :param path: Path to the serialized and compressed DataWindow.
    :return: An instance of a DataWindow.
    return dw_io.deserialize_data_window(path)
def from_config(config: DataWindowConfigFile) ‑> DataWindow

Use a config file to create a DataWindow

:param config: DataWindowConfigFile to load from :return: DataWindow

Expand source code
def from_config(config: DataWindowConfigFile) -> "DataWindow":
    Use a config file to create a DataWindow

    :param config: DataWindowConfigFile to load from
    :return: DataWindow
    event_origin = EventOrigin(
    dw_config = DataWindowConfig(
    return DataWindow(
def from_config_file(file: str) ‑> DataWindow

Loads a configuration file to create the DataWindow

:param file: full path to config file :return: DataWindow

Expand source code
def from_config_file(file: str) -> "DataWindow":
    Loads a configuration file to create the DataWindow

    :param file: full path to config file
    :return: DataWindow
    return DataWindow.from_config(DataWindowConfigFile.from_path(file))
def from_json(json_str: str) ‑> DataWindow

Read the DataWindow from a JSON string. If file is improperly formatted, raises a ValueError.

:param json_str: the JSON to read :return: The DataWindow as defined by the JSON

Expand source code
def from_json(json_str: str) -> "DataWindow":
    Read the DataWindow from a JSON string.  If file is improperly formatted, raises a ValueError.

    :param json_str: the JSON to read
    :return: The DataWindow as defined by the JSON
    return DataWindow.from_json_dict(dw_io.json_to_dict(json_str))
def from_json_dict(json_dict: Dict) ‑> DataWindow

Reads a JSON dictionary and loads the data into the DataWindow. If dictionary is improperly formatted, raises a ValueError.

:param json_dict: the dictionary to read :return: The DataWindow as defined by the JSON

Expand source code
def from_json_dict(json_dict: Dict) -> "DataWindow":
    Reads a JSON dictionary and loads the data into the DataWindow.
    If dictionary is improperly formatted, raises a ValueError.

    :param json_dict: the dictionary to read
    :return: The DataWindow as defined by the JSON
    if (
        "out_type" not in json_dict.keys()
        or json_dict["out_type"].upper() not in dw_io.DataWindowOutputType.list_names()
        raise ValueError(
            "Dictionary loading type is invalid or unknown.  "
            'Check the value of "out_type"; it must be one of: '
        out_type = dw_io.DataWindowOutputType.str_to_type(json_dict["out_type"])
        if out_type == dw_io.DataWindowOutputType.PARQUET or out_type == dw_io.DataWindowOutputType.JSON:
            dwin = DataWindow(
            dwin._config = DataWindowConfig.from_dict(json_dict["config"])
            dwin._errors = RedVoxExceptions.from_dict(json_dict["errors"])
            dwin._sdk_version = json_dict["sdk_version"]
            for st in json_dict["stations"]:
                dwin.add_station(Station.from_json_file(os.path.join(json_dict["base_dir"], st), f"{st}.json"))
        elif out_type == dw_io.DataWindowOutputType.LZ4:
            dwin = DataWindow.deserialize(os.path.join(json_dict["base_dir"], f"{json_dict['event_name']}.pkl.lz4"))
            dwin = DataWindow()
        return dwin
def load(file_path: str) ‑> DataWindow

load from json metadata and lz4 compressed file or directory of files.

If you have a pkl.lz4 file, use the deserialize() method instead.

:param file_path: full path of json metadata file to load :return: DataWindow from json metadata

Expand source code
def load(file_path: str) -> "DataWindow":
    load from json metadata and lz4 compressed file or directory of files.

    If you have a pkl.lz4 file, use the deserialize() method instead.

    :param file_path: full path of json metadata file to load
    :return: DataWindow from json metadata
    cur_path = os.getcwd()
    path_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path)
    if path_dir:
    result = DataWindow.from_json_dict(dw_io.json_file_to_data_window(file_path))
    return result


def add_station(self, station: Station)

add a station to the DataWindow

:param station: Station to add

Expand source code
def add_station(self, station: Station):
    add a station to the DataWindow

    :param station: Station to add
def as_dict(self) ‑> Dict

:return: DataWindow properties as dictionary

Expand source code
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
    :return: DataWindow properties as dictionary
    return {
        "event_name": self.event_name,
        "event_origin": self.event_origin.to_dict(),
        "start_time": self.start_date(),
        "end_time": self.end_date(),
        "base_dir": self.save_dir(),
        "stations": [s.default_station_json_file_name() for s in self._stations],
        "config": self._config.to_dict(),
        "debug": self.debug,
        "errors": self._errors.as_dict(),
        "sdk_version": self._sdk_version,
        "out_type": self._fs_writer.file_extension,
        "make_runme": self._fs_writer.make_run_me,
def config(self) ‑> DataWindowConfig

:return: settings used to create the DataWindow

Expand source code
def config(self) -> DataWindowConfig:
    :return: settings used to create the DataWindow
    return self._config
def create_data_window(self, pool: Optional[multiprocessing.pool.Pool] = None)

updates the DataWindow to contain only the data within the window parameters stations without audio or any data outside the window are removed

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def create_data_window(self, pool: Optional[multiprocessing.pool.Pool] = None):
    updates the DataWindow to contain only the data within the window parameters
    stations without audio or any data outside the window are removed
    # Let's create and manage a single pool of workers that we can utilize throughout
    # the instantiation of the data window.
    _pool: multiprocessing.pool.Pool = multiprocessing.Pool() if pool is None else pool

    r_f = io.ReadFilter()
    if self._config.start_datetime:
    if self._config.end_datetime:
    if self._config.station_ids:
    if self._config.extensions:
        self._config.extensions = r_f.extensions
    if self._config.api_versions:
        self._config.api_versions = r_f.api_versions

    if self.debug:
        print("Reading files from disk.  This may take a few minutes to complete.")

    # get the data to convert into a window
    a_r = ApiReaderDw(

    # self._errors.extend_error(a_r.errors)

    if self._fs_writer.is_use_mem() and a_r.dw_save_mode != self._fs_writer.save_mode():
        if self.debug:
            print("Estimated size of files exceeds available memory.")
            print("Automatically using temporary directory to store data.")

    # Parallel update
    # Apply timing correction in parallel by station
    sts = a_r.get_stations()
    if self.debug:
        print("number of stations loaded: ", len(sts))
    for st in maybe_parallel_map(_pool, lambda s: s, iter(sts), chunk_size=1):
        self.create_window_in_sensors(st, self._config.start_datetime, self._config.end_datetime)
        if self.debug:
            print("station processed: ",

    # check for stations without data

    # update the default data window name if we have data and the default name exists
    if self.event_name == "dw" and len(self._stations) > 0:
        self.event_name = f"dw_{int(self.start_date())}_{len(self._stations)}"

    # must update the start and end in order for the data to be saved
    # update remaining data window values if they're still default
    if not self._config.start_datetime and len(self._stations) > 0:
        self._config.start_datetime = dtu.datetime_from_epoch_microseconds_utc(
            np.min([t.first_data_timestamp() for t in self._stations])
    # end_datetime is non-inclusive, so it must be greater than our latest timestamp
    if not self._config.end_datetime and len(self._stations) > 0:
        self._config.end_datetime = dtu.datetime_from_epoch_microseconds_utc(
            np.max([t.last_data_timestamp() for t in self._stations]) + 1

    # If the pool was created by this function, then it needs to managed by this function.
    if pool is None:
def create_window_in_sensors(self, station: Station, start_datetime: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, end_datetime: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None)

truncate the sensors in the station to only contain data from start_datetime to end_datetime.

if the start and/or end are not specified, uses the audio start and end to truncate the other sensors.

returns nothing, updates the station in place

:param station: station object to truncate sensors of :param start_datetime: datetime of start of window, default None :param end_datetime: datetime of end of window, default None

Expand source code
def create_window_in_sensors(
    station: Station,
    start_datetime: Optional[dtu.datetime] = None,
    end_datetime: Optional[dtu.datetime] = None,
    truncate the sensors in the station to only contain data from start_datetime to end_datetime.

    if the start and/or end are not specified, uses the audio start and end to truncate the other sensors.

    returns nothing, updates the station in place

    :param station: station object to truncate sensors of
    :param start_datetime: datetime of start of window, default None
    :param end_datetime: datetime of end of window, default None
    start_datetime = dtu.datetime_to_epoch_microseconds_utc(start_datetime) if start_datetime else 0
    end_datetime = dtu.datetime_to_epoch_microseconds_utc(end_datetime if end_datetime else dtu.datetime.max)
    self.process_sensor(station.audio_sensor(),, start_datetime, end_datetime)
    if station.has_audio_data():
        for sensor in [s for s in if s.type() != SensorType.AUDIO]:
        # recalculate metadata
                for meta in station.packet_metadata()
                if meta.packet_start_mach_timestamp < station.last_data_timestamp()
                and meta.packet_end_mach_timestamp >= station.first_data_timestamp()
        station.event_data().create_event_window(station.first_data_timestamp(), station.last_data_timestamp())
        if self._fs_writer.is_save_disk():
            station.set_save_dir(self.save_dir() if self._fs_writer.is_use_disk() else self._fs_writer.get_temp())
def end_date(self) ‑> float

:return: maximum end timestamp of the data or np.nan if no data

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def end_date(self) -> float:
    :return: maximum end timestamp of the data or np.nan if no data
    if len(self._stations) > 0:
        return np.max([s.last_data_timestamp() for s in self._stations])
    return np.nan
def first_station(self, station_id: Optional[str] = None) ‑> Optional[Station]

:param station_id: optional station id to filter on :return: first station matching params; if no params given, gets first station in list. returns None if no station with given station_id exists.

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def first_station(self, station_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[Station]:
    :param station_id: optional station id to filter on
    :return: first station matching params; if no params given, gets first station in list.
                returns None if no station with given station_id exists.
    if len(self._stations) < 1:
        self._errors.append(f"Attempted to get a station, but there are no stations in the data window!")
        if self.debug:
            print(f"Attempted to get a station, but there are no stations in the data window!")
        return None
    elif station_id:
        result = [s for s in self._stations if s.get_key().check_key(station_id, None, None)]
        if len(result) > 0:
            return result[0]
        self._errors.append(f"Attempted to get station {station_id}, but that station is not in this data window!")
        if self.debug:
            print(f"Attempted to get station {station_id}, but that station is not in this data window!")
        return None
    return self._stations[0]
def fs_writer(self) ‑> DataWindowFileSystemWriter

:return: DataWindowFileSystemWriter for DataWindow

Expand source code
def fs_writer(self) -> dw_io.DataWindowFileSystemWriter:
    :return: DataWindowFileSystemWriter for DataWindow
    return self._fs_writer
def get_station(self, station_id: str, station_uuid: Optional[str] = None, start_timestamp: Optional[float] = None) ‑> Optional[List[Station]]

Get stations from the DataWindow. Must give at least the station's id. Other parameters may be None, which means the value will be ignored when searching. Results will match all non-None parameters given.

:param station_id: station id to get data for :param station_uuid: station uuid, default None :param start_timestamp: station start timestamp in microseconds since UTC epoch, default None :return: A list of valid stations or None if the station cannot be found

Expand source code
def get_station(
    self, station_id: str, station_uuid: Optional[str] = None, start_timestamp: Optional[float] = None
) -> Optional[List[Station]]:
    Get stations from the DataWindow.  Must give at least the station's id.  Other parameters may be None,
    which means the value will be ignored when searching.  Results will match all non-None parameters given.

    :param station_id: station id to get data for
    :param station_uuid: station uuid, default None
    :param start_timestamp: station start timestamp in microseconds since UTC epoch, default None
    :return: A list of valid stations or None if the station cannot be found
    result = [s for s in self._stations if s.get_key().check_key(station_id, station_uuid, start_timestamp)]
    if len(result) > 0:
        return result
    self._errors.append(f"Attempted to get station {station_id}, but that station is not in this data window!")
    if self.debug:
        print(f"Attempted to get station {station_id}, but that station is not in this data window!")
    return None
def is_make_runme(self) ‑> bool

:return: if DataWindow will be saved with a runme file

Expand source code
def is_make_runme(self) -> bool:
    :return: if DataWindow will be saved with a runme file
    return self._fs_writer.make_run_me
def out_type(self) ‑> str

:return: string of the output type of the DataWindow

Expand source code
def out_type(self) -> str:
    :return: string of the output type of the DataWindow
    return self._fs_writer.file_extension
def pretty(self) ‑> str

:return: DataWindow as dictionary, but easier to read

Expand source code
def pretty(self) -> str:
    :return: DataWindow as dictionary, but easier to read
    # noinspection Mypy
    return pprint.pformat(self.as_dict())
def print_errors(self)

prints errors to screen

Expand source code
def print_errors(self):
    prints errors to screen
    for stn in self._stations:
def process_sensor(self, sensor: SensorData, station_id: str, start_date_timestamp: float, end_date_timestamp: float)

process a sensor to fit within the DataWindow. Updates sensor in place, returns nothing.

:param sensor: sensor to process :param station_id: station id :param start_date_timestamp: start of DataWindow :param end_date_timestamp: end of DataWindow

Expand source code
def process_sensor(
    self, sensor: SensorData, station_id: str, start_date_timestamp: float, end_date_timestamp: float
    process a sensor to fit within the DataWindow.  Updates sensor in place, returns nothing.

    :param sensor: sensor to process
    :param station_id: station id
    :param start_date_timestamp: start of DataWindow
    :param end_date_timestamp: end of DataWindow
    if sensor.num_samples() > 0:
        # get only the timestamps between the start and end timestamps
        before_start = np.where(sensor.data_timestamps() < start_date_timestamp)[0]
        after_end = np.where(end_date_timestamp <= sensor.data_timestamps())[0]
        # start_index is inclusive of window start
        if len(before_start) > 0:
            last_before_start = before_start[-1]
            start_index = last_before_start + 1
            last_before_start = None
            start_index = 0
        # end_index is non-inclusive of window end
        if len(after_end) > 0:
            first_after_end = after_end[0]
            end_index = first_after_end
            first_after_end = None
            end_index = sensor.num_samples()
        # check if all the samples have been cut off
        is_audio = sensor.type() == SensorType.AUDIO
        if end_index <= start_index:
                f"Data window for {station_id} {'Audio' if is_audio else sensor.type().name} "
                f"sensor has truncated all data points"
            # adjust data window to match the conditions of the remaining data
            if is_audio:
            elif last_before_start is not None and first_after_end is None:
                first_entry = sensor.pyarrow_table().slice(last_before_start, 1).to_pydict()
                first_entry["timestamps"] = [start_date_timestamp]
            elif last_before_start is None and first_after_end is not None:
                last_entry = sensor.pyarrow_table().slice(first_after_end, 1).to_pydict()
                last_entry["timestamps"] = [start_date_timestamp]
            elif last_before_start is not None and first_after_end is not None:
                        self._config.copy_edge_points == gpu.DataPointCreationMode.COPY,
            _arrow = sensor.pyarrow_table().slice(start_index, end_index - start_index)
            # if sensor is audio or location, we want nan'd edge points
            if sensor.type() in [SensorType.LOCATION, SensorType.AUDIO]:
                new_point_mode = gpu.DataPointCreationMode.NAN
                new_point_mode = self._config.copy_edge_points
            # add in the data points at the edges of the window if there are defined start and/or end times
            slice_start = _arrow["timestamps"].to_numpy()[0]
            slice_end = _arrow["timestamps"].to_numpy()[-1]
            if not is_audio:
                end_sample_interval = end_date_timestamp - slice_end
                end_samples_to_add = 1
                start_sample_interval = start_date_timestamp - slice_start
                start_samples_to_add = 1
                end_sample_interval = dtu.seconds_to_microseconds(sensor.sample_interval_s())
                start_sample_interval = -end_sample_interval
                if self._config.end_datetime:
                    end_samples_to_add = int(
                        (dtu.datetime_to_epoch_microseconds_utc(self._config.end_datetime) - slice_end)
                        / end_sample_interval
                    end_samples_to_add = 0
                if self._config.start_datetime:
                    start_samples_to_add = int(
                        (slice_start - dtu.datetime_to_epoch_microseconds_utc(self._config.start_datetime))
                        / end_sample_interval
                    start_samples_to_add = 0
            # add to end
            _arrow = gpu.add_data_points_to_df(
                start_index=_arrow.num_rows - 1,
            # add to begin
            _arrow = gpu.add_data_points_to_df(
        self._errors.append(f"Data window for {station_id} {sensor.type().name} " f"sensor has no data points!")
def remove_station(self, station_id: Optional[str] = None, start_date: Optional[float] = None)

Remove the first station from the DataWindow, or a specific station if given the id and/or start date.

  • If an id is given, the first station with that id will be removed.
  • If a start date is given, the removed station will start at or after the start date.
  • Start date is in microseconds since epoch UTC.

:param station_id: id of station to remove :param start_date: start date that is at or before the station to remove

Expand source code
def remove_station(self, station_id: Optional[str] = None, start_date: Optional[float] = None):
    Remove the first station from the DataWindow, or a specific station if given the id and/or start date.

    * If an id is given, the first station with that id will be removed.
    * If a start date is given, the removed station will start at or after the start date.
    * Start date is in microseconds since epoch UTC.

    :param station_id: id of station to remove
    :param start_date: start date that is at or before the station to remove
    id_removals = []
    sd_removals = []
    if station_id is None and start_date is None:
        if station_id is not None:
            for s in range(len(self._stations)):
                if self._stations[s].id == station_id:
        if start_date is not None:
            for s in range(len(self._stations)):
                if self._stations[s].start_date() >= start_date:
        if len(id_removals) > 0 and start_date is None:
        elif len(sd_removals) > 0 and station_id is None:
        elif len(id_removals) > 0 and len(sd_removals) > 0:
            for a in id_removals:
                for b in sd_removals:
                    if a == b:
                    if a < b:
def save(self) ‑> pathlib.Path

save the DataWindow to disk if saving is enabled if saving is not enabled, adds an error to the DataWindow and returns an empty path.

:return: the path to where the files exist; an empty path means no files were saved

Expand source code
def save(self) -> Path:
    save the DataWindow to disk if saving is enabled
    if saving is not enabled, adds an error to the DataWindow and returns an empty path.

    :return: the path to where the files exist; an empty path means no files were saved
    if self._fs_writer.is_save_disk():
        if self._fs_writer.is_use_disk() and self._fs_writer.make_run_me:
                os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(run_me)), os.path.join(self._fs_writer.save_dir(), "")
        if self._fs_writer.file_extension in ["parquet", "json"]:
            return self._to_json_file()
        elif self._fs_writer.file_extension == "lz4":
            return self.serialize()
        self._errors.append("Saving not enabled.")
        print("WARNING: Cannot save data window without knowing extension.")
        return Path()
def save_dir(self) ‑> str

:return: directory data is saved to (empty string means saving to memory)

Expand source code
def save_dir(self) -> str:
    :return: directory data is saved to (empty string means saving to memory)
    return self._fs_writer.save_dir()
def sdk_version(self) ‑> str

:return: sdk version used to create the DataWindow

Expand source code
def sdk_version(self) -> str:
    :return: sdk version used to create the DataWindow
    return self._sdk_version
def serialize(self, compression_factor: int = 4) ‑> pathlib.Path

Serializes and compresses this DataWindow to a file. Uses the event_name and out_dir to name the file.

:param compression_factor: A value between 1 and 12. Higher values provide better compression, but take longer. (default=4). :return: The path to the written file.

Expand source code
def serialize(self, compression_factor: int = 4) -> Path:
    Serializes and compresses this DataWindow to a file.
    Uses the event_name and out_dir to name the file.

    :param compression_factor: A value between 1 and 12. Higher values provide better compression, but take
    longer. (default=4).
    :return: The path to the written file.
    return dw_io.serialize_data_window(self, self.save_dir(), f"{self.event_name}.pkl.lz4", compression_factor)
def set_make_runme(self, make_runme: bool = False)

:param make_runme: if True, DataWindow will create a runme file when saved. Default False

Expand source code
def set_make_runme(self, make_runme: bool = False):
    :param make_runme: if True, DataWindow will create a runme file when saved.  Default False
    self._fs_writer.make_run_me = make_runme
def set_out_type(self, new_out_type: str)

set the output type of the DataWindow. options are "NONE", "PARQUET", "LZ4" and "JSON". Invalid values become "NONE"

:param new_out_type: new output type of the DataWindow

Expand source code
def set_out_type(self, new_out_type: str):
    set the output type of the DataWindow.  options are "NONE", "PARQUET", "LZ4" and "JSON".
    Invalid values become "NONE"

    :param new_out_type: new output type of the DataWindow
def set_save_dir(self, new_save_dir: Optional[str] = '.')

:param new_save_dir: directory to save data to; default current directory, or "."

Expand source code
def set_save_dir(self, new_save_dir: Optional[str] = "."):
    :param new_save_dir: directory to save data to; default current directory, or "."
    self._fs_writer.base_dir = new_save_dir
def set_sdk_version(self, version: str)

:param version: the sdk version to set

Expand source code
def set_sdk_version(self, version: str):
    :param version: the sdk version to set
    self._sdk_version = version
def start_date(self) ‑> float

:return: minimum start timestamp of the data or np.nan if no data

Expand source code
def start_date(self) -> float:
    :return: minimum start timestamp of the data or np.nan if no data
    if len(self._stations) > 0:
        return np.min([s.first_data_timestamp() for s in self._stations])
    return np.nan
def station_ids(self) ‑> List[str]

:return: ids of stations in the DataWindow

Expand source code
def station_ids(self) -> List[str]:
    :return: ids of stations in the DataWindow
    return [ for s in self._stations]
def stations(self) ‑> List[Station]

:return: list of stations in the DataWindow

Expand source code
def stations(self) -> List[Station]:
    :return: list of stations in the DataWindow
    return self._stations
def to_json(self) ‑> str

:return: The DataWindow metadata into a JSON string.

Expand source code
def to_json(self) -> str:
    :return: The DataWindow metadata into a JSON string.
    return dw_io.data_window_as_json(self)
class DataWindowConfig (input_dir: str, structured_layout: bool = True, start_datetime: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, end_datetime: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, start_buffer_td: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=120), end_buffer_td: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=120), drop_time_s: float = 0.2, station_ids: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, extensions: Optional[Set[str]] = None, api_versions: Optional[Set[ApiVersion]] = None, apply_correction: bool = True, use_model_correction: bool = True, copy_edge_points: DataPointCreationMode = DataPointCreationMode.COPY)

Configuration of DataWindow properties


input_dir: str, the directory that contains all the data. REQUIRED

structured_layout: bool, if True, the input_dir contains specially named and organized directories of data. Default True

start_datetime: optional datetime, start datetime of the window. If None, uses the first timestamp of the filtered data. Default None

end_datetime: optional datetime, non-inclusive end datetime of the window. If None, uses the last timestamp of the filtered data + 1. Default None

start_buffer_td: timedelta, the amount of time to include before the start_datetime when filtering data. Negative values are converted to 0. Default DEFAULT_START_BUFFER_TD (2 minutes)

end_buffer_td: timedelta, the amount of time to include after the end_datetime when filtering data. Negative values are converted to 0. Default DEFAULT_END_BUFFER_TD (2 minutes)

drop_time_s: float, the minimum amount of seconds between data files that would indicate a gap. Negative values are converted to default value. Default DATA_DROP_DURATION_S (0.2 seconds)

station_ids: optional set of strings, representing the station ids to filter on. If empty or None, get any ids found in the input directory. You may pass in any iterable, as long as it can be turned into a set. Default None

extensions: optional set of strings, representing file extensions to filter on. If None, gets as much data as it can in the input directory. Default None

api_versions: optional set of ApiVersions, representing api versions to filter on. If None, get as much data as it can in the input directory. Default None

apply_correction: bool, if True, update the timestamps in the data based on best station offset. Default True

copy_edge_points: enumeration of DataPointCreationMode. Determines how new points are created. Valid values are NAN, COPY, and INTERPOLATE. Default COPY

use_model_correction: bool, if True, use the offset model's correction functions, otherwise use the best offset. Default True

Expand source code
class DataWindowConfig:
    Configuration of DataWindow properties

        input_dir: str, the directory that contains all the data.  REQUIRED

        structured_layout: bool, if True, the input_dir contains specially named and organized
        directories of data.  Default True

        start_datetime: optional datetime, start datetime of the window.
        If None, uses the first timestamp of the filtered data.  Default None

        end_datetime: optional datetime, non-inclusive end datetime of the window.
        If None, uses the last timestamp of the filtered data + 1.  Default None

        start_buffer_td: timedelta, the amount of time to include before the start_datetime when filtering data.
        Negative values are converted to 0.  Default DEFAULT_START_BUFFER_TD (2 minutes)

        end_buffer_td: timedelta, the amount of time to include after the end_datetime when filtering data.
        Negative values are converted to 0.  Default DEFAULT_END_BUFFER_TD (2 minutes)

        drop_time_s: float, the minimum amount of seconds between data files that would indicate a gap.
        Negative values are converted to default value.  Default DATA_DROP_DURATION_S (0.2 seconds)

        station_ids: optional set of strings, representing the station ids to filter on.
        If empty or None, get any ids found in the input directory.  You may pass in any iterable, as long as it can be
        turned into a set.  Default None

        extensions: optional set of strings, representing file extensions to filter on.
        If None, gets as much data as it can in the input directory.  Default None

        api_versions: optional set of ApiVersions, representing api versions to filter on.
        If None, get as much data as it can in the input directory.  Default None

        apply_correction: bool, if True, update the timestamps in the data based on best station offset.  Default True

        copy_edge_points: enumeration of DataPointCreationMode.  Determines how new points are created.
        Valid values are NAN, COPY, and INTERPOLATE.  Default COPY

        use_model_correction: bool, if True, use the offset model's correction functions, otherwise use the best
        offset.  Default True

    def __init__(
        input_dir: str,
        structured_layout: bool = True,
        start_datetime: Optional[dtu.datetime] = None,
        end_datetime: Optional[dtu.datetime] = None,
        start_buffer_td: timedelta = DEFAULT_START_BUFFER_TD,
        end_buffer_td: timedelta = DEFAULT_END_BUFFER_TD,
        drop_time_s: float = DATA_DROP_DURATION_S,
        station_ids: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
        extensions: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
        api_versions: Optional[Set[io.ApiVersion]] = None,
        apply_correction: bool = True,
        use_model_correction: bool = True,
        copy_edge_points: gpu.DataPointCreationMode = gpu.DataPointCreationMode.COPY,
        self.input_dir: str = input_dir
        self.structured_layout: bool = structured_layout
        self.start_datetime: Optional[dtu.datetime] = start_datetime
        self.end_datetime: Optional[dtu.datetime] = end_datetime
        self.start_buffer_td: timedelta = (
            start_buffer_td if start_buffer_td > timedelta(seconds=0) else timedelta(seconds=0)
        self.end_buffer_td: timedelta = end_buffer_td if end_buffer_td > timedelta(seconds=0) else timedelta(seconds=0)
        self.drop_time_s: float = drop_time_s if drop_time_s > 0 else DATA_DROP_DURATION_S
        self.station_ids: Optional[Set[str]] = set(station_ids) if station_ids else None
        self.extensions: Optional[Set[str]] = extensions
        self.api_versions: Optional[Set[io.ApiVersion]] = api_versions
        self.apply_correction: bool = apply_correction
        self.use_model_correction = use_model_correction
        self.copy_edge_points = copy_edge_points

    def __repr__(self):
        return (
            f"input_dir: {self.input_dir}, "
            f"structured_layout: {self.structured_layout}, "
            f"start_datetime: {self.start_datetime.__repr__()}, "
            f"end_datetime: {self.end_datetime.__repr__()}, "
            f"start_buffer_td: {self.start_buffer_td.__repr__()}, "
            f"end_buffer_td: {self.end_buffer_td.__repr__()}, "
            f"drop_time_s: {self.drop_time_s}, "
            f"station_ids: {list(self.station_ids) if self.station_ids else []}, "
            f"extensions: {list(self.extensions) if self.extensions else []}, "
            f"api_versions: {[a_v.value for a_v in self.api_versions] if self.api_versions else []}, "
            f"apply_correction: {self.apply_correction}, "
            f"use_model_correction: {self.use_model_correction}, "
            f"copy_edge_points: {self.copy_edge_points.value}"

    def __str__(self):
        return (
            f"input_dir: {self.input_dir}, "
            f"structured_layout: {self.structured_layout}, "
            f"start_datetime: "
            f"{self.start_datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') if self.start_datetime else None}, "
            f"end_datetime: {self.end_datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') if self.end_datetime else None}, "
            f"start_buffer_td (in s): {self.start_buffer_td.total_seconds()}, "
            f"end_buffer_td (in s): {self.end_buffer_td.total_seconds()}, "
            f"drop_time_s: {self.drop_time_s}, "
            f"station_ids: {list(self.station_ids) if self.station_ids else []}, "
            f"extensions: {list(self.extensions) if self.extensions else []}, "
            f"api_versions: {[a_v.value for a_v in self.api_versions] if self.api_versions else []}, "
            f"apply_correction: {self.apply_correction}, "
            f"use_model_correction: {self.use_model_correction}, "
            f"copy_edge_points: {}"

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict:
        return {
            "input_dir": self.input_dir,
            "structured_layout": self.structured_layout,
            "start_datetime": dtu.datetime_to_epoch_microseconds_utc(self.start_datetime)
            if self.start_datetime
            else None,
            "end_datetime": dtu.datetime_to_epoch_microseconds_utc(self.end_datetime) if self.end_datetime else None,
            "start_buffer_td": self.start_buffer_td.total_seconds(),
            "end_buffer_td": self.end_buffer_td.total_seconds(),
            "drop_time_s": self.drop_time_s,
            "station_ids": list(self.station_ids) if self.station_ids else [],
            "extensions": list(self.extensions) if self.extensions else [],
            "api_versions": [a_v.value for a_v in self.api_versions] if self.api_versions else [],
            "apply_correction": self.apply_correction,
            "use_model_correction": self.use_model_correction,
            "copy_edge_points": self.copy_edge_points.value,

    def from_dict(data_dict: Dict) -> "DataWindowConfig":
        return DataWindowConfig(
            if data_dict["start_datetime"]
            else None,
            dtu.datetime_from_epoch_microseconds_utc(data_dict["end_datetime"]) if data_dict["end_datetime"] else None,
            set([io.ApiVersion.from_str(v) for v in data_dict["api_versions"]]),

Static methods

def from_dict(data_dict: Dict) ‑> DataWindowConfig
Expand source code
def from_dict(data_dict: Dict) -> "DataWindowConfig":
    return DataWindowConfig(
        if data_dict["start_datetime"]
        else None,
        dtu.datetime_from_epoch_microseconds_utc(data_dict["end_datetime"]) if data_dict["end_datetime"] else None,
        set([io.ApiVersion.from_str(v) for v in data_dict["api_versions"]]),


def to_dict(self) ‑> Dict
Expand source code
def to_dict(self) -> Dict:
    return {
        "input_dir": self.input_dir,
        "structured_layout": self.structured_layout,
        "start_datetime": dtu.datetime_to_epoch_microseconds_utc(self.start_datetime)
        if self.start_datetime
        else None,
        "end_datetime": dtu.datetime_to_epoch_microseconds_utc(self.end_datetime) if self.end_datetime else None,
        "start_buffer_td": self.start_buffer_td.total_seconds(),
        "end_buffer_td": self.end_buffer_td.total_seconds(),
        "drop_time_s": self.drop_time_s,
        "station_ids": list(self.station_ids) if self.station_ids else [],
        "extensions": list(self.extensions) if self.extensions else [],
        "api_versions": [a_v.value for a_v in self.api_versions] if self.api_versions else [],
        "apply_correction": self.apply_correction,
        "use_model_correction": self.use_model_correction,
        "copy_edge_points": self.copy_edge_points.value,
class EventOrigin (provider: str = 'UNKNOWN', latitude: float = nan, latitude_std: float = nan, longitude: float = nan, longitude_std: float = nan, altitude: float = nan, altitude_std: float = nan, event_radius_m: float = 0.0)

The origin event's latitude, longitude, altitude and their standard deviations, the device used to measure the location data and the radius of the event


provider: str, source of the location data (i.e. "GPS" or "NETWORK"), default "UNKNOWN"

latitude: float, best estimate of latitude in degrees, default np.nan

latitude_std: float, standard deviation of best estimate of latitude, default np.nan

longitude: float, best estimate of longitude in degrees, default np.nan

longitude_std: float, standard deviation of best estimate of longitude, default np.nan

altitude: float, best estimate of altitude in meters, default np.nan

altitude_std: float, standard deviation of best estimate of altitude, default np.nan

event_radius_m: float, radius of event in meters, default 0.0

Expand source code
class EventOrigin:
    The origin event's latitude, longitude, altitude and their standard deviations, the device used to measure
    the location data and the radius of the event

        provider: str, source of the location data (i.e. "GPS" or "NETWORK"), default "UNKNOWN"

        latitude: float, best estimate of latitude in degrees, default np.nan

        latitude_std: float, standard deviation of best estimate of latitude, default np.nan

        longitude: float, best estimate of longitude in degrees, default np.nan

        longitude_std: float, standard deviation of best estimate of longitude, default np.nan

        altitude: float, best estimate of altitude in meters, default np.nan

        altitude_std: float, standard deviation of best estimate of altitude, default np.nan

        event_radius_m: float, radius of event in meters, default 0.0

    provider: str = "UNKNOWN"
    latitude: float = np.nan
    latitude_std: float = np.nan
    longitude: float = np.nan
    longitude_std: float = np.nan
    altitude: float = np.nan
    altitude_std: float = np.nan
    event_radius_m: float = 0.0

Class variables

var altitude : float
var altitude_std : float
var event_radius_m : float
var latitude : float
var latitude_std : float
var longitude : float
var longitude_std : float
var provider : str

Static methods

def from_dict(kvs: Union[dict, list, str, int, float, bool, ForwardRef(None)], *, infer_missing=False) ‑> ~A
Expand source code
def from_dict(cls: Type[A],
              kvs: Json,
              infer_missing=False) -> A:
    return _decode_dataclass(cls, kvs, infer_missing)
def from_json(s: Union[str, bytes, bytearray], *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) ‑> ~A
Expand source code
def from_json(cls: Type[A],
              s: JsonData,
              **kw) -> A:
    kvs = json.loads(s,
    return cls.from_dict(kvs, infer_missing=infer_missing)
def schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) ‑>[~A]
Expand source code
def schema(cls: Type[A],
           infer_missing: bool = False,
           many: bool = False,
           partial: bool = False,
           unknown=None) -> SchemaType:
    Schema = build_schema(cls, DataClassJsonMixin, infer_missing, partial)

    if unknown is None:
        undefined_parameter_action = _undefined_parameter_action_safe(cls)
        if undefined_parameter_action is not None:
            # We can just make use of the same-named mm keywords
            unknown =

    return Schema(only=only,


def to_dict(self, encode_json=False) ‑> Dict[str, Union[dict, list, str, int, float, bool, ForwardRef(None)]]
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def to_dict(self, encode_json=False) -> Dict[str, Json]:
    return _asdict(self, encode_json=encode_json)
def to_json(self, *, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: Union[int, str, ForwardRef(None)] = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] = None, default: Callable = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) ‑> str
Expand source code
def to_json(self,
            skipkeys: bool = False,
            ensure_ascii: bool = True,
            check_circular: bool = True,
            allow_nan: bool = True,
            indent: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
            separators: Tuple[str, str] = None,
            default: Callable = None,
            sort_keys: bool = False,
            **kw) -> str:
    return json.dumps(self.to_dict(encode_json=False),