Module redvox.common.data_window_io

This module provides IO primitives for working with data windows.

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This module provides IO primitives for working with data windows.
from dataclasses import dataclass
import os.path
from pathlib import Path
import pickle
import json
import enum

from typing import (

import lz4.frame

from import FileSystemWriter, FileSystemSaveMode, json_to_dict

    from redvox.common.data_window import DataWindow

class DataWindowOutputType(enum.Enum):
    Type of file to create when exporting DataWindow

    NONE: int = 0
    LZ4: int = 1
    PARQUET: int = 2
    JSON: int = 3

    def list_names() -> List[str]:
        :return: list of possible values for OutputType
        return [ for n in DataWindowOutputType]

    def list_non_none_names() -> List[str]:
        :return: List of possible non-None values for OutputType
        return [ for n in DataWindowOutputType if n != DataWindowOutputType.NONE]

    def str_to_type(str_type: str) -> "DataWindowOutputType":
        converts the string to the corresponding OutputType
        if the type given is not in list_non_none_names(), returns NONE value

        :param str_type: string to convert
        :return: DataWindowOutputType matching string given or NONE
        str_type = str_type.upper()
        if str_type in DataWindowOutputType.list_non_none_names():
            return DataWindowOutputType[str_type]
        return DataWindowOutputType["NONE"]

class DataWindowFileSystemWriter(FileSystemWriter):
    This class holds the FileSystemWriter info for DataWindows.  Extends the FileSystemWriter from

        file_name: str, the name of the file (do not include extension)

        file_ext: str, the extension used by the file (do not include the .)  Default "NONE"

        base_dir: str, the directory to save the file to.  Default "." (current dir)

        make_run_me: bool, if True, makes a sample file when saving to disk.  default False

        orig_path: str, the current working directory when the object is initialized

        _save_mode: FileSystemSaveMode, determines how files get saved

        _temp_dir: TemporaryDirectory, temporary directory for large files when not saving to disk

    def __init__(self, file_name: str, file_ext: str = "none", base_dir: str = ".", make_run_me: bool = False):
        initialize DataWindowFileSystemWriter

        :param file_name: name of file
        :param file_ext: extension of file, default "none"
        :param base_dir: directory to save file to, default "." (current dir)
        :param make_run_me: if True, add a file to the saved files.  Default False
        self.orig_path = os.getcwd()
        if not os.path.exists(base_dir):
            os.makedirs(base_dir, exist_ok=True)
            if DataWindowOutputType.str_to_type(file_ext) != DataWindowOutputType.NONE
            else FileSystemSaveMode.MEM,
        self.make_run_me = make_run_me

    def set_extension(self, ext: str):
        change the file extension.  Valid values are "PARQUET", "LZ4", "JSON" and "NONE".  Invalid values become "NONE"

        :param ext: extension to change to
        self.file_extension = DataWindowOutputType.str_to_type(ext).name.lower()

class DataWindowSerializationResult:
    path: str
    serialized_bytes: int
    compressed_bytes: int

def data_window_as_json(data_window: "DataWindow") -> str:
    Converts the DataWindow's metadata into a JSON dictionary

    :param data_window: The data window to convert
    :return: The data window's metadata as a JSON dictionary
    return json.dumps(data_window.as_dict())

def data_window_to_json(
    data_window: "DataWindow",
    base_dir: str = ".",
    file_name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Path:
    Converts the DataWindow into a JSON metadata file

    :param data_window: The data window to convert.
    :param base_dir: The base directory to write the JSON file to (default=.).
    :param file_name: The optional file name. If None, a default filename with the following format is used:
    :return: The path to the written metadata file.
    _file_name = file_name if file_name is not None else data_window.event_name
    os.makedirs(base_dir, exist_ok=True)
    for s in data_window.stations():
    file_path: Path = Path(base_dir).joinpath(f"{_file_name}.json")
    with open(file_path, "w") as f:
        return file_path.resolve(False)

def json_file_to_data_window(file_path: str) -> Dict:
    load a specifically named DataWindow as a dictionary from a directory

    :param file_path: full path of file to load
    :return: the dictionary of the DataWindow if it exists, or None otherwise
    with open(file_path, "r") as f_p:
        return json_to_dict(

def serialize_data_window(
    data_window: "DataWindow",
    base_dir: str = ".",
    file_name: Optional[str] = None,
    compression_factor: int = 4,
) -> Path:
    Serializes and compresses a DataWindow to a file and creates a JSON metadata file for the compressed file.

    :param data_window: The data window to serialize and compress.
    :param base_dir: The base directory to write the serialized file to (default=.).
    :param file_name: The optional file name. If None, a default filename with the following format is used:
    :param compression_factor: A value between 1 and 12. Higher values provide better compression, but take longer.
    :return: The path to the written compressed file.

    _file_name: str = (
        if file_name is not None
        else f"{int(data_window.start_date())}"

    json_path: Path = data_window.fs_writer().json_path()
    with open(json_path, "w") as f:

    file_path: Path = Path(base_dir).joinpath(_file_name)

    with, "wb", compression_level=compression_factor) as compressed_out:
        pickle.dump(data_window, compressed_out)
        return file_path.resolve(False)

def deserialize_data_window(path: str) -> "DataWindow":
    Decompresses and deserializes a DataWindow written to disk.

    :param path: Path to the serialized and compressed data window.
    :return: An instance of a DataWindow.
    with, "rb") as compressed_in:
        return pickle.load(compressed_in)


def data_window_as_json(data_window: DataWindow) ‑> str

Converts the DataWindow's metadata into a JSON dictionary

:param data_window: The data window to convert :return: The data window's metadata as a JSON dictionary

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def data_window_as_json(data_window: "DataWindow") -> str:
    Converts the DataWindow's metadata into a JSON dictionary

    :param data_window: The data window to convert
    :return: The data window's metadata as a JSON dictionary
    return json.dumps(data_window.as_dict())
def data_window_to_json(data_window: DataWindow, base_dir: str = '.', file_name: Optional[str] = None) ‑> pathlib.Path

Converts the DataWindow into a JSON metadata file

:param data_window: The data window to convert. :param base_dir: The base directory to write the JSON file to (default=.). :param file_name: The optional file name. If None, a default filename with the following format is used: [event_name].json :return: The path to the written metadata file.

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def data_window_to_json(
    data_window: "DataWindow",
    base_dir: str = ".",
    file_name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Path:
    Converts the DataWindow into a JSON metadata file

    :param data_window: The data window to convert.
    :param base_dir: The base directory to write the JSON file to (default=.).
    :param file_name: The optional file name. If None, a default filename with the following format is used:
    :return: The path to the written metadata file.
    _file_name = file_name if file_name is not None else data_window.event_name
    os.makedirs(base_dir, exist_ok=True)
    for s in data_window.stations():
    file_path: Path = Path(base_dir).joinpath(f"{_file_name}.json")
    with open(file_path, "w") as f:
        return file_path.resolve(False)
def deserialize_data_window(path: str) ‑> DataWindow

Decompresses and deserializes a DataWindow written to disk.

:param path: Path to the serialized and compressed data window. :return: An instance of a DataWindow.

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def deserialize_data_window(path: str) -> "DataWindow":
    Decompresses and deserializes a DataWindow written to disk.

    :param path: Path to the serialized and compressed data window.
    :return: An instance of a DataWindow.
    with, "rb") as compressed_in:
        return pickle.load(compressed_in)
def json_file_to_data_window(file_path: str) ‑> Dict

load a specifically named DataWindow as a dictionary from a directory

:param file_path: full path of file to load :return: the dictionary of the DataWindow if it exists, or None otherwise

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def json_file_to_data_window(file_path: str) -> Dict:
    load a specifically named DataWindow as a dictionary from a directory

    :param file_path: full path of file to load
    :return: the dictionary of the DataWindow if it exists, or None otherwise
    with open(file_path, "r") as f_p:
        return json_to_dict(
def serialize_data_window(data_window: DataWindow, base_dir: str = '.', file_name: Optional[str] = None, compression_factor: int = 4) ‑> pathlib.Path

Serializes and compresses a DataWindow to a file and creates a JSON metadata file for the compressed file.

:param data_window: The data window to serialize and compress. :param base_dir: The base directory to write the serialized file to (default=.). :param file_name: The optional file name. If None, a default filename with the following format is used: [start_ts][end_ts][event_name].pkl.lz4 :param compression_factor: A value between 1 and 12. Higher values provide better compression, but take longer. (default=4). :return: The path to the written compressed file.

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def serialize_data_window(
    data_window: "DataWindow",
    base_dir: str = ".",
    file_name: Optional[str] = None,
    compression_factor: int = 4,
) -> Path:
    Serializes and compresses a DataWindow to a file and creates a JSON metadata file for the compressed file.

    :param data_window: The data window to serialize and compress.
    :param base_dir: The base directory to write the serialized file to (default=.).
    :param file_name: The optional file name. If None, a default filename with the following format is used:
    :param compression_factor: A value between 1 and 12. Higher values provide better compression, but take longer.
    :return: The path to the written compressed file.

    _file_name: str = (
        if file_name is not None
        else f"{int(data_window.start_date())}"

    json_path: Path = data_window.fs_writer().json_path()
    with open(json_path, "w") as f:

    file_path: Path = Path(base_dir).joinpath(_file_name)

    with, "wb", compression_level=compression_factor) as compressed_out:
        pickle.dump(data_window, compressed_out)
        return file_path.resolve(False)


class DataWindowFileSystemWriter (file_name: str, file_ext: str = 'none', base_dir: str = '.', make_run_me: bool = False)

This class holds the FileSystemWriter info for DataWindows. Extends the FileSystemWriter from


file_name: str, the name of the file (do not include extension)

file_ext: str, the extension used by the file (do not include the .) Default "NONE"

base_dir: str, the directory to save the file to. Default "." (current dir)

make_run_me: bool, if True, makes a sample file when saving to disk. default False

orig_path: str, the current working directory when the object is initialized


_save_mode: FileSystemSaveMode, determines how files get saved

_temp_dir: TemporaryDirectory, temporary directory for large files when not saving to disk

initialize DataWindowFileSystemWriter

:param file_name: name of file :param file_ext: extension of file, default "none" :param base_dir: directory to save file to, default "." (current dir) :param make_run_me: if True, add a file to the saved files. Default False

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class DataWindowFileSystemWriter(FileSystemWriter):
    This class holds the FileSystemWriter info for DataWindows.  Extends the FileSystemWriter from

        file_name: str, the name of the file (do not include extension)

        file_ext: str, the extension used by the file (do not include the .)  Default "NONE"

        base_dir: str, the directory to save the file to.  Default "." (current dir)

        make_run_me: bool, if True, makes a sample file when saving to disk.  default False

        orig_path: str, the current working directory when the object is initialized

        _save_mode: FileSystemSaveMode, determines how files get saved

        _temp_dir: TemporaryDirectory, temporary directory for large files when not saving to disk

    def __init__(self, file_name: str, file_ext: str = "none", base_dir: str = ".", make_run_me: bool = False):
        initialize DataWindowFileSystemWriter

        :param file_name: name of file
        :param file_ext: extension of file, default "none"
        :param base_dir: directory to save file to, default "." (current dir)
        :param make_run_me: if True, add a file to the saved files.  Default False
        self.orig_path = os.getcwd()
        if not os.path.exists(base_dir):
            os.makedirs(base_dir, exist_ok=True)
            if DataWindowOutputType.str_to_type(file_ext) != DataWindowOutputType.NONE
            else FileSystemSaveMode.MEM,
        self.make_run_me = make_run_me

    def set_extension(self, ext: str):
        change the file extension.  Valid values are "PARQUET", "LZ4", "JSON" and "NONE".  Invalid values become "NONE"

        :param ext: extension to change to
        self.file_extension = DataWindowOutputType.str_to_type(ext).name.lower()



def set_extension(self, ext: str)

change the file extension. Valid values are "PARQUET", "LZ4", "JSON" and "NONE". Invalid values become "NONE"

:param ext: extension to change to

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def set_extension(self, ext: str):
    change the file extension.  Valid values are "PARQUET", "LZ4", "JSON" and "NONE".  Invalid values become "NONE"

    :param ext: extension to change to
    self.file_extension = DataWindowOutputType.str_to_type(ext).name.lower()

Inherited members

class DataWindowOutputType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

Type of file to create when exporting DataWindow

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class DataWindowOutputType(enum.Enum):
    Type of file to create when exporting DataWindow

    NONE: int = 0
    LZ4: int = 1
    PARQUET: int = 2
    JSON: int = 3

    def list_names() -> List[str]:
        :return: list of possible values for OutputType
        return [ for n in DataWindowOutputType]

    def list_non_none_names() -> List[str]:
        :return: List of possible non-None values for OutputType
        return [ for n in DataWindowOutputType if n != DataWindowOutputType.NONE]

    def str_to_type(str_type: str) -> "DataWindowOutputType":
        converts the string to the corresponding OutputType
        if the type given is not in list_non_none_names(), returns NONE value

        :param str_type: string to convert
        :return: DataWindowOutputType matching string given or NONE
        str_type = str_type.upper()
        if str_type in DataWindowOutputType.list_non_none_names():
            return DataWindowOutputType[str_type]
        return DataWindowOutputType["NONE"]


  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var JSON : int
var LZ4 : int
var NONE : int
var PARQUET : int

Static methods

def list_names() ‑> List[str]

:return: list of possible values for OutputType

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def list_names() -> List[str]:
    :return: list of possible values for OutputType
    return [ for n in DataWindowOutputType]
def list_non_none_names() ‑> List[str]

:return: List of possible non-None values for OutputType

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def list_non_none_names() -> List[str]:
    :return: List of possible non-None values for OutputType
    return [ for n in DataWindowOutputType if n != DataWindowOutputType.NONE]
def str_to_type(str_type: str) ‑> DataWindowOutputType

converts the string to the corresponding OutputType if the type given is not in list_non_none_names(), returns NONE value

:param str_type: string to convert :return: DataWindowOutputType matching string given or NONE

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def str_to_type(str_type: str) -> "DataWindowOutputType":
    converts the string to the corresponding OutputType
    if the type given is not in list_non_none_names(), returns NONE value

    :param str_type: string to convert
    :return: DataWindowOutputType matching string given or NONE
    str_type = str_type.upper()
    if str_type in DataWindowOutputType.list_non_none_names():
        return DataWindowOutputType[str_type]
    return DataWindowOutputType["NONE"]
class DataWindowSerializationResult (path: str, serialized_bytes: int, compressed_bytes: int)

DataWindowSerializationResult(path: str, serialized_bytes: int, compressed_bytes: int)

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class DataWindowSerializationResult:
    path: str
    serialized_bytes: int
    compressed_bytes: int

Class variables

var compressed_bytes : int
var path : str
var serialized_bytes : int