
Refer to this page for common fixes to problems using DataWindow.

Enable Error Reporting#

  • Enable the debug parameter in DataWindow to display any errors encountered while creating DataWindow.

from redvox.common.data_window import DataWindow

my_event_name: str = "event_name"

datawindow = DataWindow(event_name=my_event_name,
                        # ...
  • Use the print_errors() function of DataWindow to display any errors.

from redvox.common.data_window import DataWindow

my_datawindow: DataWindow = DataWindow()


Check Your Code#

  • If you can’t access the DataWindow class, include this line to import DataWindow into your project: from redvox.common.data_window import DataWindow

  • If you can’t access the DataWindowConfig class, include this line to import DataWindowConfig into your project: from redvox.common.data_window import DataWindowConfig

  • Check the value of the input_dir parameter in the DataWindowConfig for any errors.

  • Check that you are using the appropriate value for the structured parameter of DataWindowConfig.

  • Check all the parameters of DataWindow and DataWindowConfig for any errors.

  • Check the value of any station IDs when using them in DataWindow parameters or retrieving the data. IDs may look similar to each other.

  • If the results are not what you expect, try adjusting the parameters of DataWindow.
    Refer to DataWindow with Parameters for an example on how to set the most commonly used parameters. Timestamps are in UTC. You may use the date time utilities provided in redvox.common.date_time_utils to convert UTC epoch times into datetimes.

Unexpected Return Values from Functions#

  • Any function that returns a Station or Sensor could return None, as that Station or Sensor may not exist. Update the parameters of the function or use a different function as needed.

  • You may get a list of channel names when accessing data in a Sensor. This means that the channel you are trying to access in the Sensor does not exist. Use one of the listed channel names.

  • Timestamps are often adjusted from the raw data values due to differences in device clock timing. Refer to the time synchronization page for details on how timestamps are updated. You may access the raw data timestamps using the unaltered_data_timestamps() function. See example below:

from redvox.common.data_window import DataWindow

# Replace the following line with an appropriate method of loading data
dw = DataWindow()

# get the first station
stn = dw.first_station()

# get from a specific sensor
audio = stn.audio_sensor()
audio_timestamps = audio.unaltered_data_timestamps()

# get from all sensors
sensors = stn.get_station_sensor_types()
for s in sensors:
    timestamps = stn.get_sensor_by_type(s).unaltered_data_timestamps()

Check Your Data#

  • Check that the files within the input directory are in one of two formats (structured or unstructured) described in the Creating a DataWindow example. Use the appropriate value for the structured parameter of DataWindowConfig.

  • When working with structured directories, ensure that all API 1000 (API M) files are in a directory called api1000 and all API 900 files are in a directory called api900. API 1000 files end in .rdvxm and API 900 files end in .rdvxz

  • Check your files for non-typical extensions. .rdvxm and .rdxvz are the two expected file extensions. If you have other file extensions, those files may not work with DataWindow.

Loading Existing DataWindows#

  • If you are loading a DataWindow from an existing file, make sure you use the correct function.

  • If you get a FileNotFoundError while loading an existing file, check that the file you are loading exists, and you are putting the correct path into the function.

  • If you still cannot load the DataWindow from a file, and you have access to the raw data files, re-create the DataWindow.

  • If you downloaded a DataWindow file from, use the website to re-run the report if able.

  • If you are having issues reading values from a DataWindow, it may have been created with a different version of the SDK. The example below shows how you would check the SDK version that’s installed and the one used to create a DataWindow.

import redvox
from redvox.common.data_window import DataWindow

dw = DataWindow.load("path/to/file.json")

print("Installed Version: ", redvox.version())

print("DataWindow Version: ", dw.sdk_version())

If All Else Fails#

Contact the developers.