Accessing Stations in a DataWindow#

In this example we will access the Stations in a DataWindow.

What is Station#

DataWindow separates its data by several layers, the first being Station. Stations are groupings of sensors.

Getting Stations from DataWindow#

This example shows how to access the first Station in a DataWindow.

from redvox.common.data_window import DataWindow

# Replace the following line with an appropriate method of loading data
dw = DataWindow()

# get the first station
stn = dw.first_station()

You can also iterate over each of the Stations in a DataWindow:

from redvox.common.data_window import DataWindow

# Replace the following line with an appropriate method of loading data
dw = DataWindow()

# do something for each station
for stn in dw.stations():

If you know the Station’s ID, you can access it directly using:

from redvox.common.data_window import DataWindow

# Replace the following line with an appropriate method of loading data
dw = DataWindow()

# Replace the string value with the id you're looking for
station_id = "id_number"

# get the station that matches the id
stn = dw.get_station(station_id)

If you get a None value from the previous example, the ID you’re looking for does not exist in the DataWindow. Try another ID or other DataWindow.

Station Metadata#

Every Station also has metadata that provides a high-level description of it. Three metadata values are required for a Station to exist; id, uuid, and start_date. The combination of these three values define a unique Station.

This example shows which functions are used to view the metadata of a Station.

from redvox.common.data_window import DataWindow

# Replace the following line with an appropriate method of loading data
dw = DataWindow()

# get the first station
stn = dw.first_station()

# Print the station's id

# Print the station's uuid

# Print the station's start date

# Print the station's nominal audio sample rate in hz

# Print the names of the Station's sensors

# Print the types of sensors on the Station

# Print other metadata of the Station

# Print the metadata of the individual files used to create the Station

# Print whether the Station's timestamps are updated from the raw data

If you encounter any issues while accessing a Station, refer to the page on Troubleshooting

Now that you have looked at Station metadata, we will demonstrate how to access the data in the next section.