Module redvox.common.sensor_reader_utils
This module loads sensor data from Redvox packets
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This module loads sensor data from Redvox packets
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
# noinspection Mypy
import pyarrow as pa
import redvox.api1000.proto.redvox_api_m_pb2 as api_m
from redvox.common import date_time_utils as dtu
from redvox.common.sensor_data import SensorData, SensorType
# Dataframe column definitions
IMAGE_COLUMNS: List[str] = [
# These are used for checking if a field is present or not
__ACCELEROMETER_FIELD_NAME: str = "accelerometer"
__AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE_FIELD_NAME: str = "ambient_temperature"
__AUDIO_FIELD_NAME: str = "audio"
__COMPRESSED_AUDIO_FIELD_NAME: str = "compressed_audio"
__GRAVITY_FIELD_NAME: str = "gravity"
__GYROSCOPE_FIELD_NAME: str = "gyroscope"
__IMAGE_FIELD_NAME: str = "image"
__LIGHT_FIELD_NAME: str = "light"
__LINEAR_ACCELERATION_FIELD_NAME: str = "linear_acceleration"
__LOCATION_FIELD_NAME: str = "location"
__MAGNETOMETER_FIELD_NAME: str = "magnetometer"
__ORIENTATION_FIELD_NAME: str = "orientation"
__PRESSURE_FIELD_NAME: str = "pressure"
__PROXIMITY_FIELD_NAME: str = "proximity"
__RELATIVE_HUMIDITY_FIELD_NAME: str = "relative_humidity"
__ROTATION_VECTOR_FIELD_NAME: str = "rotation_vector"
__VELOCITY_FIELD_NAME: str = "velocity"
__SENSOR_TYPE_TO_FIELD_NAME: Dict[SensorType, str] = {
SensorType.UNKNOWN_SENSOR: "unknown",
SensorType.STATION_HEALTH: "unknown",
Sensor = Union[
# Maps a sensor type to a function that can extract that sensor for a particular packet.
] = {
SensorType.UNKNOWN_SENSOR: None,
SensorType.STATION_HEALTH: None,
SensorType.ACCELEROMETER: lambda packet: packet.sensors.accelerometer,
SensorType.AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE: lambda packet: packet.sensors.ambient_temperature,
SensorType.AUDIO: lambda packet:,
SensorType.COMPRESSED_AUDIO: lambda packet: packet.sensors.compressed_audio,
SensorType.GRAVITY: lambda packet: packet.sensors.gravity,
SensorType.GYROSCOPE: lambda packet: packet.sensors.gyroscope,
SensorType.IMAGE: lambda packet: packet.sensors.image,
SensorType.LIGHT: lambda packet: packet.sensors.light,
SensorType.LINEAR_ACCELERATION: lambda packet: packet.sensors.linear_acceleration,
SensorType.LOCATION: lambda packet: packet.sensors.location,
SensorType.BEST_LOCATION: lambda packet: packet.sensors.location,
SensorType.MAGNETOMETER: lambda packet: packet.sensors.magnetometer,
SensorType.ORIENTATION: lambda packet: packet.sensors.orientation,
SensorType.PRESSURE: lambda packet: packet.sensors.pressure,
SensorType.PROXIMITY: lambda packet: packet.sensors.proximity,
SensorType.RELATIVE_HUMIDITY: lambda packet: packet.sensors.relative_humidity,
SensorType.ROTATION_VECTOR: lambda packet: packet.sensors.rotation_vector,
SensorType.INFRARED: lambda packet: packet.sensors.proximity,
SensorType.VELOCITY: lambda packet: packet.sensors.velocity,
def __has_sensor(data: Union[api_m.RedvoxPacketM, api_m.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors], field_name: str) -> bool:
:param data: Either a packet or a packet's sensors message.
:param field_name: The name of the sensor being checked.
:return: True if the sensor exists, False otherwise.
if isinstance(data, api_m.RedvoxPacketM):
# noinspection Mypy,PyTypeChecker
return data.sensors.HasField(field_name)
if isinstance(data, api_m.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors):
# noinspection Mypy,PyTypeChecker
return data.HasField(field_name)
return False
def __packet_duration_s(packet: api_m.RedvoxPacketM) -> float:
:param packet: The packet to calculate the duration for.
:return: The packet duration in seconds.
return len( /
def __packet_duration_us(packet: api_m.RedvoxPacketM) -> float:
:param packet: The packet to calculate the duration for.
:return: The packet duration in microseconds.
return __packet_duration_s(packet) * 1_000_000.0
def __stats_for_sensor_per_packet_per_second(
num_packets: int, packet_dur_s: float, timestamps: np.array
) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
Sensor being evaluated must either have 1/packet or 1/second sample rate
:param num_packets: number of packets to calculate stats for
:param packet_dur_s: duration of packet in seconds
:param timestamps: timestamps of the data
:return: sample rate in hz, sample interval in seconds, and sample interval std deviation
if len(timestamps) != num_packets:
sample_rate = 1.0
sample_rate = 1 / packet_dur_s
sample_interval = 1 / sample_rate
sample_interval_std = (
dtu.microseconds_to_seconds(float(np.std(np.diff(timestamps)))) if len(timestamps) > 1 else np.nan
return sample_rate, sample_interval, sample_interval_std
def get_empty_sensor(name: str, sensor_type: SensorType = SensorType.UNKNOWN_SENSOR) -> SensorData:
:param name: name of the sensor
:param sensor_type: type of the sensor to create, default SensorType.UNKNOWN_SENSOR
:return: empty sensor with no data
return SensorData(name, pa.Table.from_pydict({"timestamps": []}), sensor_type)
def get_sensor_description(sensor: Sensor) -> str:
:param sensor: the sensor to read the description from
:return: the sensor's description
return sensor.sensor_description
def get_sample_statistics(data_df: pa.Table) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
calculate the sample rate, interval and interval std dev using the timestamps in the dataframe
:param data_df: the dataframe containing timestamps to calculate statistics from
:return: a Tuple containing the sample rate, interval and interval std dev
sample_interval: float
sample_interval_std: float
timestamps: np.array = data_df["timestamps"].to_numpy()
if timestamps.size > 1:
sample_interval = dtu.microseconds_to_seconds(float(np.mean(np.diff(timestamps))))
sample_interval_std = dtu.microseconds_to_seconds(float(np.std(np.diff(timestamps))))
sample_interval = np.nan
sample_interval_std = np.nan
return 1.0 / sample_interval, sample_interval, sample_interval_std
def read_apim_xyz_sensor(sensor: api_m.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.Xyz, column_id: str) -> pa.Table:
read a sensor that has xyz data channels from an api M data packet.
raises Attribute Error if sensor does not contain xyz channels
:param sensor: the xyz api M sensor to read
:param column_id: string, used to name the columns
:return: dictionary representing the data in the sensor
timestamps: np.ndarray = np.array(sensor.timestamps.timestamps)
columns: List[str] = [
return pa.Table.from_pydict(
except AttributeError:
def read_apim_single_sensor(sensor: api_m.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.Single, column_id: str) -> pa.Table:
read a sensor that has a single data channel from an api M data packet.
raises Attribute Error if sensor does not contain exactly one data channel
:param sensor: the single channel api M sensor to read
:param column_id: string, used to name the columns
:return: pyarrow table representing the data in the sensor
timestamps: np.ndarray = np.array(sensor.timestamps.timestamps)
columns: List[str] = ["timestamps", "unaltered_timestamps", column_id]
return pa.Table.from_pydict(dict(zip(columns, [timestamps, timestamps, np.array(sensor.samples.values)])))
except AttributeError:
def apim_compressed_audio_to_pyarrow(comp_audio: api_m.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.CompressedAudio) -> pa.Table:
:param comp_audio: compressed audio sensor to convert
:return: pyarrow table representation of compressed audio data
return pa.Table.from_pydict(
def apim_image_to_pyarrow(image_sensor: api_m.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.Image) -> pa.Table:
:param image_sensor: image sensor to convert
:return: pyarrow table representation of image data
timestamps = image_sensor.timestamps.timestamps
codecs = np.full(len(timestamps), image_sensor.image_codec)
return pa.Table.from_pydict(dict(zip(IMAGE_COLUMNS, [timestamps, timestamps, image_sensor.samples, codecs])))
def apim_best_location_to_pyarrow(
best_loc: api_m.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.Location.BestLocation, packet_start_timestamp: float
) -> pa.Table:
:param best_loc: best location to convert to pyarrow table
:param packet_start_timestamp: timestamp of packet's first sample
:return: pyarrow table representation of the best location data
return pa.Table.from_pydict(
def apim_location_to_pyarrow(loc: api_m.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.Location) -> pa.Table:
:param loc: location sensor to convert
:return: pyarrow table representation of location data
timestamps = loc.timestamps.timestamps
gps_timestamps = loc.timestamps_gps.timestamps
lat_samples = loc.latitude_samples.values
lon_samples = loc.longitude_samples.values
alt_samples = loc.altitude_samples.values
spd_samples = loc.speed_samples.values
bear_samples = loc.bearing_samples.values
hor_acc_samples = loc.horizontal_accuracy_samples.values
vert_acc_samples = loc.vertical_accuracy_samples.values
spd_acc_samples = loc.speed_accuracy_samples.values
bear_acc_samples = loc.bearing_accuracy_samples.values
loc_prov_samples = loc.location_providers
data_for_df = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
for i in range(len(timestamps)):
data_for_df[2].append(np.nan if len(gps_timestamps) <= i else gps_timestamps[i])
data_for_df[5].append(np.nan if len(alt_samples) <= i else alt_samples[i])
data_for_df[6].append(np.nan if len(spd_samples) <= i else spd_samples[i])
data_for_df[7].append(np.nan if len(bear_samples) <= i else bear_samples[i])
data_for_df[8].append(np.nan if len(hor_acc_samples) <= i else hor_acc_samples[i])
data_for_df[9].append(np.nan if len(vert_acc_samples) <= i else vert_acc_samples[i])
data_for_df[10].append(np.nan if len(spd_acc_samples) <= i else spd_acc_samples[i])
data_for_df[11].append(np.nan if len(bear_acc_samples) <= i else bear_acc_samples[i])
if len(loc_prov_samples) <= i
else loc_prov_samples[i]
return pa.Table.from_pydict(dict(zip(LOCATION_COLUMNS, data_for_df)))
def apim_health_to_pyarrow(metrics: api_m.RedvoxPacketM.StationInformation.StationMetrics) -> pa.Table:
:param metrics: station metrics to convert
:return: pyarrow table representation of station metrics data
timestamps = metrics.timestamps.timestamps
bat_samples = metrics.battery.values
bat_cur_samples = metrics.battery_current.values
temp_samples = metrics.temperature.values
net_samples = metrics.network_type
net_str_samples = metrics.network_strength.values
pow_samples = metrics.power_state
avail_ram_samples = metrics.available_ram.values
avail_disk_samples = metrics.available_disk.values
cell_samples = metrics.cell_service_state
cpu_util_samples = metrics.cpu_utilization.values
wake_lock_samples = metrics.wifi_wake_lock
screen_state_samples = metrics.screen_state
screen_bright_samples = metrics.screen_brightness.values
data_for_df = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
for i in range(len(timestamps)):
data_for_df[2].append(np.nan if len(bat_samples) < i + 1 else bat_samples[i])
data_for_df[3].append(np.nan if len(bat_cur_samples) < i + 1 else bat_cur_samples[i])
data_for_df[4].append(np.nan if len(temp_samples) < i + 1 else temp_samples[i])
if len(net_samples) < i + 1
else net_samples[i]
data_for_df[6].append(np.nan if len(net_str_samples) < i + 1 else net_str_samples[i])
if len(pow_samples) < i + 1
else pow_samples[i]
data_for_df[8].append(np.nan if len(avail_ram_samples) < i + 1 else avail_ram_samples[i])
data_for_df[9].append(np.nan if len(avail_disk_samples) < i + 1 else avail_disk_samples[i])
if len(cell_samples) < i + 1
else cell_samples[i]
data_for_df[11].append(np.nan if len(cpu_util_samples) < i + 1 else cpu_util_samples[i])
if len(wake_lock_samples) < i + 1
else wake_lock_samples[i]
if len(screen_state_samples) < i + 1
else screen_state_samples[i]
data_for_df[14].append(np.nan if len(screen_bright_samples) < i + 1 else screen_bright_samples[i])
return pa.Table.from_pydict(dict(zip(STATION_HEALTH_COLUMNS, data_for_df)))
def apim_best_location_to_pyarrow(best_loc: src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.BestLocation, packet_start_timestamp: float) ‑> pyarrow.lib.Table
:param best_loc: best location to convert to pyarrow table :param packet_start_timestamp: timestamp of packet's first sample :return: pyarrow table representation of the best location data
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def apim_best_location_to_pyarrow( best_loc: api_m.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.Location.BestLocation, packet_start_timestamp: float ) -> pa.Table: """ :param best_loc: best location to convert to pyarrow table :param packet_start_timestamp: timestamp of packet's first sample :return: pyarrow table representation of the best location data """ return pa.Table.from_pydict( dict( zip( LOCATION_COLUMNS, [ [packet_start_timestamp], [best_loc.latitude_longitude_timestamp.mach], [best_loc.latitude_longitude_timestamp.gps], [best_loc.latitude], [best_loc.longitude], [best_loc.altitude], [best_loc.speed], [best_loc.bearing], [best_loc.horizontal_accuracy], [best_loc.vertical_accuracy], [best_loc.speed_accuracy], [best_loc.bearing_accuracy], [best_loc.location_provider], ], ) ) )
def apim_compressed_audio_to_pyarrow(comp_audio: src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.CompressedAudio) ‑> pyarrow.lib.Table
:param comp_audio: compressed audio sensor to convert :return: pyarrow table representation of compressed audio data
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def apim_compressed_audio_to_pyarrow(comp_audio: api_m.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.CompressedAudio) -> pa.Table: """ :param comp_audio: compressed audio sensor to convert :return: pyarrow table representation of compressed audio data """ return pa.Table.from_pydict( dict( zip( COMPRESSED_AUDIO_COLUMNS, [ comp_audio.first_sample_timestamp, comp_audio.first_sample_timestamp, np.array(list(comp_audio.audio_bytes)), comp_audio.audio_codec, ], ) ) )
def apim_health_to_pyarrow(metrics: src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.StationMetrics) ‑> pyarrow.lib.Table
:param metrics: station metrics to convert :return: pyarrow table representation of station metrics data
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def apim_health_to_pyarrow(metrics: api_m.RedvoxPacketM.StationInformation.StationMetrics) -> pa.Table: """ :param metrics: station metrics to convert :return: pyarrow table representation of station metrics data """ timestamps = metrics.timestamps.timestamps bat_samples = metrics.battery.values bat_cur_samples = metrics.battery_current.values temp_samples = metrics.temperature.values net_samples = metrics.network_type net_str_samples = metrics.network_strength.values pow_samples = metrics.power_state avail_ram_samples = metrics.available_ram.values avail_disk_samples = metrics.available_disk.values cell_samples = metrics.cell_service_state cpu_util_samples = metrics.cpu_utilization.values wake_lock_samples = metrics.wifi_wake_lock screen_state_samples = metrics.screen_state screen_bright_samples = metrics.screen_brightness.values data_for_df = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] for i in range(len(timestamps)): data_for_df[0].append(timestamps[i]) data_for_df[1].append(timestamps[i]) data_for_df[2].append(np.nan if len(bat_samples) < i + 1 else bat_samples[i]) data_for_df[3].append(np.nan if len(bat_cur_samples) < i + 1 else bat_cur_samples[i]) data_for_df[4].append(np.nan if len(temp_samples) < i + 1 else temp_samples[i]) data_for_df[5].append( api_m.RedvoxPacketM.StationInformation.StationMetrics.NetworkType.UNKNOWN_NETWORK if len(net_samples) < i + 1 else net_samples[i] ) data_for_df[6].append(np.nan if len(net_str_samples) < i + 1 else net_str_samples[i]) data_for_df[7].append( api_m.RedvoxPacketM.StationInformation.StationMetrics.PowerState.UNKNOWN_POWER_STATE if len(pow_samples) < i + 1 else pow_samples[i] ) data_for_df[8].append(np.nan if len(avail_ram_samples) < i + 1 else avail_ram_samples[i]) data_for_df[9].append(np.nan if len(avail_disk_samples) < i + 1 else avail_disk_samples[i]) data_for_df[10].append( api_m.RedvoxPacketM.StationInformation.StationMetrics.CellServiceState.UNKNOWN if len(cell_samples) < i + 1 else cell_samples[i] ) data_for_df[11].append(np.nan if len(cpu_util_samples) < i + 1 else cpu_util_samples[i]) data_for_df[12].append( api_m.RedvoxPacketM.StationInformation.StationMetrics.WifiWakeLock.NONE if len(wake_lock_samples) < i + 1 else wake_lock_samples[i] ) data_for_df[13].append( api_m.RedvoxPacketM.StationInformation.StationMetrics.ScreenState.UNKNOWN_SCREEN_STATE if len(screen_state_samples) < i + 1 else screen_state_samples[i] ) data_for_df[14].append(np.nan if len(screen_bright_samples) < i + 1 else screen_bright_samples[i]) return pa.Table.from_pydict(dict(zip(STATION_HEALTH_COLUMNS, data_for_df)))
def apim_image_to_pyarrow(image_sensor: src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.Image) ‑> pyarrow.lib.Table
:param image_sensor: image sensor to convert :return: pyarrow table representation of image data
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def apim_image_to_pyarrow(image_sensor: api_m.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.Image) -> pa.Table: """ :param image_sensor: image sensor to convert :return: pyarrow table representation of image data """ timestamps = image_sensor.timestamps.timestamps codecs = np.full(len(timestamps), image_sensor.image_codec) return pa.Table.from_pydict(dict(zip(IMAGE_COLUMNS, [timestamps, timestamps, image_sensor.samples, codecs])))
def apim_location_to_pyarrow(loc: src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.Location) ‑> pyarrow.lib.Table
:param loc: location sensor to convert :return: pyarrow table representation of location data
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def apim_location_to_pyarrow(loc: api_m.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.Location) -> pa.Table: """ :param loc: location sensor to convert :return: pyarrow table representation of location data """ timestamps = loc.timestamps.timestamps gps_timestamps = loc.timestamps_gps.timestamps lat_samples = loc.latitude_samples.values lon_samples = loc.longitude_samples.values alt_samples = loc.altitude_samples.values spd_samples = loc.speed_samples.values bear_samples = loc.bearing_samples.values hor_acc_samples = loc.horizontal_accuracy_samples.values vert_acc_samples = loc.vertical_accuracy_samples.values spd_acc_samples = loc.speed_accuracy_samples.values bear_acc_samples = loc.bearing_accuracy_samples.values loc_prov_samples = loc.location_providers data_for_df = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] for i in range(len(timestamps)): data_for_df[0].append(timestamps[i]) data_for_df[1].append(timestamps[i]) data_for_df[2].append(np.nan if len(gps_timestamps) <= i else gps_timestamps[i]) data_for_df[3].append(lat_samples[i]) data_for_df[4].append(lon_samples[i]) data_for_df[5].append(np.nan if len(alt_samples) <= i else alt_samples[i]) data_for_df[6].append(np.nan if len(spd_samples) <= i else spd_samples[i]) data_for_df[7].append(np.nan if len(bear_samples) <= i else bear_samples[i]) data_for_df[8].append(np.nan if len(hor_acc_samples) <= i else hor_acc_samples[i]) data_for_df[9].append(np.nan if len(vert_acc_samples) <= i else vert_acc_samples[i]) data_for_df[10].append(np.nan if len(spd_acc_samples) <= i else spd_acc_samples[i]) data_for_df[11].append(np.nan if len(bear_acc_samples) <= i else bear_acc_samples[i]) data_for_df[12].append( api_m.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.Location.LocationProvider.UNKNOWN if len(loc_prov_samples) <= i else loc_prov_samples[i] ) return pa.Table.from_pydict(dict(zip(LOCATION_COLUMNS, data_for_df)))
def get_empty_sensor(name: str, sensor_type: SensorType = SensorType.UNKNOWN_SENSOR) ‑> SensorData
:param name: name of the sensor :param sensor_type: type of the sensor to create, default SensorType.UNKNOWN_SENSOR :return: empty sensor with no data
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def get_empty_sensor(name: str, sensor_type: SensorType = SensorType.UNKNOWN_SENSOR) -> SensorData: """ :param name: name of the sensor :param sensor_type: type of the sensor to create, default SensorType.UNKNOWN_SENSOR :return: empty sensor with no data """ return SensorData(name, pa.Table.from_pydict({"timestamps": []}), sensor_type)
def get_sample_statistics(data_df: pyarrow.lib.Table) ‑> Tuple[float, float, float]
calculate the sample rate, interval and interval std dev using the timestamps in the dataframe
:param data_df: the dataframe containing timestamps to calculate statistics from :return: a Tuple containing the sample rate, interval and interval std dev
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def get_sample_statistics(data_df: pa.Table) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """ calculate the sample rate, interval and interval std dev using the timestamps in the dataframe :param data_df: the dataframe containing timestamps to calculate statistics from :return: a Tuple containing the sample rate, interval and interval std dev """ sample_interval: float sample_interval_std: float timestamps: np.array = data_df["timestamps"].to_numpy() if timestamps.size > 1: sample_interval = dtu.microseconds_to_seconds(float(np.mean(np.diff(timestamps)))) sample_interval_std = dtu.microseconds_to_seconds(float(np.std(np.diff(timestamps)))) else: sample_interval = np.nan sample_interval_std = np.nan return 1.0 / sample_interval, sample_interval, sample_interval_std
def get_sensor_description(sensor: Union[src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.Xyz, src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.Single, src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.Audio, src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.Image, src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.Location, src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.CompressedAudio]) ‑> str
:param sensor: the sensor to read the description from :return: the sensor's description
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def get_sensor_description(sensor: Sensor) -> str: """ :param sensor: the sensor to read the description from :return: the sensor's description """ return sensor.sensor_description
def read_apim_single_sensor(sensor: src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.Single, column_id: str) ‑> pyarrow.lib.Table
read a sensor that has a single data channel from an api M data packet. raises Attribute Error if sensor does not contain exactly one data channel
:param sensor: the single channel api M sensor to read :param column_id: string, used to name the columns :return: pyarrow table representing the data in the sensor
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def read_apim_single_sensor(sensor: api_m.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.Single, column_id: str) -> pa.Table: """ read a sensor that has a single data channel from an api M data packet. raises Attribute Error if sensor does not contain exactly one data channel :param sensor: the single channel api M sensor to read :param column_id: string, used to name the columns :return: pyarrow table representing the data in the sensor """ timestamps: np.ndarray = np.array(sensor.timestamps.timestamps) try: columns: List[str] = ["timestamps", "unaltered_timestamps", column_id] return pa.Table.from_pydict(dict(zip(columns, [timestamps, timestamps, np.array(sensor.samples.values)]))) except AttributeError: raise
def read_apim_xyz_sensor(sensor: src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.Xyz, column_id: str) ‑> pyarrow.lib.Table
read a sensor that has xyz data channels from an api M data packet. raises Attribute Error if sensor does not contain xyz channels
:param sensor: the xyz api M sensor to read :param column_id: string, used to name the columns :return: dictionary representing the data in the sensor
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def read_apim_xyz_sensor(sensor: api_m.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.Xyz, column_id: str) -> pa.Table: """ read a sensor that has xyz data channels from an api M data packet. raises Attribute Error if sensor does not contain xyz channels :param sensor: the xyz api M sensor to read :param column_id: string, used to name the columns :return: dictionary representing the data in the sensor """ timestamps: np.ndarray = np.array(sensor.timestamps.timestamps) try: columns: List[str] = [ "timestamps", "unaltered_timestamps", f"{column_id}_x", f"{column_id}_y", f"{column_id}_z", ] return pa.Table.from_pydict( dict( zip( columns, [ timestamps, timestamps, np.array(sensor.x_samples.values), np.array(sensor.y_samples.values), np.array(sensor.z_samples.values), ], ) ) ) except AttributeError: raise