Module redvox.api1000.wrapped_redvox_packet.timing_information

Contains methods for accessing and setting timing and time synchronization fields.

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Contains methods for accessing and setting timing and time synchronization fields.

import enum
from typing import List, Union

import redvox.api1000.common.typing
import redvox.api1000.proto.redvox_api_m_pb2 as redvox_api_m_pb2
import redvox.api1000.common.common as common
import redvox.api1000.common.generic

from redvox.api1000.common.decorators import wrap_enum

_SYNCH_EXCHANGES_FIELD_NAME: str = "synch_exchanges"
SynchExchangeProto = redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.TimingInformation.SynchExchange

class SynchExchange(
    Encapsulates a single complete exchange of the RedVox custom synch exchange algorithm.

    def __init__(
        self, proto: redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.TimingInformation.SynchExchange

    def new() -> "SynchExchange":
        :return: A new, empty SynchExchange instance
        exchange = SynchExchange(
        return exchange

    def get_unit(self) -> common.Unit:
        Returns the unit for exchange values.
        :return: The unit for exchange values.
        # noinspection Mypy
        # pylint: disable=E1101
        return common.Unit.from_proto(self._proto.unit)

    def set_default_unit(self) -> "SynchExchange":
        Sets the default unit for this type.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        return self.set_unit(common.Unit.MICROSECONDS_SINCE_UNIX_EPOCH)

    def set_unit(self, unit: Union[common.Unit, int]) -> "SynchExchange":
        Sets the unit for this exchange type
        :param unit: Unit to set
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(unit, [common.Unit])
        # noinspection Mypy
        self._proto.unit = unit.into_proto()
        return self

    def get_a1(self) -> float:
        :return: The A1 value of the exchange.
        return self._proto.a1

    # pylint: disable=C0103
    def set_a1(self, a1: float) -> "SynchExchange":
        Sets the A1 value of this exchange
        :param a1: Value to set
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(a1, [int, float])
        self._proto.a1 = a1
        return self

    def get_a2(self) -> float:
        :return: The A2 value of the exchange.
        return self._proto.a2

    # pylint: disable=C0103
    def set_a2(self, a2: float) -> "SynchExchange":
        Sets the A2 value of this exchange
        :param a2: Value to set
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(a2, [int, float])
        self._proto.a2 = a2
        return self

    def get_a3(self) -> float:
        :return: The A3 value of the exchange.
        return self._proto.a3

    # pylint: disable=C0103
    def set_a3(self, a3: float) -> "SynchExchange":
        Sets the A3 value of this exchange
        :param a3: Value to set
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(a3, [int, float])
        self._proto.a3 = a3
        return self

    def get_b1(self) -> float:
        :return: The B1 value of the exchange.
        return self._proto.b1

    # pylint: disable=C0103
    def set_b1(self, b1: float) -> "SynchExchange":
        Sets the B1 value of this exchange
        :param b1: Value to set
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(b1, [int, float])
        self._proto.b1 = b1
        return self

    def get_b2(self) -> float:
        :return: The B2 value of the exchange.
        return self._proto.b2

    # pylint: disable=C0103
    def set_b2(self, b2: float) -> "SynchExchange":
        Sets the B2 value of this exchange
        :param b2: Value to set
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(b2, [int, float])
        self._proto.b2 = b2
        return self

    def get_b3(self) -> float:
        :return: The B3 value of the exchange.
        return self._proto.b3

    # pylint: disable=C0103
    def set_b3(self, b3: float) -> "SynchExchange":
        Sets the B3 value of this exchange
        :param b3: Value to set
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(b3, [int, float])
        self._proto.b3 = b3
        return self

def validate_synch_exchange(synch_exchange: SynchExchange) -> List[str]:
    Validates a synch exchange.
    :param synch_exchange: Exchange to validate.
    :return: A list of validation errors.
    errors_list = []
    # assume 0 (default) is an invalid value
    if synch_exchange.get_a1() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange a1 value is 0")
    if synch_exchange.get_a2() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange a2 value is 0")
    if synch_exchange.get_a3() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange a3 value is 0")
    if synch_exchange.get_a1() >= synch_exchange.get_a2():
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange a1 is greater than or equal to a2")
    if synch_exchange.get_a2() > synch_exchange.get_a3():
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange a2 is greater than a3")
    if synch_exchange.get_b1() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange b1 value is 0")
    if synch_exchange.get_b2() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange b2 value is 0")
    if synch_exchange.get_b3() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange b3 value is 0")
    if synch_exchange.get_b1() > synch_exchange.get_b2():
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange b1 value is greater than b2")
    if synch_exchange.get_b2() >= synch_exchange.get_b3():
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange b2 value is greater than or equal to b3")
    if synch_exchange.get_unit() != common.Unit.MICROSECONDS_SINCE_UNIX_EPOCH:
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange unit is not microseconds since unix epoch")
    return errors_list

# noinspection Mypy
class TimingScoreMethod(enum.Enum):
    Method used to score the timing.

    UNKNOWN: int = 0

class TimingInformation(
    Collection of timing information for this packet.

    def __init__(self, proto: redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.TimingInformation):
        self._synch_exchanges: redvox.api1000.common.generic.ProtoRepeatedMessage[
            SynchExchangeProto, SynchExchange
        ] = redvox.api1000.common.generic.ProtoRepeatedMessage(
            lambda exchange: exchange.get_proto(),

    def new() -> "TimingInformation":
        :return: A new, empty TimingInformation instance
        return TimingInformation(redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.TimingInformation())

    def get_unit(self) -> common.Unit:
        :return: Unit used for this timing information.
        # noinspection Mypy
        # pylint: disable=E1101
        return common.Unit.from_proto(self._proto.unit)

    def set_default_unit(self) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets the default time unit.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        return self.set_unit(common.Unit.MICROSECONDS_SINCE_UNIX_EPOCH)

    def set_unit(self, unit: Union[common.Unit, int]) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets a unit for this timing info.
        :param unit: Unit to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(unit, [common.Unit])
        # noinspection Mypy
        self._proto.unit = unit.into_proto()
        return self

    def get_packet_start_os_timestamp(self) -> float:
        :return: Packet start OS (non-monotonic) timestamp. Corresponds with first audio sample.
        return self._proto.packet_start_os_timestamp

    def set_packet_start_os_timestamp(
        self, packet_start_os_timestamp
    ) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets the packet start OS (non-monotonic) timestamp. Corresponds with first audio sample.
        :param packet_start_os_timestamp: Timestamp to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(packet_start_os_timestamp, [int, float])
        self._proto.packet_start_os_timestamp = packet_start_os_timestamp
        return self

    def get_packet_start_mach_timestamp(self) -> float:
        :return: Machine (monotonic) start timestamp of packet. Corresponds with first audio sample.
        return self._proto.packet_start_mach_timestamp

    def set_packet_start_mach_timestamp(
        self, packet_start_mach_timestamp: float
    ) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets the packet's start machine timestamp (monotonic). Corresponds with first audio sample.
        :param packet_start_mach_timestamp:
            packet_start_mach_timestamp, [int, float]
        self._proto.packet_start_mach_timestamp = packet_start_mach_timestamp
        return self

    def get_packet_end_os_timestamp(self) -> float:
        :return: The packets end OS (non-monotonic) timestamp. Corresponds with the last audio sample.
        return self._proto.packet_end_os_timestamp

    def set_packet_end_os_timestamp(
        self, packet_end_os_timestamp: float
    ) -> "TimingInformation":
        Set the packet's end OS timestamp (non-monotonic). Corresponds with the last audio sample.
        :param packet_end_os_timestamp: Timestamp to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(packet_end_os_timestamp, [int, float])
        self._proto.packet_end_os_timestamp = packet_end_os_timestamp
        return self

    def get_packet_end_mach_timestamp(self) -> float:
        :return: The packet's end machine (monotonic) timestamp. Corresponds with the last audio sample.
        return self._proto.packet_end_mach_timestamp

    def set_packet_end_mach_timestamp(
        self, packet_end_mach_timestamp: float
    ) -> "TimingInformation":
        Set the packets machine end timestamp (monotonic). Corresponds with the last audio sample.
        :param packet_end_mach_timestamp: Timestamp to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(packet_end_mach_timestamp, [int, float])
        self._proto.packet_end_mach_timestamp = packet_end_mach_timestamp
        return self

    def get_server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp(self) -> float:
        :return: Timestamp set my acquisition server on packet arrival
        return self._proto.server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp

    def set_server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp(
        self, server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp: float
    ) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets the server acquisition timestamp.
        :param server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp: Timestamp to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self.
            server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp, [int, float]
        self._proto.server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp = (
        return self

    def get_app_start_mach_timestamp(self) -> float:
        :return: Machine timestamp of when station started recording.
        return self._proto.app_start_mach_timestamp

    def set_app_start_mach_timestamp(
        self, app_start_mach_timestamp: float
    ) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets the machine timestamp of when the app started recording.
        :param app_start_mach_timestamp:
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(app_start_mach_timestamp, [int, float])
        self._proto.app_start_mach_timestamp = app_start_mach_timestamp
        return self

    def get_synch_exchanges(self) -> redvox.api1000.common.generic.ProtoRepeatedMessage:
        :return: Synch exchanges collected during this packet.
        return self._synch_exchanges

    def set_synch_exchanges(
        self, synch_exchanges: redvox.api1000.common.generic.ProtoRepeatedMessage
    ) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets the synch exchanges.
        :param synch_exchanges: An instance of a ProtoRepeatedMessage containing SyncExchanges.
        :return: A modified instance of self.
            synch_exchanges, [redvox.api1000.common.generic.ProtoRepeatedMessage]
        return self

    def get_synch_exchange_array(self) -> List[float]:
        Get the packet's synch exchanges as a single list of timestamps, with each synch exchange in
        a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3 order
        :return: The packet's synch exchanges as a single list of timestamps
        time_sync_exchanges = self.get_synch_exchanges().get_values()
        time_sync = []
        for exchange in time_sync_exchanges:
        return time_sync

    def get_best_latency(self) -> float:
        :return: Best latency calculated from synch exchanges
        return self._proto.best_latency

    def set_best_latency(self, best_latency: float) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets the best latency.
        :param best_latency: Latency to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self.
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(best_latency, [int, float])
        self._proto.best_latency = best_latency
        return self

    def get_best_offset(self) -> float:
        :return: Best offset computed from synch exchanges.
        return self._proto.best_offset

    def set_best_offset(self, best_offset: float) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets the best offset.
        :param best_offset: Offset to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self.
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(best_offset, [int, float])
        self._proto.best_offset = best_offset
        return self

    def get_score(self) -> float:
        :return: Score of timing information.
        return self._proto.score

    def set_score(self, score: float) -> "TimingInformation":
        Set score of timing information.
        :param score: Score to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self.
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(score, [float])
        self._proto.score = score
        return self

    def get_score_method(self) -> TimingScoreMethod:
        :return: The score method used for scoring the timing information.
        return TimingScoreMethod(self._proto.score_method)

    def set_score_method(self, score_method: TimingScoreMethod) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets the score method.
        :param score_method: Score to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self.
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(score_method, [TimingScoreMethod])
        self._proto.score_method = (
        return self

def validate_timing_information(timing_information: TimingInformation) -> List[str]:
    Validates timing information
    :param timing_information: Timing information to validate
    :return: A a list of validation errors
    errors_list = []
    synch_vals = timing_information.get_synch_exchanges().get_values()
    # if we have synchronization values, we can validate them
    # otherwise we can just return an empty list since there's no point in validating nothing
    if len(synch_vals) > 0:
        for sync_exch in synch_vals:
    if timing_information.get_unit() != common.Unit.MICROSECONDS_SINCE_UNIX_EPOCH:
            "Timing information unit is not microseconds since unix epoch"
    if timing_information.get_packet_start_os_timestamp() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Timing information os start timestamp is 0")
    if timing_information.get_packet_start_mach_timestamp() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Timing information mach start timestamp is 0")
    if timing_information.get_packet_end_os_timestamp() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Timing information os end timestamp is 0")
    if timing_information.get_packet_end_mach_timestamp() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Timing information mach end timestamp is 0")
    if timing_information.get_app_start_mach_timestamp() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Timing information app mach start timestamp is 0")
    if (
        > timing_information.get_packet_end_os_timestamp()
            "Timing information os end timestamp is less than start timestamp"
    if (
        > timing_information.get_packet_end_mach_timestamp()
            "Timing information mach end timestamp is less than start timestamp"
        # if timing.get_server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp() == 0:
        #     errors_list.append("Timing information server acquisition arrival timestamp is 0")
    return errors_list


def validate_synch_exchange(synch_exchange: SynchExchange) ‑> List[str]

Validates a synch exchange. :param synch_exchange: Exchange to validate. :return: A list of validation errors.

Expand source code
def validate_synch_exchange(synch_exchange: SynchExchange) -> List[str]:
    Validates a synch exchange.
    :param synch_exchange: Exchange to validate.
    :return: A list of validation errors.
    errors_list = []
    # assume 0 (default) is an invalid value
    if synch_exchange.get_a1() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange a1 value is 0")
    if synch_exchange.get_a2() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange a2 value is 0")
    if synch_exchange.get_a3() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange a3 value is 0")
    if synch_exchange.get_a1() >= synch_exchange.get_a2():
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange a1 is greater than or equal to a2")
    if synch_exchange.get_a2() > synch_exchange.get_a3():
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange a2 is greater than a3")
    if synch_exchange.get_b1() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange b1 value is 0")
    if synch_exchange.get_b2() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange b2 value is 0")
    if synch_exchange.get_b3() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange b3 value is 0")
    if synch_exchange.get_b1() > synch_exchange.get_b2():
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange b1 value is greater than b2")
    if synch_exchange.get_b2() >= synch_exchange.get_b3():
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange b2 value is greater than or equal to b3")
    if synch_exchange.get_unit() != common.Unit.MICROSECONDS_SINCE_UNIX_EPOCH:
        errors_list.append("Sync exchange unit is not microseconds since unix epoch")
    return errors_list
def validate_timing_information(timing_information: TimingInformation) ‑> List[str]

Validates timing information :param timing_information: Timing information to validate :return: A a list of validation errors

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def validate_timing_information(timing_information: TimingInformation) -> List[str]:
    Validates timing information
    :param timing_information: Timing information to validate
    :return: A a list of validation errors
    errors_list = []
    synch_vals = timing_information.get_synch_exchanges().get_values()
    # if we have synchronization values, we can validate them
    # otherwise we can just return an empty list since there's no point in validating nothing
    if len(synch_vals) > 0:
        for sync_exch in synch_vals:
    if timing_information.get_unit() != common.Unit.MICROSECONDS_SINCE_UNIX_EPOCH:
            "Timing information unit is not microseconds since unix epoch"
    if timing_information.get_packet_start_os_timestamp() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Timing information os start timestamp is 0")
    if timing_information.get_packet_start_mach_timestamp() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Timing information mach start timestamp is 0")
    if timing_information.get_packet_end_os_timestamp() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Timing information os end timestamp is 0")
    if timing_information.get_packet_end_mach_timestamp() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Timing information mach end timestamp is 0")
    if timing_information.get_app_start_mach_timestamp() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Timing information app mach start timestamp is 0")
    if (
        > timing_information.get_packet_end_os_timestamp()
            "Timing information os end timestamp is less than start timestamp"
    if (
        > timing_information.get_packet_end_mach_timestamp()
            "Timing information mach end timestamp is less than start timestamp"
        # if timing.get_server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp() == 0:
        #     errors_list.append("Timing information server acquisition arrival timestamp is 0")
    return errors_list


class SynchExchangeProto (*args, **kwargs)

A ProtocolMessage


  • google._upb._message.Message
  • google.protobuf.message.Message

Class variables

var MetadataEntry

A ProtocolMessage

class SynchExchange (proto: src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.SynchExchange)

Encapsulates a single complete exchange of the RedVox custom synch exchange algorithm.

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class SynchExchange(
    Encapsulates a single complete exchange of the RedVox custom synch exchange algorithm.

    def __init__(
        self, proto: redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.TimingInformation.SynchExchange

    def new() -> "SynchExchange":
        :return: A new, empty SynchExchange instance
        exchange = SynchExchange(
        return exchange

    def get_unit(self) -> common.Unit:
        Returns the unit for exchange values.
        :return: The unit for exchange values.
        # noinspection Mypy
        # pylint: disable=E1101
        return common.Unit.from_proto(self._proto.unit)

    def set_default_unit(self) -> "SynchExchange":
        Sets the default unit for this type.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        return self.set_unit(common.Unit.MICROSECONDS_SINCE_UNIX_EPOCH)

    def set_unit(self, unit: Union[common.Unit, int]) -> "SynchExchange":
        Sets the unit for this exchange type
        :param unit: Unit to set
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(unit, [common.Unit])
        # noinspection Mypy
        self._proto.unit = unit.into_proto()
        return self

    def get_a1(self) -> float:
        :return: The A1 value of the exchange.
        return self._proto.a1

    # pylint: disable=C0103
    def set_a1(self, a1: float) -> "SynchExchange":
        Sets the A1 value of this exchange
        :param a1: Value to set
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(a1, [int, float])
        self._proto.a1 = a1
        return self

    def get_a2(self) -> float:
        :return: The A2 value of the exchange.
        return self._proto.a2

    # pylint: disable=C0103
    def set_a2(self, a2: float) -> "SynchExchange":
        Sets the A2 value of this exchange
        :param a2: Value to set
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(a2, [int, float])
        self._proto.a2 = a2
        return self

    def get_a3(self) -> float:
        :return: The A3 value of the exchange.
        return self._proto.a3

    # pylint: disable=C0103
    def set_a3(self, a3: float) -> "SynchExchange":
        Sets the A3 value of this exchange
        :param a3: Value to set
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(a3, [int, float])
        self._proto.a3 = a3
        return self

    def get_b1(self) -> float:
        :return: The B1 value of the exchange.
        return self._proto.b1

    # pylint: disable=C0103
    def set_b1(self, b1: float) -> "SynchExchange":
        Sets the B1 value of this exchange
        :param b1: Value to set
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(b1, [int, float])
        self._proto.b1 = b1
        return self

    def get_b2(self) -> float:
        :return: The B2 value of the exchange.
        return self._proto.b2

    # pylint: disable=C0103
    def set_b2(self, b2: float) -> "SynchExchange":
        Sets the B2 value of this exchange
        :param b2: Value to set
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(b2, [int, float])
        self._proto.b2 = b2
        return self

    def get_b3(self) -> float:
        :return: The B3 value of the exchange.
        return self._proto.b3

    # pylint: disable=C0103
    def set_b3(self, b3: float) -> "SynchExchange":
        Sets the B3 value of this exchange
        :param b3: Value to set
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(b3, [int, float])
        self._proto.b3 = b3
        return self


Static methods

def new() ‑> SynchExchange

:return: A new, empty SynchExchange instance

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def new() -> "SynchExchange":
    :return: A new, empty SynchExchange instance
    exchange = SynchExchange(
    return exchange


def get_a1(self) ‑> float

:return: The A1 value of the exchange.

Expand source code
def get_a1(self) -> float:
    :return: The A1 value of the exchange.
    return self._proto.a1
def get_a2(self) ‑> float

:return: The A2 value of the exchange.

Expand source code
def get_a2(self) -> float:
    :return: The A2 value of the exchange.
    return self._proto.a2
def get_a3(self) ‑> float

:return: The A3 value of the exchange.

Expand source code
def get_a3(self) -> float:
    :return: The A3 value of the exchange.
    return self._proto.a3
def get_b1(self) ‑> float

:return: The B1 value of the exchange.

Expand source code
def get_b1(self) -> float:
    :return: The B1 value of the exchange.
    return self._proto.b1
def get_b2(self) ‑> float

:return: The B2 value of the exchange.

Expand source code
def get_b2(self) -> float:
    :return: The B2 value of the exchange.
    return self._proto.b2
def get_b3(self) ‑> float

:return: The B3 value of the exchange.

Expand source code
def get_b3(self) -> float:
    :return: The B3 value of the exchange.
    return self._proto.b3
def get_unit(self) ‑> Unit

Returns the unit for exchange values. :return: The unit for exchange values.

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def get_unit(self) -> common.Unit:
    Returns the unit for exchange values.
    :return: The unit for exchange values.
    # noinspection Mypy
    # pylint: disable=E1101
    return common.Unit.from_proto(self._proto.unit)
def set_a1(self, a1: float) ‑> SynchExchange

Sets the A1 value of this exchange :param a1: Value to set :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_a1(self, a1: float) -> "SynchExchange":
    Sets the A1 value of this exchange
    :param a1: Value to set
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(a1, [int, float])
    self._proto.a1 = a1
    return self
def set_a2(self, a2: float) ‑> SynchExchange

Sets the A2 value of this exchange :param a2: Value to set :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_a2(self, a2: float) -> "SynchExchange":
    Sets the A2 value of this exchange
    :param a2: Value to set
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(a2, [int, float])
    self._proto.a2 = a2
    return self
def set_a3(self, a3: float) ‑> SynchExchange

Sets the A3 value of this exchange :param a3: Value to set :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_a3(self, a3: float) -> "SynchExchange":
    Sets the A3 value of this exchange
    :param a3: Value to set
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(a3, [int, float])
    self._proto.a3 = a3
    return self
def set_b1(self, b1: float) ‑> SynchExchange

Sets the B1 value of this exchange :param b1: Value to set :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_b1(self, b1: float) -> "SynchExchange":
    Sets the B1 value of this exchange
    :param b1: Value to set
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(b1, [int, float])
    self._proto.b1 = b1
    return self
def set_b2(self, b2: float) ‑> SynchExchange

Sets the B2 value of this exchange :param b2: Value to set :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_b2(self, b2: float) -> "SynchExchange":
    Sets the B2 value of this exchange
    :param b2: Value to set
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(b2, [int, float])
    self._proto.b2 = b2
    return self
def set_b3(self, b3: float) ‑> SynchExchange

Sets the B3 value of this exchange :param b3: Value to set :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_b3(self, b3: float) -> "SynchExchange":
    Sets the B3 value of this exchange
    :param b3: Value to set
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(b3, [int, float])
    self._proto.b3 = b3
    return self
def set_default_unit(self) ‑> SynchExchange

Sets the default unit for this type. :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_default_unit(self) -> "SynchExchange":
    Sets the default unit for this type.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    return self.set_unit(common.Unit.MICROSECONDS_SINCE_UNIX_EPOCH)
def set_unit(self, unit: Union[Unit, int]) ‑> SynchExchange

Sets the unit for this exchange type :param unit: Unit to set :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_unit(self, unit: Union[common.Unit, int]) -> "SynchExchange":
    Sets the unit for this exchange type
    :param unit: Unit to set
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(unit, [common.Unit])
    # noinspection Mypy
    self._proto.unit = unit.into_proto()
    return self

Inherited members

class TimingInformation (proto: src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.TimingInformation)

Collection of timing information for this packet.

Expand source code
class TimingInformation(
    Collection of timing information for this packet.

    def __init__(self, proto: redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.TimingInformation):
        self._synch_exchanges: redvox.api1000.common.generic.ProtoRepeatedMessage[
            SynchExchangeProto, SynchExchange
        ] = redvox.api1000.common.generic.ProtoRepeatedMessage(
            lambda exchange: exchange.get_proto(),

    def new() -> "TimingInformation":
        :return: A new, empty TimingInformation instance
        return TimingInformation(redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.TimingInformation())

    def get_unit(self) -> common.Unit:
        :return: Unit used for this timing information.
        # noinspection Mypy
        # pylint: disable=E1101
        return common.Unit.from_proto(self._proto.unit)

    def set_default_unit(self) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets the default time unit.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        return self.set_unit(common.Unit.MICROSECONDS_SINCE_UNIX_EPOCH)

    def set_unit(self, unit: Union[common.Unit, int]) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets a unit for this timing info.
        :param unit: Unit to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(unit, [common.Unit])
        # noinspection Mypy
        self._proto.unit = unit.into_proto()
        return self

    def get_packet_start_os_timestamp(self) -> float:
        :return: Packet start OS (non-monotonic) timestamp. Corresponds with first audio sample.
        return self._proto.packet_start_os_timestamp

    def set_packet_start_os_timestamp(
        self, packet_start_os_timestamp
    ) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets the packet start OS (non-monotonic) timestamp. Corresponds with first audio sample.
        :param packet_start_os_timestamp: Timestamp to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(packet_start_os_timestamp, [int, float])
        self._proto.packet_start_os_timestamp = packet_start_os_timestamp
        return self

    def get_packet_start_mach_timestamp(self) -> float:
        :return: Machine (monotonic) start timestamp of packet. Corresponds with first audio sample.
        return self._proto.packet_start_mach_timestamp

    def set_packet_start_mach_timestamp(
        self, packet_start_mach_timestamp: float
    ) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets the packet's start machine timestamp (monotonic). Corresponds with first audio sample.
        :param packet_start_mach_timestamp:
            packet_start_mach_timestamp, [int, float]
        self._proto.packet_start_mach_timestamp = packet_start_mach_timestamp
        return self

    def get_packet_end_os_timestamp(self) -> float:
        :return: The packets end OS (non-monotonic) timestamp. Corresponds with the last audio sample.
        return self._proto.packet_end_os_timestamp

    def set_packet_end_os_timestamp(
        self, packet_end_os_timestamp: float
    ) -> "TimingInformation":
        Set the packet's end OS timestamp (non-monotonic). Corresponds with the last audio sample.
        :param packet_end_os_timestamp: Timestamp to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(packet_end_os_timestamp, [int, float])
        self._proto.packet_end_os_timestamp = packet_end_os_timestamp
        return self

    def get_packet_end_mach_timestamp(self) -> float:
        :return: The packet's end machine (monotonic) timestamp. Corresponds with the last audio sample.
        return self._proto.packet_end_mach_timestamp

    def set_packet_end_mach_timestamp(
        self, packet_end_mach_timestamp: float
    ) -> "TimingInformation":
        Set the packets machine end timestamp (monotonic). Corresponds with the last audio sample.
        :param packet_end_mach_timestamp: Timestamp to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(packet_end_mach_timestamp, [int, float])
        self._proto.packet_end_mach_timestamp = packet_end_mach_timestamp
        return self

    def get_server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp(self) -> float:
        :return: Timestamp set my acquisition server on packet arrival
        return self._proto.server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp

    def set_server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp(
        self, server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp: float
    ) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets the server acquisition timestamp.
        :param server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp: Timestamp to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self.
            server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp, [int, float]
        self._proto.server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp = (
        return self

    def get_app_start_mach_timestamp(self) -> float:
        :return: Machine timestamp of when station started recording.
        return self._proto.app_start_mach_timestamp

    def set_app_start_mach_timestamp(
        self, app_start_mach_timestamp: float
    ) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets the machine timestamp of when the app started recording.
        :param app_start_mach_timestamp:
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(app_start_mach_timestamp, [int, float])
        self._proto.app_start_mach_timestamp = app_start_mach_timestamp
        return self

    def get_synch_exchanges(self) -> redvox.api1000.common.generic.ProtoRepeatedMessage:
        :return: Synch exchanges collected during this packet.
        return self._synch_exchanges

    def set_synch_exchanges(
        self, synch_exchanges: redvox.api1000.common.generic.ProtoRepeatedMessage
    ) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets the synch exchanges.
        :param synch_exchanges: An instance of a ProtoRepeatedMessage containing SyncExchanges.
        :return: A modified instance of self.
            synch_exchanges, [redvox.api1000.common.generic.ProtoRepeatedMessage]
        return self

    def get_synch_exchange_array(self) -> List[float]:
        Get the packet's synch exchanges as a single list of timestamps, with each synch exchange in
        a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3 order
        :return: The packet's synch exchanges as a single list of timestamps
        time_sync_exchanges = self.get_synch_exchanges().get_values()
        time_sync = []
        for exchange in time_sync_exchanges:
        return time_sync

    def get_best_latency(self) -> float:
        :return: Best latency calculated from synch exchanges
        return self._proto.best_latency

    def set_best_latency(self, best_latency: float) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets the best latency.
        :param best_latency: Latency to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self.
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(best_latency, [int, float])
        self._proto.best_latency = best_latency
        return self

    def get_best_offset(self) -> float:
        :return: Best offset computed from synch exchanges.
        return self._proto.best_offset

    def set_best_offset(self, best_offset: float) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets the best offset.
        :param best_offset: Offset to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self.
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(best_offset, [int, float])
        self._proto.best_offset = best_offset
        return self

    def get_score(self) -> float:
        :return: Score of timing information.
        return self._proto.score

    def set_score(self, score: float) -> "TimingInformation":
        Set score of timing information.
        :param score: Score to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self.
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(score, [float])
        self._proto.score = score
        return self

    def get_score_method(self) -> TimingScoreMethod:
        :return: The score method used for scoring the timing information.
        return TimingScoreMethod(self._proto.score_method)

    def set_score_method(self, score_method: TimingScoreMethod) -> "TimingInformation":
        Sets the score method.
        :param score_method: Score to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self.
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(score_method, [TimingScoreMethod])
        self._proto.score_method = (
        return self


Static methods

def new() ‑> TimingInformation

:return: A new, empty TimingInformation instance

Expand source code
def new() -> "TimingInformation":
    :return: A new, empty TimingInformation instance
    return TimingInformation(redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.TimingInformation())


def get_app_start_mach_timestamp(self) ‑> float

:return: Machine timestamp of when station started recording.

Expand source code
def get_app_start_mach_timestamp(self) -> float:
    :return: Machine timestamp of when station started recording.
    return self._proto.app_start_mach_timestamp
def get_best_latency(self) ‑> float

:return: Best latency calculated from synch exchanges

Expand source code
def get_best_latency(self) -> float:
    :return: Best latency calculated from synch exchanges
    return self._proto.best_latency
def get_best_offset(self) ‑> float

:return: Best offset computed from synch exchanges.

Expand source code
def get_best_offset(self) -> float:
    :return: Best offset computed from synch exchanges.
    return self._proto.best_offset
def get_packet_end_mach_timestamp(self) ‑> float

:return: The packet's end machine (monotonic) timestamp. Corresponds with the last audio sample.

Expand source code
def get_packet_end_mach_timestamp(self) -> float:
    :return: The packet's end machine (monotonic) timestamp. Corresponds with the last audio sample.
    return self._proto.packet_end_mach_timestamp
def get_packet_end_os_timestamp(self) ‑> float

:return: The packets end OS (non-monotonic) timestamp. Corresponds with the last audio sample.

Expand source code
def get_packet_end_os_timestamp(self) -> float:
    :return: The packets end OS (non-monotonic) timestamp. Corresponds with the last audio sample.
    return self._proto.packet_end_os_timestamp
def get_packet_start_mach_timestamp(self) ‑> float

:return: Machine (monotonic) start timestamp of packet. Corresponds with first audio sample.

Expand source code
def get_packet_start_mach_timestamp(self) -> float:
    :return: Machine (monotonic) start timestamp of packet. Corresponds with first audio sample.
    return self._proto.packet_start_mach_timestamp
def get_packet_start_os_timestamp(self) ‑> float

:return: Packet start OS (non-monotonic) timestamp. Corresponds with first audio sample.

Expand source code
def get_packet_start_os_timestamp(self) -> float:
    :return: Packet start OS (non-monotonic) timestamp. Corresponds with first audio sample.
    return self._proto.packet_start_os_timestamp
def get_score(self) ‑> float

:return: Score of timing information.

Expand source code
def get_score(self) -> float:
    :return: Score of timing information.
    return self._proto.score
def get_score_method(self) ‑> TimingScoreMethod

:return: The score method used for scoring the timing information.

Expand source code
def get_score_method(self) -> TimingScoreMethod:
    :return: The score method used for scoring the timing information.
    return TimingScoreMethod(self._proto.score_method)
def get_server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp(self) ‑> float

:return: Timestamp set my acquisition server on packet arrival

Expand source code
def get_server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp(self) -> float:
    :return: Timestamp set my acquisition server on packet arrival
    return self._proto.server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp
def get_synch_exchange_array(self) ‑> List[float]

Get the packet's synch exchanges as a single list of timestamps, with each synch exchange in a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3 order :return: The packet's synch exchanges as a single list of timestamps

Expand source code
def get_synch_exchange_array(self) -> List[float]:
    Get the packet's synch exchanges as a single list of timestamps, with each synch exchange in
    a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3 order
    :return: The packet's synch exchanges as a single list of timestamps
    time_sync_exchanges = self.get_synch_exchanges().get_values()
    time_sync = []
    for exchange in time_sync_exchanges:
    return time_sync
def get_synch_exchanges(self) ‑> ProtoRepeatedMessage

:return: Synch exchanges collected during this packet.

Expand source code
def get_synch_exchanges(self) -> redvox.api1000.common.generic.ProtoRepeatedMessage:
    :return: Synch exchanges collected during this packet.
    return self._synch_exchanges
def get_unit(self) ‑> Unit

:return: Unit used for this timing information.

Expand source code
def get_unit(self) -> common.Unit:
    :return: Unit used for this timing information.
    # noinspection Mypy
    # pylint: disable=E1101
    return common.Unit.from_proto(self._proto.unit)
def set_app_start_mach_timestamp(self, app_start_mach_timestamp: float) ‑> TimingInformation

Sets the machine timestamp of when the app started recording. :param app_start_mach_timestamp: :return:

Expand source code
def set_app_start_mach_timestamp(
    self, app_start_mach_timestamp: float
) -> "TimingInformation":
    Sets the machine timestamp of when the app started recording.
    :param app_start_mach_timestamp:
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(app_start_mach_timestamp, [int, float])
    self._proto.app_start_mach_timestamp = app_start_mach_timestamp
    return self
def set_best_latency(self, best_latency: float) ‑> TimingInformation

Sets the best latency. :param best_latency: Latency to set. :return: A modified instance of self.

Expand source code
def set_best_latency(self, best_latency: float) -> "TimingInformation":
    Sets the best latency.
    :param best_latency: Latency to set.
    :return: A modified instance of self.
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(best_latency, [int, float])
    self._proto.best_latency = best_latency
    return self
def set_best_offset(self, best_offset: float) ‑> TimingInformation

Sets the best offset. :param best_offset: Offset to set. :return: A modified instance of self.

Expand source code
def set_best_offset(self, best_offset: float) -> "TimingInformation":
    Sets the best offset.
    :param best_offset: Offset to set.
    :return: A modified instance of self.
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(best_offset, [int, float])
    self._proto.best_offset = best_offset
    return self
def set_default_unit(self) ‑> TimingInformation

Sets the default time unit. :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_default_unit(self) -> "TimingInformation":
    Sets the default time unit.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    return self.set_unit(common.Unit.MICROSECONDS_SINCE_UNIX_EPOCH)
def set_packet_end_mach_timestamp(self, packet_end_mach_timestamp: float) ‑> TimingInformation

Set the packets machine end timestamp (monotonic). Corresponds with the last audio sample. :param packet_end_mach_timestamp: Timestamp to set. :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_packet_end_mach_timestamp(
    self, packet_end_mach_timestamp: float
) -> "TimingInformation":
    Set the packets machine end timestamp (monotonic). Corresponds with the last audio sample.
    :param packet_end_mach_timestamp: Timestamp to set.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(packet_end_mach_timestamp, [int, float])
    self._proto.packet_end_mach_timestamp = packet_end_mach_timestamp
    return self
def set_packet_end_os_timestamp(self, packet_end_os_timestamp: float) ‑> TimingInformation

Set the packet's end OS timestamp (non-monotonic). Corresponds with the last audio sample. :param packet_end_os_timestamp: Timestamp to set. :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_packet_end_os_timestamp(
    self, packet_end_os_timestamp: float
) -> "TimingInformation":
    Set the packet's end OS timestamp (non-monotonic). Corresponds with the last audio sample.
    :param packet_end_os_timestamp: Timestamp to set.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(packet_end_os_timestamp, [int, float])
    self._proto.packet_end_os_timestamp = packet_end_os_timestamp
    return self
def set_packet_start_mach_timestamp(self, packet_start_mach_timestamp: float) ‑> TimingInformation

Sets the packet's start machine timestamp (monotonic). Corresponds with first audio sample. :param packet_start_mach_timestamp: :return:

Expand source code
def set_packet_start_mach_timestamp(
    self, packet_start_mach_timestamp: float
) -> "TimingInformation":
    Sets the packet's start machine timestamp (monotonic). Corresponds with first audio sample.
    :param packet_start_mach_timestamp:
        packet_start_mach_timestamp, [int, float]
    self._proto.packet_start_mach_timestamp = packet_start_mach_timestamp
    return self
def set_packet_start_os_timestamp(self, packet_start_os_timestamp) ‑> TimingInformation

Sets the packet start OS (non-monotonic) timestamp. Corresponds with first audio sample. :param packet_start_os_timestamp: Timestamp to set. :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_packet_start_os_timestamp(
    self, packet_start_os_timestamp
) -> "TimingInformation":
    Sets the packet start OS (non-monotonic) timestamp. Corresponds with first audio sample.
    :param packet_start_os_timestamp: Timestamp to set.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(packet_start_os_timestamp, [int, float])
    self._proto.packet_start_os_timestamp = packet_start_os_timestamp
    return self
def set_score(self, score: float) ‑> TimingInformation

Set score of timing information. :param score: Score to set. :return: A modified instance of self.

Expand source code
def set_score(self, score: float) -> "TimingInformation":
    Set score of timing information.
    :param score: Score to set.
    :return: A modified instance of self.
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(score, [float])
    self._proto.score = score
    return self
def set_score_method(self, score_method: TimingScoreMethod) ‑> TimingInformation

Sets the score method. :param score_method: Score to set. :return: A modified instance of self.

Expand source code
def set_score_method(self, score_method: TimingScoreMethod) -> "TimingInformation":
    Sets the score method.
    :param score_method: Score to set.
    :return: A modified instance of self.
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(score_method, [TimingScoreMethod])
    self._proto.score_method = (
    return self
def set_server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp(self, server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp: float) ‑> TimingInformation

Sets the server acquisition timestamp. :param server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp: Timestamp to set. :return: A modified instance of self.

Expand source code
def set_server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp(
    self, server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp: float
) -> "TimingInformation":
    Sets the server acquisition timestamp.
    :param server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp: Timestamp to set.
    :return: A modified instance of self.
        server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp, [int, float]
    self._proto.server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp = (
    return self
def set_synch_exchanges(self, synch_exchanges: ProtoRepeatedMessage) ‑> TimingInformation

Sets the synch exchanges. :param synch_exchanges: An instance of a ProtoRepeatedMessage containing SyncExchanges. :return: A modified instance of self.

Expand source code
def set_synch_exchanges(
    self, synch_exchanges: redvox.api1000.common.generic.ProtoRepeatedMessage
) -> "TimingInformation":
    Sets the synch exchanges.
    :param synch_exchanges: An instance of a ProtoRepeatedMessage containing SyncExchanges.
    :return: A modified instance of self.
        synch_exchanges, [redvox.api1000.common.generic.ProtoRepeatedMessage]
    return self
def set_unit(self, unit: Union[Unit, int]) ‑> TimingInformation

Sets a unit for this timing info. :param unit: Unit to set. :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_unit(self, unit: Union[common.Unit, int]) -> "TimingInformation":
    Sets a unit for this timing info.
    :param unit: Unit to set.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(unit, [common.Unit])
    # noinspection Mypy
    self._proto.unit = unit.into_proto()
    return self

Inherited members

class TimingScoreMethod (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

Method used to score the timing.

Expand source code
class TimingScoreMethod(enum.Enum):
    Method used to score the timing.

    UNKNOWN: int = 0


  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var UNKNOWN : int
var from_proto

Method used to score the timing.


def into_proto(self)
Expand source code
setattr(enum, "into_proto", lambda self: proto_type.Value(