Module redvox.api1000.common.common

Provides common classes and methods for interacting with various API 1000 protobuf data.

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Provides common classes and methods for interacting with various API 1000 protobuf data.

import enum
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional, Union

import numpy as np

import redvox.api1000.errors as errors
import redvox.api1000.proto.redvox_api_m_pb2 as redvox_api_m_pb2
import redvox.common.date_time_utils as dt_utils
from redvox.api1000.common.decorators import wrap_enum
from redvox.api1000.common.generic import ProtoBase
from redvox.api1000.common.typing import check_type, none_or_empty

NAN: float = float("NaN")

EMPTY_ARRAY: np.ndarray = np.array([])

# noinspection Mypy
# pylint: disable=E1101
class Unit(enum.Enum):
    Standard units expected to be used within API M.

    UNKNOWN: int = 0
    KILOPASCAL: int = 2
    DECIMAL_DEGREES: int = 4
    METERS: int = 5
    METERS_PER_SECOND: int = 6
    MICROTESLA: int = 7
    DECIBEL: int = 10
    DEGREES_CELSIUS: int = 11
    BYTE: int = 12
    PERCENTAGE: int = 13
    RADIANS: int = 14
    MICROAMPERES: int = 15
    CENTIMETERS: int = 16
    LUX: int = 18
    UNITLESS: int = 19
    PCM: int = 20

class SummaryStatistics(ProtoBase[redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.SummaryStatistics]):
    Encapsulates the API M SummaryStatistics protobuf message type and provides automatic stat updates from values.

    def __init__(self, proto: redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.SummaryStatistics):

    def new() -> "SummaryStatistics":
        Returns a new SummaryStatistics instance backed by a default SummaryStatistics protobuf message.
        :return: A new SummaryStatistics instance backed by a default SummaryStatistics protobuf message.
        proto: redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.SummaryStatistics = (
        return SummaryStatistics(proto)

    def get_count(self) -> float:
        Returns the count of values that were used to calculate these statistics.
        :return: The count of values that were used to calculate these statistics.
        return self._proto.count

    def set_count(self, count: float) -> "SummaryStatistics":
        Sets the count of values that were used to calculate these statistics.
        :param count:
        check_type(count, [int, float])

        self._proto.count = count
        return self

    def get_mean(self) -> float:
        :return: The mean.
        return self._proto.mean

    def set_mean(self, mean: float) -> "SummaryStatistics":
        Sets the mean.
        :param mean: Mean to set.
        :return: A modified instance of this
        check_type(mean, [int, float])

        self._proto.mean = mean
        return self

    def get_standard_deviation(self) -> float:
        :return: The standard deviation.
        return self._proto.standard_deviation

    def set_standard_deviation(self, standard_deviation: float) -> "SummaryStatistics":
        Set's the standard deviation.
        :param standard_deviation: Standard deviation to set.
        :return: A modified instance of this
        check_type(standard_deviation, [int, float])

        self._proto.standard_deviation = standard_deviation
        return self

    def get_min(self) -> float:
        :return: The minimum.
        return self._proto.min

    def set_min(self, min_value: float) -> "SummaryStatistics":
        Sets the min value.
        :param min_value: Value to set.
        :return: A modified instance of this
        check_type(min_value, [int, float])

        self._proto.min = min_value
        return self

    def get_max(self) -> float:
        :return: The max.
        return self._proto.max

    def set_max(self, max_value: float) -> "SummaryStatistics":
        Sets the max.
        :param max_value: Value to set.
        :return: A modified instance of this.
        check_type(max_value, [int, float])

        self._proto.max = max_value
        return self

    def get_range(self) -> float:
        :return: The range.
        return self._proto.range

    def set_range(self, range_value: float) -> "SummaryStatistics":
        Sets the range.
        :param range_value: Range to set.
        :return: A modified instance of this
        check_type(range_value, [int, float])

        self._proto.range = range_value
        return self

    def update_from_values(self, values: np.ndarray) -> "SummaryStatistics":
        Updates the statistics from the given values.
        :param values: Values to derive statistics from.
        :return: A modified instance of this
        check_type(values, [np.ndarray])

        if none_or_empty(values):
            raise errors.SummaryStatisticsError(
                "No values supplied for updating statistics"

        self._proto.count = len(values)
        self._proto.mean = values.mean()
        self._proto.standard_deviation = values.std()
        # noinspection PyArgumentList
        self._proto.min = values.min()
        # noinspection PyArgumentList
        self._proto.max = values.max()
        self._proto.range = self._proto.max - self._proto.min
        return self

def validate_summary_statistics(stats: SummaryStatistics) -> List[str]:
    Validates the stats.
    :param stats: Stats to validate.
    :return: List of validation errors.
    errors_list = []
    if stats.get_count() < 1:
        errors_list.append("Summary statistics contains less than 1 element")
    return errors_list

class SamplePayload(
    A class for managing sensor samples and the corresponding statistics.

    def __init__(
        proto: Union[
        self._summary_statistics: SummaryStatistics = SummaryStatistics(

    def new() -> "SamplePayload":
        :return: A new, empty SamplePayload
        return SamplePayload(redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.SamplePayload())

    def get_unit(self) -> Unit:
        :return: The unit of this payload.
        # noinspection Mypy
        # pylint: disable=E1101
        return Unit.from_proto(self._proto.unit)

    def set_unit(self, unit: Unit) -> "SamplePayload":
        Sets the unit of this payload.
        :param unit: Unit to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(unit, [Unit])
        # noinspection Mypy
        self._proto.unit = unit.into_proto()
        return self

    def get_values_count(self) -> int:
        :return: The number of samples in this payload.
        return len(self._proto.values)

    def get_values(self) -> np.ndarray:
        :return: The samples from this payload.
        return np.array(self._proto.values)

    def set_values(
        self, values: np.ndarray, update_value_statistics: bool = False
    ) -> "SamplePayload":
        Set's the values of this payload and optionally updates the statistics.
        :param values: Values to set in this payload.
        :param update_value_statistics: Optional, should the statistics be derived?
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(values, [np.ndarray])
        self._proto.values[:] = list(values)

        if update_value_statistics:

        return self

    def append_value(
        self, value: float, update_value_statistics: bool = False
    ) -> "SamplePayload":
        Appends a single value to the payload.
        :param value: Value to append to the payload.
        :param update_value_statistics: Whether the statistics should be updated.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(value, [int, float])

        if update_value_statistics:

        return self

    def append_values(
        self, values: np.ndarray, update_value_statistics: bool = False
    ) -> "SamplePayload":
        Appends multiple values to this payload.
        :param values: Values to append.
        :param update_value_statistics: Whether the statistics should be updated.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(values, [np.ndarray])

        if update_value_statistics:

        return self

    def clear_values(self, update_value_statistics: bool = False) -> "SamplePayload":
        Clear the values in this payload.
        :param update_value_statistics: Whether the statistics should be updated.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        self._proto.values[:] = []

        if update_value_statistics:

        return self

    def get_summary_statistics(self) -> SummaryStatistics:
        :return: The SummaryStatistics object associated with this payload.
        return self._summary_statistics

    def set_summary_statistics(
        self, summary_statistics: SummaryStatistics
    ) -> "SamplePayload":
        Sets the summary statistics sub-message field.
        :param summary_statistics: SummaryStatistics to set.
        :return: A modified version of self.
        check_type(summary_statistics, [SummaryStatistics])
        self._summary_statistics = SummaryStatistics(self.get_proto().value_statistics)
        return self

def validate_sample_payload(
    sample_payload: SamplePayload,
    payload_name: Optional[str] = None,
    payload_unit: Optional[Unit] = None,
) -> List[str]:
    Validates the sample payload.
    :param sample_payload: Payload to valid.
    :param payload_name: Name of the payload.
    :param payload_unit: Unit of the payload.
    :return: A list of validation errors.
    errors_list = []
    if payload_unit is None:
        if sample_payload.get_unit() not in Unit.__members__.values():
                f"{payload_name if payload_name else 'Sample'} payload unit type is unknown"
        if sample_payload.get_unit() != payload_unit:
                f"{payload_name if payload_name else 'Sample'} payload unit type is not {payload_unit}"
    if sample_payload.get_values_count() < 1:
            f"{payload_name if payload_name else 'Sample'} payload values are missing"
    return errors_list

def sampling_rate_statistics(timestamps: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float]:
    Calculates the mean sample rate in Hz and standard deviation of the sampling rate.
    :param timestamps:
    :return: A tuple containing (mean_sample_rate, stdev_sample_rate)
    sample_interval: np.ndarray = np.diff(timestamps)

    if len(sample_interval) < 2:
        return 0.0, 0.0

    mean_sample_interval: float = sample_interval.mean()
    stdev_sample_interval: float = sample_interval.std()

    if mean_sample_interval <= 0:
        return 0.0, 0.0

    mean_sample_rate: float = 1.0 / dt_utils.microseconds_to_seconds(
    stdev_sample_rate: float = mean_sample_rate ** 2 * dt_utils.microseconds_to_seconds(

    return mean_sample_rate, stdev_sample_rate

# noinspection DuplicatedCode
class TimingPayload(ProtoBase[redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.TimingPayload]):
    Manages collections of timestamps for unevenly sampled data.

    def __init__(self, proto: redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.TimingPayload):
        self._timestamp_statistics: SummaryStatistics = SummaryStatistics(

    def new() -> "TimingPayload":
        :return: A new, empty TimingPayload
        return TimingPayload(redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.TimingPayload())

    def set_default_unit(self) -> "TimingPayload":
        Sets the default unit for this payload
        :return: A modified instance of self
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        return self.set_unit(Unit.MICROSECONDS_SINCE_UNIX_EPOCH)

    def update_timing_statistics_from_timestamps(self, timestamps: np.ndarray) -> "TimingPayload":
        Update the stored statistics from the current set of timestamps.
        :return: A modified instance of self.
        sampling_tuple: Tuple[float, float] = sampling_rate_statistics(timestamps)
        mean_sampling_rate: float = sampling_tuple[0]
        stdev_sampling_rate: float = sampling_tuple[1]
        self._proto.mean_sample_rate = mean_sampling_rate
        self._proto.stdev_sample_rate = stdev_sampling_rate
        return self

    def get_unit(self) -> Unit:
        Returns the timing unit.
        :return: The timing unit.
        # noinspection Mypy
        # pylint: disable=E1101
        return Unit.from_proto(self._proto.unit)

    def set_unit(self, unit: Unit) -> "TimingPayload":
        Sets the timing unit.
        :param unit: Unit to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(unit, [Unit])
        # noinspection Mypy
        self._proto.unit = unit.into_proto()
        return self

    def get_timestamps_count(self) -> int:
        :return: The total number of timestamps stored in this payload
        return len(self._proto.timestamps)

    def get_timestamps(self) -> np.ndarray:
        :return: The timestamps stored in this payload
        return np.array(self._proto.timestamps)

    def set_timestamps(
        self, timestamps: np.ndarray, update_value_statistics: bool = False
    ) -> "TimingPayload":
        Set the timestamps.
        :param timestamps: Timestamps to set.
        :param update_value_statistics: Should the stats be updated?
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(timestamps, [np.ndarray])
        self._proto.timestamps[:] = list(timestamps)

        if update_value_statistics:

        return self

    def append_timestamp(
        self, timestamp: float, update_value_statistics: bool = False
    ) -> "TimingPayload":
        Appends a single timestamp.
        :param timestamp: Timestamp to append.
        :param update_value_statistics: Should the stats be updated?
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(timestamp, [int, float])

        if update_value_statistics:

        return self

    def append_timestamps(
        self, timestamps: np.ndarray, update_value_statistics: bool = False
    ) -> "TimingPayload":
        Append multiple timestamps.
        :param timestamps: Timestamps to append.
        :param update_value_statistics: Should the stats be updated?
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(timestamps, [np.ndarray])

        if update_value_statistics:

        return self

    def clear_timestamps(
        self, update_value_statistics: bool = False
    ) -> "TimingPayload":
        Clears all timestamps.
        :param update_value_statistics: Should the stats be updated?
        :return: A modified instance of self
        self._proto.timestamps[:] = []

        if update_value_statistics:

        return self

    def get_timestamp_statistics(self) -> SummaryStatistics:
        :return: Statistics for these timestamps.
        return self._timestamp_statistics

    def set_timestamp_statistics(
        self, timestamp_statistics: SummaryStatistics
    ) -> "TimingPayload":
        Sets the timestamp statistics.
        :param timestamp_statistics: TimestampStatistics to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self.
        check_type(timestamp_statistics, [SummaryStatistics])
        self._timestamp_statistics = SummaryStatistics(
        return self

    def get_mean_sample_rate(self) -> float:
        :return: The mean sample rate.
        return self._proto.mean_sample_rate

    def set_mean_sample_rate(self, mean_sample_rate: float) -> "TimingPayload":
        Sets the mean sample rate.
        :param mean_sample_rate: Rate to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(mean_sample_rate, [int, float])
        if mean_sample_rate < 0:
            raise errors.ApiMError("mean_sample_rate must be strictly positive")

        self._proto.mean_sample_rate = mean_sample_rate
        return self

    def get_stdev_sample_rate(self) -> float:
        :return: Standard deviation of the sample rate.
        return self._proto.stdev_sample_rate

    def set_stdev_sample_rate(self, stdev_sample_rate: float) -> "TimingPayload":
        Sets the standard deviation of the sample rate.
        :param stdev_sample_rate: Rate to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(stdev_sample_rate, [int, float])
        if stdev_sample_rate < 0:
            raise errors.ApiMError("stdev_sample_rate must be strictly positive")

        self._proto.stdev_sample_rate = stdev_sample_rate
        return self

def validate_timing_payload(timing_payload: TimingPayload) -> List[str]:
    Validates the timing payload.
    :param timing_payload: Payload to validate.
    :return: A list of validation errors.
    errors_list = []
    if timing_payload.get_unit() != Unit.MICROSECONDS_SINCE_UNIX_EPOCH:
            "Timing payload units are not in microseconds since unix epoch"
    if timing_payload.get_timestamps_count() < 1:
        errors_list.append("Timing payload timestamps are missing")
        # we have timestamps, but we have to confirm they always increase in value
        timestamps = timing_payload.get_timestamps()
        if any(timestamps[i] >= timestamps[i + 1] for i in range(len(timestamps) - 1)):
                "Timing payload contains timestamps in non-ascending order"
    return errors_list


def sampling_rate_statistics(timestamps: numpy.ndarray) ‑> Tuple[float, float]

Calculates the mean sample rate in Hz and standard deviation of the sampling rate. :param timestamps: :return: A tuple containing (mean_sample_rate, stdev_sample_rate)

Expand source code
def sampling_rate_statistics(timestamps: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float]:
    Calculates the mean sample rate in Hz and standard deviation of the sampling rate.
    :param timestamps:
    :return: A tuple containing (mean_sample_rate, stdev_sample_rate)
    sample_interval: np.ndarray = np.diff(timestamps)

    if len(sample_interval) < 2:
        return 0.0, 0.0

    mean_sample_interval: float = sample_interval.mean()
    stdev_sample_interval: float = sample_interval.std()

    if mean_sample_interval <= 0:
        return 0.0, 0.0

    mean_sample_rate: float = 1.0 / dt_utils.microseconds_to_seconds(
    stdev_sample_rate: float = mean_sample_rate ** 2 * dt_utils.microseconds_to_seconds(

    return mean_sample_rate, stdev_sample_rate
def validate_sample_payload(sample_payload: SamplePayload, payload_name: Optional[str] = None, payload_unit: Optional[Unit] = None) ‑> List[str]

Validates the sample payload. :param sample_payload: Payload to valid. :param payload_name: Name of the payload. :param payload_unit: Unit of the payload. :return: A list of validation errors.

Expand source code
def validate_sample_payload(
    sample_payload: SamplePayload,
    payload_name: Optional[str] = None,
    payload_unit: Optional[Unit] = None,
) -> List[str]:
    Validates the sample payload.
    :param sample_payload: Payload to valid.
    :param payload_name: Name of the payload.
    :param payload_unit: Unit of the payload.
    :return: A list of validation errors.
    errors_list = []
    if payload_unit is None:
        if sample_payload.get_unit() not in Unit.__members__.values():
                f"{payload_name if payload_name else 'Sample'} payload unit type is unknown"
        if sample_payload.get_unit() != payload_unit:
                f"{payload_name if payload_name else 'Sample'} payload unit type is not {payload_unit}"
    if sample_payload.get_values_count() < 1:
            f"{payload_name if payload_name else 'Sample'} payload values are missing"
    return errors_list
def validate_summary_statistics(stats: SummaryStatistics) ‑> List[str]

Validates the stats. :param stats: Stats to validate. :return: List of validation errors.

Expand source code
def validate_summary_statistics(stats: SummaryStatistics) -> List[str]:
    Validates the stats.
    :param stats: Stats to validate.
    :return: List of validation errors.
    errors_list = []
    if stats.get_count() < 1:
        errors_list.append("Summary statistics contains less than 1 element")
    return errors_list
def validate_timing_payload(timing_payload: TimingPayload) ‑> List[str]

Validates the timing payload. :param timing_payload: Payload to validate. :return: A list of validation errors.

Expand source code
def validate_timing_payload(timing_payload: TimingPayload) -> List[str]:
    Validates the timing payload.
    :param timing_payload: Payload to validate.
    :return: A list of validation errors.
    errors_list = []
    if timing_payload.get_unit() != Unit.MICROSECONDS_SINCE_UNIX_EPOCH:
            "Timing payload units are not in microseconds since unix epoch"
    if timing_payload.get_timestamps_count() < 1:
        errors_list.append("Timing payload timestamps are missing")
        # we have timestamps, but we have to confirm they always increase in value
        timestamps = timing_payload.get_timestamps()
        if any(timestamps[i] >= timestamps[i + 1] for i in range(len(timestamps) - 1)):
                "Timing payload contains timestamps in non-ascending order"
    return errors_list


class SamplePayload (proto: Union[src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.SamplePayload, src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.DoubleSamplePayload])

A class for managing sensor samples and the corresponding statistics.

Expand source code
class SamplePayload(
    A class for managing sensor samples and the corresponding statistics.

    def __init__(
        proto: Union[
        self._summary_statistics: SummaryStatistics = SummaryStatistics(

    def new() -> "SamplePayload":
        :return: A new, empty SamplePayload
        return SamplePayload(redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.SamplePayload())

    def get_unit(self) -> Unit:
        :return: The unit of this payload.
        # noinspection Mypy
        # pylint: disable=E1101
        return Unit.from_proto(self._proto.unit)

    def set_unit(self, unit: Unit) -> "SamplePayload":
        Sets the unit of this payload.
        :param unit: Unit to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(unit, [Unit])
        # noinspection Mypy
        self._proto.unit = unit.into_proto()
        return self

    def get_values_count(self) -> int:
        :return: The number of samples in this payload.
        return len(self._proto.values)

    def get_values(self) -> np.ndarray:
        :return: The samples from this payload.
        return np.array(self._proto.values)

    def set_values(
        self, values: np.ndarray, update_value_statistics: bool = False
    ) -> "SamplePayload":
        Set's the values of this payload and optionally updates the statistics.
        :param values: Values to set in this payload.
        :param update_value_statistics: Optional, should the statistics be derived?
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(values, [np.ndarray])
        self._proto.values[:] = list(values)

        if update_value_statistics:

        return self

    def append_value(
        self, value: float, update_value_statistics: bool = False
    ) -> "SamplePayload":
        Appends a single value to the payload.
        :param value: Value to append to the payload.
        :param update_value_statistics: Whether the statistics should be updated.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(value, [int, float])

        if update_value_statistics:

        return self

    def append_values(
        self, values: np.ndarray, update_value_statistics: bool = False
    ) -> "SamplePayload":
        Appends multiple values to this payload.
        :param values: Values to append.
        :param update_value_statistics: Whether the statistics should be updated.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(values, [np.ndarray])

        if update_value_statistics:

        return self

    def clear_values(self, update_value_statistics: bool = False) -> "SamplePayload":
        Clear the values in this payload.
        :param update_value_statistics: Whether the statistics should be updated.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        self._proto.values[:] = []

        if update_value_statistics:

        return self

    def get_summary_statistics(self) -> SummaryStatistics:
        :return: The SummaryStatistics object associated with this payload.
        return self._summary_statistics

    def set_summary_statistics(
        self, summary_statistics: SummaryStatistics
    ) -> "SamplePayload":
        Sets the summary statistics sub-message field.
        :param summary_statistics: SummaryStatistics to set.
        :return: A modified version of self.
        check_type(summary_statistics, [SummaryStatistics])
        self._summary_statistics = SummaryStatistics(self.get_proto().value_statistics)
        return self


Static methods

def new() ‑> SamplePayload

:return: A new, empty SamplePayload

Expand source code
def new() -> "SamplePayload":
    :return: A new, empty SamplePayload
    return SamplePayload(redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.SamplePayload())


def append_value(self, value: float, update_value_statistics: bool = False) ‑> SamplePayload

Appends a single value to the payload. :param value: Value to append to the payload. :param update_value_statistics: Whether the statistics should be updated. :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def append_value(
    self, value: float, update_value_statistics: bool = False
) -> "SamplePayload":
    Appends a single value to the payload.
    :param value: Value to append to the payload.
    :param update_value_statistics: Whether the statistics should be updated.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    check_type(value, [int, float])

    if update_value_statistics:

    return self
def append_values(self, values: numpy.ndarray, update_value_statistics: bool = False) ‑> SamplePayload

Appends multiple values to this payload. :param values: Values to append. :param update_value_statistics: Whether the statistics should be updated. :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def append_values(
    self, values: np.ndarray, update_value_statistics: bool = False
) -> "SamplePayload":
    Appends multiple values to this payload.
    :param values: Values to append.
    :param update_value_statistics: Whether the statistics should be updated.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    check_type(values, [np.ndarray])

    if update_value_statistics:

    return self
def clear_values(self, update_value_statistics: bool = False) ‑> SamplePayload

Clear the values in this payload. :param update_value_statistics: Whether the statistics should be updated. :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def clear_values(self, update_value_statistics: bool = False) -> "SamplePayload":
    Clear the values in this payload.
    :param update_value_statistics: Whether the statistics should be updated.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    self._proto.values[:] = []

    if update_value_statistics:

    return self
def get_summary_statistics(self) ‑> SummaryStatistics

:return: The SummaryStatistics object associated with this payload.

Expand source code
def get_summary_statistics(self) -> SummaryStatistics:
    :return: The SummaryStatistics object associated with this payload.
    return self._summary_statistics
def get_unit(self) ‑> Unit

:return: The unit of this payload.

Expand source code
def get_unit(self) -> Unit:
    :return: The unit of this payload.
    # noinspection Mypy
    # pylint: disable=E1101
    return Unit.from_proto(self._proto.unit)
def get_values(self) ‑> numpy.ndarray

:return: The samples from this payload.

Expand source code
def get_values(self) -> np.ndarray:
    :return: The samples from this payload.
    return np.array(self._proto.values)
def get_values_count(self) ‑> int

:return: The number of samples in this payload.

Expand source code
def get_values_count(self) -> int:
    :return: The number of samples in this payload.
    return len(self._proto.values)
def set_summary_statistics(self, summary_statistics: SummaryStatistics) ‑> SamplePayload

Sets the summary statistics sub-message field. :param summary_statistics: SummaryStatistics to set. :return: A modified version of self.

Expand source code
def set_summary_statistics(
    self, summary_statistics: SummaryStatistics
) -> "SamplePayload":
    Sets the summary statistics sub-message field.
    :param summary_statistics: SummaryStatistics to set.
    :return: A modified version of self.
    check_type(summary_statistics, [SummaryStatistics])
    self._summary_statistics = SummaryStatistics(self.get_proto().value_statistics)
    return self
def set_unit(self, unit: Unit) ‑> SamplePayload

Sets the unit of this payload. :param unit: Unit to set. :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_unit(self, unit: Unit) -> "SamplePayload":
    Sets the unit of this payload.
    :param unit: Unit to set.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    check_type(unit, [Unit])
    # noinspection Mypy
    self._proto.unit = unit.into_proto()
    return self
def set_values(self, values: numpy.ndarray, update_value_statistics: bool = False) ‑> SamplePayload

Set's the values of this payload and optionally updates the statistics. :param values: Values to set in this payload. :param update_value_statistics: Optional, should the statistics be derived? :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_values(
    self, values: np.ndarray, update_value_statistics: bool = False
) -> "SamplePayload":
    Set's the values of this payload and optionally updates the statistics.
    :param values: Values to set in this payload.
    :param update_value_statistics: Optional, should the statistics be derived?
    :return: A modified instance of self
    check_type(values, [np.ndarray])
    self._proto.values[:] = list(values)

    if update_value_statistics:

    return self

Inherited members

class SummaryStatistics (proto: src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.SummaryStatistics)

Encapsulates the API M SummaryStatistics protobuf message type and provides automatic stat updates from values.

Expand source code
class SummaryStatistics(ProtoBase[redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.SummaryStatistics]):
    Encapsulates the API M SummaryStatistics protobuf message type and provides automatic stat updates from values.

    def __init__(self, proto: redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.SummaryStatistics):

    def new() -> "SummaryStatistics":
        Returns a new SummaryStatistics instance backed by a default SummaryStatistics protobuf message.
        :return: A new SummaryStatistics instance backed by a default SummaryStatistics protobuf message.
        proto: redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.SummaryStatistics = (
        return SummaryStatistics(proto)

    def get_count(self) -> float:
        Returns the count of values that were used to calculate these statistics.
        :return: The count of values that were used to calculate these statistics.
        return self._proto.count

    def set_count(self, count: float) -> "SummaryStatistics":
        Sets the count of values that were used to calculate these statistics.
        :param count:
        check_type(count, [int, float])

        self._proto.count = count
        return self

    def get_mean(self) -> float:
        :return: The mean.
        return self._proto.mean

    def set_mean(self, mean: float) -> "SummaryStatistics":
        Sets the mean.
        :param mean: Mean to set.
        :return: A modified instance of this
        check_type(mean, [int, float])

        self._proto.mean = mean
        return self

    def get_standard_deviation(self) -> float:
        :return: The standard deviation.
        return self._proto.standard_deviation

    def set_standard_deviation(self, standard_deviation: float) -> "SummaryStatistics":
        Set's the standard deviation.
        :param standard_deviation: Standard deviation to set.
        :return: A modified instance of this
        check_type(standard_deviation, [int, float])

        self._proto.standard_deviation = standard_deviation
        return self

    def get_min(self) -> float:
        :return: The minimum.
        return self._proto.min

    def set_min(self, min_value: float) -> "SummaryStatistics":
        Sets the min value.
        :param min_value: Value to set.
        :return: A modified instance of this
        check_type(min_value, [int, float])

        self._proto.min = min_value
        return self

    def get_max(self) -> float:
        :return: The max.
        return self._proto.max

    def set_max(self, max_value: float) -> "SummaryStatistics":
        Sets the max.
        :param max_value: Value to set.
        :return: A modified instance of this.
        check_type(max_value, [int, float])

        self._proto.max = max_value
        return self

    def get_range(self) -> float:
        :return: The range.
        return self._proto.range

    def set_range(self, range_value: float) -> "SummaryStatistics":
        Sets the range.
        :param range_value: Range to set.
        :return: A modified instance of this
        check_type(range_value, [int, float])

        self._proto.range = range_value
        return self

    def update_from_values(self, values: np.ndarray) -> "SummaryStatistics":
        Updates the statistics from the given values.
        :param values: Values to derive statistics from.
        :return: A modified instance of this
        check_type(values, [np.ndarray])

        if none_or_empty(values):
            raise errors.SummaryStatisticsError(
                "No values supplied for updating statistics"

        self._proto.count = len(values)
        self._proto.mean = values.mean()
        self._proto.standard_deviation = values.std()
        # noinspection PyArgumentList
        self._proto.min = values.min()
        # noinspection PyArgumentList
        self._proto.max = values.max()
        self._proto.range = self._proto.max - self._proto.min
        return self


Static methods

def new() ‑> SummaryStatistics

Returns a new SummaryStatistics instance backed by a default SummaryStatistics protobuf message. :return: A new SummaryStatistics instance backed by a default SummaryStatistics protobuf message.

Expand source code
def new() -> "SummaryStatistics":
    Returns a new SummaryStatistics instance backed by a default SummaryStatistics protobuf message.
    :return: A new SummaryStatistics instance backed by a default SummaryStatistics protobuf message.
    proto: redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.SummaryStatistics = (
    return SummaryStatistics(proto)


def get_count(self) ‑> float

Returns the count of values that were used to calculate these statistics. :return: The count of values that were used to calculate these statistics.

Expand source code
def get_count(self) -> float:
    Returns the count of values that were used to calculate these statistics.
    :return: The count of values that were used to calculate these statistics.
    return self._proto.count
def get_max(self) ‑> float

:return: The max.

Expand source code
def get_max(self) -> float:
    :return: The max.
    return self._proto.max
def get_mean(self) ‑> float

:return: The mean.

Expand source code
def get_mean(self) -> float:
    :return: The mean.
    return self._proto.mean
def get_min(self) ‑> float

:return: The minimum.

Expand source code
def get_min(self) -> float:
    :return: The minimum.
    return self._proto.min
def get_range(self) ‑> float

:return: The range.

Expand source code
def get_range(self) -> float:
    :return: The range.
    return self._proto.range
def get_standard_deviation(self) ‑> float

:return: The standard deviation.

Expand source code
def get_standard_deviation(self) -> float:
    :return: The standard deviation.
    return self._proto.standard_deviation
def set_count(self, count: float) ‑> SummaryStatistics

Sets the count of values that were used to calculate these statistics. :param count: :return:

Expand source code
def set_count(self, count: float) -> "SummaryStatistics":
    Sets the count of values that were used to calculate these statistics.
    :param count:
    check_type(count, [int, float])

    self._proto.count = count
    return self
def set_max(self, max_value: float) ‑> SummaryStatistics

Sets the max. :param max_value: Value to set. :return: A modified instance of this.

Expand source code
def set_max(self, max_value: float) -> "SummaryStatistics":
    Sets the max.
    :param max_value: Value to set.
    :return: A modified instance of this.
    check_type(max_value, [int, float])

    self._proto.max = max_value
    return self
def set_mean(self, mean: float) ‑> SummaryStatistics

Sets the mean. :param mean: Mean to set. :return: A modified instance of this

Expand source code
def set_mean(self, mean: float) -> "SummaryStatistics":
    Sets the mean.
    :param mean: Mean to set.
    :return: A modified instance of this
    check_type(mean, [int, float])

    self._proto.mean = mean
    return self
def set_min(self, min_value: float) ‑> SummaryStatistics

Sets the min value. :param min_value: Value to set. :return: A modified instance of this

Expand source code
def set_min(self, min_value: float) -> "SummaryStatistics":
    Sets the min value.
    :param min_value: Value to set.
    :return: A modified instance of this
    check_type(min_value, [int, float])

    self._proto.min = min_value
    return self
def set_range(self, range_value: float) ‑> SummaryStatistics

Sets the range. :param range_value: Range to set. :return: A modified instance of this

Expand source code
def set_range(self, range_value: float) -> "SummaryStatistics":
    Sets the range.
    :param range_value: Range to set.
    :return: A modified instance of this
    check_type(range_value, [int, float])

    self._proto.range = range_value
    return self
def set_standard_deviation(self, standard_deviation: float) ‑> SummaryStatistics

Set's the standard deviation. :param standard_deviation: Standard deviation to set. :return: A modified instance of this

Expand source code
def set_standard_deviation(self, standard_deviation: float) -> "SummaryStatistics":
    Set's the standard deviation.
    :param standard_deviation: Standard deviation to set.
    :return: A modified instance of this
    check_type(standard_deviation, [int, float])

    self._proto.standard_deviation = standard_deviation
    return self
def update_from_values(self, values: numpy.ndarray) ‑> SummaryStatistics

Updates the statistics from the given values. :param values: Values to derive statistics from. :return: A modified instance of this

Expand source code
def update_from_values(self, values: np.ndarray) -> "SummaryStatistics":
    Updates the statistics from the given values.
    :param values: Values to derive statistics from.
    :return: A modified instance of this
    check_type(values, [np.ndarray])

    if none_or_empty(values):
        raise errors.SummaryStatisticsError(
            "No values supplied for updating statistics"

    self._proto.count = len(values)
    self._proto.mean = values.mean()
    self._proto.standard_deviation = values.std()
    # noinspection PyArgumentList
    self._proto.min = values.min()
    # noinspection PyArgumentList
    self._proto.max = values.max()
    self._proto.range = self._proto.max - self._proto.min
    return self

Inherited members

class TimingPayload (proto: src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.TimingPayload)

Manages collections of timestamps for unevenly sampled data.

Expand source code
class TimingPayload(ProtoBase[redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.TimingPayload]):
    Manages collections of timestamps for unevenly sampled data.

    def __init__(self, proto: redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.TimingPayload):
        self._timestamp_statistics: SummaryStatistics = SummaryStatistics(

    def new() -> "TimingPayload":
        :return: A new, empty TimingPayload
        return TimingPayload(redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.TimingPayload())

    def set_default_unit(self) -> "TimingPayload":
        Sets the default unit for this payload
        :return: A modified instance of self
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        return self.set_unit(Unit.MICROSECONDS_SINCE_UNIX_EPOCH)

    def update_timing_statistics_from_timestamps(self, timestamps: np.ndarray) -> "TimingPayload":
        Update the stored statistics from the current set of timestamps.
        :return: A modified instance of self.
        sampling_tuple: Tuple[float, float] = sampling_rate_statistics(timestamps)
        mean_sampling_rate: float = sampling_tuple[0]
        stdev_sampling_rate: float = sampling_tuple[1]
        self._proto.mean_sample_rate = mean_sampling_rate
        self._proto.stdev_sample_rate = stdev_sampling_rate
        return self

    def get_unit(self) -> Unit:
        Returns the timing unit.
        :return: The timing unit.
        # noinspection Mypy
        # pylint: disable=E1101
        return Unit.from_proto(self._proto.unit)

    def set_unit(self, unit: Unit) -> "TimingPayload":
        Sets the timing unit.
        :param unit: Unit to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(unit, [Unit])
        # noinspection Mypy
        self._proto.unit = unit.into_proto()
        return self

    def get_timestamps_count(self) -> int:
        :return: The total number of timestamps stored in this payload
        return len(self._proto.timestamps)

    def get_timestamps(self) -> np.ndarray:
        :return: The timestamps stored in this payload
        return np.array(self._proto.timestamps)

    def set_timestamps(
        self, timestamps: np.ndarray, update_value_statistics: bool = False
    ) -> "TimingPayload":
        Set the timestamps.
        :param timestamps: Timestamps to set.
        :param update_value_statistics: Should the stats be updated?
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(timestamps, [np.ndarray])
        self._proto.timestamps[:] = list(timestamps)

        if update_value_statistics:

        return self

    def append_timestamp(
        self, timestamp: float, update_value_statistics: bool = False
    ) -> "TimingPayload":
        Appends a single timestamp.
        :param timestamp: Timestamp to append.
        :param update_value_statistics: Should the stats be updated?
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(timestamp, [int, float])

        if update_value_statistics:

        return self

    def append_timestamps(
        self, timestamps: np.ndarray, update_value_statistics: bool = False
    ) -> "TimingPayload":
        Append multiple timestamps.
        :param timestamps: Timestamps to append.
        :param update_value_statistics: Should the stats be updated?
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(timestamps, [np.ndarray])

        if update_value_statistics:

        return self

    def clear_timestamps(
        self, update_value_statistics: bool = False
    ) -> "TimingPayload":
        Clears all timestamps.
        :param update_value_statistics: Should the stats be updated?
        :return: A modified instance of self
        self._proto.timestamps[:] = []

        if update_value_statistics:

        return self

    def get_timestamp_statistics(self) -> SummaryStatistics:
        :return: Statistics for these timestamps.
        return self._timestamp_statistics

    def set_timestamp_statistics(
        self, timestamp_statistics: SummaryStatistics
    ) -> "TimingPayload":
        Sets the timestamp statistics.
        :param timestamp_statistics: TimestampStatistics to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self.
        check_type(timestamp_statistics, [SummaryStatistics])
        self._timestamp_statistics = SummaryStatistics(
        return self

    def get_mean_sample_rate(self) -> float:
        :return: The mean sample rate.
        return self._proto.mean_sample_rate

    def set_mean_sample_rate(self, mean_sample_rate: float) -> "TimingPayload":
        Sets the mean sample rate.
        :param mean_sample_rate: Rate to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(mean_sample_rate, [int, float])
        if mean_sample_rate < 0:
            raise errors.ApiMError("mean_sample_rate must be strictly positive")

        self._proto.mean_sample_rate = mean_sample_rate
        return self

    def get_stdev_sample_rate(self) -> float:
        :return: Standard deviation of the sample rate.
        return self._proto.stdev_sample_rate

    def set_stdev_sample_rate(self, stdev_sample_rate: float) -> "TimingPayload":
        Sets the standard deviation of the sample rate.
        :param stdev_sample_rate: Rate to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        check_type(stdev_sample_rate, [int, float])
        if stdev_sample_rate < 0:
            raise errors.ApiMError("stdev_sample_rate must be strictly positive")

        self._proto.stdev_sample_rate = stdev_sample_rate
        return self


Static methods

def new() ‑> TimingPayload

:return: A new, empty TimingPayload

Expand source code
def new() -> "TimingPayload":
    :return: A new, empty TimingPayload
    return TimingPayload(redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.TimingPayload())


def append_timestamp(self, timestamp: float, update_value_statistics: bool = False) ‑> TimingPayload

Appends a single timestamp. :param timestamp: Timestamp to append. :param update_value_statistics: Should the stats be updated? :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def append_timestamp(
    self, timestamp: float, update_value_statistics: bool = False
) -> "TimingPayload":
    Appends a single timestamp.
    :param timestamp: Timestamp to append.
    :param update_value_statistics: Should the stats be updated?
    :return: A modified instance of self
    check_type(timestamp, [int, float])

    if update_value_statistics:

    return self
def append_timestamps(self, timestamps: numpy.ndarray, update_value_statistics: bool = False) ‑> TimingPayload

Append multiple timestamps. :param timestamps: Timestamps to append. :param update_value_statistics: Should the stats be updated? :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def append_timestamps(
    self, timestamps: np.ndarray, update_value_statistics: bool = False
) -> "TimingPayload":
    Append multiple timestamps.
    :param timestamps: Timestamps to append.
    :param update_value_statistics: Should the stats be updated?
    :return: A modified instance of self
    check_type(timestamps, [np.ndarray])

    if update_value_statistics:

    return self
def clear_timestamps(self, update_value_statistics: bool = False) ‑> TimingPayload

Clears all timestamps. :param update_value_statistics: Should the stats be updated? :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def clear_timestamps(
    self, update_value_statistics: bool = False
) -> "TimingPayload":
    Clears all timestamps.
    :param update_value_statistics: Should the stats be updated?
    :return: A modified instance of self
    self._proto.timestamps[:] = []

    if update_value_statistics:

    return self
def get_mean_sample_rate(self) ‑> float

:return: The mean sample rate.

Expand source code
def get_mean_sample_rate(self) -> float:
    :return: The mean sample rate.
    return self._proto.mean_sample_rate
def get_stdev_sample_rate(self) ‑> float

:return: Standard deviation of the sample rate.

Expand source code
def get_stdev_sample_rate(self) -> float:
    :return: Standard deviation of the sample rate.
    return self._proto.stdev_sample_rate
def get_timestamp_statistics(self) ‑> SummaryStatistics

:return: Statistics for these timestamps.

Expand source code
def get_timestamp_statistics(self) -> SummaryStatistics:
    :return: Statistics for these timestamps.
    return self._timestamp_statistics
def get_timestamps(self) ‑> numpy.ndarray

:return: The timestamps stored in this payload

Expand source code
def get_timestamps(self) -> np.ndarray:
    :return: The timestamps stored in this payload
    return np.array(self._proto.timestamps)
def get_timestamps_count(self) ‑> int

:return: The total number of timestamps stored in this payload

Expand source code
def get_timestamps_count(self) -> int:
    :return: The total number of timestamps stored in this payload
    return len(self._proto.timestamps)
def get_unit(self) ‑> Unit

Returns the timing unit. :return: The timing unit.

Expand source code
def get_unit(self) -> Unit:
    Returns the timing unit.
    :return: The timing unit.
    # noinspection Mypy
    # pylint: disable=E1101
    return Unit.from_proto(self._proto.unit)
def set_default_unit(self) ‑> TimingPayload

Sets the default unit for this payload :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_default_unit(self) -> "TimingPayload":
    Sets the default unit for this payload
    :return: A modified instance of self
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    return self.set_unit(Unit.MICROSECONDS_SINCE_UNIX_EPOCH)
def set_mean_sample_rate(self, mean_sample_rate: float) ‑> TimingPayload

Sets the mean sample rate. :param mean_sample_rate: Rate to set. :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_mean_sample_rate(self, mean_sample_rate: float) -> "TimingPayload":
    Sets the mean sample rate.
    :param mean_sample_rate: Rate to set.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    check_type(mean_sample_rate, [int, float])
    if mean_sample_rate < 0:
        raise errors.ApiMError("mean_sample_rate must be strictly positive")

    self._proto.mean_sample_rate = mean_sample_rate
    return self
def set_stdev_sample_rate(self, stdev_sample_rate: float) ‑> TimingPayload

Sets the standard deviation of the sample rate. :param stdev_sample_rate: Rate to set. :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_stdev_sample_rate(self, stdev_sample_rate: float) -> "TimingPayload":
    Sets the standard deviation of the sample rate.
    :param stdev_sample_rate: Rate to set.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    check_type(stdev_sample_rate, [int, float])
    if stdev_sample_rate < 0:
        raise errors.ApiMError("stdev_sample_rate must be strictly positive")

    self._proto.stdev_sample_rate = stdev_sample_rate
    return self
def set_timestamp_statistics(self, timestamp_statistics: SummaryStatistics) ‑> TimingPayload

Sets the timestamp statistics. :param timestamp_statistics: TimestampStatistics to set. :return: A modified instance of self.

Expand source code
def set_timestamp_statistics(
    self, timestamp_statistics: SummaryStatistics
) -> "TimingPayload":
    Sets the timestamp statistics.
    :param timestamp_statistics: TimestampStatistics to set.
    :return: A modified instance of self.
    check_type(timestamp_statistics, [SummaryStatistics])
    self._timestamp_statistics = SummaryStatistics(
    return self
def set_timestamps(self, timestamps: numpy.ndarray, update_value_statistics: bool = False) ‑> TimingPayload

Set the timestamps. :param timestamps: Timestamps to set. :param update_value_statistics: Should the stats be updated? :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_timestamps(
    self, timestamps: np.ndarray, update_value_statistics: bool = False
) -> "TimingPayload":
    Set the timestamps.
    :param timestamps: Timestamps to set.
    :param update_value_statistics: Should the stats be updated?
    :return: A modified instance of self
    check_type(timestamps, [np.ndarray])
    self._proto.timestamps[:] = list(timestamps)

    if update_value_statistics:

    return self
def set_unit(self, unit: Unit) ‑> TimingPayload

Sets the timing unit. :param unit: Unit to set. :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_unit(self, unit: Unit) -> "TimingPayload":
    Sets the timing unit.
    :param unit: Unit to set.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    check_type(unit, [Unit])
    # noinspection Mypy
    self._proto.unit = unit.into_proto()
    return self
def update_timing_statistics_from_timestamps(self, timestamps: numpy.ndarray) ‑> TimingPayload

Update the stored statistics from the current set of timestamps. :return: A modified instance of self.

Expand source code
def update_timing_statistics_from_timestamps(self, timestamps: np.ndarray) -> "TimingPayload":
    Update the stored statistics from the current set of timestamps.
    :return: A modified instance of self.
    sampling_tuple: Tuple[float, float] = sampling_rate_statistics(timestamps)
    mean_sampling_rate: float = sampling_tuple[0]
    stdev_sampling_rate: float = sampling_tuple[1]
    self._proto.mean_sample_rate = mean_sampling_rate
    self._proto.stdev_sample_rate = stdev_sampling_rate
    return self

Inherited members

class Unit (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

Standard units expected to be used within API M.

Expand source code
class Unit(enum.Enum):
    Standard units expected to be used within API M.

    UNKNOWN: int = 0
    KILOPASCAL: int = 2
    DECIMAL_DEGREES: int = 4
    METERS: int = 5
    METERS_PER_SECOND: int = 6
    MICROTESLA: int = 7
    DECIBEL: int = 10
    DEGREES_CELSIUS: int = 11
    BYTE: int = 12
    PERCENTAGE: int = 13
    RADIANS: int = 14
    MICROAMPERES: int = 15
    CENTIMETERS: int = 16
    LUX: int = 18
    UNITLESS: int = 19
    PCM: int = 20


  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var BYTE : int
var DECIBEL : int
var KILOPASCAL : int
var LUX : int
var METERS : int
var MICROTESLA : int
var PCM : int
var PERCENTAGE : int
var RADIANS : int
var UNITLESS : int
var UNKNOWN : int
var from_proto

Standard units expected to be used within API M.


def into_proto(self)
Expand source code
setattr(enum, "into_proto", lambda self: proto_type.Value(