
This module encapsulates audio sensor metadata and data.

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This module encapsulates audio sensor metadata and data.

import enum
from datetime import timedelta
from typing import List

import numpy as np

import redvox.api1000.common.common as common
from redvox.api1000.common.decorators import wrap_enum
import redvox.api1000.common.generic
import redvox.api1000.common.typing
import redvox.api1000.proto.redvox_api_m_pb2 as redvox_api_m_pb2
from redvox.api1000.wrapped_redvox_packet.station_information import AudioSamplingRate

class Audio(
    This class encapsulates audio metadata and data.

    def __init__(self, proto: redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.Audio):
        self._samples: common.SamplePayload = common.SamplePayload(proto.samples)

    def new() -> "Audio":
        :return: A new, empty Audio sensor instance.
        proto: redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.Audio = (
        return Audio(proto)

    def get_sensor_description(self) -> str:
        :return: This sensor's description.
        return self._proto.sensor_description

    def set_sensor_description(self, sensor_description: str) -> "Audio":
        Sets this sensor's description.
        :param sensor_description: Description to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(sensor_description, [str])
        self._proto.sensor_description = sensor_description
        return self

    def get_first_sample_timestamp(self) -> float:
        :return: The machine timestamp associated with the first audio sample.
        return self._proto.first_sample_timestamp

    def set_first_sample_timestamp(self, first_sample_timestamp: float) -> "Audio":
        Sets the machine timestamp that corresponds to the first audio sample.
        :param first_sample_timestamp: Timestamp to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(first_sample_timestamp, [float, int])
        self._proto.first_sample_timestamp = first_sample_timestamp
        return self

    def get_sample_rate(self) -> float:
        :return: The sampling rate in Hz
        return self._proto.sample_rate

    def set_sample_rate(self, sample_rate: float) -> "Audio":
        Sets the sampling rate.
        :param sample_rate: Sampling rate Hz.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(sample_rate, [int, float])
        self._proto.sample_rate = sample_rate
        return self

    def get_bits_of_precision(self) -> float:
        :return: Returns the bits of precision or dynamic range of the audio samples.
        return self._proto.bits_of_precision

    def set_bits_of_precision(self, bits_of_precision: float) -> "Audio":
        Set the bits or precision (dynamic range) of the audio samples.
        :param bits_of_precision: Bits of precision
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(bits_of_precision, [int, float])
        self._proto.bits_of_precision = bits_of_precision
        return self

    def get_is_scrambled(self) -> bool:
        :return: If this audio has been scrambled to remove potential voice data.
        return self._proto.is_scrambled

    def set_is_scrambled(self, is_scrambled: bool) -> "Audio":
        Sets if the audio has been scrambled or not.
        :param is_scrambled: True if scrambled, False otherwise
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(is_scrambled, [bool])
        self._proto.is_scrambled = is_scrambled
        return self

    def get_encoding(self) -> str:
        :return: The audio encoding scheme as defined by the app.
        return self._proto.encoding

    def set_encoding(self, encoding: str) -> "Audio":
        Sets the audio encoding scheme.
        :param encoding: Encoding to use.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(encoding, [str])
        self._proto.encoding = encoding
        return self

    def get_samples(self) -> common.SamplePayload:
        :return: The sample payload associated with the audio sensor.
        return self._samples

    def set_samples(self, audio_samples: common.SamplePayload) -> "Audio":
        Sets the SamplePayload associated with the audio sensor.
        :param audio_samples:
        self._samples = common.SamplePayload(self.get_proto().samples)
        return self

    def get_num_samples(self) -> int:
        :return: The number of audio samples stored in this packet.
        return self.get_samples().get_values_count()

    def get_duration(self) -> timedelta:
        :return: Duration of this packet represented as a timedelta
        return timedelta(seconds=self.get_duration_s())

    def get_duration_s(self) -> float:
        calculate the duration of the audio data in seconds
        :return: duration of audio data in seconds
        return float(self.get_num_samples()) / self.get_sample_rate()

def validate_audio(audio_sensor: Audio) -> List[str]:
    Validates the audio sensor.
    :param audio_sensor: Audio sensor to validate.
    :return: A list of validation errors.
    # todo: add default audio unit, normalization factor if needed
    errors_list = common.validate_sample_payload(audio_sensor.get_samples(), "Audio")
    # if audio_sensor.get_samples().get_values_count() > 0:
    #     if np.min(audio_sensor.get_samples().get_values()) < -1.0:
    #         errors_list.append(
    #             "Audio minimum value of samples cannot be less than -1.0"
    #         )
    #     if np.max(audio_sensor.get_samples().get_values()) > 1.0:
    #         errors_list.append(
    #             "Audio maximum value of samples cannot be greater than 1.0"
    #         )
    if audio_sensor.get_first_sample_timestamp() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Audio first sample timestamp is default value")
    if AudioSamplingRate.from_sampling_rate(audio_sensor.get_sample_rate()) is None:
        errors_list.append("Audio sample rate is not a valid value")
    return errors_list

# noinspection Mypy
class AudioCodec(enum.Enum):
    Audio codec used for compressed audio streams

    UNKNOWN: int = 0
    FLAC: int = 1

class CompressedAudio(
    Encapsulates metadata and data for compressed audio streams.

    def new() -> "CompressedAudio":
        :return: A new, empty CompressedAudio sensor instance
        proto: redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.CompressedAudio = (
        return CompressedAudio(proto)

    def get_sensor_description(self) -> str:
        :return: This sensor's description.
        return self._proto.sensor_description

    def set_sensor_description(self, sensor_description: str) -> "CompressedAudio":
        Sets this sensor's description.
        :param sensor_description: Description to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(sensor_description, [str])
        self._proto.sensor_description = sensor_description
        return self

    def get_first_sample_timestamp(self) -> float:
        :return: The machine timestamp associated with the first audio sample.
        return self._proto.first_sample_timestamp

    def set_first_sample_timestamp(
        self, first_sample_timestamp: float
    ) -> "CompressedAudio":
        Sets the machine timestamp that corresponds to the first audio sample.
        :param first_sample_timestamp: Timestamp to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(first_sample_timestamp, [float, int])
        self._proto.first_sample_timestamp = first_sample_timestamp
        return self

    def get_sample_rate(self) -> float:
        :return: The sampling rate in Hz
        return self._proto.sample_rate

    def set_sample_rate(self, sample_rate: float) -> "CompressedAudio":
        Sets the sampling rate.
        :param sample_rate: Sampling rate Hz.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(sample_rate, [int, float])
        self._proto.sample_rate = sample_rate
        return self

    def get_is_scrambled(self) -> bool:
        :return: If this audio has been scrambled to remove potential voice data.
        return self._proto.is_scrambled

    def set_is_scrambled(self, is_scrambled: bool) -> "CompressedAudio":
        Sets if the audio has been scrambled or not.
        :param is_scrambled: True if scrambled, False otherwise
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(is_scrambled, [bool])
        self._proto.is_scrambled = is_scrambled
        return self

    def get_audio_bytes(self) -> bytes:
        :return: The compressed bytes that make up the audio stream
        return self._proto.audio_bytes

    def set_audio_bytes(self, audio_bytes: bytes) -> "CompressedAudio":
        Set the bytes that make up the compressed audio stream
        :param audio_bytes:
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(audio_bytes, [bytes])
        self._proto.audio_bytes = audio_bytes
        return self

    def get_audio_codec(self) -> AudioCodec:
        :return: The audio codec used to compress the audio
        # noinspection Mypy
        return self._proto.audio_codec

    def set_audio_codec(self, audio_codec: AudioCodec) -> "CompressedAudio":
        Sets the audio codec used to compress this audio stream
        :param audio_codec: Audio codec used to compress this stream
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(audio_codec, [AudioCodec])
        self.get_proto().audio_codec = (
        return self

def validate_compressed_audio(compress_audio: CompressedAudio) -> List[str]:
    Validates compressed audio.
    :param compress_audio: CompressedAudio to validate.
    :return: A list of validation errors.
    errors_list = []
    if len(compress_audio.get_audio_bytes()) < 1:
        errors_list.append("Compressed Audio sample audio bytes is empty.")
    if compress_audio.get_first_sample_timestamp() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Compressed Audio first sample timestamp is default value")
    if AudioSamplingRate.from_sampling_rate(compress_audio.get_sample_rate()) is None:
        errors_list.append("Compressed Audio sample rate is not a valid value")
    return errors_list


def validate_audio(audio_sensor: Audio) ‑> List[str]

Validates the audio sensor. :param audio_sensor: Audio sensor to validate. :return: A list of validation errors.

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def validate_audio(audio_sensor: Audio) -> List[str]:
    Validates the audio sensor.
    :param audio_sensor: Audio sensor to validate.
    :return: A list of validation errors.
    # todo: add default audio unit, normalization factor if needed
    errors_list = common.validate_sample_payload(audio_sensor.get_samples(), "Audio")
    # if audio_sensor.get_samples().get_values_count() > 0:
    #     if np.min(audio_sensor.get_samples().get_values()) < -1.0:
    #         errors_list.append(
    #             "Audio minimum value of samples cannot be less than -1.0"
    #         )
    #     if np.max(audio_sensor.get_samples().get_values()) > 1.0:
    #         errors_list.append(
    #             "Audio maximum value of samples cannot be greater than 1.0"
    #         )
    if audio_sensor.get_first_sample_timestamp() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Audio first sample timestamp is default value")
    if AudioSamplingRate.from_sampling_rate(audio_sensor.get_sample_rate()) is None:
        errors_list.append("Audio sample rate is not a valid value")
    return errors_list
def validate_compressed_audio(compress_audio: CompressedAudio) ‑> List[str]

Validates compressed audio. :param compress_audio: CompressedAudio to validate. :return: A list of validation errors.

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def validate_compressed_audio(compress_audio: CompressedAudio) -> List[str]:
    Validates compressed audio.
    :param compress_audio: CompressedAudio to validate.
    :return: A list of validation errors.
    errors_list = []
    if len(compress_audio.get_audio_bytes()) < 1:
        errors_list.append("Compressed Audio sample audio bytes is empty.")
    if compress_audio.get_first_sample_timestamp() == 0:
        errors_list.append("Compressed Audio first sample timestamp is default value")
    if AudioSamplingRate.from_sampling_rate(compress_audio.get_sample_rate()) is None:
        errors_list.append("Compressed Audio sample rate is not a valid value")
    return errors_list


class Audio (proto: src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.Audio)

This class encapsulates audio metadata and data.

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class Audio(
    This class encapsulates audio metadata and data.

    def __init__(self, proto: redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.Audio):
        self._samples: common.SamplePayload = common.SamplePayload(proto.samples)

    def new() -> "Audio":
        :return: A new, empty Audio sensor instance.
        proto: redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.Audio = (
        return Audio(proto)

    def get_sensor_description(self) -> str:
        :return: This sensor's description.
        return self._proto.sensor_description

    def set_sensor_description(self, sensor_description: str) -> "Audio":
        Sets this sensor's description.
        :param sensor_description: Description to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(sensor_description, [str])
        self._proto.sensor_description = sensor_description
        return self

    def get_first_sample_timestamp(self) -> float:
        :return: The machine timestamp associated with the first audio sample.
        return self._proto.first_sample_timestamp

    def set_first_sample_timestamp(self, first_sample_timestamp: float) -> "Audio":
        Sets the machine timestamp that corresponds to the first audio sample.
        :param first_sample_timestamp: Timestamp to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(first_sample_timestamp, [float, int])
        self._proto.first_sample_timestamp = first_sample_timestamp
        return self

    def get_sample_rate(self) -> float:
        :return: The sampling rate in Hz
        return self._proto.sample_rate

    def set_sample_rate(self, sample_rate: float) -> "Audio":
        Sets the sampling rate.
        :param sample_rate: Sampling rate Hz.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(sample_rate, [int, float])
        self._proto.sample_rate = sample_rate
        return self

    def get_bits_of_precision(self) -> float:
        :return: Returns the bits of precision or dynamic range of the audio samples.
        return self._proto.bits_of_precision

    def set_bits_of_precision(self, bits_of_precision: float) -> "Audio":
        Set the bits or precision (dynamic range) of the audio samples.
        :param bits_of_precision: Bits of precision
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(bits_of_precision, [int, float])
        self._proto.bits_of_precision = bits_of_precision
        return self

    def get_is_scrambled(self) -> bool:
        :return: If this audio has been scrambled to remove potential voice data.
        return self._proto.is_scrambled

    def set_is_scrambled(self, is_scrambled: bool) -> "Audio":
        Sets if the audio has been scrambled or not.
        :param is_scrambled: True if scrambled, False otherwise
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(is_scrambled, [bool])
        self._proto.is_scrambled = is_scrambled
        return self

    def get_encoding(self) -> str:
        :return: The audio encoding scheme as defined by the app.
        return self._proto.encoding

    def set_encoding(self, encoding: str) -> "Audio":
        Sets the audio encoding scheme.
        :param encoding: Encoding to use.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(encoding, [str])
        self._proto.encoding = encoding
        return self

    def get_samples(self) -> common.SamplePayload:
        :return: The sample payload associated with the audio sensor.
        return self._samples

    def set_samples(self, audio_samples: common.SamplePayload) -> "Audio":
        Sets the SamplePayload associated with the audio sensor.
        :param audio_samples:
        self._samples = common.SamplePayload(self.get_proto().samples)
        return self

    def get_num_samples(self) -> int:
        :return: The number of audio samples stored in this packet.
        return self.get_samples().get_values_count()

    def get_duration(self) -> timedelta:
        :return: Duration of this packet represented as a timedelta
        return timedelta(seconds=self.get_duration_s())

    def get_duration_s(self) -> float:
        calculate the duration of the audio data in seconds
        :return: duration of audio data in seconds
        return float(self.get_num_samples()) / self.get_sample_rate()


Static methods

def new() ‑> Audio

:return: A new, empty Audio sensor instance.

Expand source code
def new() -> "Audio":
    :return: A new, empty Audio sensor instance.
    proto: redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.Audio = (
    return Audio(proto)


def get_bits_of_precision(self) ‑> float

:return: Returns the bits of precision or dynamic range of the audio samples.

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def get_bits_of_precision(self) -> float:
    :return: Returns the bits of precision or dynamic range of the audio samples.
    return self._proto.bits_of_precision
def get_duration(self) ‑> datetime.timedelta

:return: Duration of this packet represented as a timedelta

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def get_duration(self) -> timedelta:
    :return: Duration of this packet represented as a timedelta
    return timedelta(seconds=self.get_duration_s())
def get_duration_s(self) ‑> float

calculate the duration of the audio data in seconds :return: duration of audio data in seconds

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def get_duration_s(self) -> float:
    calculate the duration of the audio data in seconds
    :return: duration of audio data in seconds
    return float(self.get_num_samples()) / self.get_sample_rate()
def get_encoding(self) ‑> str

:return: The audio encoding scheme as defined by the app.

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def get_encoding(self) -> str:
    :return: The audio encoding scheme as defined by the app.
    return self._proto.encoding
def get_first_sample_timestamp(self) ‑> float

:return: The machine timestamp associated with the first audio sample.

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def get_first_sample_timestamp(self) -> float:
    :return: The machine timestamp associated with the first audio sample.
    return self._proto.first_sample_timestamp
def get_is_scrambled(self) ‑> bool

:return: If this audio has been scrambled to remove potential voice data.

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def get_is_scrambled(self) -> bool:
    :return: If this audio has been scrambled to remove potential voice data.
    return self._proto.is_scrambled
def get_num_samples(self) ‑> int

:return: The number of audio samples stored in this packet.

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def get_num_samples(self) -> int:
    :return: The number of audio samples stored in this packet.
    return self.get_samples().get_values_count()
def get_sample_rate(self) ‑> float

:return: The sampling rate in Hz

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def get_sample_rate(self) -> float:
    :return: The sampling rate in Hz
    return self._proto.sample_rate
def get_samples(self) ‑> SamplePayload

:return: The sample payload associated with the audio sensor.

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def get_samples(self) -> common.SamplePayload:
    :return: The sample payload associated with the audio sensor.
    return self._samples
def get_sensor_description(self) ‑> str

:return: This sensor's description.

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def get_sensor_description(self) -> str:
    :return: This sensor's description.
    return self._proto.sensor_description
def set_bits_of_precision(self, bits_of_precision: float) ‑> Audio

Set the bits or precision (dynamic range) of the audio samples. :param bits_of_precision: Bits of precision :return: A modified instance of self

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def set_bits_of_precision(self, bits_of_precision: float) -> "Audio":
    Set the bits or precision (dynamic range) of the audio samples.
    :param bits_of_precision: Bits of precision
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(bits_of_precision, [int, float])
    self._proto.bits_of_precision = bits_of_precision
    return self
def set_encoding(self, encoding: str) ‑> Audio

Sets the audio encoding scheme. :param encoding: Encoding to use. :return: A modified instance of self

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def set_encoding(self, encoding: str) -> "Audio":
    Sets the audio encoding scheme.
    :param encoding: Encoding to use.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(encoding, [str])
    self._proto.encoding = encoding
    return self
def set_first_sample_timestamp(self, first_sample_timestamp: float) ‑> Audio

Sets the machine timestamp that corresponds to the first audio sample. :param first_sample_timestamp: Timestamp to set. :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_first_sample_timestamp(self, first_sample_timestamp: float) -> "Audio":
    Sets the machine timestamp that corresponds to the first audio sample.
    :param first_sample_timestamp: Timestamp to set.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(first_sample_timestamp, [float, int])
    self._proto.first_sample_timestamp = first_sample_timestamp
    return self
def set_is_scrambled(self, is_scrambled: bool) ‑> Audio

Sets if the audio has been scrambled or not. :param is_scrambled: True if scrambled, False otherwise :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_is_scrambled(self, is_scrambled: bool) -> "Audio":
    Sets if the audio has been scrambled or not.
    :param is_scrambled: True if scrambled, False otherwise
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(is_scrambled, [bool])
    self._proto.is_scrambled = is_scrambled
    return self
def set_sample_rate(self, sample_rate: float) ‑> Audio

Sets the sampling rate. :param sample_rate: Sampling rate Hz. :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_sample_rate(self, sample_rate: float) -> "Audio":
    Sets the sampling rate.
    :param sample_rate: Sampling rate Hz.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(sample_rate, [int, float])
    self._proto.sample_rate = sample_rate
    return self
def set_samples(self, audio_samples: SamplePayload) ‑> Audio

Sets the SamplePayload associated with the audio sensor. :param audio_samples: :return:

Expand source code
def set_samples(self, audio_samples: common.SamplePayload) -> "Audio":
    Sets the SamplePayload associated with the audio sensor.
    :param audio_samples:
    self._samples = common.SamplePayload(self.get_proto().samples)
    return self
def set_sensor_description(self, sensor_description: str) ‑> Audio

Sets this sensor's description. :param sensor_description: Description to set. :return: A modified instance of self

Expand source code
def set_sensor_description(self, sensor_description: str) -> "Audio":
    Sets this sensor's description.
    :param sensor_description: Description to set.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(sensor_description, [str])
    self._proto.sensor_description = sensor_description
    return self

Inherited members

class AudioCodec (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

Audio codec used for compressed audio streams

Expand source code
class AudioCodec(enum.Enum):
    Audio codec used for compressed audio streams

    UNKNOWN: int = 0
    FLAC: int = 1


  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var FLAC : int
var UNKNOWN : int
var from_proto

Audio codec used for compressed audio streams


def into_proto(self)
Expand source code
setattr(enum, "into_proto", lambda self: proto_type.Value(
class CompressedAudio (proto: ~P)

Encapsulates metadata and data for compressed audio streams.

Expand source code
class CompressedAudio(
    Encapsulates metadata and data for compressed audio streams.

    def new() -> "CompressedAudio":
        :return: A new, empty CompressedAudio sensor instance
        proto: redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.CompressedAudio = (
        return CompressedAudio(proto)

    def get_sensor_description(self) -> str:
        :return: This sensor's description.
        return self._proto.sensor_description

    def set_sensor_description(self, sensor_description: str) -> "CompressedAudio":
        Sets this sensor's description.
        :param sensor_description: Description to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(sensor_description, [str])
        self._proto.sensor_description = sensor_description
        return self

    def get_first_sample_timestamp(self) -> float:
        :return: The machine timestamp associated with the first audio sample.
        return self._proto.first_sample_timestamp

    def set_first_sample_timestamp(
        self, first_sample_timestamp: float
    ) -> "CompressedAudio":
        Sets the machine timestamp that corresponds to the first audio sample.
        :param first_sample_timestamp: Timestamp to set.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(first_sample_timestamp, [float, int])
        self._proto.first_sample_timestamp = first_sample_timestamp
        return self

    def get_sample_rate(self) -> float:
        :return: The sampling rate in Hz
        return self._proto.sample_rate

    def set_sample_rate(self, sample_rate: float) -> "CompressedAudio":
        Sets the sampling rate.
        :param sample_rate: Sampling rate Hz.
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(sample_rate, [int, float])
        self._proto.sample_rate = sample_rate
        return self

    def get_is_scrambled(self) -> bool:
        :return: If this audio has been scrambled to remove potential voice data.
        return self._proto.is_scrambled

    def set_is_scrambled(self, is_scrambled: bool) -> "CompressedAudio":
        Sets if the audio has been scrambled or not.
        :param is_scrambled: True if scrambled, False otherwise
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(is_scrambled, [bool])
        self._proto.is_scrambled = is_scrambled
        return self

    def get_audio_bytes(self) -> bytes:
        :return: The compressed bytes that make up the audio stream
        return self._proto.audio_bytes

    def set_audio_bytes(self, audio_bytes: bytes) -> "CompressedAudio":
        Set the bytes that make up the compressed audio stream
        :param audio_bytes:
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(audio_bytes, [bytes])
        self._proto.audio_bytes = audio_bytes
        return self

    def get_audio_codec(self) -> AudioCodec:
        :return: The audio codec used to compress the audio
        # noinspection Mypy
        return self._proto.audio_codec

    def set_audio_codec(self, audio_codec: AudioCodec) -> "CompressedAudio":
        Sets the audio codec used to compress this audio stream
        :param audio_codec: Audio codec used to compress this stream
        :return: A modified instance of self
        redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(audio_codec, [AudioCodec])
        self.get_proto().audio_codec = (
        return self


Static methods

def new() ‑> CompressedAudio

:return: A new, empty CompressedAudio sensor instance

Expand source code
def new() -> "CompressedAudio":
    :return: A new, empty CompressedAudio sensor instance
    proto: redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM.Sensors.CompressedAudio = (
    return CompressedAudio(proto)


def get_audio_bytes(self) ‑> bytes

:return: The compressed bytes that make up the audio stream

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def get_audio_bytes(self) -> bytes:
    :return: The compressed bytes that make up the audio stream
    return self._proto.audio_bytes
def get_audio_codec(self) ‑> AudioCodec

:return: The audio codec used to compress the audio

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def get_audio_codec(self) -> AudioCodec:
    :return: The audio codec used to compress the audio
    # noinspection Mypy
    return self._proto.audio_codec
def get_first_sample_timestamp(self) ‑> float

:return: The machine timestamp associated with the first audio sample.

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def get_first_sample_timestamp(self) -> float:
    :return: The machine timestamp associated with the first audio sample.
    return self._proto.first_sample_timestamp
def get_is_scrambled(self) ‑> bool

:return: If this audio has been scrambled to remove potential voice data.

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def get_is_scrambled(self) -> bool:
    :return: If this audio has been scrambled to remove potential voice data.
    return self._proto.is_scrambled
def get_sample_rate(self) ‑> float

:return: The sampling rate in Hz

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def get_sample_rate(self) -> float:
    :return: The sampling rate in Hz
    return self._proto.sample_rate
def get_sensor_description(self) ‑> str

:return: This sensor's description.

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def get_sensor_description(self) -> str:
    :return: This sensor's description.
    return self._proto.sensor_description
def set_audio_bytes(self, audio_bytes: bytes) ‑> CompressedAudio

Set the bytes that make up the compressed audio stream :param audio_bytes: :return:

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def set_audio_bytes(self, audio_bytes: bytes) -> "CompressedAudio":
    Set the bytes that make up the compressed audio stream
    :param audio_bytes:
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(audio_bytes, [bytes])
    self._proto.audio_bytes = audio_bytes
    return self
def set_audio_codec(self, audio_codec: AudioCodec) ‑> CompressedAudio

Sets the audio codec used to compress this audio stream :param audio_codec: Audio codec used to compress this stream :return: A modified instance of self

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def set_audio_codec(self, audio_codec: AudioCodec) -> "CompressedAudio":
    Sets the audio codec used to compress this audio stream
    :param audio_codec: Audio codec used to compress this stream
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(audio_codec, [AudioCodec])
    self.get_proto().audio_codec = (
    return self
def set_first_sample_timestamp(self, first_sample_timestamp: float) ‑> CompressedAudio

Sets the machine timestamp that corresponds to the first audio sample. :param first_sample_timestamp: Timestamp to set. :return: A modified instance of self

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def set_first_sample_timestamp(
    self, first_sample_timestamp: float
) -> "CompressedAudio":
    Sets the machine timestamp that corresponds to the first audio sample.
    :param first_sample_timestamp: Timestamp to set.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(first_sample_timestamp, [float, int])
    self._proto.first_sample_timestamp = first_sample_timestamp
    return self
def set_is_scrambled(self, is_scrambled: bool) ‑> CompressedAudio

Sets if the audio has been scrambled or not. :param is_scrambled: True if scrambled, False otherwise :return: A modified instance of self

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def set_is_scrambled(self, is_scrambled: bool) -> "CompressedAudio":
    Sets if the audio has been scrambled or not.
    :param is_scrambled: True if scrambled, False otherwise
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(is_scrambled, [bool])
    self._proto.is_scrambled = is_scrambled
    return self
def set_sample_rate(self, sample_rate: float) ‑> CompressedAudio

Sets the sampling rate. :param sample_rate: Sampling rate Hz. :return: A modified instance of self

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def set_sample_rate(self, sample_rate: float) -> "CompressedAudio":
    Sets the sampling rate.
    :param sample_rate: Sampling rate Hz.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(sample_rate, [int, float])
    self._proto.sample_rate = sample_rate
    return self
def set_sensor_description(self, sensor_description: str) ‑> CompressedAudio

Sets this sensor's description. :param sensor_description: Description to set. :return: A modified instance of self

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def set_sensor_description(self, sensor_description: str) -> "CompressedAudio":
    Sets this sensor's description.
    :param sensor_description: Description to set.
    :return: A modified instance of self
    redvox.api1000.common.typing.check_type(sensor_description, [str])
    self._proto.sensor_description = sensor_description
    return self

Inherited members