Expand source code
# import unittest
# from typing import Optional, Tuple, List
# import hashlib
# import tempfile
# from redvox.cloud.api import ApiConfig
# from redvox.cloud.client import CloudClient, cloud_client, chunk_time_range
# import redvox.cloud.errors as cloud_errors
# import redvox.tests.cloud.cloud_test_utils as test_utils
# import redvox.api900.reader as reader
# class ClientTests(unittest.TestCase):
# def setUp(self) -> None:
# self.client: Optional[CloudClient] = None
# if test_utils.cloud_credentials_provided():
# self.client = test_utils.client_from_credentials()
# else:
# print(f"Warning: cloud credentials not provided, will skip cloud API tests\n"
# f"If you want to enable tests, set the appropriate environment variables. Here's a template:\n"
# f"{test_utils.cloud_env_template()}")
# def tearDown(self) -> None:
# if self.client:
# self.client.close()
# def test_chunk_time_range_smaller(self):
# chunks: List[Tuple[int, int]] = chunk_time_range(0, 9, 10)
# self.assertEqual([(0, 9)], chunks)
# def test_chunk_time_range_equal(self):
# chunks: List[Tuple[int, int]] = chunk_time_range(0, 10, 10)
# self.assertEqual([(0, 10)], chunks)
# def test_chunk_time_range_greater(self):
# chunks: List[Tuple[int, int]] = chunk_time_range(0, 11, 10)
# self.assertEqual([(0, 10), (10, 11)], chunks)
# def test_client_init_good(self):
# if self.client:
# self.assertTrue(self.client.health_check())
# def test_bad_creds_no_secret(self):
# with self.assertRaises(cloud_errors.AuthenticationError):
# with cloud_client("foo", "bar"):
# pass
# def test_bad_creds(self):
# with self.assertRaises(cloud_errors.AuthenticationError):
# with cloud_client("foo", "bar", secret_token="gucci"):
# pass
# def test_bad_protocol(self):
# with self.assertRaises(cloud_errors.AuthenticationError):
# with cloud_client("foo",
# "bar",
# secret_token="gucci",
# redvox_conf=ApiConfig(
# "http",
# "redvox.io",
# 8080
# )):
# pass
# def test_bad_host(self):
# with self.assertRaises(cloud_errors.ApiConnectionError) as context:
# with cloud_client("foo", "bar", secret_token="gucci", redvox_conf=ApiConfig(
# "https",
# "redsox.io",
# 8080
# ),
# timeout=2.0):
# pass
# self.assertTrue("timed out" in str(context.exception))
# def test_bad_port(self):
# with self.assertRaises(cloud_errors.ApiConnectionError) as context:
# with cloud_client("foo", "bar", secret_token="gucci", redvox_conf=ApiConfig(
# "https",
# "redvox.io",
# 8081
# ),
# timeout=2.0):
# pass
# self.assertTrue("timed out" in str(context.exception))
# def test_bad_refresh(self):
# with self.assertRaises(cloud_errors.CloudApiError) as context:
# with cloud_client("foo",
# "bar",
# secret_token="gucci",
# refresh_token_interval=0,
# redvox_conf=ApiConfig(
# "https",
# "redvox.io",
# 8080,
# ),
# timeout=2.0):
# pass
# self.assertTrue("refresh_token_interval must be strictly > 0" in str(context.exception))
# def test_bad_timeout(self):
# with self.assertRaises(cloud_errors.CloudApiError) as context:
# with cloud_client("foo",
# "bar",
# secret_token="gucci",
# redvox_conf=ApiConfig(
# "https",
# "redvox.io",
# 8080,
# ),
# timeout=0.0):
# pass
# self.assertTrue("timeout must be strictly > 0" in str(context.exception))
# def test_health_check(self):
# if self.client:
# self.assertTrue(self.client.health_check())
# def test_authenticate_user(self):
# if test_utils.cloud_credentials_provided():
# self.assertIsNotNone(self.client)
# def test_validate_token(self):
# if self.client:
# resp = self.client.validate_own_auth_token()
# self.assertIsNotNone(resp)
# self.assertEqual(resp.aud, "api")
# self.assertEqual(resp.iss, "RedVox, Inc.")
# self.assertEqual(resp.sub, "redvoxcore@gmail.com")
# self.assertEqual(resp.tier, "ADMIN")
# def test_refresh_token(self):
# if self.client:
# resp = self.client.refresh_own_auth_token()
# self.assertIsNotNone(resp)
# self.assertTrue("v2.public." in resp.auth_token)
# def test_request_report_data_good(self):
# if self.client:
# resp = self.client.request_report_data("9c88102bb3bf47edab895b9f8a708cc1")
# self.assertIsNotNone(resp)
# self.assertTrue("https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/rdvxdata/report_data/9c88102bb3bf47edab895b9f8a708cc1.zip" in resp.signed_url)
# data_buf: bytes = resp.download_buf()
# self.assertEqual("9a332a125929fd904c1c173d6d10a7f22918e4de61808df7bc2a3b5d8553234c36b0abb7370bae576459f8da9479cc694fb35888e2bdd2dad25305f7b6bbe8e0",
# hashlib.sha512(data_buf).hexdigest())
# def test_request_report_data_no_access(self):
# if self.client:
# resp = self.client.request_report_data("5059d9d0e80c41a7a06ca90045014bc1")
# self.assertIsNone(resp)
# def test_request_report_data_bad_id(self):
# if self.client:
# resp = self.client.request_report_data("foo")
# self.assertIsNone(resp)
# def test_request_data_range_bad_range(self):
# if self.client:
# with self.assertRaises(cloud_errors.CloudApiError) as ctx:
# self.client.request_data_range(300, 100, ["1637681013"])
# self.assertEqual("start_ts_s must be < end_ts_s", str(ctx.exception))
# def test_request_data_range_bad_station_ids(self):
# if self.client:
# with self.assertRaises(cloud_errors.CloudApiError) as ctx:
# self.client.request_data_range(100, 300, [])
# self.assertEqual("At least one station_id must be provided", str(ctx.exception))
# def test_request_data_range_incorrect_station_ids(self):
# if self.client:
# resp = self.client.request_data_range(1592956800, 1592960400, ["foo"])
# self.assertIsNotNone(resp)
# self.assertEqual(len(resp.signed_urls), 0)
# def test_request_data_range_incorrect_range(self):
# if self.client:
# resp = self.client.request_data_range(1340496000, 1340499600, ["foo"])
# self.assertIsNotNone(resp)
# self.assertEqual(len(resp.signed_urls), 0)
# def test_request_data_range_good(self):
# if self.client:
# resp = self.client.request_data_range(1592956800, 1592960400, ["1637681011",
# "1637681014"])
# self.assertIsNotNone(resp)
# num_resp: int = len(resp.signed_urls)
# self.assertTrue(num_resp > 0)
# with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
# resp.download_fs(temp_dir)
# data = reader.read_rdvxz_file_range(temp_dir + "/api900",
# structured_layout=True,
# concat_continuous_segments=False)
# self.assertTrue("1637681014:1807255410" in data)
# self.assertTrue("1637681011:868885745" in data)
# self.assertEqual(num_resp, len(data["1637681011:868885745"]) + len(data["1637681014:1807255410"]))
# def test_timing_meta_good(self):
# if self.client:
# resp = self.client.request_timing_metadata(1592956800,
# 1592960400, ["1637681011",
# "1637681014"])
# self.assertIsNotNone(resp)
# self.assertTrue(len(resp.items) > 0)
# def test_timing_meta_good_chunked(self):
# if self.client:
# resp = self.client.request_timing_metadata(1592956800,
# 1593043200, ["1637681011",
# "1637681014"],
# chunk_by_seconds=3600)
# self.assertIsNotNone(resp)
# self.assertTrue(len(resp.items) > 0)