Module redvox.common.tri_message_stats

Modules for extracting time synchronization statistics according to Tri-Message protocol. All functions assume payload for ONE data packet/decoder ONLY. These modules will be called separately by API800 and API900 loaders, they are in themselves helper functions. They do not depend on API formats, they take the time sync payloads as parameters and use Tri-Message protocol to compute latencies, check criteria, and correct the "machine" start time B0 based on the minimum latencies.

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Modules for extracting time synchronization statistics according to Tri-Message protocol. All functions assume
payload for ONE data packet/decoder ONLY. These modules will be called separately by API800 and API900 loaders, they
are in themselves helper functions. They do not depend on API formats, they take the time sync payloads as parameters
and use Tri-Message protocol to compute latencies, check criteria, and correct the "machine" start time B0 based on the
minimum latencies.

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

# noinspection Mypy
import numpy as np

class TriMessageStats:
    Stores statistics about the tri-message exchanges

    ALL timestamps in microseconds

        packet_id: an identifier for the packet that contains the data.  Used for reporting purposes

        latency1: latencies measured by timestamps 1 and 2

        latency3: latencies measured by timestamps 2 and 3

        offset1: offsets measured by timestamps 1 and 2

        offset3: offsets measured by timestamps 2 and 3

        best_latency: minimum latency that meets all criteria, default np.nan

        best_offset: best offset that meets all criteria, default 0.0

        best_latency_array_index: index of which latency array has the best latency, valid values are either 1 or 3,
                                    all other values are invalid, default 0

        best_latency_index: index in latency array with the best latency, default None

        best_latency_per_exchange_index_array: the index of which latency array has the best latency, per each exchange

        num_messages: number of tri-message exchanges

    def __init__(
        packet_id: Union[str, int],
        a1: np.ndarray,
        a2: np.ndarray,
        a3: np.ndarray,
        b1: np.ndarray,
        b2: np.ndarray,
        b3: np.ndarray,
        Calculate latency, offset, and their qualities.

        :param packet_id: an identifier for reporting purposes
        :param a1: array of server timestamp 1
        :param a2: array of server timestamp 2
        :param a3: array of server timestamp 3
        :param b1: array of device timestamp 1
        :param b2: array of device timestamp 2
        :param b3: array of device timestamp 3
        self.packet_id: Union[str, int] = packet_id
        self.num_messages: int = len(a1)
        # compute latencies and offsets
        latencies_tuple: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] = latencies(a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3)
        self.latency1: np.ndarray = latencies_tuple[0]
        self.latency3: np.ndarray = latencies_tuple[1]
        offsets_tuple: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] = offsets(a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3)
        self.offset1: np.ndarray = offsets_tuple[0]
        self.offset3: np.ndarray = offsets_tuple[1]

        self.best_latency: float = np.nan
        self.best_latency_array_index: int = 0
        self.best_latency_index: Optional[int] = None
        self.best_offset: float = 0.0

        self.best_latency_per_exchange_index_array: List[int] = self.find_best_exchange_latencies_index()

    def find_best_latency(self) -> None:
        Finds and sets the best latency among the latencies.  Update is done in place, nothing is returned.
        if all(np.nan_to_num(self.latency1) == 0.0) or all(np.nan_to_num(self.latency3) == 0.0):
            # all latencies for one of the arrays is zero, the data is untrustworthy.  set the defaults
            self.best_latency = np.nan
            self.best_latency_array_index = None
            self.best_latency_index = None
            # find value and index of minimum latency of nonzero, non-nan latencies
            d1_min: float = np.min(self.latency1[np.nonzero(np.nan_to_num(self.latency1))])
            d3_min: float = np.min(self.latency3[np.nonzero(np.nan_to_num(self.latency3))])

            if d3_min > d1_min:
                self.best_latency = d1_min  # server round trip is shorter
                self.best_latency_array_index = 1
                self.best_latency_index = int(np.where(self.latency1 == d1_min)[0][0])
                self.best_latency = d3_min
                self.best_latency_array_index = 3
                self.best_latency_index = int(np.where(self.latency3 == d3_min)[0][0])

    def find_best_offset(self) -> None:
        Finds and sets the best offset among the offsets.  Update is done in place, nothing is returned.
        if self.best_latency is None:
        if self.best_latency_array_index == 1:
            self.best_offset = self.offset1[self.best_latency_index]
        elif self.best_latency_array_index == 3:
            self.best_offset = self.offset3[self.best_latency_index]
            self.best_offset = 0.0

    def find_best_exchange_latencies_index(self) -> List[int]:
        :return: A list of the best latency index per exchange
        return [0 if self.latency1[n] < self.latency3[n] else 1 for n in range(self.num_messages)]

    def set_latency(
        a1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        a2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        a3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        b1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        b2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        b3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    ) -> None:
        set the latency, then find the best latency.  Update is done in place, nothing is returned.

        :param a1_coeffs: server timestamps 1
        :param a2_coeffs: server timestamps 2
        :param a3_coeffs: server timestamps 3
        :param b1_coeffs: device timestamps 1
        :param b2_coeffs: device timestamps 2
        :param b3_coeffs: device timestamps 3
        # compute latencies
        self.latency1, self.latency3 = latencies(a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs)

    def set_offset(
        a1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        a2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        a3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        b1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        b2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        b3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    ) -> None:
        set the offset then find the best offset.  Update is done in place, nothing is returned.

        :param a1_coeffs: server timestamps 1
        :param a2_coeffs: server timestamps 2
        :param a3_coeffs: server timestamps 3
        :param b1_coeffs: device timestamps 1
        :param b2_coeffs: device timestamps 2
        :param b3_coeffs: device timestamps 3
        self.offset1, self.offset3 = offsets(a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs)

def latencies(
    a1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    a2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    a3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Compute latencies in microseconds based on message exchange timestamps.

    :param a1_coeffs: server timestamps 1
    :param a2_coeffs: server timestamps 2
    :param a3_coeffs: server timestamps 3
    :param b1_coeffs: device timestamps 1
    :param b2_coeffs: device timestamps 2
    :param b3_coeffs: device timestamps 3
    :return: tuple of nd.arrays; the array of server round trip latencies in microseconds and
                the array of device round trip latencies in microseconds
    # Compute latencies in microseconds
    d1_coeffs: np.ndarray = 0.5 * ((a2_coeffs - a1_coeffs) - (b2_coeffs - b1_coeffs))
    d3_coeffs: np.ndarray = 0.5 * ((b3_coeffs - b2_coeffs) - (a3_coeffs - a2_coeffs))

    # convert negative latencies to nan.  negative latencies should not exist naturally
    d1_coeffs[d1_coeffs < 0] = np.nan
    d3_coeffs[d3_coeffs < 0] = np.nan

    return d1_coeffs, d3_coeffs

def offsets(
    a1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    a2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    a3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Compute offsets in microseconds based on message exchange timestamps.

    :param a1_coeffs: server timestamps 1
    :param a2_coeffs: server timestamps 2
    :param a3_coeffs: server timestamps 3
    :param b1_coeffs: device timestamps 1
    :param b2_coeffs: device timestamps 2
    :param b3_coeffs: device timestamps 3
    :return: tuple of nd.arrays; the array of server round trip offsets in microseconds and
                the array of device round trip offsets in microseconds
    # assume the generic equation f = a - b + d
    # where d is latency, f is offset, b is machine time and a is time sync server time
    # refer to latency equations above for definitions of d1_coeffs and d3_coeffs
    # with latency d1_coeffs, the equation is f1 = a1_coeffs - b1_coeffs + d1_coeffs
    # with latency d3_coeffs, the equation is f3 = a3_coeffs - b3_coeffs + d3_coeffs
    # In the absence of latency, offset can be calculated this way:
    o1_coeffs: np.ndarray = (a1_coeffs - b1_coeffs + a2_coeffs - b2_coeffs) / 2.0
    o3_coeffs: np.ndarray = (a3_coeffs - b3_coeffs + a2_coeffs - b2_coeffs) / 2.0

    return o1_coeffs, o3_coeffs

def validate_timestamps(
    a1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    a2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    a3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    it's possible some of the tri-message values are duplicated; the duplicates and other invalid times
    must be removed.

    :param a1_coeffs: server timestamps 1
    :param a2_coeffs: server timestamps 2
    :param a3_coeffs: server timestamps 3
    :param b1_coeffs: device timestamps 1
    :param b2_coeffs: device timestamps 2
    :param b3_coeffs: device timestamps 3
    :return: tuple of 6 ndarrays; each array will be the same length and contain only valid entries in the exchanges.
    num_timestamps = len(a1_coeffs)
    # if length is 1 or less, no need to validate, just return all the values
    if num_timestamps <= 1:
        return a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs
    # if here, there's more than 1 exchange to check
    valid_times: List[Dict] = [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}]
    valid_indices = []
    all_timestamps = [a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs]
    # for each set of timestamps a1x, a2x, etc. in all exchanges
    for data_index in range(6):
        for time_index in range(num_timestamps):
            # compare the time to existing information
            time = all_timestamps[data_index][time_index]
            if time not in valid_times:
                # it's not in valid times, it's a new time
                valid_times[data_index][time] = time_index
    for index in valid_times[0].values():
        # if it's not in the first one, it's not valid.  if it doesn't show up in all others, it's not valid
        if (
            index in valid_times[1].values()
            and index in valid_times[2].values()
            and index in valid_times[3].values()
            and index in valid_times[4].values()
            and index in valid_times[5].values()
    return (

def transmit_receive_timestamps_microsec(
    coeffs: np.ndarray,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Recover Tri-Message timestamp coefficients. Uses concept of
    Tri-Message to synchronize a device with a reference server:

        First, server A transmits a message to device B with timestamp a1_coeffs. B receives the message at timestamp
         b1_coeffs. B then transmits a message back to A with timestamp b2_coeffs. A receives this message at
         timestamp a2_coeffs. A transmits a second message to B at timestamp a3_coeffs. B receives the message at
         timestamp b3_coeffs.

    coeffs: array of tri-message coefficients (a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs)

    a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs: arrays of message exchange timestamps

    if len(coeffs) % 6 != 0:
        raise Exception("Tri-Message contains partial exchange, unsafe to use it for computations.")

    # Timing coefficients
    step: int = 6  # each tri-message exchange contains 6 timestamps, 3 from server and 3 from device
    stop: int = int(len(coeffs) / 6) * step

    a1_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs[0:stop:step]  # server first transmit timestamps in epoch microseconds
    a2_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs[1:stop:step]  # server first receive timestamps in epoch microseconds
    a3_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs[2:stop:step]  # server second transmit timestamps in epoch microseconds
    b1_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs[3:stop:step]  # device first receive timestamps in mach microseconds
    b2_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs[4:stop:step]  # device first transmit timestamps in mach microseconds
    b3_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs[5:stop:step]  # device second receive timestamps in mach microseconds

    # make sure each tri-message exchange contains 6 timestamps (done with modulo check above)
    # assert len(a1_coeffs) == len(a2_coeffs) == len(a3_coeffs) == len(b1_coeffs) == len(b2_coeffs) == len(b3_coeffs)

    return a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs


def latencies(a1_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, a2_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, a3_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, b1_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, b2_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, b3_coeffs: numpy.ndarray) ‑> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]

Compute latencies in microseconds based on message exchange timestamps.

:param a1_coeffs: server timestamps 1 :param a2_coeffs: server timestamps 2 :param a3_coeffs: server timestamps 3 :param b1_coeffs: device timestamps 1 :param b2_coeffs: device timestamps 2 :param b3_coeffs: device timestamps 3 :return: tuple of nd.arrays; the array of server round trip latencies in microseconds and the array of device round trip latencies in microseconds

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def latencies(
    a1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    a2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    a3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Compute latencies in microseconds based on message exchange timestamps.

    :param a1_coeffs: server timestamps 1
    :param a2_coeffs: server timestamps 2
    :param a3_coeffs: server timestamps 3
    :param b1_coeffs: device timestamps 1
    :param b2_coeffs: device timestamps 2
    :param b3_coeffs: device timestamps 3
    :return: tuple of nd.arrays; the array of server round trip latencies in microseconds and
                the array of device round trip latencies in microseconds
    # Compute latencies in microseconds
    d1_coeffs: np.ndarray = 0.5 * ((a2_coeffs - a1_coeffs) - (b2_coeffs - b1_coeffs))
    d3_coeffs: np.ndarray = 0.5 * ((b3_coeffs - b2_coeffs) - (a3_coeffs - a2_coeffs))

    # convert negative latencies to nan.  negative latencies should not exist naturally
    d1_coeffs[d1_coeffs < 0] = np.nan
    d3_coeffs[d3_coeffs < 0] = np.nan

    return d1_coeffs, d3_coeffs
def offsets(a1_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, a2_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, a3_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, b1_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, b2_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, b3_coeffs: numpy.ndarray) ‑> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]

Compute offsets in microseconds based on message exchange timestamps.

:param a1_coeffs: server timestamps 1 :param a2_coeffs: server timestamps 2 :param a3_coeffs: server timestamps 3 :param b1_coeffs: device timestamps 1 :param b2_coeffs: device timestamps 2 :param b3_coeffs: device timestamps 3 :return: tuple of nd.arrays; the array of server round trip offsets in microseconds and the array of device round trip offsets in microseconds

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def offsets(
    a1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    a2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    a3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Compute offsets in microseconds based on message exchange timestamps.

    :param a1_coeffs: server timestamps 1
    :param a2_coeffs: server timestamps 2
    :param a3_coeffs: server timestamps 3
    :param b1_coeffs: device timestamps 1
    :param b2_coeffs: device timestamps 2
    :param b3_coeffs: device timestamps 3
    :return: tuple of nd.arrays; the array of server round trip offsets in microseconds and
                the array of device round trip offsets in microseconds
    # assume the generic equation f = a - b + d
    # where d is latency, f is offset, b is machine time and a is time sync server time
    # refer to latency equations above for definitions of d1_coeffs and d3_coeffs
    # with latency d1_coeffs, the equation is f1 = a1_coeffs - b1_coeffs + d1_coeffs
    # with latency d3_coeffs, the equation is f3 = a3_coeffs - b3_coeffs + d3_coeffs
    # In the absence of latency, offset can be calculated this way:
    o1_coeffs: np.ndarray = (a1_coeffs - b1_coeffs + a2_coeffs - b2_coeffs) / 2.0
    o3_coeffs: np.ndarray = (a3_coeffs - b3_coeffs + a2_coeffs - b2_coeffs) / 2.0

    return o1_coeffs, o3_coeffs
def transmit_receive_timestamps_microsec(coeffs: numpy.ndarray) ‑> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]

Recover Tri-Message timestamp coefficients. Uses concept of Tri-Message to synchronize a device with a reference server:

First, server A transmits a message to device B with timestamp a1_coeffs. B receives the message at timestamp
 b1_coeffs. B then transmits a message back to A with timestamp b2_coeffs. A receives this message at
 timestamp a2_coeffs. A transmits a second message to B at timestamp a3_coeffs. B receives the message at
 timestamp b3_coeffs.


coeffs : array of tri-message coefficients (a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs)


a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs : arrays of message exchange timestamps
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def transmit_receive_timestamps_microsec(
    coeffs: np.ndarray,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Recover Tri-Message timestamp coefficients. Uses concept of
    Tri-Message to synchronize a device with a reference server:

        First, server A transmits a message to device B with timestamp a1_coeffs. B receives the message at timestamp
         b1_coeffs. B then transmits a message back to A with timestamp b2_coeffs. A receives this message at
         timestamp a2_coeffs. A transmits a second message to B at timestamp a3_coeffs. B receives the message at
         timestamp b3_coeffs.

    coeffs: array of tri-message coefficients (a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs)

    a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs: arrays of message exchange timestamps

    if len(coeffs) % 6 != 0:
        raise Exception("Tri-Message contains partial exchange, unsafe to use it for computations.")

    # Timing coefficients
    step: int = 6  # each tri-message exchange contains 6 timestamps, 3 from server and 3 from device
    stop: int = int(len(coeffs) / 6) * step

    a1_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs[0:stop:step]  # server first transmit timestamps in epoch microseconds
    a2_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs[1:stop:step]  # server first receive timestamps in epoch microseconds
    a3_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs[2:stop:step]  # server second transmit timestamps in epoch microseconds
    b1_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs[3:stop:step]  # device first receive timestamps in mach microseconds
    b2_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs[4:stop:step]  # device first transmit timestamps in mach microseconds
    b3_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs[5:stop:step]  # device second receive timestamps in mach microseconds

    # make sure each tri-message exchange contains 6 timestamps (done with modulo check above)
    # assert len(a1_coeffs) == len(a2_coeffs) == len(a3_coeffs) == len(b1_coeffs) == len(b2_coeffs) == len(b3_coeffs)

    return a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs
def validate_timestamps(a1_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, a2_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, a3_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, b1_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, b2_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, b3_coeffs: numpy.ndarray) ‑> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]

it's possible some of the tri-message values are duplicated; the duplicates and other invalid times must be removed.

:param a1_coeffs: server timestamps 1 :param a2_coeffs: server timestamps 2 :param a3_coeffs: server timestamps 3 :param b1_coeffs: device timestamps 1 :param b2_coeffs: device timestamps 2 :param b3_coeffs: device timestamps 3 :return: tuple of 6 ndarrays; each array will be the same length and contain only valid entries in the exchanges.

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def validate_timestamps(
    a1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    a2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    a3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    it's possible some of the tri-message values are duplicated; the duplicates and other invalid times
    must be removed.

    :param a1_coeffs: server timestamps 1
    :param a2_coeffs: server timestamps 2
    :param a3_coeffs: server timestamps 3
    :param b1_coeffs: device timestamps 1
    :param b2_coeffs: device timestamps 2
    :param b3_coeffs: device timestamps 3
    :return: tuple of 6 ndarrays; each array will be the same length and contain only valid entries in the exchanges.
    num_timestamps = len(a1_coeffs)
    # if length is 1 or less, no need to validate, just return all the values
    if num_timestamps <= 1:
        return a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs
    # if here, there's more than 1 exchange to check
    valid_times: List[Dict] = [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}]
    valid_indices = []
    all_timestamps = [a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs]
    # for each set of timestamps a1x, a2x, etc. in all exchanges
    for data_index in range(6):
        for time_index in range(num_timestamps):
            # compare the time to existing information
            time = all_timestamps[data_index][time_index]
            if time not in valid_times:
                # it's not in valid times, it's a new time
                valid_times[data_index][time] = time_index
    for index in valid_times[0].values():
        # if it's not in the first one, it's not valid.  if it doesn't show up in all others, it's not valid
        if (
            index in valid_times[1].values()
            and index in valid_times[2].values()
            and index in valid_times[3].values()
            and index in valid_times[4].values()
            and index in valid_times[5].values()
    return (


class TriMessageStats (packet_id: Union[str, int], a1: numpy.ndarray, a2: numpy.ndarray, a3: numpy.ndarray, b1: numpy.ndarray, b2: numpy.ndarray, b3: numpy.ndarray)

Stores statistics about the tri-message exchanges

ALL timestamps in microseconds


packet_id: an identifier for the packet that contains the data. Used for reporting purposes

latency1: latencies measured by timestamps 1 and 2

latency3: latencies measured by timestamps 2 and 3

offset1: offsets measured by timestamps 1 and 2

offset3: offsets measured by timestamps 2 and 3

best_latency: minimum latency that meets all criteria, default np.nan

best_offset: best offset that meets all criteria, default 0.0

best_latency_array_index: index of which latency array has the best latency, valid values are either 1 or 3, all other values are invalid, default 0

best_latency_index: index in latency array with the best latency, default None

best_latency_per_exchange_index_array: the index of which latency array has the best latency, per each exchange

num_messages: number of tri-message exchanges

Calculate latency, offset, and their qualities.

:param packet_id: an identifier for reporting purposes :param a1: array of server timestamp 1 :param a2: array of server timestamp 2 :param a3: array of server timestamp 3 :param b1: array of device timestamp 1 :param b2: array of device timestamp 2 :param b3: array of device timestamp 3

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class TriMessageStats:
    Stores statistics about the tri-message exchanges

    ALL timestamps in microseconds

        packet_id: an identifier for the packet that contains the data.  Used for reporting purposes

        latency1: latencies measured by timestamps 1 and 2

        latency3: latencies measured by timestamps 2 and 3

        offset1: offsets measured by timestamps 1 and 2

        offset3: offsets measured by timestamps 2 and 3

        best_latency: minimum latency that meets all criteria, default np.nan

        best_offset: best offset that meets all criteria, default 0.0

        best_latency_array_index: index of which latency array has the best latency, valid values are either 1 or 3,
                                    all other values are invalid, default 0

        best_latency_index: index in latency array with the best latency, default None

        best_latency_per_exchange_index_array: the index of which latency array has the best latency, per each exchange

        num_messages: number of tri-message exchanges

    def __init__(
        packet_id: Union[str, int],
        a1: np.ndarray,
        a2: np.ndarray,
        a3: np.ndarray,
        b1: np.ndarray,
        b2: np.ndarray,
        b3: np.ndarray,
        Calculate latency, offset, and their qualities.

        :param packet_id: an identifier for reporting purposes
        :param a1: array of server timestamp 1
        :param a2: array of server timestamp 2
        :param a3: array of server timestamp 3
        :param b1: array of device timestamp 1
        :param b2: array of device timestamp 2
        :param b3: array of device timestamp 3
        self.packet_id: Union[str, int] = packet_id
        self.num_messages: int = len(a1)
        # compute latencies and offsets
        latencies_tuple: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] = latencies(a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3)
        self.latency1: np.ndarray = latencies_tuple[0]
        self.latency3: np.ndarray = latencies_tuple[1]
        offsets_tuple: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] = offsets(a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3)
        self.offset1: np.ndarray = offsets_tuple[0]
        self.offset3: np.ndarray = offsets_tuple[1]

        self.best_latency: float = np.nan
        self.best_latency_array_index: int = 0
        self.best_latency_index: Optional[int] = None
        self.best_offset: float = 0.0

        self.best_latency_per_exchange_index_array: List[int] = self.find_best_exchange_latencies_index()

    def find_best_latency(self) -> None:
        Finds and sets the best latency among the latencies.  Update is done in place, nothing is returned.
        if all(np.nan_to_num(self.latency1) == 0.0) or all(np.nan_to_num(self.latency3) == 0.0):
            # all latencies for one of the arrays is zero, the data is untrustworthy.  set the defaults
            self.best_latency = np.nan
            self.best_latency_array_index = None
            self.best_latency_index = None
            # find value and index of minimum latency of nonzero, non-nan latencies
            d1_min: float = np.min(self.latency1[np.nonzero(np.nan_to_num(self.latency1))])
            d3_min: float = np.min(self.latency3[np.nonzero(np.nan_to_num(self.latency3))])

            if d3_min > d1_min:
                self.best_latency = d1_min  # server round trip is shorter
                self.best_latency_array_index = 1
                self.best_latency_index = int(np.where(self.latency1 == d1_min)[0][0])
                self.best_latency = d3_min
                self.best_latency_array_index = 3
                self.best_latency_index = int(np.where(self.latency3 == d3_min)[0][0])

    def find_best_offset(self) -> None:
        Finds and sets the best offset among the offsets.  Update is done in place, nothing is returned.
        if self.best_latency is None:
        if self.best_latency_array_index == 1:
            self.best_offset = self.offset1[self.best_latency_index]
        elif self.best_latency_array_index == 3:
            self.best_offset = self.offset3[self.best_latency_index]
            self.best_offset = 0.0

    def find_best_exchange_latencies_index(self) -> List[int]:
        :return: A list of the best latency index per exchange
        return [0 if self.latency1[n] < self.latency3[n] else 1 for n in range(self.num_messages)]

    def set_latency(
        a1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        a2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        a3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        b1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        b2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        b3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    ) -> None:
        set the latency, then find the best latency.  Update is done in place, nothing is returned.

        :param a1_coeffs: server timestamps 1
        :param a2_coeffs: server timestamps 2
        :param a3_coeffs: server timestamps 3
        :param b1_coeffs: device timestamps 1
        :param b2_coeffs: device timestamps 2
        :param b3_coeffs: device timestamps 3
        # compute latencies
        self.latency1, self.latency3 = latencies(a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs)

    def set_offset(
        a1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        a2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        a3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        b1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        b2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
        b3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    ) -> None:
        set the offset then find the best offset.  Update is done in place, nothing is returned.

        :param a1_coeffs: server timestamps 1
        :param a2_coeffs: server timestamps 2
        :param a3_coeffs: server timestamps 3
        :param b1_coeffs: device timestamps 1
        :param b2_coeffs: device timestamps 2
        :param b3_coeffs: device timestamps 3
        self.offset1, self.offset3 = offsets(a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs)


def find_best_exchange_latencies_index(self) ‑> List[int]

:return: A list of the best latency index per exchange

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def find_best_exchange_latencies_index(self) -> List[int]:
    :return: A list of the best latency index per exchange
    return [0 if self.latency1[n] < self.latency3[n] else 1 for n in range(self.num_messages)]
def find_best_latency(self) ‑> None

Finds and sets the best latency among the latencies. Update is done in place, nothing is returned.

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def find_best_latency(self) -> None:
    Finds and sets the best latency among the latencies.  Update is done in place, nothing is returned.
    if all(np.nan_to_num(self.latency1) == 0.0) or all(np.nan_to_num(self.latency3) == 0.0):
        # all latencies for one of the arrays is zero, the data is untrustworthy.  set the defaults
        self.best_latency = np.nan
        self.best_latency_array_index = None
        self.best_latency_index = None
        # find value and index of minimum latency of nonzero, non-nan latencies
        d1_min: float = np.min(self.latency1[np.nonzero(np.nan_to_num(self.latency1))])
        d3_min: float = np.min(self.latency3[np.nonzero(np.nan_to_num(self.latency3))])

        if d3_min > d1_min:
            self.best_latency = d1_min  # server round trip is shorter
            self.best_latency_array_index = 1
            self.best_latency_index = int(np.where(self.latency1 == d1_min)[0][0])
            self.best_latency = d3_min
            self.best_latency_array_index = 3
            self.best_latency_index = int(np.where(self.latency3 == d3_min)[0][0])
def find_best_offset(self) ‑> None

Finds and sets the best offset among the offsets. Update is done in place, nothing is returned.

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def find_best_offset(self) -> None:
    Finds and sets the best offset among the offsets.  Update is done in place, nothing is returned.
    if self.best_latency is None:
    if self.best_latency_array_index == 1:
        self.best_offset = self.offset1[self.best_latency_index]
    elif self.best_latency_array_index == 3:
        self.best_offset = self.offset3[self.best_latency_index]
        self.best_offset = 0.0
def set_latency(self, a1_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, a2_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, a3_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, b1_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, b2_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, b3_coeffs: numpy.ndarray) ‑> None

set the latency, then find the best latency. Update is done in place, nothing is returned.

:param a1_coeffs: server timestamps 1 :param a2_coeffs: server timestamps 2 :param a3_coeffs: server timestamps 3 :param b1_coeffs: device timestamps 1 :param b2_coeffs: device timestamps 2 :param b3_coeffs: device timestamps 3

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def set_latency(
    a1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    a2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    a3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
) -> None:
    set the latency, then find the best latency.  Update is done in place, nothing is returned.

    :param a1_coeffs: server timestamps 1
    :param a2_coeffs: server timestamps 2
    :param a3_coeffs: server timestamps 3
    :param b1_coeffs: device timestamps 1
    :param b2_coeffs: device timestamps 2
    :param b3_coeffs: device timestamps 3
    # compute latencies
    self.latency1, self.latency3 = latencies(a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs)
def set_offset(self, a1_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, a2_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, a3_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, b1_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, b2_coeffs: numpy.ndarray, b3_coeffs: numpy.ndarray) ‑> None

set the offset then find the best offset. Update is done in place, nothing is returned.

:param a1_coeffs: server timestamps 1 :param a2_coeffs: server timestamps 2 :param a3_coeffs: server timestamps 3 :param b1_coeffs: device timestamps 1 :param b2_coeffs: device timestamps 2 :param b3_coeffs: device timestamps 3

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def set_offset(
    a1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    a2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    a3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b1_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b2_coeffs: np.ndarray,
    b3_coeffs: np.ndarray,
) -> None:
    set the offset then find the best offset.  Update is done in place, nothing is returned.

    :param a1_coeffs: server timestamps 1
    :param a2_coeffs: server timestamps 2
    :param a3_coeffs: server timestamps 3
    :param b1_coeffs: device timestamps 1
    :param b2_coeffs: device timestamps 2
    :param b3_coeffs: device timestamps 3
    self.offset1, self.offset3 = offsets(a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs)