Module redvox.common.station_utils

Defines generic station metadata for API-independent analysis all timestamps are floats in microseconds unless otherwise stated

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Defines generic station metadata for API-independent analysis
all timestamps are floats in microseconds unless otherwise stated
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
from typing import Tuple, Optional, List, Dict

import numpy as np

from redvox.common.offset_model import OffsetModel
from redvox.api1000.wrapped_redvox_packet.station_information import OsType
from redvox.api1000.wrapped_redvox_packet.timing_information import TimingScoreMethod
from redvox.common.errors import RedVoxExceptions
import redvox.api1000.proto.redvox_api_m_pb2 as api_m

def validate_station_key_list(data_packets: List[api_m.RedvoxPacketM], errors: RedVoxExceptions) -> bool:
    Checks for consistency in the data packets.  Returns False if discrepancies are found.
    If debug is True, will output the discrepancies.

    :param data_packets: list of RedvoxPacketM to look at
    :param errors: RedVoxExceptions detailing errors found while validating
    :return: True if no discrepancies found.  False otherwise
    my_errors = RedVoxExceptions("StationKeyValidation")
    if len(data_packets) < 2:
        return True
    j: np.ndarray = np.transpose(
                len( /,
            for t in data_packets

    k: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {
        "ids": j[0],
        "uuids": j[1],
        "station_start_times": j[2],
        "apis": j[3],
        "sub_apis": j[4],
        "makes": j[5],
        "models": j[6],
        "os": j[7],
        "os_versions": j[8],
        "app_versions": j[9],
        "privates": j[10],
        "durations": j[11],

    for key, value in k.items():
        result = np.unique(value)
        if len(result) > 1:
                f"WARNING: {data_packets[0]} "
                f"{key} contains multiple unique values: {result}.\n"
                "Please update your query to focus on one of these values."

    if my_errors.get_num_errors() > 0:
        return False

    return True  # if here, everything is consistent

class StationKey:
    A set of values that uniquely define a station

        id: str, id of the station

        uuid: str, uuid of the station

        start_timestamp_micros: float, starting time of the station in microseconds since epoch UTC

    id: str
    uuid: str
    start_timestamp_micros: float

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"id:{}, uuid:{self.uuid}, start_date:{self.start_timestamp_micros}"

    def get_key(self) -> Tuple[str, str, float]:
        :return: the key as a tuple
        return, self.uuid, self.start_timestamp_micros

    def check_key(
        station_id: Optional[str] = None,
        station_uuid: Optional[str] = None,
        start_timestamp: Optional[float] = None,
    ) -> bool:
        Check if the key has the values specified.  If the parameter is None, any value will match.
        Note that NAN is a valid value for start_timestamps, but any station with start_timestamp = NAN
        will not match any value, including another NAN.

        :param station_id: station id, default None
        :param station_uuid: station uuid, default None
        :param start_timestamp: station start timestamp in microseconds since UTC epoch, default None
        :return: True if all parameters match key values
        if (
            (station_id is not None and station_id !=
            or (station_uuid is not None and station_uuid != self.uuid)
            or (
                start_timestamp is not None
                and (
                    start_timestamp != self.start_timestamp_micros
                    or np.isnan(start_timestamp)
                    or np.isnan(self.start_timestamp_micros)
            return False
        return True

    def compare_key(self, other_key: "StationKey") -> bool:
        compare key to another station's key

        :param other_key: another station's key
        :return: True if the keys match
        return self.check_key(, other_key.uuid, other_key.start_timestamp_micros)

    def as_cloud_key(self) -> str:
        :return: key in format used by cloud session models
        return f"{}:{self.uuid}:{int(self.start_timestamp_micros)}"

class StationMetadata:
    A container for all the packet metadata consistent across all packets

        api: float, api version, default np.nan

        sub_api: float, sub api version, default np.nan

        make: str, station make, default empty string

        model: str, station model, default empty string

        os: OsType enum, station OS, default OsType.UNKNOWN_OS

        os_version: str, station OS version, default empty string

        app: str, station app, default empty string

        app_version: str, station app version, default empty string

        is_private: bool, is station data private, default False

        packet_duration_s: float, duration of the packet in seconds, default np.nan

        station_description: str, description of the station, default empty string

        other_metadata: dict, str: str of other metadata from the packet, default empty list

    def __init__(self, app: str = "", packet: Optional[api_m.RedvoxPacketM] = None):
        initialize the metadata

        :param app: app name
        :param packet: Optional RedvoxPacketM to read data from
        """ = app
        self.other_metadata = {}
        if packet:
            self.api = packet.api
            self.sub_api = packet.sub_api
            self.make = packet.station_information.make
            self.model = packet.station_information.model
            self.os: OsType = OsType(packet.station_information.os)
            self.os_version = packet.station_information.os_version
            self.app_version = packet.station_information.app_version
            self.is_private = packet.station_information.is_private
            self.packet_duration_s = len( /
            self.station_description = packet.station_information.description
            self.api = np.nan
            self.sub_api = np.nan
            self.make = ""
            self.model = ""
            self.os: OsType = OsType["UNKNOWN_OS"]
            self.os_version = ""
            self.app_version = ""
            self.is_private = False
            self.packet_duration_s = np.nan
            self.station_description = ""

    def __repr__(self):
        return (
            f"app: {}, "
            f"api: {self.api}, "
            f"sub_api: {self.sub_api}, "
            f"make: {self.make}, "
            f"model: {self.model}, "
            f"os: {self.os.value}, "
            f"os_version: {self.os_version}, "
            f"app_version: {self.app_version}, "
            f"is_private: {self.is_private}, "
            f"packet_duration_s: {self.packet_duration_s}, "
            f"station_description: {self.station_description}"

    def __str__(self):
        return (
            f"app: {}, "
            f"api: {self.api}, "
            f"sub_api: {self.sub_api}, "
            f"make: {self.make}, "
            f"model: {self.model}, "
            f"os: {}, "
            f"os_version: {self.os_version}, "
            f"app_version: {self.app_version}, "
            f"is_private: {self.is_private}, "
            f"packet_duration_s: {self.packet_duration_s}, "
            f"station_description: {self.station_description}"

    def validate_metadata(self, other_metadata: "StationMetadata") -> bool:
        :param other_metadata: another StationMetadata object to compare
        :return: True if other_metadata is equal to the calling metadata
        return (
            and self.api == other_metadata.api
            and self.sub_api == other_metadata.sub_api
            and self.make == other_metadata.make
            and self.model == other_metadata.model
            and self.os == other_metadata.os
            and self.os_version == other_metadata.os_version
            and self.app_version == other_metadata.app_version
            and self.is_private == other_metadata.is_private
            and self.packet_duration_s == other_metadata.packet_duration_s
            and self.station_description == other_metadata.station_description

    def as_dict(self) -> dict:
        :return: dictionary representation of the metadata
        return {
            "api": self.api,
            "sub_api": self.sub_api,
            "make": self.make,
            "model": self.model,
            "os_version": self.os_version,
            "app_version": self.app_version,
            "is_private": self.is_private,
            "packet_duration_s": self.packet_duration_s,
            "station_description": self.station_description,
            "other_metadata": self.other_metadata,

    def from_dict(md_dict: dict) -> "StationMetadata":
        :param md_dict: metadata dictionary
        :return: StationMetadata from dictionary
        result = StationMetadata(md_dict["app"])
        result.api = md_dict["api"]
        result.sub_api = md_dict["sub_api"]
        result.make = md_dict["make"]
        result.model = md_dict["model"]
        result.os = OsType[md_dict["os"]]
        result.os_version = md_dict["os_version"]
        result.app_version = md_dict["app_version"]
        result.is_private = md_dict["is_private"]
        result.packet_duration_s = md_dict["packet_duration_s"]
        result.station_description = md_dict["station_description"]
        result.other_metadata = md_dict["other_metadata"]
        return result

class StationPacketMetadata:
    A container for all the packet metadata that isn't consistent across all packets

        packet_start_mach_timestamp: float, machine timestamp of packet start in microseconds since epoch UTC,
        default np.nan

        packet_end_mach_timestamp: float, machine timestamp of packet end in microseconds since epoch UTC,
        default np.nan

        packet_start_os_timestamp: float, os timestamp of packet start in microseconds since epoch UTC, default np.nan

        packet_end_os_timestamp: float, os timestamp of packet end in microseconds since epoch UTC, default np.nan

        server_packet_received_timestamp: float, timestamp from server when packet was received in
        microseconds since epoch UTC

        timing_info_score: float, quality of timing information, default np.nan

        timing_score_method: TimingScoreMethod, method used to determine timing score, default "UNKNOWN"

        other_metadata: dict, str: str of other metadata from the packet, default empty list

    def __init__(self, packet: Optional[api_m.RedvoxPacketM] = None):
        initialize the metadata

        :param packet: Optional RedvoxPacketM to read data from
        self.other_metadata = {}
        if packet:
            self.packet_start_mach_timestamp = packet.timing_information.packet_start_mach_timestamp
            self.packet_end_mach_timestamp = packet.timing_information.packet_end_mach_timestamp
            self.packet_start_os_timestamp = packet.timing_information.packet_start_os_timestamp
            self.packet_end_os_timestamp = packet.timing_information.packet_end_os_timestamp
            self.server_packet_receive_timestamp = packet.timing_information.server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp
            self.timing_info_score = packet.timing_information.score
            self.timing_score_method = TimingScoreMethod(packet.timing_information.score_method)
            self.packet_start_mach_timestamp = np.nan
            self.packet_end_mach_timestamp = np.nan
            self.packet_start_os_timestamp = np.nan
            self.packet_end_os_timestamp = np.nan
            self.server_packet_receive_timestamp = np.nan
            self.timing_info_score = np.nan
            self.timing_score_method = TimingScoreMethod["UNKNOWN"]

    def __repr__(self):
        return (
            f"packet_start_mach_timestamp: {self.packet_start_mach_timestamp}, "
            f"packet_end_mach_timestamp: {self.packet_end_mach_timestamp}, "
            f"packet_start_os_timestamp: {self.packet_start_os_timestamp}, "
            f"packet_end_os_timestamp: {self.packet_end_os_timestamp}, "
            f"server_packet_receive_timestamp: {self.server_packet_receive_timestamp}, "
            f"timing_info_score: {self.timing_info_score}, "
            f"timing_score_method: {self.timing_score_method.value}"

    def __str__(self):
        return (
            f"packet_start_mach_timestamp: {self.packet_start_mach_timestamp}, "
            f"packet_end_mach_timestamp: {self.packet_end_mach_timestamp}, "
            f"packet_start_os_timestamp: {self.packet_start_os_timestamp}, "
            f"packet_end_os_timestamp: {self.packet_end_os_timestamp}, "
            f"server_packet_receive_timestamp: {self.server_packet_receive_timestamp}, "
            f"timing_info_score: {self.timing_info_score}, "
            f"timing_score_method: {}"

    def update_timestamps(self, om: OffsetModel, use_model_function: bool = True):
        updates the timestamps in the metadata using the offset model

        :param om: OffsetModel to apply to data
        :param use_model_function: if True, use the offset model's correction function to correct time,
                                    otherwise use best offset (model's intercept value).  default True
        self.packet_start_mach_timestamp = om.update_time(self.packet_start_mach_timestamp, use_model_function)
        self.packet_end_mach_timestamp = om.update_time(self.packet_end_mach_timestamp, use_model_function)
        self.packet_start_os_timestamp = om.update_time(self.packet_start_os_timestamp, use_model_function)
        self.packet_end_os_timestamp = om.update_time(self.packet_end_os_timestamp, use_model_function)

    def original_timestamps(self, om: OffsetModel, use_model_function: bool = True):
        undo the updates to the timestamps in the metadata using the offset model

        :param om: OffsetModel to apply to data
        :param use_model_function: if True, use the offset model's correction function to correct time,
                                    otherwise use best offset (model's intercept value).  default True
        self.packet_start_mach_timestamp = om.get_original_time(self.packet_start_mach_timestamp, use_model_function)
        self.packet_end_mach_timestamp = om.get_original_time(self.packet_end_mach_timestamp, use_model_function)
        self.packet_start_os_timestamp = om.get_original_time(self.packet_start_os_timestamp, use_model_function)
        self.packet_end_os_timestamp = om.get_original_time(self.packet_end_os_timestamp, use_model_function)

    def as_dict(self) -> dict:
        :return: dictionary representation of the packet metadata
        return {
            "packet_start_mach_timestamp": self.packet_start_mach_timestamp,
            "packet_end_mach_timestamp": self.packet_end_mach_timestamp,
            "packet_start_os_timestamp": self.packet_start_os_timestamp,
            "packet_end_os_timestamp": self.packet_end_os_timestamp,
            "server_packet_receive_timestamp": self.server_packet_receive_timestamp,
            "timing_info_score": self.timing_info_score,
            "other_metadata": self.other_metadata,

    def from_dict(pmd_dict: dict) -> "StationPacketMetadata":
        :param pmd_dict: dictionary with StationPacketMetadata
        :return: StationPacketMetadata from dictionary
        result = StationPacketMetadata()
        result.other_metadata = pmd_dict["other_metadata"]
        result.packet_start_mach_timestamp = pmd_dict["packet_start_mach_timestamp"]
        result.packet_end_mach_timestamp = pmd_dict["packet_end_mach_timestamp"]
        result.packet_start_os_timestamp = pmd_dict["packet_start_os_timestamp"]
        result.packet_end_os_timestamp = pmd_dict["packet_end_os_timestamp"]
        result.server_packet_receive_timestamp = pmd_dict["server_packet_receive_timestamp"]
        result.timing_info_score = pmd_dict["timing_info_score"]
        result.timing_score_method = TimingScoreMethod[
            pmd_dict["timing_score_method"] if "timing_score_method" in pmd_dict.keys() else "UNKNOWN"
        return result


def validate_station_key_list(data_packets: List[src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM], errors: RedVoxExceptions) ‑> bool

Checks for consistency in the data packets. Returns False if discrepancies are found. If debug is True, will output the discrepancies.

:param data_packets: list of RedvoxPacketM to look at :param errors: RedVoxExceptions detailing errors found while validating :return: True if no discrepancies found. False otherwise

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def validate_station_key_list(data_packets: List[api_m.RedvoxPacketM], errors: RedVoxExceptions) -> bool:
    Checks for consistency in the data packets.  Returns False if discrepancies are found.
    If debug is True, will output the discrepancies.

    :param data_packets: list of RedvoxPacketM to look at
    :param errors: RedVoxExceptions detailing errors found while validating
    :return: True if no discrepancies found.  False otherwise
    my_errors = RedVoxExceptions("StationKeyValidation")
    if len(data_packets) < 2:
        return True
    j: np.ndarray = np.transpose(
                len( /,
            for t in data_packets

    k: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {
        "ids": j[0],
        "uuids": j[1],
        "station_start_times": j[2],
        "apis": j[3],
        "sub_apis": j[4],
        "makes": j[5],
        "models": j[6],
        "os": j[7],
        "os_versions": j[8],
        "app_versions": j[9],
        "privates": j[10],
        "durations": j[11],

    for key, value in k.items():
        result = np.unique(value)
        if len(result) > 1:
                f"WARNING: {data_packets[0]} "
                f"{key} contains multiple unique values: {result}.\n"
                "Please update your query to focus on one of these values."

    if my_errors.get_num_errors() > 0:
        return False

    return True  # if here, everything is consistent


class StationKey (id: str, uuid: str, start_timestamp_micros: float)

A set of values that uniquely define a station


id: str, id of the station

uuid: str, uuid of the station

start_timestamp_micros: float, starting time of the station in microseconds since epoch UTC

Expand source code
class StationKey:
    A set of values that uniquely define a station

        id: str, id of the station

        uuid: str, uuid of the station

        start_timestamp_micros: float, starting time of the station in microseconds since epoch UTC

    id: str
    uuid: str
    start_timestamp_micros: float

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"id:{}, uuid:{self.uuid}, start_date:{self.start_timestamp_micros}"

    def get_key(self) -> Tuple[str, str, float]:
        :return: the key as a tuple
        return, self.uuid, self.start_timestamp_micros

    def check_key(
        station_id: Optional[str] = None,
        station_uuid: Optional[str] = None,
        start_timestamp: Optional[float] = None,
    ) -> bool:
        Check if the key has the values specified.  If the parameter is None, any value will match.
        Note that NAN is a valid value for start_timestamps, but any station with start_timestamp = NAN
        will not match any value, including another NAN.

        :param station_id: station id, default None
        :param station_uuid: station uuid, default None
        :param start_timestamp: station start timestamp in microseconds since UTC epoch, default None
        :return: True if all parameters match key values
        if (
            (station_id is not None and station_id !=
            or (station_uuid is not None and station_uuid != self.uuid)
            or (
                start_timestamp is not None
                and (
                    start_timestamp != self.start_timestamp_micros
                    or np.isnan(start_timestamp)
                    or np.isnan(self.start_timestamp_micros)
            return False
        return True

    def compare_key(self, other_key: "StationKey") -> bool:
        compare key to another station's key

        :param other_key: another station's key
        :return: True if the keys match
        return self.check_key(, other_key.uuid, other_key.start_timestamp_micros)

    def as_cloud_key(self) -> str:
        :return: key in format used by cloud session models
        return f"{}:{self.uuid}:{int(self.start_timestamp_micros)}"

Class variables

var id : str
var start_timestamp_micros : float
var uuid : str

Static methods

def from_dict(kvs: Union[dict, list, str, int, float, bool, ForwardRef(None)], *, infer_missing=False) ‑> ~A
Expand source code
def from_dict(cls: Type[A],
              kvs: Json,
              infer_missing=False) -> A:
    return _decode_dataclass(cls, kvs, infer_missing)
def from_json(s: Union[str, bytes, bytearray], *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) ‑> ~A
Expand source code
def from_json(cls: Type[A],
              s: JsonData,
              **kw) -> A:
    kvs = json.loads(s,
    return cls.from_dict(kvs, infer_missing=infer_missing)
def schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) ‑>[~A]
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def schema(cls: Type[A],
           infer_missing: bool = False,
           many: bool = False,
           partial: bool = False,
           unknown=None) -> SchemaType:
    Schema = build_schema(cls, DataClassJsonMixin, infer_missing, partial)

    if unknown is None:
        undefined_parameter_action = _undefined_parameter_action_safe(cls)
        if undefined_parameter_action is not None:
            # We can just make use of the same-named mm keywords
            unknown =

    return Schema(only=only,


def as_cloud_key(self) ‑> str

:return: key in format used by cloud session models

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def as_cloud_key(self) -> str:
    :return: key in format used by cloud session models
    return f"{}:{self.uuid}:{int(self.start_timestamp_micros)}"
def check_key(self, station_id: Optional[str] = None, station_uuid: Optional[str] = None, start_timestamp: Optional[float] = None) ‑> bool

Check if the key has the values specified. If the parameter is None, any value will match. Note that NAN is a valid value for start_timestamps, but any station with start_timestamp = NAN will not match any value, including another NAN.

:param station_id: station id, default None :param station_uuid: station uuid, default None :param start_timestamp: station start timestamp in microseconds since UTC epoch, default None :return: True if all parameters match key values

Expand source code
def check_key(
    station_id: Optional[str] = None,
    station_uuid: Optional[str] = None,
    start_timestamp: Optional[float] = None,
) -> bool:
    Check if the key has the values specified.  If the parameter is None, any value will match.
    Note that NAN is a valid value for start_timestamps, but any station with start_timestamp = NAN
    will not match any value, including another NAN.

    :param station_id: station id, default None
    :param station_uuid: station uuid, default None
    :param start_timestamp: station start timestamp in microseconds since UTC epoch, default None
    :return: True if all parameters match key values
    if (
        (station_id is not None and station_id !=
        or (station_uuid is not None and station_uuid != self.uuid)
        or (
            start_timestamp is not None
            and (
                start_timestamp != self.start_timestamp_micros
                or np.isnan(start_timestamp)
                or np.isnan(self.start_timestamp_micros)
        return False
    return True
def compare_key(self, other_key: StationKey) ‑> bool

compare key to another station's key

:param other_key: another station's key :return: True if the keys match

Expand source code
def compare_key(self, other_key: "StationKey") -> bool:
    compare key to another station's key

    :param other_key: another station's key
    :return: True if the keys match
    return self.check_key(, other_key.uuid, other_key.start_timestamp_micros)
def get_key(self) ‑> Tuple[str, str, float]

:return: the key as a tuple

Expand source code
def get_key(self) -> Tuple[str, str, float]:
    :return: the key as a tuple
    return, self.uuid, self.start_timestamp_micros
def to_dict(self, encode_json=False) ‑> Dict[str, Union[dict, list, str, int, float, bool, ForwardRef(None)]]
Expand source code
def to_dict(self, encode_json=False) -> Dict[str, Json]:
    return _asdict(self, encode_json=encode_json)
def to_json(self, *, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: Union[int, str, ForwardRef(None)] = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] = None, default: Callable = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) ‑> str
Expand source code
def to_json(self,
            skipkeys: bool = False,
            ensure_ascii: bool = True,
            check_circular: bool = True,
            allow_nan: bool = True,
            indent: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
            separators: Tuple[str, str] = None,
            default: Callable = None,
            sort_keys: bool = False,
            **kw) -> str:
    return json.dumps(self.to_dict(encode_json=False),
class StationMetadata (app: str = '', packet: Optional[src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM] = None)

A container for all the packet metadata consistent across all packets


api: float, api version, default np.nan

sub_api: float, sub api version, default np.nan

make: str, station make, default empty string

model: str, station model, default empty string

os: OsType enum, station OS, default OsType.UNKNOWN_OS

os_version: str, station OS version, default empty string

app: str, station app, default empty string

app_version: str, station app version, default empty string

is_private: bool, is station data private, default False

packet_duration_s: float, duration of the packet in seconds, default np.nan

station_description: str, description of the station, default empty string

other_metadata: dict, str: str of other metadata from the packet, default empty list

initialize the metadata

:param app: app name :param packet: Optional RedvoxPacketM to read data from

Expand source code
class StationMetadata:
    A container for all the packet metadata consistent across all packets

        api: float, api version, default np.nan

        sub_api: float, sub api version, default np.nan

        make: str, station make, default empty string

        model: str, station model, default empty string

        os: OsType enum, station OS, default OsType.UNKNOWN_OS

        os_version: str, station OS version, default empty string

        app: str, station app, default empty string

        app_version: str, station app version, default empty string

        is_private: bool, is station data private, default False

        packet_duration_s: float, duration of the packet in seconds, default np.nan

        station_description: str, description of the station, default empty string

        other_metadata: dict, str: str of other metadata from the packet, default empty list

    def __init__(self, app: str = "", packet: Optional[api_m.RedvoxPacketM] = None):
        initialize the metadata

        :param app: app name
        :param packet: Optional RedvoxPacketM to read data from
        """ = app
        self.other_metadata = {}
        if packet:
            self.api = packet.api
            self.sub_api = packet.sub_api
            self.make = packet.station_information.make
            self.model = packet.station_information.model
            self.os: OsType = OsType(packet.station_information.os)
            self.os_version = packet.station_information.os_version
            self.app_version = packet.station_information.app_version
            self.is_private = packet.station_information.is_private
            self.packet_duration_s = len( /
            self.station_description = packet.station_information.description
            self.api = np.nan
            self.sub_api = np.nan
            self.make = ""
            self.model = ""
            self.os: OsType = OsType["UNKNOWN_OS"]
            self.os_version = ""
            self.app_version = ""
            self.is_private = False
            self.packet_duration_s = np.nan
            self.station_description = ""

    def __repr__(self):
        return (
            f"app: {}, "
            f"api: {self.api}, "
            f"sub_api: {self.sub_api}, "
            f"make: {self.make}, "
            f"model: {self.model}, "
            f"os: {self.os.value}, "
            f"os_version: {self.os_version}, "
            f"app_version: {self.app_version}, "
            f"is_private: {self.is_private}, "
            f"packet_duration_s: {self.packet_duration_s}, "
            f"station_description: {self.station_description}"

    def __str__(self):
        return (
            f"app: {}, "
            f"api: {self.api}, "
            f"sub_api: {self.sub_api}, "
            f"make: {self.make}, "
            f"model: {self.model}, "
            f"os: {}, "
            f"os_version: {self.os_version}, "
            f"app_version: {self.app_version}, "
            f"is_private: {self.is_private}, "
            f"packet_duration_s: {self.packet_duration_s}, "
            f"station_description: {self.station_description}"

    def validate_metadata(self, other_metadata: "StationMetadata") -> bool:
        :param other_metadata: another StationMetadata object to compare
        :return: True if other_metadata is equal to the calling metadata
        return (
            and self.api == other_metadata.api
            and self.sub_api == other_metadata.sub_api
            and self.make == other_metadata.make
            and self.model == other_metadata.model
            and self.os == other_metadata.os
            and self.os_version == other_metadata.os_version
            and self.app_version == other_metadata.app_version
            and self.is_private == other_metadata.is_private
            and self.packet_duration_s == other_metadata.packet_duration_s
            and self.station_description == other_metadata.station_description

    def as_dict(self) -> dict:
        :return: dictionary representation of the metadata
        return {
            "api": self.api,
            "sub_api": self.sub_api,
            "make": self.make,
            "model": self.model,
            "os_version": self.os_version,
            "app_version": self.app_version,
            "is_private": self.is_private,
            "packet_duration_s": self.packet_duration_s,
            "station_description": self.station_description,
            "other_metadata": self.other_metadata,

    def from_dict(md_dict: dict) -> "StationMetadata":
        :param md_dict: metadata dictionary
        :return: StationMetadata from dictionary
        result = StationMetadata(md_dict["app"])
        result.api = md_dict["api"]
        result.sub_api = md_dict["sub_api"]
        result.make = md_dict["make"]
        result.model = md_dict["model"]
        result.os = OsType[md_dict["os"]]
        result.os_version = md_dict["os_version"]
        result.app_version = md_dict["app_version"]
        result.is_private = md_dict["is_private"]
        result.packet_duration_s = md_dict["packet_duration_s"]
        result.station_description = md_dict["station_description"]
        result.other_metadata = md_dict["other_metadata"]
        return result

Static methods

def from_dict(md_dict: dict) ‑> StationMetadata

:param md_dict: metadata dictionary :return: StationMetadata from dictionary

Expand source code
def from_dict(md_dict: dict) -> "StationMetadata":
    :param md_dict: metadata dictionary
    :return: StationMetadata from dictionary
    result = StationMetadata(md_dict["app"])
    result.api = md_dict["api"]
    result.sub_api = md_dict["sub_api"]
    result.make = md_dict["make"]
    result.model = md_dict["model"]
    result.os = OsType[md_dict["os"]]
    result.os_version = md_dict["os_version"]
    result.app_version = md_dict["app_version"]
    result.is_private = md_dict["is_private"]
    result.packet_duration_s = md_dict["packet_duration_s"]
    result.station_description = md_dict["station_description"]
    result.other_metadata = md_dict["other_metadata"]
    return result


def as_dict(self) ‑> dict

:return: dictionary representation of the metadata

Expand source code
def as_dict(self) -> dict:
    :return: dictionary representation of the metadata
    return {
        "api": self.api,
        "sub_api": self.sub_api,
        "make": self.make,
        "model": self.model,
        "os_version": self.os_version,
        "app_version": self.app_version,
        "is_private": self.is_private,
        "packet_duration_s": self.packet_duration_s,
        "station_description": self.station_description,
        "other_metadata": self.other_metadata,
def validate_metadata(self, other_metadata: StationMetadata) ‑> bool

:param other_metadata: another StationMetadata object to compare :return: True if other_metadata is equal to the calling metadata

Expand source code
def validate_metadata(self, other_metadata: "StationMetadata") -> bool:
    :param other_metadata: another StationMetadata object to compare
    :return: True if other_metadata is equal to the calling metadata
    return ( ==
        and self.api == other_metadata.api
        and self.sub_api == other_metadata.sub_api
        and self.make == other_metadata.make
        and self.model == other_metadata.model
        and self.os == other_metadata.os
        and self.os_version == other_metadata.os_version
        and self.app_version == other_metadata.app_version
        and self.is_private == other_metadata.is_private
        and self.packet_duration_s == other_metadata.packet_duration_s
        and self.station_description == other_metadata.station_description
class StationPacketMetadata (packet: Optional[src.redvox_api_m.redvox_api_m_pb2.RedvoxPacketM] = None)

A container for all the packet metadata that isn't consistent across all packets


packet_start_mach_timestamp: float, machine timestamp of packet start in microseconds since epoch UTC, default np.nan

packet_end_mach_timestamp: float, machine timestamp of packet end in microseconds since epoch UTC, default np.nan

packet_start_os_timestamp: float, os timestamp of packet start in microseconds since epoch UTC, default np.nan

packet_end_os_timestamp: float, os timestamp of packet end in microseconds since epoch UTC, default np.nan

server_packet_received_timestamp: float, timestamp from server when packet was received in microseconds since epoch UTC

timing_info_score: float, quality of timing information, default np.nan

timing_score_method: TimingScoreMethod, method used to determine timing score, default "UNKNOWN"

other_metadata: dict, str: str of other metadata from the packet, default empty list

initialize the metadata

:param packet: Optional RedvoxPacketM to read data from

Expand source code
class StationPacketMetadata:
    A container for all the packet metadata that isn't consistent across all packets

        packet_start_mach_timestamp: float, machine timestamp of packet start in microseconds since epoch UTC,
        default np.nan

        packet_end_mach_timestamp: float, machine timestamp of packet end in microseconds since epoch UTC,
        default np.nan

        packet_start_os_timestamp: float, os timestamp of packet start in microseconds since epoch UTC, default np.nan

        packet_end_os_timestamp: float, os timestamp of packet end in microseconds since epoch UTC, default np.nan

        server_packet_received_timestamp: float, timestamp from server when packet was received in
        microseconds since epoch UTC

        timing_info_score: float, quality of timing information, default np.nan

        timing_score_method: TimingScoreMethod, method used to determine timing score, default "UNKNOWN"

        other_metadata: dict, str: str of other metadata from the packet, default empty list

    def __init__(self, packet: Optional[api_m.RedvoxPacketM] = None):
        initialize the metadata

        :param packet: Optional RedvoxPacketM to read data from
        self.other_metadata = {}
        if packet:
            self.packet_start_mach_timestamp = packet.timing_information.packet_start_mach_timestamp
            self.packet_end_mach_timestamp = packet.timing_information.packet_end_mach_timestamp
            self.packet_start_os_timestamp = packet.timing_information.packet_start_os_timestamp
            self.packet_end_os_timestamp = packet.timing_information.packet_end_os_timestamp
            self.server_packet_receive_timestamp = packet.timing_information.server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp
            self.timing_info_score = packet.timing_information.score
            self.timing_score_method = TimingScoreMethod(packet.timing_information.score_method)
            self.packet_start_mach_timestamp = np.nan
            self.packet_end_mach_timestamp = np.nan
            self.packet_start_os_timestamp = np.nan
            self.packet_end_os_timestamp = np.nan
            self.server_packet_receive_timestamp = np.nan
            self.timing_info_score = np.nan
            self.timing_score_method = TimingScoreMethod["UNKNOWN"]

    def __repr__(self):
        return (
            f"packet_start_mach_timestamp: {self.packet_start_mach_timestamp}, "
            f"packet_end_mach_timestamp: {self.packet_end_mach_timestamp}, "
            f"packet_start_os_timestamp: {self.packet_start_os_timestamp}, "
            f"packet_end_os_timestamp: {self.packet_end_os_timestamp}, "
            f"server_packet_receive_timestamp: {self.server_packet_receive_timestamp}, "
            f"timing_info_score: {self.timing_info_score}, "
            f"timing_score_method: {self.timing_score_method.value}"

    def __str__(self):
        return (
            f"packet_start_mach_timestamp: {self.packet_start_mach_timestamp}, "
            f"packet_end_mach_timestamp: {self.packet_end_mach_timestamp}, "
            f"packet_start_os_timestamp: {self.packet_start_os_timestamp}, "
            f"packet_end_os_timestamp: {self.packet_end_os_timestamp}, "
            f"server_packet_receive_timestamp: {self.server_packet_receive_timestamp}, "
            f"timing_info_score: {self.timing_info_score}, "
            f"timing_score_method: {}"

    def update_timestamps(self, om: OffsetModel, use_model_function: bool = True):
        updates the timestamps in the metadata using the offset model

        :param om: OffsetModel to apply to data
        :param use_model_function: if True, use the offset model's correction function to correct time,
                                    otherwise use best offset (model's intercept value).  default True
        self.packet_start_mach_timestamp = om.update_time(self.packet_start_mach_timestamp, use_model_function)
        self.packet_end_mach_timestamp = om.update_time(self.packet_end_mach_timestamp, use_model_function)
        self.packet_start_os_timestamp = om.update_time(self.packet_start_os_timestamp, use_model_function)
        self.packet_end_os_timestamp = om.update_time(self.packet_end_os_timestamp, use_model_function)

    def original_timestamps(self, om: OffsetModel, use_model_function: bool = True):
        undo the updates to the timestamps in the metadata using the offset model

        :param om: OffsetModel to apply to data
        :param use_model_function: if True, use the offset model's correction function to correct time,
                                    otherwise use best offset (model's intercept value).  default True
        self.packet_start_mach_timestamp = om.get_original_time(self.packet_start_mach_timestamp, use_model_function)
        self.packet_end_mach_timestamp = om.get_original_time(self.packet_end_mach_timestamp, use_model_function)
        self.packet_start_os_timestamp = om.get_original_time(self.packet_start_os_timestamp, use_model_function)
        self.packet_end_os_timestamp = om.get_original_time(self.packet_end_os_timestamp, use_model_function)

    def as_dict(self) -> dict:
        :return: dictionary representation of the packet metadata
        return {
            "packet_start_mach_timestamp": self.packet_start_mach_timestamp,
            "packet_end_mach_timestamp": self.packet_end_mach_timestamp,
            "packet_start_os_timestamp": self.packet_start_os_timestamp,
            "packet_end_os_timestamp": self.packet_end_os_timestamp,
            "server_packet_receive_timestamp": self.server_packet_receive_timestamp,
            "timing_info_score": self.timing_info_score,
            "other_metadata": self.other_metadata,

    def from_dict(pmd_dict: dict) -> "StationPacketMetadata":
        :param pmd_dict: dictionary with StationPacketMetadata
        :return: StationPacketMetadata from dictionary
        result = StationPacketMetadata()
        result.other_metadata = pmd_dict["other_metadata"]
        result.packet_start_mach_timestamp = pmd_dict["packet_start_mach_timestamp"]
        result.packet_end_mach_timestamp = pmd_dict["packet_end_mach_timestamp"]
        result.packet_start_os_timestamp = pmd_dict["packet_start_os_timestamp"]
        result.packet_end_os_timestamp = pmd_dict["packet_end_os_timestamp"]
        result.server_packet_receive_timestamp = pmd_dict["server_packet_receive_timestamp"]
        result.timing_info_score = pmd_dict["timing_info_score"]
        result.timing_score_method = TimingScoreMethod[
            pmd_dict["timing_score_method"] if "timing_score_method" in pmd_dict.keys() else "UNKNOWN"
        return result

Static methods

def from_dict(pmd_dict: dict) ‑> StationPacketMetadata

:param pmd_dict: dictionary with StationPacketMetadata :return: StationPacketMetadata from dictionary

Expand source code
def from_dict(pmd_dict: dict) -> "StationPacketMetadata":
    :param pmd_dict: dictionary with StationPacketMetadata
    :return: StationPacketMetadata from dictionary
    result = StationPacketMetadata()
    result.other_metadata = pmd_dict["other_metadata"]
    result.packet_start_mach_timestamp = pmd_dict["packet_start_mach_timestamp"]
    result.packet_end_mach_timestamp = pmd_dict["packet_end_mach_timestamp"]
    result.packet_start_os_timestamp = pmd_dict["packet_start_os_timestamp"]
    result.packet_end_os_timestamp = pmd_dict["packet_end_os_timestamp"]
    result.server_packet_receive_timestamp = pmd_dict["server_packet_receive_timestamp"]
    result.timing_info_score = pmd_dict["timing_info_score"]
    result.timing_score_method = TimingScoreMethod[
        pmd_dict["timing_score_method"] if "timing_score_method" in pmd_dict.keys() else "UNKNOWN"
    return result


def as_dict(self) ‑> dict

:return: dictionary representation of the packet metadata

Expand source code
def as_dict(self) -> dict:
    :return: dictionary representation of the packet metadata
    return {
        "packet_start_mach_timestamp": self.packet_start_mach_timestamp,
        "packet_end_mach_timestamp": self.packet_end_mach_timestamp,
        "packet_start_os_timestamp": self.packet_start_os_timestamp,
        "packet_end_os_timestamp": self.packet_end_os_timestamp,
        "server_packet_receive_timestamp": self.server_packet_receive_timestamp,
        "timing_info_score": self.timing_info_score,
        "other_metadata": self.other_metadata,
def original_timestamps(self, om: OffsetModel, use_model_function: bool = True)

undo the updates to the timestamps in the metadata using the offset model

:param om: OffsetModel to apply to data :param use_model_function: if True, use the offset model's correction function to correct time, otherwise use best offset (model's intercept value). default True

Expand source code
def original_timestamps(self, om: OffsetModel, use_model_function: bool = True):
    undo the updates to the timestamps in the metadata using the offset model

    :param om: OffsetModel to apply to data
    :param use_model_function: if True, use the offset model's correction function to correct time,
                                otherwise use best offset (model's intercept value).  default True
    self.packet_start_mach_timestamp = om.get_original_time(self.packet_start_mach_timestamp, use_model_function)
    self.packet_end_mach_timestamp = om.get_original_time(self.packet_end_mach_timestamp, use_model_function)
    self.packet_start_os_timestamp = om.get_original_time(self.packet_start_os_timestamp, use_model_function)
    self.packet_end_os_timestamp = om.get_original_time(self.packet_end_os_timestamp, use_model_function)
def update_timestamps(self, om: OffsetModel, use_model_function: bool = True)

updates the timestamps in the metadata using the offset model

:param om: OffsetModel to apply to data :param use_model_function: if True, use the offset model's correction function to correct time, otherwise use best offset (model's intercept value). default True

Expand source code
def update_timestamps(self, om: OffsetModel, use_model_function: bool = True):
    updates the timestamps in the metadata using the offset model

    :param om: OffsetModel to apply to data
    :param use_model_function: if True, use the offset model's correction function to correct time,
                                otherwise use best offset (model's intercept value).  default True
    self.packet_start_mach_timestamp = om.update_time(self.packet_start_mach_timestamp, use_model_function)
    self.packet_end_mach_timestamp = om.update_time(self.packet_end_mach_timestamp, use_model_function)
    self.packet_start_os_timestamp = om.update_time(self.packet_start_os_timestamp, use_model_function)
    self.packet_end_os_timestamp = om.update_time(self.packet_end_os_timestamp, use_model_function)