Module redvox.common.reader_session_model

This module describes methods to store session models from different sources. This information can be utilized by users as they see fit

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This module describes methods to store session models from different sources.
This information can be utilized by users as they see fit

from typing import List, Optional, Callable

from redvox.common.session_model import SessionModel, LocalSessionModels
from redvox.common.errors import RedVoxExceptions
from import cloud_client
from import SessionModelsResp, Session, DynamicSession
from import CloudApiError

class ModelsContainer:
    Helper module for ApiReader that manages the cloud and SDK session models requested by the ApiReader.

    Cloud models take priority over local models.

    Cloud and Local session models do not overlap.

        cloud_models: SessionModelsResp that contains all the cloud models

        local_models: LocalSessionModels that contains all the locally created models

    def __init__(self, cloud: Optional[SessionModelsResp] = None, local: Optional[LocalSessionModels] = None):
        initialize the container.

        :param cloud: SessionModelsResp containing all cloud session models
        :param local: list of local session models
        self.cloud_models: Optional[SessionModelsResp] = cloud
        self.local_models: Optional[LocalSessionModels] = local
        self._errors: RedVoxExceptions = RedVoxExceptions("ModelsContainer")

    def __repr__(self):
        :return: representation of ModelsContainer
        return f"cloud_models: {self.cloud_models.__repr__()}, " f"local_models: {self.local_models.__repr__()}"

    def as_dict(self) -> dict:
        :return: ModelsContainer as a dictionary
        return {
            "cloud_models": self.cloud_models.to_dict() if self.cloud_models else None,
            "local_models": self.local_models.as_dict() if self.local_models else None,
            "errors": self._errors.as_dict(),

    def from_dict(in_dict: dict) -> "ModelsContainer":
        :param in_dict: dictionary to convert into a ModelsContainer
        :return: the ModelsContainer described by the dictionary
        result = ModelsContainer(
            SessionModelsResp.from_dict(in_dict["cloud_models"]) if "cloud_models" in in_dict.keys() else None,
            LocalSessionModels.from_dict(in_dict["local_models"]) if "local_models" in in_dict.keys() else None,
        if "errors" in in_dict.keys():
            result._errors = in_dict["errors"]
        return result

    def _model_operation(model: Session, func: Callable):
        :param model: Session model to operate on
        :param func: function to perform; takes model as a parameter
        :return: output of the function
        return func(model)

    def get_model(self, session_key: str) -> Optional[Session]:
        :param session_key: the key for the session.  format is: "{STATION_ID}:{STATION_UUID}:{STATION_START_DATE}"
            where STATION_START_DATE is the integer start date of the station in microseconds since epoch UTC.
        :return: cloud session model matching the key or None
        if self.cloud_models:
            for n in self.cloud_models.sessions:
                if session_key == n.session_key():
                    return n
        if self.local_models:
            for n in self.local_models.sessions:
                if session_key == n.cloud_session.session_key():
                    return n.cloud_session
        return None

    def get_model_by_key(
        self, station_id: str, uuid: Optional[str] = None, start_date: Optional[int] = None
    ) -> Optional[Session]:
        :param station_id: id of the station to get
        :param uuid: uuid of station to get.  if None, gets the first station that matches other parameters.  Default
        :param start_date: start date in epoch microseconds since epoch UTC of station.  if None, gets first station
                that matches other parameters.  Default None
        :return: First session that matches parameters or None
        # if uuid or start date given, check that it matches, if both given, check if both match
        key_check_func = (
            lambda x: (not uuid and not start_date)
            or (uuid and x.uuid == uuid and not start_date)
            or (start_date and x.start_ts == start_date and not uuid)
            or (uuid and x.uuid == uuid and start_date and x.start_ts == start_date)
        if self.cloud_models:
            for n in self.cloud_models.sessions:
                if == station_id:
                    if self._model_operation(n, key_check_func):
                        return n
        if self.local_models:
            for n in self.local_models.sessions:
                if == station_id:
                    if self._model_operation(n.cloud_session, key_check_func):
                        return n.cloud_session
        return None

    def get_all_models(self) -> List[Session]:
        :return: all session models in the container
        models = []
        if self.cloud_models:
            for n in self.cloud_models.sessions:
        if self.local_models:
            for n in self.local_models.sessions:
        return models

    def get_dynamic_session(self, key: str) -> Optional[DynamicSession]:
        :param key: key to the dynamic session, formatted as: ID:UUID:SESSION_START_DATE:DYNAMIC_START:DYNAMIC_END
                    where START and END values times as microseconds since epoch UTC.
        :return: DynamicSession matching the key or None
        key_parts = key.split(":")
        dynamic_session: Optional[DynamicSession] = None
            client: cloud_client.CloudClient
            with cloud_client() as client:
                dynamic_session: DynamicSession = client.request_dynamic_session_model(
                    f"{key_parts[0]}:{key_parts[1]}:{key_parts[2]}", int(key_parts[3]), int(key_parts[4])
        except CloudApiError:
            if not dynamic_session:
                for n in self.local_models.sessions:
                    for d, s in n.dynamic_sessions.items():
                        if d == key:
                            return s
        return dynamic_session

    def set_cloud_session(self, cloud_resp: SessionModelsResp):
        Set the cloud_models to the cloud_resp
        :param cloud_resp: The new SessionModelsResp from a cloud query
        self.cloud_models = cloud_resp

    def add_cloud_session(self, new_session: Session):
        Add a cloud Session to the container.  Does nothing if you try to add an existing key
        :param new_session: session to add
        if self.cloud_models:
            if self.get_model(new_session.session_key()):
                self._errors.append(f"Attempted to add existing key {new_session.session_key()}")
            self.set_cloud_session(SessionModelsResp(err=None, sessions=[new_session]))

    def search_cloud_session(
        id_uuids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        owner: Optional[str] = None,
        start_ts: Optional[int] = None,
        end_ts: Optional[int] = None,
        include_public: bool = False,
        Search the cloud for a range of Session models and overwrites existing cloud_models if there are results.
        Raises any exception found.

        * All defaults are None except for include_public, which is False.
        * Without any inputs, this function may add a large number of results.  We recommend you set at least one of
          the parameters to reduce the number of results.

        :param id_uuids: An optional list of IDs or ID:UUIDs.
        :param owner: An optional owner.
        :param start_ts: An optional start timestamp in microseconds since epoch UTC.
        :param end_ts: An optional end timestamp in microseconds since epoch UTC.
        :param include_public: Additionally include public sessions that may not be the same as the owner.
            resp: Optional[SessionModelsResp]
            with cloud_client() as client:
                resp = client.request_session_models(id_uuids, owner, start_ts, end_ts, include_public)
                if len(resp.sessions) > 0:
                    self.cloud_models = resp
        except (CloudApiError, Exception):

    def set_local_session(self, local_sessions: List[SessionModel]):
        Set the local_models to the local_sessions
        :param local_sessions: The list of new local SessionModel created from files
        self.local_models = local_sessions

    def add_local_session(self, new_session: SessionModel):
        Add a local SessionModel to the container.  Does nothing if you try to add an existing key
        :param new_session: session to add
        new_session_key = new_session.cloud_session.session_key()
        if self.local_models:
            if self.get_model(new_session_key):
                self._errors.append(f"Attempted to add existing key {new_session_key}")
            self.local_models = LocalSessionModels()

    def errors(self) -> RedVoxExceptions:
        :return: errors from the ModelsContainer
        return self._errors

    def list_keys(self) -> List[str]:
        :return: all top-level session keys of the models
        keys = []
        if self.cloud_models:
            for k in self.cloud_models.sessions:
        if self.local_models:
            for k in self.local_models.sessions:
        return keys

    def list_ids(self) -> List[str]:
        :return: all station ids in the models
        ids = []
        if self.cloud_models:
            for k in self.cloud_models.sessions:
                if not in ids:
        if self.local_models:
            for k in self.local_models.sessions:
                if not in ids:
        return ids


class ModelsContainer (cloud: Optional[SessionModelsResp] = None, local: Optional[LocalSessionModels] = None)

Helper module for ApiReader that manages the cloud and SDK session models requested by the ApiReader.

Cloud models take priority over local models.

Cloud and Local session models do not overlap.


cloud_models: SessionModelsResp that contains all the cloud models

local_models: LocalSessionModels that contains all the locally created models

initialize the container.

:param cloud: SessionModelsResp containing all cloud session models :param local: list of local session models

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class ModelsContainer:
    Helper module for ApiReader that manages the cloud and SDK session models requested by the ApiReader.

    Cloud models take priority over local models.

    Cloud and Local session models do not overlap.

        cloud_models: SessionModelsResp that contains all the cloud models

        local_models: LocalSessionModels that contains all the locally created models

    def __init__(self, cloud: Optional[SessionModelsResp] = None, local: Optional[LocalSessionModels] = None):
        initialize the container.

        :param cloud: SessionModelsResp containing all cloud session models
        :param local: list of local session models
        self.cloud_models: Optional[SessionModelsResp] = cloud
        self.local_models: Optional[LocalSessionModels] = local
        self._errors: RedVoxExceptions = RedVoxExceptions("ModelsContainer")

    def __repr__(self):
        :return: representation of ModelsContainer
        return f"cloud_models: {self.cloud_models.__repr__()}, " f"local_models: {self.local_models.__repr__()}"

    def as_dict(self) -> dict:
        :return: ModelsContainer as a dictionary
        return {
            "cloud_models": self.cloud_models.to_dict() if self.cloud_models else None,
            "local_models": self.local_models.as_dict() if self.local_models else None,
            "errors": self._errors.as_dict(),

    def from_dict(in_dict: dict) -> "ModelsContainer":
        :param in_dict: dictionary to convert into a ModelsContainer
        :return: the ModelsContainer described by the dictionary
        result = ModelsContainer(
            SessionModelsResp.from_dict(in_dict["cloud_models"]) if "cloud_models" in in_dict.keys() else None,
            LocalSessionModels.from_dict(in_dict["local_models"]) if "local_models" in in_dict.keys() else None,
        if "errors" in in_dict.keys():
            result._errors = in_dict["errors"]
        return result

    def _model_operation(model: Session, func: Callable):
        :param model: Session model to operate on
        :param func: function to perform; takes model as a parameter
        :return: output of the function
        return func(model)

    def get_model(self, session_key: str) -> Optional[Session]:
        :param session_key: the key for the session.  format is: "{STATION_ID}:{STATION_UUID}:{STATION_START_DATE}"
            where STATION_START_DATE is the integer start date of the station in microseconds since epoch UTC.
        :return: cloud session model matching the key or None
        if self.cloud_models:
            for n in self.cloud_models.sessions:
                if session_key == n.session_key():
                    return n
        if self.local_models:
            for n in self.local_models.sessions:
                if session_key == n.cloud_session.session_key():
                    return n.cloud_session
        return None

    def get_model_by_key(
        self, station_id: str, uuid: Optional[str] = None, start_date: Optional[int] = None
    ) -> Optional[Session]:
        :param station_id: id of the station to get
        :param uuid: uuid of station to get.  if None, gets the first station that matches other parameters.  Default
        :param start_date: start date in epoch microseconds since epoch UTC of station.  if None, gets first station
                that matches other parameters.  Default None
        :return: First session that matches parameters or None
        # if uuid or start date given, check that it matches, if both given, check if both match
        key_check_func = (
            lambda x: (not uuid and not start_date)
            or (uuid and x.uuid == uuid and not start_date)
            or (start_date and x.start_ts == start_date and not uuid)
            or (uuid and x.uuid == uuid and start_date and x.start_ts == start_date)
        if self.cloud_models:
            for n in self.cloud_models.sessions:
                if == station_id:
                    if self._model_operation(n, key_check_func):
                        return n
        if self.local_models:
            for n in self.local_models.sessions:
                if == station_id:
                    if self._model_operation(n.cloud_session, key_check_func):
                        return n.cloud_session
        return None

    def get_all_models(self) -> List[Session]:
        :return: all session models in the container
        models = []
        if self.cloud_models:
            for n in self.cloud_models.sessions:
        if self.local_models:
            for n in self.local_models.sessions:
        return models

    def get_dynamic_session(self, key: str) -> Optional[DynamicSession]:
        :param key: key to the dynamic session, formatted as: ID:UUID:SESSION_START_DATE:DYNAMIC_START:DYNAMIC_END
                    where START and END values times as microseconds since epoch UTC.
        :return: DynamicSession matching the key or None
        key_parts = key.split(":")
        dynamic_session: Optional[DynamicSession] = None
            client: cloud_client.CloudClient
            with cloud_client() as client:
                dynamic_session: DynamicSession = client.request_dynamic_session_model(
                    f"{key_parts[0]}:{key_parts[1]}:{key_parts[2]}", int(key_parts[3]), int(key_parts[4])
        except CloudApiError:
            if not dynamic_session:
                for n in self.local_models.sessions:
                    for d, s in n.dynamic_sessions.items():
                        if d == key:
                            return s
        return dynamic_session

    def set_cloud_session(self, cloud_resp: SessionModelsResp):
        Set the cloud_models to the cloud_resp
        :param cloud_resp: The new SessionModelsResp from a cloud query
        self.cloud_models = cloud_resp

    def add_cloud_session(self, new_session: Session):
        Add a cloud Session to the container.  Does nothing if you try to add an existing key
        :param new_session: session to add
        if self.cloud_models:
            if self.get_model(new_session.session_key()):
                self._errors.append(f"Attempted to add existing key {new_session.session_key()}")
            self.set_cloud_session(SessionModelsResp(err=None, sessions=[new_session]))

    def search_cloud_session(
        id_uuids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        owner: Optional[str] = None,
        start_ts: Optional[int] = None,
        end_ts: Optional[int] = None,
        include_public: bool = False,
        Search the cloud for a range of Session models and overwrites existing cloud_models if there are results.
        Raises any exception found.

        * All defaults are None except for include_public, which is False.
        * Without any inputs, this function may add a large number of results.  We recommend you set at least one of
          the parameters to reduce the number of results.

        :param id_uuids: An optional list of IDs or ID:UUIDs.
        :param owner: An optional owner.
        :param start_ts: An optional start timestamp in microseconds since epoch UTC.
        :param end_ts: An optional end timestamp in microseconds since epoch UTC.
        :param include_public: Additionally include public sessions that may not be the same as the owner.
            resp: Optional[SessionModelsResp]
            with cloud_client() as client:
                resp = client.request_session_models(id_uuids, owner, start_ts, end_ts, include_public)
                if len(resp.sessions) > 0:
                    self.cloud_models = resp
        except (CloudApiError, Exception):

    def set_local_session(self, local_sessions: List[SessionModel]):
        Set the local_models to the local_sessions
        :param local_sessions: The list of new local SessionModel created from files
        self.local_models = local_sessions

    def add_local_session(self, new_session: SessionModel):
        Add a local SessionModel to the container.  Does nothing if you try to add an existing key
        :param new_session: session to add
        new_session_key = new_session.cloud_session.session_key()
        if self.local_models:
            if self.get_model(new_session_key):
                self._errors.append(f"Attempted to add existing key {new_session_key}")
            self.local_models = LocalSessionModels()

    def errors(self) -> RedVoxExceptions:
        :return: errors from the ModelsContainer
        return self._errors

    def list_keys(self) -> List[str]:
        :return: all top-level session keys of the models
        keys = []
        if self.cloud_models:
            for k in self.cloud_models.sessions:
        if self.local_models:
            for k in self.local_models.sessions:
        return keys

    def list_ids(self) -> List[str]:
        :return: all station ids in the models
        ids = []
        if self.cloud_models:
            for k in self.cloud_models.sessions:
                if not in ids:
        if self.local_models:
            for k in self.local_models.sessions:
                if not in ids:
        return ids

Static methods

def from_dict(in_dict: dict) ‑> ModelsContainer

:param in_dict: dictionary to convert into a ModelsContainer :return: the ModelsContainer described by the dictionary

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def from_dict(in_dict: dict) -> "ModelsContainer":
    :param in_dict: dictionary to convert into a ModelsContainer
    :return: the ModelsContainer described by the dictionary
    result = ModelsContainer(
        SessionModelsResp.from_dict(in_dict["cloud_models"]) if "cloud_models" in in_dict.keys() else None,
        LocalSessionModels.from_dict(in_dict["local_models"]) if "local_models" in in_dict.keys() else None,
    if "errors" in in_dict.keys():
        result._errors = in_dict["errors"]
    return result


def add_cloud_session(self, new_session: Session)

Add a cloud Session to the container. Does nothing if you try to add an existing key :param new_session: session to add

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def add_cloud_session(self, new_session: Session):
    Add a cloud Session to the container.  Does nothing if you try to add an existing key
    :param new_session: session to add
    if self.cloud_models:
        if self.get_model(new_session.session_key()):
            self._errors.append(f"Attempted to add existing key {new_session.session_key()}")
        self.set_cloud_session(SessionModelsResp(err=None, sessions=[new_session]))
def add_local_session(self, new_session: SessionModel)

Add a local SessionModel to the container. Does nothing if you try to add an existing key :param new_session: session to add

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def add_local_session(self, new_session: SessionModel):
    Add a local SessionModel to the container.  Does nothing if you try to add an existing key
    :param new_session: session to add
    new_session_key = new_session.cloud_session.session_key()
    if self.local_models:
        if self.get_model(new_session_key):
            self._errors.append(f"Attempted to add existing key {new_session_key}")
        self.local_models = LocalSessionModels()
def as_dict(self) ‑> dict

:return: ModelsContainer as a dictionary

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def as_dict(self) -> dict:
    :return: ModelsContainer as a dictionary
    return {
        "cloud_models": self.cloud_models.to_dict() if self.cloud_models else None,
        "local_models": self.local_models.as_dict() if self.local_models else None,
        "errors": self._errors.as_dict(),
def errors(self) ‑> RedVoxExceptions

:return: errors from the ModelsContainer

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def errors(self) -> RedVoxExceptions:
    :return: errors from the ModelsContainer
    return self._errors
def get_all_models(self) ‑> List[Session]

:return: all session models in the container

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def get_all_models(self) -> List[Session]:
    :return: all session models in the container
    models = []
    if self.cloud_models:
        for n in self.cloud_models.sessions:
    if self.local_models:
        for n in self.local_models.sessions:
    return models
def get_dynamic_session(self, key: str) ‑> Optional[DynamicSession]

:param key: key to the dynamic session, formatted as: ID:UUID:SESSION_START_DATE:DYNAMIC_START:DYNAMIC_END where START and END values times as microseconds since epoch UTC. :return: DynamicSession matching the key or None

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def get_dynamic_session(self, key: str) -> Optional[DynamicSession]:
    :param key: key to the dynamic session, formatted as: ID:UUID:SESSION_START_DATE:DYNAMIC_START:DYNAMIC_END
                where START and END values times as microseconds since epoch UTC.
    :return: DynamicSession matching the key or None
    key_parts = key.split(":")
    dynamic_session: Optional[DynamicSession] = None
        client: cloud_client.CloudClient
        with cloud_client() as client:
            dynamic_session: DynamicSession = client.request_dynamic_session_model(
                f"{key_parts[0]}:{key_parts[1]}:{key_parts[2]}", int(key_parts[3]), int(key_parts[4])
    except CloudApiError:
        if not dynamic_session:
            for n in self.local_models.sessions:
                for d, s in n.dynamic_sessions.items():
                    if d == key:
                        return s
    return dynamic_session
def get_model(self, session_key: str) ‑> Optional[Session]

:param session_key: the key for the session. format is: "{STATION_ID}:{STATION_UUID}:{STATION_START_DATE}" where STATION_START_DATE is the integer start date of the station in microseconds since epoch UTC. :return: cloud session model matching the key or None

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def get_model(self, session_key: str) -> Optional[Session]:
    :param session_key: the key for the session.  format is: "{STATION_ID}:{STATION_UUID}:{STATION_START_DATE}"
        where STATION_START_DATE is the integer start date of the station in microseconds since epoch UTC.
    :return: cloud session model matching the key or None
    if self.cloud_models:
        for n in self.cloud_models.sessions:
            if session_key == n.session_key():
                return n
    if self.local_models:
        for n in self.local_models.sessions:
            if session_key == n.cloud_session.session_key():
                return n.cloud_session
    return None
def get_model_by_key(self, station_id: str, uuid: Optional[str] = None, start_date: Optional[int] = None) ‑> Optional[Session]

:param station_id: id of the station to get :param uuid: uuid of station to get. if None, gets the first station that matches other parameters. Default None :param start_date: start date in epoch microseconds since epoch UTC of station. if None, gets first station that matches other parameters. Default None :return: First session that matches parameters or None

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def get_model_by_key(
    self, station_id: str, uuid: Optional[str] = None, start_date: Optional[int] = None
) -> Optional[Session]:
    :param station_id: id of the station to get
    :param uuid: uuid of station to get.  if None, gets the first station that matches other parameters.  Default
    :param start_date: start date in epoch microseconds since epoch UTC of station.  if None, gets first station
            that matches other parameters.  Default None
    :return: First session that matches parameters or None
    # if uuid or start date given, check that it matches, if both given, check if both match
    key_check_func = (
        lambda x: (not uuid and not start_date)
        or (uuid and x.uuid == uuid and not start_date)
        or (start_date and x.start_ts == start_date and not uuid)
        or (uuid and x.uuid == uuid and start_date and x.start_ts == start_date)
    if self.cloud_models:
        for n in self.cloud_models.sessions:
            if == station_id:
                if self._model_operation(n, key_check_func):
                    return n
    if self.local_models:
        for n in self.local_models.sessions:
            if == station_id:
                if self._model_operation(n.cloud_session, key_check_func):
                    return n.cloud_session
    return None
def list_ids(self) ‑> List[str]

:return: all station ids in the models

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def list_ids(self) -> List[str]:
    :return: all station ids in the models
    ids = []
    if self.cloud_models:
        for k in self.cloud_models.sessions:
            if not in ids:
    if self.local_models:
        for k in self.local_models.sessions:
            if not in ids:
    return ids
def list_keys(self) ‑> List[str]

:return: all top-level session keys of the models

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def list_keys(self) -> List[str]:
    :return: all top-level session keys of the models
    keys = []
    if self.cloud_models:
        for k in self.cloud_models.sessions:
    if self.local_models:
        for k in self.local_models.sessions:
    return keys
def search_cloud_session(self, id_uuids: Optional[List[str]] = None, owner: Optional[str] = None, start_ts: Optional[int] = None, end_ts: Optional[int] = None, include_public: bool = False)

Search the cloud for a range of Session models and overwrites existing cloud_models if there are results. Raises any exception found.

  • All defaults are None except for include_public, which is False.
  • Without any inputs, this function may add a large number of results. We recommend you set at least one of the parameters to reduce the number of results.

:param id_uuids: An optional list of IDs or ID:UUIDs. :param owner: An optional owner. :param start_ts: An optional start timestamp in microseconds since epoch UTC. :param end_ts: An optional end timestamp in microseconds since epoch UTC. :param include_public: Additionally include public sessions that may not be the same as the owner.

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def search_cloud_session(
    id_uuids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    owner: Optional[str] = None,
    start_ts: Optional[int] = None,
    end_ts: Optional[int] = None,
    include_public: bool = False,
    Search the cloud for a range of Session models and overwrites existing cloud_models if there are results.
    Raises any exception found.

    * All defaults are None except for include_public, which is False.
    * Without any inputs, this function may add a large number of results.  We recommend you set at least one of
      the parameters to reduce the number of results.

    :param id_uuids: An optional list of IDs or ID:UUIDs.
    :param owner: An optional owner.
    :param start_ts: An optional start timestamp in microseconds since epoch UTC.
    :param end_ts: An optional end timestamp in microseconds since epoch UTC.
    :param include_public: Additionally include public sessions that may not be the same as the owner.
        resp: Optional[SessionModelsResp]
        with cloud_client() as client:
            resp = client.request_session_models(id_uuids, owner, start_ts, end_ts, include_public)
            if len(resp.sessions) > 0:
                self.cloud_models = resp
    except (CloudApiError, Exception):
def set_cloud_session(self, cloud_resp: SessionModelsResp)

Set the cloud_models to the cloud_resp :param cloud_resp: The new SessionModelsResp from a cloud query

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def set_cloud_session(self, cloud_resp: SessionModelsResp):
    Set the cloud_models to the cloud_resp
    :param cloud_resp: The new SessionModelsResp from a cloud query
    self.cloud_models = cloud_resp
def set_local_session(self, local_sessions: List[SessionModel])

Set the local_models to the local_sessions :param local_sessions: The list of new local SessionModel created from files

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def set_local_session(self, local_sessions: List[SessionModel]):
    Set the local_models to the local_sessions
    :param local_sessions: The list of new local SessionModel created from files
    self.local_models = local_sessions