Module redvox.common.file_statistics
This module provides utility functions for determining statistics of well structured RedVox data.
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This module provides utility functions for determining statistics of well structured RedVox data.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
import math
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
import numpy as np
from redvox.common.timesync import TimeSync
from redvox.common.parallel_utils import maybe_parallel_map
# noinspection Mypy
from import Audio
from redvox.api1000.wrapped_redvox_packet.sensors.location import Location
from redvox.api1000.wrapped_redvox_packet.sensors.sensors import Sensors
from redvox.api1000.wrapped_redvox_packet.station_information import (
from redvox.api1000.wrapped_redvox_packet.timing_information import (
from redvox.api1000.wrapped_redvox_packet.wrapped_packet import WrappedRedvoxPacketM
from redvox.api900.wrapped_redvox_packet import WrappedRedvoxPacket
# noinspection Mypy
from redvox.common.date_time_utils import datetime_from_epoch_microseconds_utc as us2dt
# noinspection Mypy
import as io
SAMPLE_RATE_HZ: np.ndarray = np.array(
[80, 800, 8000, 16000]
) # list of accepted sample rates in Hz
4096 # the number of points to sample at the first sample rate
NUM_POINTS_FACTOR: int = 2 ** 3 # the multiplier of points per increased sample rate
# total multiplier of base number of points, 1 multiplier per sample rate
POINTS_FACTOR_ARRAY: np.ndarray = np.array(
# total number of points per sample rate
# expected duration of packets in seconds
def get_file_stats(sample_rate: Union[float, int]) -> Tuple[int, float]:
Get the number of samples in a decoder file and its duration in seconds.
:param sample_rate: int or float, sample rate
:returns: number of samples in file as int and file time duration in seconds as float
position: int = np.where(SAMPLE_RATE_HZ == sample_rate)[0][0]
except Exception as ex:
raise ValueError(
f"Sample rate {sample_rate} for mic data not recognized."
) from ex
def get_num_points_from_sample_rate(sample_rate: Union[float, int]) -> int:
Returns the number of data points in a packet given a sample rate
:param sample_rate: A valid sample rate from the constants above
:return: the number of data points in the packet in seconds
position: int = np.where(SAMPLE_RATE_HZ == sample_rate)[0][0]
return DURATION_TOTAL_POINTS[position]
except Exception as ex:
raise ValueError(
f"Unknown sample rate {sample_rate} given to compute number of data points!"
) from ex
def get_duration_seconds_from_sample_rate(sample_rate: Union[float, int]) -> float:
Returns the duration of a packet in seconds given a sample rate
:param sample_rate: A valid sample rate from the constants above
:return: the duration of the packet in seconds
position: int = np.where(SAMPLE_RATE_HZ == sample_rate)[0][0]
return DURATION_SECONDS[position]
except Exception as ex:
raise ValueError(
f"Unknown sample rate {sample_rate} given to compute duration!"
) from ex
def _map_opt(
opt: Optional[Any], apply: Callable[[Optional[Any]], Optional[Any]]
) -> Optional[Any]:
Maps an optional with the given function. If the optional is None, None is returned.
:param opt: The optional to map.
:param apply: The function to apply to the optional if a value is present.
:return: The mapped value.
if opt is None:
return None
return apply(opt)
def _map_opt_numeric(
fn: Callable[[Optional[Any]], Optional[Any]],
opt: Optional[Any],
) -> Optional[Any]:
Maps an optional with the given function. If the optional is None, None is returned.
:param fn: The function to apply to the optional if a value is present.
:param opt: The optional to map.
:return: The mapped value.
if opt is None or math.isnan(opt):
return None
return fn(opt)
def _partition_list(lst: List[Any], chunks: int) -> List[Any]:
Partitions a list into k "chunks" of approximately equal length.
Adapted from: Adopted from:
:param lst:
:param chunks:
n: int = len(lst)
k: int = chunks
return [
lst[i * (n // k) + min(i, n % k) : (i + 1) * (n // k) + min(i + 1, n % k)]
for i in range(k)
class GpsDateTime:
Represents timestamp pairings in API 1000 data.
mach_dt: datetime
gps_dt: Optional[datetime]
def dur2td(us: float) -> timedelta:
return timedelta(microseconds=us)
class StationStat:
A collection of station fields for a given API 900 or API 1000 packet.
These are used for timing correction and gap detection.
station_id: str
station_uuid: str
app_start_dt: Optional[datetime]
packet_start_dt: datetime
server_recv_dt: Optional[datetime]
gps_dts: Optional[List[GpsDateTime]]
latency: Optional[float]
best_latency_timestamp: Optional[float]
offset: Optional[float]
sample_rate_hz: Optional[float]
packet_duration: Optional[timedelta]
def from_native(native) -> "StationStat":
return StationStat(
_map_opt_numeric(us2dt, native.app_start_dt),
_map_opt_numeric(us2dt, native.packet_start_dt),
_map_opt_numeric(us2dt, native.server_recv_dt),
_map_opt_numeric(dur2td, native.packet_duration),
def from_api_900(packet: "WrappedRedvoxPacket") -> "StationStat":
Extracts the required fields from an API 900 packet.
:param packet: API 900 packet to extract fields from.
:return: An instance of StationStat.
mtz: Optional[float] = packet.mach_time_zero()
best_offset = packet.best_offset()
best_latency = packet.best_latency()
if packet.has_time_synchronization_sensor():
tsd = TimeSync(
if not best_offset or not best_latency:
best_offset = tsd.best_offset()
best_latency = tsd.best_latency()
best_latency_timestamp = tsd.get_best_latency_timestamp()
best_latency_timestamp = np.nan
# noinspection Mypy
return StationStat(
_map_opt(mtz, us2dt),
if packet.has_microphone_sensor()
else np.nan,
if packet.has_microphone_sensor()
else 0.0,
# noinspection Mypy
def from_api_1000(packet: "WrappedRedvoxPacketM") -> "StationStat":
Extracts the required fields from an API 1000 packet.
:param packet: API 1000 packet to extract fields from.
:return: An instance of StationStat.
station_info: "StationInformation" = packet.get_station_information()
timing_info: "TimingInformation" = packet.get_timing_information()
sensors: "Sensors" = packet.get_sensors()
location_sensor: Optional["Location"] = sensors.get_location()
audio_sensor: Optional["Audio"] = sensors.get_audio()
# Optionally extract the GPS timestamps if the location sensor is available
gps_timestamps: Optional[List[GpsDateTime]] = None
if location_sensor is not None:
gps_timestamps = []
_gps_timestamps = location_sensor.get_timestamps_gps().get_timestamps()
_gps_timestamps_len = len(_gps_timestamps)
for i, ts in enumerate(location_sensor.get_timestamps().get_timestamps()):
# A GPS timestamp isn't always present in the location sensor. We can handle that here.
gps_ts: Optional[datetime] = (
if (i < _gps_timestamps_len and not np.isnan(_gps_timestamps[i]))
else None
gps_timestamps.append(GpsDateTime(us2dt(ts), gps_ts))
best_offset = timing_info.get_best_offset()
best_latency = timing_info.get_best_latency()
if len(timing_info.get_synch_exchange_array()) > 0:
tsd = TimeSync(
if not best_offset or not best_latency:
best_offset = tsd.best_offset()
best_latency = tsd.best_latency()
best_latency_timestamp = tsd.get_best_latency_timestamp()
best_latency_timestamp = np.nan
return StationStat(
_map_opt(audio_sensor, lambda sensor: sensor.get_sample_rate()),
# noinspection PyTypeChecker,DuplicatedCode
def extract_stats_serial(index: io.Index) -> List[StationStat]:
Extracts StationStat information from packets stored in the provided index.
:param index: Index of packets to extract information from.
:return: A list of StationStat objects.
# noinspection Mypy
stats_900: Iterator[StationStat] = map(
# noinspection Mypy
stats_1000: Iterator[StationStat] = map(
return list(stats_900) + list(stats_1000)
def extract_stats_parallel(
index: io.Index, pool: Optional[multiprocessing.pool.Pool] = None
) -> List[StationStat]:
Extracts StationStat information in parallel from packets stored in the provided index.
:param index: Index of packets to extract information from.
:param pool: optional multiprocessing pool.
:return: A list of StationStat objects.
# Partition the index entries by number of cores
num_cores: int = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
partitioned: List[List[io.IndexEntry]] = _partition_list(index.entries, num_cores)
indices: List[io.Index] = list(map(lambda entries: io.Index(entries), partitioned))
# Run da buggahs in parallel
# _pool: multiprocessing.pool.Pool = multiprocessing.Pool() if pool is None else pool
# nested: List[List[StationStat]] =, indices)
# if pool is None:
# _pool.close()
nested: Iterator[List[StationStat]] = maybe_parallel_map(
lambda: len(indices) > 128,
return [item for sublist in nested for item in sublist]
ExtractStatsFn: Callable[[io.Index, Optional[Pool]], List[StationStat]]
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
import redvox_native
def extract_stats_native(
index: io.Index, pool: Optional[Pool] = None
) -> List[StationStat]:
# To native index
native_index = index.to_native()
# Get native stats
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
native_stats = redvox_native.extract_stats(native_index)
# To py result
return list(map(StationStat.from_native, native_stats))
ExtractStatsFn = extract_stats_native
except ImportError:
ExtractStatsFn = extract_stats_parallel
def extract_stats(
index: io.Index,
pool: Optional[multiprocessing.pool.Pool] = None,
) -> List[StationStat]:
Extracts StationStat information from packets stored in the provided index.
:param index: Index of packets to extract information from.
:param pool: optional multiprocessing pool.
:return: A list of StationStat objects.
return ExtractStatsFn(index, pool)
def ExtractStatsFn(index: Index, pool: Optional[multiprocessing.pool.Pool] = None) ‑> List[StationStat]
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def extract_stats_native( index: io.Index, pool: Optional[Pool] = None ) -> List[StationStat]: # To native index native_index = index.to_native() # Get native stats # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences native_stats = redvox_native.extract_stats(native_index) # To py result return list(map(StationStat.from_native, native_stats))
def dur2td(us: float) ‑> datetime.timedelta
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def dur2td(us: float) -> timedelta: return timedelta(microseconds=us)
def extract_stats(index: Index, pool: Optional[multiprocessing.pool.Pool] = None) ‑> List[StationStat]
Extracts StationStat information from packets stored in the provided index.
:param index: Index of packets to extract information from. :param pool: optional multiprocessing pool. :return: A list of StationStat objects.
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def extract_stats( index: io.Index, pool: Optional[multiprocessing.pool.Pool] = None, ) -> List[StationStat]: """ Extracts StationStat information from packets stored in the provided index. :param index: Index of packets to extract information from. :param pool: optional multiprocessing pool. :return: A list of StationStat objects. """ return ExtractStatsFn(index, pool)
def extract_stats_native(index: Index, pool: Optional[multiprocessing.pool.Pool] = None) ‑> List[StationStat]
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def extract_stats_native( index: io.Index, pool: Optional[Pool] = None ) -> List[StationStat]: # To native index native_index = index.to_native() # Get native stats # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences native_stats = redvox_native.extract_stats(native_index) # To py result return list(map(StationStat.from_native, native_stats))
def extract_stats_parallel(index: Index, pool: Optional[multiprocessing.pool.Pool] = None) ‑> List[StationStat]
Extracts StationStat information in parallel from packets stored in the provided index.
:param index: Index of packets to extract information from. :param pool: optional multiprocessing pool. :return: A list of StationStat objects.
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def extract_stats_parallel( index: io.Index, pool: Optional[multiprocessing.pool.Pool] = None ) -> List[StationStat]: """ Extracts StationStat information in parallel from packets stored in the provided index. :param index: Index of packets to extract information from. :param pool: optional multiprocessing pool. :return: A list of StationStat objects. """ # Partition the index entries by number of cores num_cores: int = multiprocessing.cpu_count() partitioned: List[List[io.IndexEntry]] = _partition_list(index.entries, num_cores) indices: List[io.Index] = list(map(lambda entries: io.Index(entries), partitioned)) # Run da buggahs in parallel # _pool: multiprocessing.pool.Pool = multiprocessing.Pool() if pool is None else pool # nested: List[List[StationStat]] =, indices) # if pool is None: # _pool.close() nested: Iterator[List[StationStat]] = maybe_parallel_map( pool, extract_stats_serial, iter(indices), lambda: len(indices) > 128, chunk_size=64, ) return [item for sublist in nested for item in sublist]
def extract_stats_serial(index: Index) ‑> List[StationStat]
Extracts StationStat information from packets stored in the provided index.
:param index: Index of packets to extract information from. :return: A list of StationStat objects.
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def extract_stats_serial(index: io.Index) -> List[StationStat]: """ Extracts StationStat information from packets stored in the provided index. :param index: Index of packets to extract information from. :return: A list of StationStat objects. """ # noinspection Mypy stats_900: Iterator[StationStat] = map( StationStat.from_api_900,{io.ApiVersion.API_900})), ) # noinspection Mypy stats_1000: Iterator[StationStat] = map( StationStat.from_api_1000,{io.ApiVersion.API_1000})), ) return list(stats_900) + list(stats_1000)
def get_duration_seconds_from_sample_rate(sample_rate: Union[float, int]) ‑> float
Returns the duration of a packet in seconds given a sample rate
:param sample_rate: A valid sample rate from the constants above :return: the duration of the packet in seconds
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def get_duration_seconds_from_sample_rate(sample_rate: Union[float, int]) -> float: """ Returns the duration of a packet in seconds given a sample rate :param sample_rate: A valid sample rate from the constants above :return: the duration of the packet in seconds """ try: position: int = np.where(SAMPLE_RATE_HZ == sample_rate)[0][0] return DURATION_SECONDS[position] except Exception as ex: raise ValueError( f"Unknown sample rate {sample_rate} given to compute duration!" ) from ex
def get_file_stats(sample_rate: Union[float, int]) ‑> Tuple[int, float]
Get the number of samples in a decoder file and its duration in seconds.
:param sample_rate: int or float, sample rate :returns: number of samples in file as int and file time duration in seconds as float
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def get_file_stats(sample_rate: Union[float, int]) -> Tuple[int, float]: """ Get the number of samples in a decoder file and its duration in seconds. :param sample_rate: int or float, sample rate :returns: number of samples in file as int and file time duration in seconds as float """ try: position: int = np.where(SAMPLE_RATE_HZ == sample_rate)[0][0] except Exception as ex: raise ValueError( f"Sample rate {sample_rate} for mic data not recognized." ) from ex return DURATION_TOTAL_POINTS[position], DURATION_SECONDS[position]
def get_num_points_from_sample_rate(sample_rate: Union[float, int]) ‑> int
Returns the number of data points in a packet given a sample rate
:param sample_rate: A valid sample rate from the constants above :return: the number of data points in the packet in seconds
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def get_num_points_from_sample_rate(sample_rate: Union[float, int]) -> int: """ Returns the number of data points in a packet given a sample rate :param sample_rate: A valid sample rate from the constants above :return: the number of data points in the packet in seconds """ try: position: int = np.where(SAMPLE_RATE_HZ == sample_rate)[0][0] return DURATION_TOTAL_POINTS[position] except Exception as ex: raise ValueError( f"Unknown sample rate {sample_rate} given to compute number of data points!" ) from ex
class GpsDateTime (mach_dt: datetime.datetime, gps_dt: Optional[datetime.datetime])
Represents timestamp pairings in API 1000 data.
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@dataclass class GpsDateTime: """ Represents timestamp pairings in API 1000 data. """ mach_dt: datetime gps_dt: Optional[datetime]
Class variables
var gps_dt : Optional[datetime.datetime]
var mach_dt : datetime.datetime
class StationStat (station_id: str, station_uuid: str, app_start_dt: Optional[datetime.datetime], packet_start_dt: datetime.datetime, server_recv_dt: Optional[datetime.datetime], gps_dts: Optional[List[GpsDateTime]], latency: Optional[float], best_latency_timestamp: Optional[float], offset: Optional[float], sample_rate_hz: Optional[float], packet_duration: Optional[datetime.timedelta])
A collection of station fields for a given API 900 or API 1000 packet. These are used for timing correction and gap detection.
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@dataclass class StationStat: """ A collection of station fields for a given API 900 or API 1000 packet. These are used for timing correction and gap detection. """ station_id: str station_uuid: str app_start_dt: Optional[datetime] packet_start_dt: datetime server_recv_dt: Optional[datetime] gps_dts: Optional[List[GpsDateTime]] latency: Optional[float] best_latency_timestamp: Optional[float] offset: Optional[float] sample_rate_hz: Optional[float] packet_duration: Optional[timedelta] @staticmethod def from_native(native) -> "StationStat": return StationStat( native.station_id, native.station_uuid, _map_opt_numeric(us2dt, native.app_start_dt), _map_opt_numeric(us2dt, native.packet_start_dt), _map_opt_numeric(us2dt, native.server_recv_dt), None, native.latency, native.best_latency_timestamp, native.offset, native.sample_rate_hz, _map_opt_numeric(dur2td, native.packet_duration), ) @staticmethod def from_api_900(packet: "WrappedRedvoxPacket") -> "StationStat": """ Extracts the required fields from an API 900 packet. :param packet: API 900 packet to extract fields from. :return: An instance of StationStat. """ mtz: Optional[float] = packet.mach_time_zero() best_offset = packet.best_offset() best_latency = packet.best_latency() if packet.has_time_synchronization_sensor(): tsd = TimeSync( time_sync_exchanges_list=list( packet.time_synchronization_sensor().payload_values() ) ) if not best_offset or not best_latency: best_offset = tsd.best_offset() best_latency = tsd.best_latency() best_latency_timestamp = tsd.get_best_latency_timestamp() else: best_latency_timestamp = np.nan # noinspection Mypy return StationStat( packet.redvox_id(), packet.uuid(), _map_opt(mtz, us2dt), us2dt(packet.app_file_start_timestamp_machine()), us2dt(packet.server_timestamp_epoch_microseconds_utc()), None, best_latency, best_latency_timestamp, best_offset, packet.microphone_sensor().sample_rate_hz() if packet.has_microphone_sensor() else np.nan, timedelta(seconds=packet.duration_s()) if packet.has_microphone_sensor() else 0.0, ) # noinspection Mypy @staticmethod def from_api_1000(packet: "WrappedRedvoxPacketM") -> "StationStat": """ Extracts the required fields from an API 1000 packet. :param packet: API 1000 packet to extract fields from. :return: An instance of StationStat. """ station_info: "StationInformation" = packet.get_station_information() timing_info: "TimingInformation" = packet.get_timing_information() sensors: "Sensors" = packet.get_sensors() location_sensor: Optional["Location"] = sensors.get_location() audio_sensor: Optional["Audio"] = sensors.get_audio() # Optionally extract the GPS timestamps if the location sensor is available gps_timestamps: Optional[List[GpsDateTime]] = None if location_sensor is not None: gps_timestamps = [] _gps_timestamps = location_sensor.get_timestamps_gps().get_timestamps() _gps_timestamps_len = len(_gps_timestamps) for i, ts in enumerate(location_sensor.get_timestamps().get_timestamps()): # A GPS timestamp isn't always present in the location sensor. We can handle that here. gps_ts: Optional[datetime] = ( us2dt(_gps_timestamps[i]) if (i < _gps_timestamps_len and not np.isnan(_gps_timestamps[i])) else None ) gps_timestamps.append(GpsDateTime(us2dt(ts), gps_ts)) best_offset = timing_info.get_best_offset() best_latency = timing_info.get_best_latency() if len(timing_info.get_synch_exchange_array()) > 0: tsd = TimeSync( time_sync_exchanges_list=timing_info.get_synch_exchange_array() ) if not best_offset or not best_latency: best_offset = tsd.best_offset() best_latency = tsd.best_latency() best_latency_timestamp = tsd.get_best_latency_timestamp() else: best_latency_timestamp = np.nan return StationStat( station_info.get_id(), station_info.get_uuid(), us2dt(timing_info.get_app_start_mach_timestamp()), us2dt(timing_info.get_packet_start_mach_timestamp()), us2dt(timing_info.get_server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp()), gps_timestamps, best_latency, best_latency_timestamp, best_offset, _map_opt(audio_sensor, lambda sensor: sensor.get_sample_rate()), packet.get_packet_duration(), )
Class variables
var app_start_dt : Optional[datetime.datetime]
var best_latency_timestamp : Optional[float]
var gps_dts : Optional[List[GpsDateTime]]
var latency : Optional[float]
var offset : Optional[float]
var packet_duration : Optional[datetime.timedelta]
var packet_start_dt : datetime.datetime
var sample_rate_hz : Optional[float]
var server_recv_dt : Optional[datetime.datetime]
var station_id : str
var station_uuid : str
Static methods
def from_api_1000(packet: WrappedRedvoxPacketM) ‑> StationStat
Extracts the required fields from an API 1000 packet.
:param packet: API 1000 packet to extract fields from. :return: An instance of StationStat.
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@staticmethod def from_api_1000(packet: "WrappedRedvoxPacketM") -> "StationStat": """ Extracts the required fields from an API 1000 packet. :param packet: API 1000 packet to extract fields from. :return: An instance of StationStat. """ station_info: "StationInformation" = packet.get_station_information() timing_info: "TimingInformation" = packet.get_timing_information() sensors: "Sensors" = packet.get_sensors() location_sensor: Optional["Location"] = sensors.get_location() audio_sensor: Optional["Audio"] = sensors.get_audio() # Optionally extract the GPS timestamps if the location sensor is available gps_timestamps: Optional[List[GpsDateTime]] = None if location_sensor is not None: gps_timestamps = [] _gps_timestamps = location_sensor.get_timestamps_gps().get_timestamps() _gps_timestamps_len = len(_gps_timestamps) for i, ts in enumerate(location_sensor.get_timestamps().get_timestamps()): # A GPS timestamp isn't always present in the location sensor. We can handle that here. gps_ts: Optional[datetime] = ( us2dt(_gps_timestamps[i]) if (i < _gps_timestamps_len and not np.isnan(_gps_timestamps[i])) else None ) gps_timestamps.append(GpsDateTime(us2dt(ts), gps_ts)) best_offset = timing_info.get_best_offset() best_latency = timing_info.get_best_latency() if len(timing_info.get_synch_exchange_array()) > 0: tsd = TimeSync( time_sync_exchanges_list=timing_info.get_synch_exchange_array() ) if not best_offset or not best_latency: best_offset = tsd.best_offset() best_latency = tsd.best_latency() best_latency_timestamp = tsd.get_best_latency_timestamp() else: best_latency_timestamp = np.nan return StationStat( station_info.get_id(), station_info.get_uuid(), us2dt(timing_info.get_app_start_mach_timestamp()), us2dt(timing_info.get_packet_start_mach_timestamp()), us2dt(timing_info.get_server_acquisition_arrival_timestamp()), gps_timestamps, best_latency, best_latency_timestamp, best_offset, _map_opt(audio_sensor, lambda sensor: sensor.get_sample_rate()), packet.get_packet_duration(), )
def from_api_900(packet: WrappedRedvoxPacket) ‑> StationStat
Extracts the required fields from an API 900 packet.
:param packet: API 900 packet to extract fields from. :return: An instance of StationStat.
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@staticmethod def from_api_900(packet: "WrappedRedvoxPacket") -> "StationStat": """ Extracts the required fields from an API 900 packet. :param packet: API 900 packet to extract fields from. :return: An instance of StationStat. """ mtz: Optional[float] = packet.mach_time_zero() best_offset = packet.best_offset() best_latency = packet.best_latency() if packet.has_time_synchronization_sensor(): tsd = TimeSync( time_sync_exchanges_list=list( packet.time_synchronization_sensor().payload_values() ) ) if not best_offset or not best_latency: best_offset = tsd.best_offset() best_latency = tsd.best_latency() best_latency_timestamp = tsd.get_best_latency_timestamp() else: best_latency_timestamp = np.nan # noinspection Mypy return StationStat( packet.redvox_id(), packet.uuid(), _map_opt(mtz, us2dt), us2dt(packet.app_file_start_timestamp_machine()), us2dt(packet.server_timestamp_epoch_microseconds_utc()), None, best_latency, best_latency_timestamp, best_offset, packet.microphone_sensor().sample_rate_hz() if packet.has_microphone_sensor() else np.nan, timedelta(seconds=packet.duration_s()) if packet.has_microphone_sensor() else 0.0, )
def from_native(native) ‑> StationStat
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@staticmethod def from_native(native) -> "StationStat": return StationStat( native.station_id, native.station_uuid, _map_opt_numeric(us2dt, native.app_start_dt), _map_opt_numeric(us2dt, native.packet_start_dt), _map_opt_numeric(us2dt, native.server_recv_dt), None, native.latency, native.best_latency_timestamp, native.offset, native.sample_rate_hz, _map_opt_numeric(dur2td, native.packet_duration), )