Module redvox.api900.timesync.api900_timesync
Modules for extracting time synchronization statistics for API 900 data. Also includes functions for correcting time arrays.
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Modules for extracting time synchronization statistics for API 900 data.
Also includes functions for correcting time arrays.
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
# noinspection Mypy
import numpy as np
from redvox.api900.reader import WrappedRedvoxPacket
from redvox.api900.reader_utils import empty_array
from redvox.api900.timesync import tri_message_stats
from redvox.common import date_time_utils as dt
from redvox.common import file_statistics as fh
from redvox.common import stats_helper
class TimeSyncData:
Stores latencies, revised start times, time sync server offsets, and difference in adjusted machine time and
acquisition server time
Note that inputs to this must be continuous data; any change in sensor mach_time_zero or sample_rate
requires a new TimeSyncData object
ALL times in microseconds
rev_start_times: revised machine start times (per packet)
server_acquisition_times: time packet arrived at server (per packet)
latencies: latencies (per packet)
best_latency: the lowest latency among packets
best_latency_index: index in latencies array that contains the best latency
latency_stats: StatsContainer for latencies
offsets: list of calculated offsets (per packet)
best_offset: the offset that is paired with the lowest latency
offset_stats: StatsContainer for offsets
num_packets: the number of packets being analyzed
sample_rate_hz: the sample rate in Hz of all packets
packet_duration: the duration of all packets
mach_time_zero: the start time of the app in machine time
num_tri_messages: number of tri-message exchanges (per packet)
tri_message_coeffs: list of 6-tuples containing the tri-message exchange coefficients (up to 1 tuple per packet)
best_tri_msg_indices: the index of the best tri-message for each of the tri_message_coeffs tuples
acquire_travel_time: calculated time it took packet to reach server (up to 1 per packet)
bad_packets: indices of packets with an undefined or 0 latency
def __init__(self, wrapped_packets: List[WrappedRedvoxPacket] = None):
Initialize properties, assume all packets share the same sample rate and are continuous
:param wrapped_packets: list of data packets
self.latency_stats: stats_helper.StatsContainer = stats_helper.StatsContainer("latency")
self.offset_stats: stats_helper.StatsContainer = stats_helper.StatsContainer("offset")
if wrapped_packets is None or len(wrapped_packets) < 1:
self.rev_start_times: np.ndarray = np.ndarray((0, 0))
self.server_acquisition_times: np.ndarray = np.ndarray((0, 0))
self.latencies: np.ndarray = np.ndarray((0, 0))
self.best_latency: Optional[float] = None
self.best_latency_index: Optional[int] = None
self.offsets: np.ndarray = np.ndarray((0, 0))
self.best_offset: float = 0.0
self.num_packets: int = 0
self.sample_rate_hz: Optional[float] = None
self.packet_duration: int = 0
self.mach_time_zero: Optional[float] = None
self.num_tri_messages: np.ndarray = np.ndarray((0, 0))
self.tri_message_coeffs: List[Tuple] = []
self.best_tri_msg_indices: List[int] = []
self.acquire_travel_time: np.ndarray = np.ndarray((0, 0))
self.bad_packets: List[int] = []
def get_time_sync_data(self, wrapped_packets: List[WrappedRedvoxPacket]):
Sets the time statistics between machine, time server, and acquisition server for the packets given.
:param wrapped_packets: wrapped packets with same sample rate
self.server_acquisition_times = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # array of server acquisition times
self.rev_start_times = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # array of app start times
self.num_tri_messages = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # number of tri-message exchanges per packet
self.latencies = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # array of minimum latencies
self.offsets = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # array of offset applied to machine time to get sync time
self.num_packets = len(wrapped_packets) # number of packets in list
self.tri_message_coeffs = [] # a list of tri-message coefficients
self.best_tri_msg_indices = [] # a list of the best latency index in each set of tri-message coefficients
self.bad_packets = [] # list of packets that contain invalid data
sample_rates = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # list of sample rates, should all be the same
mach_time_zeros = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # list of mach time zeros, should all the be same
# get the server acquisition time, app start time, and tri message stats
for i, wrapped_packet in enumerate(wrapped_packets):
# pass the mach_time_zero and sample_rate into arrays
sample_rates[i] = wrapped_packet.microphone_sensor().sample_rate_hz()
mach_time_zeros[i] = wrapped_packet.mach_time_zero()
self.server_acquisition_times[i] = wrapped_packet.server_timestamp_epoch_microseconds_utc()
self.rev_start_times[i] = wrapped_packet.app_file_start_timestamp_epoch_microseconds_utc()
self._compute_tri_message_stats(wrapped_packet, i)
# check sample rate and mach time zero (if it exists) for changes. if it changed, sync will not work.
if not self._validate_sensor_settings(sample_rates, mach_time_zeros):
raise Exception("ERROR: Sensor settings changed; separate data based on changes and re-analyze")
# set the packet duration
self.packet_duration = dt.seconds_to_microseconds(fh.get_duration_seconds_from_sample_rate(
# apply duration to app start to get packet end time, then subtract
# that from server acquire time to get travel time to acquisition server
# ASSUMING that acquisition and time-sync server have the same time source
self.acquire_travel_time = self.server_acquisition_times - (self.rev_start_times + self.packet_duration)
def evaluate_latencies_and_offsets(self):
evaluates the goodness of latencies and offsets.
adjusts rev_start_times if there is a best offset
# if no decoders synced properly, all latencies are NaNs or all indices are bad
if np.isnan(self.latencies).all() or len(self.bad_packets) == self.num_packets:
# make everything empty or None, and best offset is 0 (no change)
self.latencies = []
self.offsets = []
self.best_latency = None
self.best_latency_index = None
self.best_offset = 0.0
# convert all NaN and negative values from latencies into zero
self.latencies = np.nan_to_num(self.latencies)
self.latencies[self.latencies < 0] = 0.0
# find and set minimum latency based on non-zero latencies
self.best_latency = np.min(self.get_valid_latencies())
self.latency_stats.best_value = self.best_latency
self.best_latency_index = np.where(self.latencies == self.best_latency)[0][0]
# find all non-NaN, non-zero offsets
good_offsets = self.get_valid_offsets()
if good_offsets is not None and len(good_offsets) > 0:
# there must be some good offsets; convert all NaN offsets to 0
self.offsets = np.nan_to_num(self.offsets)
# set best offset based on best latency
self.best_offset = self.offsets[self.best_latency_index]
self.offset_stats.best_value = self.best_offset
# fix all packet start times by adding the packet's offset
self.rev_start_times += self.best_offset
# set offset properties to empty or None
self.offsets = []
def _compute_tri_message_stats(self, packet: WrappedRedvoxPacket, index: int):
helper function to compute tri message stats of the time sync data
:param packet: a packet to compute tri message stats from
:param index: the index to add the data to
# if there is a time sync channel with payload, find the minimum latency and its corresponding offset
if packet.has_time_synchronization_sensor():
timesync_channel = packet.time_synchronization_sensor()
coeffs = timesync_channel.payload_values()
# set the number of tri-message exchanges in the packet
self.num_tri_messages[index] = int(len(coeffs) / 6)
coeffs_tuple: Tuple[
np.ndarray] = tri_message_stats.transmit_receive_timestamps_microsec(coeffs)
self.tri_message_coeffs.append(coeffs_tuple) # save the tri-message exchanges for later
a1_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[0]
a2_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[1]
a3_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[2]
b1_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[3]
b2_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[4]
b3_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[5]
# get tri message data via TriMessageStats class
tms = tri_message_stats.TriMessageStats(packet.redvox_id(),
# check if we actually have exchanges to evaluate
if self.num_tri_messages[index] > 0:
# Concatenate d1 and d3 arrays, and o1 and o3 arrays when passing values into stats class
# note the last parameter multiplies the number of exchanges by 2, as there are two latencies
# and offsets calculated per exchange
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
self.latency_stats.add(np.mean([*tms.latency1, *tms.latency3]), np.std([*tms.latency1, *tms.latency3]),
self.num_tri_messages[index] * 2)
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
self.offset_stats.add(np.mean([*tms.offset1, *tms.offset3]), np.std([*tms.offset1, *tms.offset3]),
self.num_tri_messages[index] * 2)
# set the best latency and offset based on the packet's metadata, or tri-message stats if no metadata
latency: Optional[float] = packet.best_latency()
# pass the location of the best calculated latency
if latency is None:
# no metadata
self.latencies[index] = tms.best_latency
self.latencies[index] = latency
offset: Optional[float] = packet.best_offset()
if offset is None:
# no metadata
self.offsets[index] = tms.best_offset
self.offsets[index] = offset
# everything has been computed, time to return
# If here, there are no exchanges to read or there is no sync channel.
# write default or empty values to the correct properties
self.latencies[index] = 0.0
self.offsets[index] = 0.0
self.tri_message_coeffs.append((empty_array(), empty_array(), empty_array(),
empty_array(), empty_array(), empty_array()))
# pass the location of the best latency
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
self.latency_stats.add(0, 0, 0)
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
self.offset_stats.add(0, 0, 0)
def _validate_sensor_settings(self, sample_rates: np.array, mach_time_zeros: np.array) -> bool:
Examine all sample rates and mach time zeros to ensure that sensor settings do not change
Sets the sample rate and mach time zero if there is no change
:param sample_rates: sample rates of all packets from sensor
:param mach_time_zeros: machine time zero of all packets from sensor
:return: True if sensor settings do not change
# set the sample rate and mach time zero
self.sample_rate_hz = sample_rates[0]
self.mach_time_zero = mach_time_zeros[0]
if len(sample_rates) > 1:
# if there's more than 1 value, we need to compare them
for i in range(1, len(sample_rates)):
if self.sample_rate_hz != sample_rates[i]:
print("ERROR: sample rate in data packets has changed.")
return False
# process only non-nan mach time zeros
if not np.isnan(self.mach_time_zero) and self.mach_time_zero != mach_time_zeros[i]:
print("ERROR: mach time zero in data packets has changed.")
return False
return True
def find_bad_packets(self):
Find bad packets and mark them using the bad_packets property
Assuming all packets have been processed and all bad packets are marked with a 0 (or are negative)
for idx in range(len(self.latencies)): # mark bad indices (they have a 0 or less value)
if self.latencies[idx] <= 0:
def get_ratio_bad_packets(self) -> float:
Return the ratio of packets with bad latency calculations over total packets
:return: num packets with bad latency calculations / total packets
if self.num_packets < 1:
return 0
return len(self.bad_packets) / float(self.num_packets)
def get_latency_mean(self) -> Optional[float]:
return the mean of all latencies, and None if the latencies are invalid.
:return: the mean of all latencies
if self.best_latency is None:
return None
return self.latency_stats.mean_of_means()
def get_latency_std_dev(self) -> Optional[float]:
return the standard deviation (std_dev) of all latencies, and None if the latencies are invalid.
:return: the std dev of all latencies
if self.best_latency is None:
return None
return self.latency_stats.total_std_dev()
def get_valid_latencies(self, latency_array: np.array = None) -> np.array:
takes latencies, converts NaNs and negatives to 0, then returns non-zero latencies
:param latency_array: optional array to clean instead of self.latencies; default None
:return: non-NaN, non-zero latencies
if latency_array is None:
clean_latencies = np.nan_to_num(self.latencies) # replace NaNs with zeros
clean_latencies = np.nan_to_num(latency_array) # replace NaNs with zeros
clean_latencies[clean_latencies < 0] = 0 # replace negative latencies with 0
return clean_latencies[clean_latencies != 0] # return only non-zero latencies
def get_offset_mean(self) -> Optional[float]:
return the mean of all offsets, and 0.0 if the offsets or latencies are invalid.
:return: the mean of all offsets
if self.best_latency is None or self.best_offset == 0.0:
return 0.0
return self.offset_stats.mean_of_means()
def get_offset_std_dev(self) -> Optional[float]:
return the standard deviation (std_dev) of all offsets, and 0.0 if the offsets or latencies are invalid.
:return: the std dev of all offsets
if self.best_latency is None or self.best_offset == 0.0:
return 0.0
return self.offset_stats.total_std_dev()
def get_valid_offsets(self, offset_array: np.array = None) -> np.array:
takes valid offsets (based on bad_packets), converts NaNs to 0, then returns non-zero offsets
:param offset_array: optional array to clean; default None
:return: non-NaN, non-zero offsets
if offset_array is None:
if len(self.bad_packets) > 0:
valids = []
for i in range(len(self.offsets)):
if i not in self.bad_packets:
clean_offsets = np.nan_to_num(valids) # replace NaNs with zeros
clean_offsets = np.nan_to_num(self.offsets)
clean_offsets = np.nan_to_num(offset_array)
return clean_offsets[clean_offsets != 0] # return only non-zero offsets
def get_valid_rev_start_times(self) -> np.array:
return the array of valid (based on bad_packets) revised start times
:return: array of valid revised start times
if len(self.bad_packets) > 0: # return only the start times not associated with a bad packet
valids = []
for i in range(len(self.rev_start_times)):
if i not in self.bad_packets: # this is a good packet
return np.array(valids)
return self.rev_start_times
def get_best_rev_start_time(self) -> int:
return the revised start time associated with the lowest latency
:return: revised start time in microseconds associated with the lowest latency
return self.rev_start_times[self.best_latency_index]
def validate_sensors(wrapped_packets: List[WrappedRedvoxPacket]) -> bool:
Examine all sample rates and mach time zeros to ensure that sensor settings do not change
:param wrapped_packets: a list of wrapped redvox packets to read
:return: True if sensor settings do not change
# check that we have packets to read
num_packets = len(wrapped_packets)
if num_packets < 1:
print("ERROR: no data to validate.")
return False
# if we have more than one packet, we need to validate the data
elif num_packets > 1:
sample_rates = np.zeros(num_packets)
mach_time_zeros = np.zeros(num_packets)
for j, wrapped_packet in enumerate(wrapped_packets):
sample_rates[j] = wrapped_packet.microphone_sensor().sample_rate_hz()
mach_time_zeros[j] = wrapped_packet.mach_time_zero()
for i in range(1, len(sample_rates)):
if sample_rates[0] != sample_rates[i]:
print("ERROR: sample rate in data packets has changed.")
return False
# process only non-nan mach time zeros
if not np.isnan(mach_time_zeros[0]) and mach_time_zeros[0] != mach_time_zeros[i]:
print("ERROR: mach time zero in data packets has changed.")
return False
# we get here if all packets have the same sample rate and mach time zero
return True
def update_evenly_sampled_time_array(tsd: TimeSyncData, num_samples: float = None,
time_start_array: np.array = None) -> np.ndarray:
Correct evenly sampled times using updated time_start_array values as the focal point.
Expects tsd to have the same number of packets as elements in time_start_array
Inserts data gaps where necessary before building array.
Throws an exception if the number of packets in tsd does not match the length of time_start_array
:param tsd: TimeSyncData object that contains the information needed to update the time array
:param num_samples: number of samples in one file; optional, uses number based on sample rate if not given
:param time_start_array: the list of timestamps to correct in seconds; optional, uses the start times in the
TimeSyncData object if not given
:return: Revised time array in epoch seconds
if time_start_array is None:
# replace the time_start_array with values from tsd; convert tsd times to seconds
time_start_array = tsd.rev_start_times / dt.MICROSECONDS_IN_SECOND
num_files = tsd.num_packets
# the TimeSyncData must have the same number of packets as the number of elements in time_start_array
if num_files != len(time_start_array):
# alert the user, then quit
raise Exception("ERROR: Attempted to update a time array that doesn't contain "
"the same number of elements as the TimeSyncData!")
if num_samples is None:
num_samples = fh.get_num_points_from_sample_rate(tsd.sample_rate_hz)
t_dt = 1.0 / tsd.sample_rate_hz
# Use TimeSyncData object to find best start index.
# Samples before will be the number of decoders before a0 times the number of samples in a file.
# Samples after will be the number of decoders after a0 times the number of samples in a file minus 1;
# the minus one represents the best a0.
decoder_idx = tsd.best_latency_index
samples_before = int(decoder_idx * num_samples)
samples_after = round((num_files - decoder_idx) * num_samples) - 1
best_start_sec = time_start_array[decoder_idx]
# build the time arrays separately in epoch seconds, then join into one
# add 1 to include the actual a0 sample, then add 1 again to skip the a0 sample; this avoids repetition
timesec_before = np.vectorize(lambda t: best_start_sec - t * t_dt)(list(range(int(samples_before + 1))))
timesec_before = timesec_before[::-1] # reverse 'before' times so they increase from earliest start time
timesec_after = np.vectorize(lambda t: best_start_sec + t * t_dt)(list(range(1, int(samples_after + 1))))
timesec_rev = np.concatenate([timesec_before, timesec_after])
return timesec_rev
def update_time_array(tsd: TimeSyncData, time_array: np.array) -> np.ndarray:
Correct timestamps in time_array using information from TimeSyncData
:param tsd: TimeSyncData object that contains the information needed to update the time array
:param time_array: the list of timestamps to correct in seconds
:return: Revised time array in epoch seconds
return time_array + (tsd.best_offset / dt.MICROSECONDS_IN_SECOND)
def sync_packet_time_900(wrapped_packets_fs: list, verbose: bool = False):
Correct the timestamps for api900 data based on minimum latency and best offset of the ensemble.
:param wrapped_packets_fs: wrapped packets with same sample rate and from same device
:param verbose: if True, prints statements to assess goodness of time sync
# assume each packet has a best latency and offset
latencies = [] # array of minimum latencies
offsets = [] # array of offset applied to machine time to get sync time
# latencies and offsets
for packet in wrapped_packets_fs:
if packet.has_time_synchronization_sensor():
# set the best latency and offset based on the packet's metadata
if packet.best_latency() is not None and packet.best_offset() is not None:
# metadata not set, use packet contents
timesync_channel = packet.time_synchronization_sensor()
coeffs = timesync_channel.payload_values()
coeffs_tuple: Tuple[
np.ndarray] = tri_message_stats.transmit_receive_timestamps_microsec(coeffs)
a1_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[0]
a2_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[1]
a3_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[2]
b1_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[3]
b2_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[4]
b3_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[5]
# get tri message data via TriMessageStats class
tms = tri_message_stats.TriMessageStats(packet.redvox_id(),
# if there is no time sync channel (usually no communication between device and server), default to 0
# convert NaN latencies to 0
latencies = np.nan_to_num(latencies)
# convert any negative latency to 0.
latencies[latencies < 0] = 0
if len(np.nonzero(latencies)[0]) == 0: # if no decoders synced properly, all latencies are 0
sync_server = wrapped_packets_fs[0].time_synchronization_server()
if verbose:
print('\n{} did not achieve sync with time sync server {}!'.format(
wrapped_packets_fs[0].redvox_id(), sync_server))
offset = 0
d1_min = np.min(latencies[latencies != 0])
best_d1_index = np.where(latencies == d1_min)[0][0]
# correct each packet's timestamps
offset = int(offsets[best_d1_index])
for wrapped_packet in wrapped_packets_fs:
# update the machine file start time and mach time zero
wrapped_packet.app_file_start_timestamp_epoch_microseconds_utc() + offset)
wrapped_packet.app_file_start_timestamp_machine() + offset)
if wrapped_packet.mach_time_zero() is not None:
wrapped_packet.set_mach_time_zero(wrapped_packet.mach_time_zero() + offset)
# update microphone start time
if wrapped_packet.has_microphone_sensor():
wrapped_packet.microphone_sensor().first_sample_timestamp_epoch_microseconds_utc() + offset)
# correct the times in unevenly sampled channels using the packets' best offset
def sync_packet_time_900(wrapped_packets_fs: list, verbose: bool = False)
Correct the timestamps for api900 data based on minimum latency and best offset of the ensemble.
:param wrapped_packets_fs: wrapped packets with same sample rate and from same device :param verbose: if True, prints statements to assess goodness of time sync
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def sync_packet_time_900(wrapped_packets_fs: list, verbose: bool = False): """ Correct the timestamps for api900 data based on minimum latency and best offset of the ensemble. :param wrapped_packets_fs: wrapped packets with same sample rate and from same device :param verbose: if True, prints statements to assess goodness of time sync """ # assume each packet has a best latency and offset latencies = [] # array of minimum latencies offsets = [] # array of offset applied to machine time to get sync time # latencies and offsets for packet in wrapped_packets_fs: if packet.has_time_synchronization_sensor(): # set the best latency and offset based on the packet's metadata if packet.best_latency() is not None and packet.best_offset() is not None: latencies.append(packet.best_latency()) offsets.append(packet.best_offset()) else: # metadata not set, use packet contents timesync_channel = packet.time_synchronization_sensor() coeffs = timesync_channel.payload_values() coeffs_tuple: Tuple[ np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray] = tri_message_stats.transmit_receive_timestamps_microsec(coeffs) a1_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[0] a2_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[1] a3_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[2] b1_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[3] b2_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[4] b3_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[5] # get tri message data via TriMessageStats class tms = tri_message_stats.TriMessageStats(packet.redvox_id(), a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs) latencies.append(tms.best_latency) offsets.append(tms.best_offset) # if there is no time sync channel (usually no communication between device and server), default to 0 else: latencies.append(0) offsets.append(0) # convert NaN latencies to 0 latencies = np.nan_to_num(latencies) # convert any negative latency to 0. latencies[latencies < 0] = 0 if len(np.nonzero(latencies)[0]) == 0: # if no decoders synced properly, all latencies are 0 sync_server = wrapped_packets_fs[0].time_synchronization_server() if verbose: print('\n{} did not achieve sync with time sync server {}!'.format( wrapped_packets_fs[0].redvox_id(), sync_server)) offset = 0 else: d1_min = np.min(latencies[latencies != 0]) best_d1_index = np.where(latencies == d1_min)[0][0] # correct each packet's timestamps offset = int(offsets[best_d1_index]) for wrapped_packet in wrapped_packets_fs: # update the machine file start time and mach time zero wrapped_packet.set_app_file_start_timestamp_epoch_microseconds_utc( wrapped_packet.app_file_start_timestamp_epoch_microseconds_utc() + offset) wrapped_packet.set_app_file_start_timestamp_machine( wrapped_packet.app_file_start_timestamp_machine() + offset) if wrapped_packet.mach_time_zero() is not None: wrapped_packet.set_mach_time_zero(wrapped_packet.mach_time_zero() + offset) # update microphone start time if wrapped_packet.has_microphone_sensor(): wrapped_packet.microphone_sensor().set_first_sample_timestamp_epoch_microseconds_utc( wrapped_packet.microphone_sensor().first_sample_timestamp_epoch_microseconds_utc() + offset) # correct the times in unevenly sampled channels using the packets' best offset wrapped_packet.update_uneven_sensor_timestamps(offset) wrapped_packet.set_is_synch_corrected(True)
def update_evenly_sampled_time_array(tsd: TimeSyncData, num_samples: float = None, time_start_array:
= None) ‑> numpy.ndarray -
Correct evenly sampled times using updated time_start_array values as the focal point. Expects tsd to have the same number of packets as elements in time_start_array Inserts data gaps where necessary before building array. Throws an exception if the number of packets in tsd does not match the length of time_start_array
:param tsd: TimeSyncData object that contains the information needed to update the time array :param num_samples: number of samples in one file; optional, uses number based on sample rate if not given :param time_start_array: the list of timestamps to correct in seconds; optional, uses the start times in the TimeSyncData object if not given :return: Revised time array in epoch seconds
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def update_evenly_sampled_time_array(tsd: TimeSyncData, num_samples: float = None, time_start_array: np.array = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Correct evenly sampled times using updated time_start_array values as the focal point. Expects tsd to have the same number of packets as elements in time_start_array Inserts data gaps where necessary before building array. Throws an exception if the number of packets in tsd does not match the length of time_start_array :param tsd: TimeSyncData object that contains the information needed to update the time array :param num_samples: number of samples in one file; optional, uses number based on sample rate if not given :param time_start_array: the list of timestamps to correct in seconds; optional, uses the start times in the TimeSyncData object if not given :return: Revised time array in epoch seconds """ if time_start_array is None: # replace the time_start_array with values from tsd; convert tsd times to seconds time_start_array = tsd.rev_start_times / dt.MICROSECONDS_IN_SECOND num_files = tsd.num_packets # the TimeSyncData must have the same number of packets as the number of elements in time_start_array if num_files != len(time_start_array): # alert the user, then quit raise Exception("ERROR: Attempted to update a time array that doesn't contain " "the same number of elements as the TimeSyncData!") if num_samples is None: num_samples = fh.get_num_points_from_sample_rate(tsd.sample_rate_hz) t_dt = 1.0 / tsd.sample_rate_hz # Use TimeSyncData object to find best start index. # Samples before will be the number of decoders before a0 times the number of samples in a file. # Samples after will be the number of decoders after a0 times the number of samples in a file minus 1; # the minus one represents the best a0. decoder_idx = tsd.best_latency_index samples_before = int(decoder_idx * num_samples) samples_after = round((num_files - decoder_idx) * num_samples) - 1 best_start_sec = time_start_array[decoder_idx] # build the time arrays separately in epoch seconds, then join into one # add 1 to include the actual a0 sample, then add 1 again to skip the a0 sample; this avoids repetition timesec_before = np.vectorize(lambda t: best_start_sec - t * t_dt)(list(range(int(samples_before + 1)))) timesec_before = timesec_before[::-1] # reverse 'before' times so they increase from earliest start time timesec_after = np.vectorize(lambda t: best_start_sec + t * t_dt)(list(range(1, int(samples_after + 1)))) timesec_rev = np.concatenate([timesec_before, timesec_after]) return timesec_rev
def update_time_array(tsd: TimeSyncData, time_array:
) ‑> numpy.ndarray -
Correct timestamps in time_array using information from TimeSyncData :param tsd: TimeSyncData object that contains the information needed to update the time array :param time_array: the list of timestamps to correct in seconds :return: Revised time array in epoch seconds
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def update_time_array(tsd: TimeSyncData, time_array: np.array) -> np.ndarray: """ Correct timestamps in time_array using information from TimeSyncData :param tsd: TimeSyncData object that contains the information needed to update the time array :param time_array: the list of timestamps to correct in seconds :return: Revised time array in epoch seconds """ return time_array + (tsd.best_offset / dt.MICROSECONDS_IN_SECOND)
def validate_sensors(wrapped_packets: List[WrappedRedvoxPacket]) ‑> bool
Examine all sample rates and mach time zeros to ensure that sensor settings do not change :param wrapped_packets: a list of wrapped redvox packets to read :return: True if sensor settings do not change
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def validate_sensors(wrapped_packets: List[WrappedRedvoxPacket]) -> bool: """ Examine all sample rates and mach time zeros to ensure that sensor settings do not change :param wrapped_packets: a list of wrapped redvox packets to read :return: True if sensor settings do not change """ # check that we have packets to read num_packets = len(wrapped_packets) if num_packets < 1: print("ERROR: no data to validate.") return False # if we have more than one packet, we need to validate the data elif num_packets > 1: sample_rates = np.zeros(num_packets) mach_time_zeros = np.zeros(num_packets) for j, wrapped_packet in enumerate(wrapped_packets): sample_rates[j] = wrapped_packet.microphone_sensor().sample_rate_hz() mach_time_zeros[j] = wrapped_packet.mach_time_zero() for i in range(1, len(sample_rates)): if sample_rates[0] != sample_rates[i]: print("ERROR: sample rate in data packets has changed.") return False # process only non-nan mach time zeros if not np.isnan(mach_time_zeros[0]) and mach_time_zeros[0] != mach_time_zeros[i]: print("ERROR: mach time zero in data packets has changed.") return False # we get here if all packets have the same sample rate and mach time zero return True
class TimeSyncData (wrapped_packets: List[WrappedRedvoxPacket] = None)
Stores latencies, revised start times, time sync server offsets, and difference in adjusted machine time and acquisition server time Note that inputs to this must be continuous data; any change in sensor mach_time_zero or sample_rate requires a new TimeSyncData object ALL times in microseconds properties: rev_start_times: revised machine start times (per packet) server_acquisition_times: time packet arrived at server (per packet) latencies: latencies (per packet) best_latency: the lowest latency among packets best_latency_index: index in latencies array that contains the best latency latency_stats: StatsContainer for latencies offsets: list of calculated offsets (per packet) best_offset: the offset that is paired with the lowest latency offset_stats: StatsContainer for offsets num_packets: the number of packets being analyzed sample_rate_hz: the sample rate in Hz of all packets packet_duration: the duration of all packets mach_time_zero: the start time of the app in machine time num_tri_messages: number of tri-message exchanges (per packet) tri_message_coeffs: list of 6-tuples containing the tri-message exchange coefficients (up to 1 tuple per packet) best_tri_msg_indices: the index of the best tri-message for each of the tri_message_coeffs tuples acquire_travel_time: calculated time it took packet to reach server (up to 1 per packet) bad_packets: indices of packets with an undefined or 0 latency
Initialize properties, assume all packets share the same sample rate and are continuous :param wrapped_packets: list of data packets
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class TimeSyncData: """ Stores latencies, revised start times, time sync server offsets, and difference in adjusted machine time and acquisition server time Note that inputs to this must be continuous data; any change in sensor mach_time_zero or sample_rate requires a new TimeSyncData object ALL times in microseconds properties: rev_start_times: revised machine start times (per packet) server_acquisition_times: time packet arrived at server (per packet) latencies: latencies (per packet) best_latency: the lowest latency among packets best_latency_index: index in latencies array that contains the best latency latency_stats: StatsContainer for latencies offsets: list of calculated offsets (per packet) best_offset: the offset that is paired with the lowest latency offset_stats: StatsContainer for offsets num_packets: the number of packets being analyzed sample_rate_hz: the sample rate in Hz of all packets packet_duration: the duration of all packets mach_time_zero: the start time of the app in machine time num_tri_messages: number of tri-message exchanges (per packet) tri_message_coeffs: list of 6-tuples containing the tri-message exchange coefficients (up to 1 tuple per packet) best_tri_msg_indices: the index of the best tri-message for each of the tri_message_coeffs tuples acquire_travel_time: calculated time it took packet to reach server (up to 1 per packet) bad_packets: indices of packets with an undefined or 0 latency """ def __init__(self, wrapped_packets: List[WrappedRedvoxPacket] = None): """ Initialize properties, assume all packets share the same sample rate and are continuous :param wrapped_packets: list of data packets """ self.latency_stats: stats_helper.StatsContainer = stats_helper.StatsContainer("latency") self.offset_stats: stats_helper.StatsContainer = stats_helper.StatsContainer("offset") if wrapped_packets is None or len(wrapped_packets) < 1: self.rev_start_times: np.ndarray = np.ndarray((0, 0)) self.server_acquisition_times: np.ndarray = np.ndarray((0, 0)) self.latencies: np.ndarray = np.ndarray((0, 0)) self.best_latency: Optional[float] = None self.best_latency_index: Optional[int] = None self.offsets: np.ndarray = np.ndarray((0, 0)) self.best_offset: float = 0.0 self.num_packets: int = 0 self.sample_rate_hz: Optional[float] = None self.packet_duration: int = 0 self.mach_time_zero: Optional[float] = None self.num_tri_messages: np.ndarray = np.ndarray((0, 0)) self.tri_message_coeffs: List[Tuple] = [] self.best_tri_msg_indices: List[int] = [] self.acquire_travel_time: np.ndarray = np.ndarray((0, 0)) self.bad_packets: List[int] = [] else: self.get_time_sync_data(wrapped_packets) def get_time_sync_data(self, wrapped_packets: List[WrappedRedvoxPacket]): """ Sets the time statistics between machine, time server, and acquisition server for the packets given. :param wrapped_packets: wrapped packets with same sample rate """ self.server_acquisition_times = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # array of server acquisition times self.rev_start_times = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # array of app start times self.num_tri_messages = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # number of tri-message exchanges per packet self.latencies = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # array of minimum latencies self.offsets = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # array of offset applied to machine time to get sync time self.num_packets = len(wrapped_packets) # number of packets in list self.tri_message_coeffs = [] # a list of tri-message coefficients self.best_tri_msg_indices = [] # a list of the best latency index in each set of tri-message coefficients self.bad_packets = [] # list of packets that contain invalid data sample_rates = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # list of sample rates, should all be the same mach_time_zeros = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # list of mach time zeros, should all the be same # get the server acquisition time, app start time, and tri message stats for i, wrapped_packet in enumerate(wrapped_packets): # pass the mach_time_zero and sample_rate into arrays sample_rates[i] = wrapped_packet.microphone_sensor().sample_rate_hz() mach_time_zeros[i] = wrapped_packet.mach_time_zero() self.server_acquisition_times[i] = wrapped_packet.server_timestamp_epoch_microseconds_utc() self.rev_start_times[i] = wrapped_packet.app_file_start_timestamp_epoch_microseconds_utc() self._compute_tri_message_stats(wrapped_packet, i) # check sample rate and mach time zero (if it exists) for changes. if it changed, sync will not work. if not self._validate_sensor_settings(sample_rates, mach_time_zeros): raise Exception("ERROR: Sensor settings changed; separate data based on changes and re-analyze") self.find_bad_packets() self.evaluate_latencies_and_offsets() # set the packet duration self.packet_duration = dt.seconds_to_microseconds(fh.get_duration_seconds_from_sample_rate( int(self.sample_rate_hz))) # apply duration to app start to get packet end time, then subtract # that from server acquire time to get travel time to acquisition server # ASSUMING that acquisition and time-sync server have the same time source self.acquire_travel_time = self.server_acquisition_times - (self.rev_start_times + self.packet_duration) def evaluate_latencies_and_offsets(self): """ evaluates the goodness of latencies and offsets. adjusts rev_start_times if there is a best offset """ # if no decoders synced properly, all latencies are NaNs or all indices are bad if np.isnan(self.latencies).all() or len(self.bad_packets) == self.num_packets: # make everything empty or None, and best offset is 0 (no change) self.latencies = [] self.offsets = [] self.best_latency = None self.best_latency_index = None self.best_offset = 0.0 else: # convert all NaN and negative values from latencies into zero self.latencies = np.nan_to_num(self.latencies) self.latencies[self.latencies < 0] = 0.0 # find and set minimum latency based on non-zero latencies self.best_latency = np.min(self.get_valid_latencies()) self.latency_stats.best_value = self.best_latency self.best_latency_index = np.where(self.latencies == self.best_latency)[0][0] # find all non-NaN, non-zero offsets good_offsets = self.get_valid_offsets() if good_offsets is not None and len(good_offsets) > 0: # there must be some good offsets; convert all NaN offsets to 0 self.offsets = np.nan_to_num(self.offsets) # set best offset based on best latency self.best_offset = self.offsets[self.best_latency_index] self.offset_stats.best_value = self.best_offset # fix all packet start times by adding the packet's offset self.rev_start_times += self.best_offset else: # set offset properties to empty or None self.offsets = [] def _compute_tri_message_stats(self, packet: WrappedRedvoxPacket, index: int): """ helper function to compute tri message stats of the time sync data :param packet: a packet to compute tri message stats from :param index: the index to add the data to """ # if there is a time sync channel with payload, find the minimum latency and its corresponding offset if packet.has_time_synchronization_sensor(): timesync_channel = packet.time_synchronization_sensor() coeffs = timesync_channel.payload_values() # set the number of tri-message exchanges in the packet self.num_tri_messages[index] = int(len(coeffs) / 6) coeffs_tuple: Tuple[ np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray] = tri_message_stats.transmit_receive_timestamps_microsec(coeffs) self.tri_message_coeffs.append(coeffs_tuple) # save the tri-message exchanges for later a1_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[0] a2_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[1] a3_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[2] b1_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[3] b2_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[4] b3_coeffs: np.ndarray = coeffs_tuple[5] # get tri message data via TriMessageStats class tms = tri_message_stats.TriMessageStats(packet.redvox_id(), a1_coeffs, a2_coeffs, a3_coeffs, b1_coeffs, b2_coeffs, b3_coeffs) # check if we actually have exchanges to evaluate if self.num_tri_messages[index] > 0: # Concatenate d1 and d3 arrays, and o1 and o3 arrays when passing values into stats class # note the last parameter multiplies the number of exchanges by 2, as there are two latencies # and offsets calculated per exchange # noinspection PyTypeChecker self.latency_stats.add(np.mean([*tms.latency1, *tms.latency3]), np.std([*tms.latency1, *tms.latency3]), self.num_tri_messages[index] * 2) # noinspection PyTypeChecker self.offset_stats.add(np.mean([*tms.offset1, *tms.offset3]), np.std([*tms.offset1, *tms.offset3]), self.num_tri_messages[index] * 2) # set the best latency and offset based on the packet's metadata, or tri-message stats if no metadata latency: Optional[float] = packet.best_latency() # pass the location of the best calculated latency self.best_tri_msg_indices.append(tms.best_latency_index) if latency is None: # no metadata self.latencies[index] = tms.best_latency else: self.latencies[index] = latency offset: Optional[float] = packet.best_offset() if offset is None: # no metadata self.offsets[index] = tms.best_offset else: self.offsets[index] = offset # everything has been computed, time to return return # If here, there are no exchanges to read or there is no sync channel. # write default or empty values to the correct properties self.latencies[index] = 0.0 self.offsets[index] = 0.0 self.tri_message_coeffs.append((empty_array(), empty_array(), empty_array(), empty_array(), empty_array(), empty_array())) # pass the location of the best latency self.best_tri_msg_indices.append(-1) # noinspection PyTypeChecker self.latency_stats.add(0, 0, 0) # noinspection PyTypeChecker self.offset_stats.add(0, 0, 0) def _validate_sensor_settings(self, sample_rates: np.array, mach_time_zeros: np.array) -> bool: """ Examine all sample rates and mach time zeros to ensure that sensor settings do not change Sets the sample rate and mach time zero if there is no change :param sample_rates: sample rates of all packets from sensor :param mach_time_zeros: machine time zero of all packets from sensor :return: True if sensor settings do not change """ # set the sample rate and mach time zero self.sample_rate_hz = sample_rates[0] self.mach_time_zero = mach_time_zeros[0] if len(sample_rates) > 1: # if there's more than 1 value, we need to compare them for i in range(1, len(sample_rates)): if self.sample_rate_hz != sample_rates[i]: print("ERROR: sample rate in data packets has changed.") return False # process only non-nan mach time zeros if not np.isnan(self.mach_time_zero) and self.mach_time_zero != mach_time_zeros[i]: print("ERROR: mach time zero in data packets has changed.") return False return True def find_bad_packets(self): """ Find bad packets and mark them using the bad_packets property Assuming all packets have been processed and all bad packets are marked with a 0 (or are negative) """ for idx in range(len(self.latencies)): # mark bad indices (they have a 0 or less value) if self.latencies[idx] <= 0: self.bad_packets.append(idx) def get_ratio_bad_packets(self) -> float: """ Return the ratio of packets with bad latency calculations over total packets :return: num packets with bad latency calculations / total packets """ if self.num_packets < 1: return 0 return len(self.bad_packets) / float(self.num_packets) def get_latency_mean(self) -> Optional[float]: """ return the mean of all latencies, and None if the latencies are invalid. :return: the mean of all latencies """ if self.best_latency is None: return None else: return self.latency_stats.mean_of_means() def get_latency_std_dev(self) -> Optional[float]: """ return the standard deviation (std_dev) of all latencies, and None if the latencies are invalid. :return: the std dev of all latencies """ if self.best_latency is None: return None else: return self.latency_stats.total_std_dev() def get_valid_latencies(self, latency_array: np.array = None) -> np.array: """ takes latencies, converts NaNs and negatives to 0, then returns non-zero latencies :param latency_array: optional array to clean instead of self.latencies; default None :return: non-NaN, non-zero latencies """ if latency_array is None: clean_latencies = np.nan_to_num(self.latencies) # replace NaNs with zeros else: clean_latencies = np.nan_to_num(latency_array) # replace NaNs with zeros clean_latencies[clean_latencies < 0] = 0 # replace negative latencies with 0 return clean_latencies[clean_latencies != 0] # return only non-zero latencies def get_offset_mean(self) -> Optional[float]: """ return the mean of all offsets, and 0.0 if the offsets or latencies are invalid. :return: the mean of all offsets """ if self.best_latency is None or self.best_offset == 0.0: return 0.0 else: return self.offset_stats.mean_of_means() def get_offset_std_dev(self) -> Optional[float]: """ return the standard deviation (std_dev) of all offsets, and 0.0 if the offsets or latencies are invalid. :return: the std dev of all offsets """ if self.best_latency is None or self.best_offset == 0.0: return 0.0 else: return self.offset_stats.total_std_dev() def get_valid_offsets(self, offset_array: np.array = None) -> np.array: """ takes valid offsets (based on bad_packets), converts NaNs to 0, then returns non-zero offsets :param offset_array: optional array to clean; default None :return: non-NaN, non-zero offsets """ if offset_array is None: if len(self.bad_packets) > 0: valids = [] for i in range(len(self.offsets)): if i not in self.bad_packets: valids.append(self.offsets[i]) clean_offsets = np.nan_to_num(valids) # replace NaNs with zeros else: clean_offsets = np.nan_to_num(self.offsets) else: clean_offsets = np.nan_to_num(offset_array) return clean_offsets[clean_offsets != 0] # return only non-zero offsets def get_valid_rev_start_times(self) -> np.array: """ return the array of valid (based on bad_packets) revised start times :return: array of valid revised start times """ if len(self.bad_packets) > 0: # return only the start times not associated with a bad packet valids = [] for i in range(len(self.rev_start_times)): if i not in self.bad_packets: # this is a good packet valids.append(self.rev_start_times[i]) return np.array(valids) else: return self.rev_start_times def get_best_rev_start_time(self) -> int: """ return the revised start time associated with the lowest latency :return: revised start time in microseconds associated with the lowest latency """ return self.rev_start_times[self.best_latency_index]
def evaluate_latencies_and_offsets(self)
evaluates the goodness of latencies and offsets. adjusts rev_start_times if there is a best offset
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def evaluate_latencies_and_offsets(self): """ evaluates the goodness of latencies and offsets. adjusts rev_start_times if there is a best offset """ # if no decoders synced properly, all latencies are NaNs or all indices are bad if np.isnan(self.latencies).all() or len(self.bad_packets) == self.num_packets: # make everything empty or None, and best offset is 0 (no change) self.latencies = [] self.offsets = [] self.best_latency = None self.best_latency_index = None self.best_offset = 0.0 else: # convert all NaN and negative values from latencies into zero self.latencies = np.nan_to_num(self.latencies) self.latencies[self.latencies < 0] = 0.0 # find and set minimum latency based on non-zero latencies self.best_latency = np.min(self.get_valid_latencies()) self.latency_stats.best_value = self.best_latency self.best_latency_index = np.where(self.latencies == self.best_latency)[0][0] # find all non-NaN, non-zero offsets good_offsets = self.get_valid_offsets() if good_offsets is not None and len(good_offsets) > 0: # there must be some good offsets; convert all NaN offsets to 0 self.offsets = np.nan_to_num(self.offsets) # set best offset based on best latency self.best_offset = self.offsets[self.best_latency_index] self.offset_stats.best_value = self.best_offset # fix all packet start times by adding the packet's offset self.rev_start_times += self.best_offset else: # set offset properties to empty or None self.offsets = []
def find_bad_packets(self)
Find bad packets and mark them using the bad_packets property Assuming all packets have been processed and all bad packets are marked with a 0 (or are negative)
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def find_bad_packets(self): """ Find bad packets and mark them using the bad_packets property Assuming all packets have been processed and all bad packets are marked with a 0 (or are negative) """ for idx in range(len(self.latencies)): # mark bad indices (they have a 0 or less value) if self.latencies[idx] <= 0: self.bad_packets.append(idx)
def get_best_rev_start_time(self) ‑> int
return the revised start time associated with the lowest latency :return: revised start time in microseconds associated with the lowest latency
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def get_best_rev_start_time(self) -> int: """ return the revised start time associated with the lowest latency :return: revised start time in microseconds associated with the lowest latency """ return self.rev_start_times[self.best_latency_index]
def get_latency_mean(self) ‑> Optional[float]
return the mean of all latencies, and None if the latencies are invalid. :return: the mean of all latencies
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def get_latency_mean(self) -> Optional[float]: """ return the mean of all latencies, and None if the latencies are invalid. :return: the mean of all latencies """ if self.best_latency is None: return None else: return self.latency_stats.mean_of_means()
def get_latency_std_dev(self) ‑> Optional[float]
return the standard deviation (std_dev) of all latencies, and None if the latencies are invalid. :return: the std dev of all latencies
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def get_latency_std_dev(self) -> Optional[float]: """ return the standard deviation (std_dev) of all latencies, and None if the latencies are invalid. :return: the std dev of all latencies """ if self.best_latency is None: return None else: return self.latency_stats.total_std_dev()
def get_offset_mean(self) ‑> Optional[float]
return the mean of all offsets, and 0.0 if the offsets or latencies are invalid. :return: the mean of all offsets
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def get_offset_mean(self) -> Optional[float]: """ return the mean of all offsets, and 0.0 if the offsets or latencies are invalid. :return: the mean of all offsets """ if self.best_latency is None or self.best_offset == 0.0: return 0.0 else: return self.offset_stats.mean_of_means()
def get_offset_std_dev(self) ‑> Optional[float]
return the standard deviation (std_dev) of all offsets, and 0.0 if the offsets or latencies are invalid. :return: the std dev of all offsets
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def get_offset_std_dev(self) -> Optional[float]: """ return the standard deviation (std_dev) of all offsets, and 0.0 if the offsets or latencies are invalid. :return: the std dev of all offsets """ if self.best_latency is None or self.best_offset == 0.0: return 0.0 else: return self.offset_stats.total_std_dev()
def get_ratio_bad_packets(self) ‑> float
Return the ratio of packets with bad latency calculations over total packets :return: num packets with bad latency calculations / total packets
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def get_ratio_bad_packets(self) -> float: """ Return the ratio of packets with bad latency calculations over total packets :return: num packets with bad latency calculations / total packets """ if self.num_packets < 1: return 0 return len(self.bad_packets) / float(self.num_packets)
def get_time_sync_data(self, wrapped_packets: List[WrappedRedvoxPacket])
Sets the time statistics between machine, time server, and acquisition server for the packets given. :param wrapped_packets: wrapped packets with same sample rate
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def get_time_sync_data(self, wrapped_packets: List[WrappedRedvoxPacket]): """ Sets the time statistics between machine, time server, and acquisition server for the packets given. :param wrapped_packets: wrapped packets with same sample rate """ self.server_acquisition_times = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # array of server acquisition times self.rev_start_times = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # array of app start times self.num_tri_messages = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # number of tri-message exchanges per packet self.latencies = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # array of minimum latencies self.offsets = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # array of offset applied to machine time to get sync time self.num_packets = len(wrapped_packets) # number of packets in list self.tri_message_coeffs = [] # a list of tri-message coefficients self.best_tri_msg_indices = [] # a list of the best latency index in each set of tri-message coefficients self.bad_packets = [] # list of packets that contain invalid data sample_rates = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # list of sample rates, should all be the same mach_time_zeros = np.zeros(len(wrapped_packets)) # list of mach time zeros, should all the be same # get the server acquisition time, app start time, and tri message stats for i, wrapped_packet in enumerate(wrapped_packets): # pass the mach_time_zero and sample_rate into arrays sample_rates[i] = wrapped_packet.microphone_sensor().sample_rate_hz() mach_time_zeros[i] = wrapped_packet.mach_time_zero() self.server_acquisition_times[i] = wrapped_packet.server_timestamp_epoch_microseconds_utc() self.rev_start_times[i] = wrapped_packet.app_file_start_timestamp_epoch_microseconds_utc() self._compute_tri_message_stats(wrapped_packet, i) # check sample rate and mach time zero (if it exists) for changes. if it changed, sync will not work. if not self._validate_sensor_settings(sample_rates, mach_time_zeros): raise Exception("ERROR: Sensor settings changed; separate data based on changes and re-analyze") self.find_bad_packets() self.evaluate_latencies_and_offsets() # set the packet duration self.packet_duration = dt.seconds_to_microseconds(fh.get_duration_seconds_from_sample_rate( int(self.sample_rate_hz))) # apply duration to app start to get packet end time, then subtract # that from server acquire time to get travel time to acquisition server # ASSUMING that acquisition and time-sync server have the same time source self.acquire_travel_time = self.server_acquisition_times - (self.rev_start_times + self.packet_duration)
def get_valid_latencies(self, latency_array:
= None) ‑> -
takes latencies, converts NaNs and negatives to 0, then returns non-zero latencies :param latency_array: optional array to clean instead of self.latencies; default None :return: non-NaN, non-zero latencies
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def get_valid_latencies(self, latency_array: np.array = None) -> np.array: """ takes latencies, converts NaNs and negatives to 0, then returns non-zero latencies :param latency_array: optional array to clean instead of self.latencies; default None :return: non-NaN, non-zero latencies """ if latency_array is None: clean_latencies = np.nan_to_num(self.latencies) # replace NaNs with zeros else: clean_latencies = np.nan_to_num(latency_array) # replace NaNs with zeros clean_latencies[clean_latencies < 0] = 0 # replace negative latencies with 0 return clean_latencies[clean_latencies != 0] # return only non-zero latencies
def get_valid_offsets(self, offset_array:
= None) ‑> -
takes valid offsets (based on bad_packets), converts NaNs to 0, then returns non-zero offsets :param offset_array: optional array to clean; default None :return: non-NaN, non-zero offsets
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def get_valid_offsets(self, offset_array: np.array = None) -> np.array: """ takes valid offsets (based on bad_packets), converts NaNs to 0, then returns non-zero offsets :param offset_array: optional array to clean; default None :return: non-NaN, non-zero offsets """ if offset_array is None: if len(self.bad_packets) > 0: valids = [] for i in range(len(self.offsets)): if i not in self.bad_packets: valids.append(self.offsets[i]) clean_offsets = np.nan_to_num(valids) # replace NaNs with zeros else: clean_offsets = np.nan_to_num(self.offsets) else: clean_offsets = np.nan_to_num(offset_array) return clean_offsets[clean_offsets != 0] # return only non-zero offsets
def get_valid_rev_start_times(self) ‑>
return the array of valid (based on bad_packets) revised start times :return: array of valid revised start times
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def get_valid_rev_start_times(self) -> np.array: """ return the array of valid (based on bad_packets) revised start times :return: array of valid revised start times """ if len(self.bad_packets) > 0: # return only the start times not associated with a bad packet valids = [] for i in range(len(self.rev_start_times)): if i not in self.bad_packets: # this is a good packet valids.append(self.rev_start_times[i]) return np.array(valids) else: return self.rev_start_times