Module redvox.api900.sensors.interleaved_channel
This module contains classes and methods for working with interleaved channels.
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This module contains classes and methods for working with interleaved channels.
import typing
import numpy
import redvox.api900.constants as constants
import redvox.api900.exceptions as exceptions
import redvox.api900.lib.api900_pb2 as api900_pb2
import redvox.api900.migrations as migrations
import redvox.api900.reader_utils as reader_utils
import redvox.api900.stat_utils as stat_utils
# pylint: disable=R0902
class InterleavedChannel:
This class represents an interleaved channel.
An interleaved channel contains multiple channel types in a single payload. This is useful for situations where
a sensor produces several values for a single timestamp. For example, a GPS will produce a LATITUDE, LONGITUDE,
ALTITUDE, and SPEED values with every update. An interleaved channel encodes all four of those channel types
into a single payload.
Every channel has a field channel_types that list the channel types contained within the payload. For a GPS sensor,
the channel_types array would look like [LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, ALTITUDE, SPEED]. The location of the channel type
in channel_types determines the offset into the payload and the length of channel_types determines the step size.
As such, this hypothetical GPS channel payload be encoded as:
[LAT0, LNG0, ALT0, SPD0, LAT1, LNG1, ALT1, SPD1, ..., LATn, LNGn, ALTn, SPDn]
This class provides methods for working with interleaved channels as well as accessing interleaved statistic values.
def __init__(self, channel: typing.Optional[typing.Union[api900_pb2.EvenlySampledChannel,
api900_pb2.UnevenlySampledChannel]] = None):
Initializes this interleaved channel object.
:param channel: Either a protobuf evenly or unevenly sampled channel.
note: value_means, value_medians, value_stds, and channel_type_index are only set during initialization or
when payload is altered
payload should only be altered by set_payload or set_deinterleaved_payload due to the extra data values that are
required to correctly set the protobuf_channel
if channel is None:
self.protobuf_channel = None
self.sensor_name = None
self.channel_types = [0]
self.payload = [0]
self.metadata = []
self.value_means = []
self.value_stds = []
self.value_medians = []
self.channel_type_index = []
self.protobuf_channel: typing.Union[api900_pb2.EvenlySampledChannel,
api900_pb2.UnevenlySampledChannel] = channel
"""Reference to the original protobuf channel"""
self.sensor_name: str = channel.sensor_name
"""Provided sensor name"""
self.channel_types: typing.List[
api900_pb2.UnevenlySampledChannel]] = reader_utils.repeated_to_list(channel.channel_types)
"""List of channel type constant enumerations"""
self.payload: numpy.ndarray = reader_utils.extract_payload(channel)
"""This channels payload as a numpy array of either floats or ints"""
self.metadata: typing.List[str] = reader_utils.repeated_to_list(channel.metadata)
"""This channels list of metadata"""
self.value_means: numpy.ndarray = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(channel.value_means)
"""Interleaved array of mean values"""
self.value_stds: numpy.ndarray = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(channel.value_stds)
"""Interleaved array of standard deviations of values"""
self.value_medians: numpy.ndarray = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(channel.value_medians)
"""Interleaves array of median values"""
self.channel_type_index: typing.Dict[api900_pb2.ChannelType, int] = {self.channel_types[i]: i for
i in
"""Contains a mapping of channel type to index in channel_types array"""
def set_channel_types(self, types: typing.List[typing.Union[api900_pb2.EvenlySampledChannel,
sets the channel_types to the list given
:param types: a list of channel types
del self.protobuf_channel.channel_types[:]
for ctype in types:
self.channel_types = reader_utils.repeated_to_list(self.protobuf_channel.channel_types)
self.channel_type_index = {self.channel_types[i]: i for i in range(len(self.channel_types))}
def get_channel_type_names(self) -> typing.List[str]:
Returns the list of channel_types as a list of names instead of enumeration constants.
:return: The list of channel_types as a list of names instead of enumeration constants.
return list(map(reader_utils.channel_type_name_from_enum, self.channel_types))
def channel_index(self, channel_type: int) -> int:
Returns the index of a channel type or -1 if it DNE.
:param channel_type: The channel type to search for.
:return: The index of the channel or -1 if it DNE.
return self.channel_type_index[channel_type] if channel_type in self.channel_type_index else -1
def has_channel(self, channel_type: int) -> bool:
Returns if channel type exists with in this channel.
:param channel_type: The channel type to search for.
:return: True if it exist, False otherwise.
return channel_type in self.channel_type_index
def set_channel(self, channel: typing.Union[api900_pb2.EvenlySampledChannel,
Sets the protobuf channel
:param channel: protobuf channel
self.protobuf_channel = channel
self.sensor_name = channel.sensor_name
self.channel_types = reader_utils.repeated_to_list(channel.channel_types)
self.payload = reader_utils.extract_payload(channel)
self.metadata = reader_utils.repeated_to_list(channel.metadata)
self.value_means = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(channel.value_means)
self.value_stds = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(channel.value_stds)
self.value_medians = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(channel.value_medians)
self.channel_type_index = {self.channel_types[i]: i for i in range(len(self.channel_types))}
def has_payload(self, channel_type: int) -> bool:
Returns if channel contains a non-empty specified payload.
:param channel_type: The channel to check for a payload for.
:return: Whether this channel contains the specified payload.
return self.has_channel(channel_type) and len(self.payload) > 0
def set_payload(self,
payload_values: typing.Union[numpy.ndarray, typing.List],
pl_type: constants.PayloadType,
sets the payload to an interleaved channel with step number of arrays interleaved together.
:param should_compute_stats: Whether the statistics should be computed or not (optional default to True)
:param payload_values: Interleaved payload values
:param pl_type: payload type
# if len(payload_values) < 1:
# raise exceptions.ReaderException("Channel must not be empty and number of arrays must not be less than
# 1.")
# Convert to numpy array is necessary
payload_values = reader_utils.to_array(payload_values)
# clear all other payloads
# set the payload based on the type of data
if pl_type == constants.PayloadType.BYTE_PAYLOAD:
self.protobuf_channel.byte_payload.payload = payload_values
elif pl_type == constants.PayloadType.UINT32_PAYLOAD:
elif pl_type == constants.PayloadType.UINT64_PAYLOAD:
elif pl_type == constants.PayloadType.INT32_PAYLOAD:
elif pl_type == constants.PayloadType.INT64_PAYLOAD:
elif pl_type == constants.PayloadType.FLOAT32_PAYLOAD:
elif pl_type == constants.PayloadType.FLOAT64_PAYLOAD:
raise TypeError("Unknown payload type to set.")
if len(payload_values) < 1:
self.payload = payload_values
self.payload = reader_utils.extract_payload(self.protobuf_channel)
# calculate the means, std devs, and medians
if should_compute_stats:
def set_interleaved_payload(self,
payloads: typing.List[typing.Union[typing.List, numpy.ndarray]],
pl_type: constants.PayloadType,
should_compute_stats: bool = True):
Interleaves multiple payloads together and sets the interleaved payload.
:param payloads: Payloads of the same length to be interleaved.
:param pl_type: The payload type
:param should_compute_stats: Whether or not payload stats should be calculated.
interleaved = reader_utils.interleave_arrays(list(map(reader_utils.to_array, payloads)))
self.set_payload(interleaved, pl_type, should_compute_stats)
def get_payload(self, channel_type: int) -> numpy.ndarray:
Returns a deinterleaved payload of a given channel type or an empty array.
:param channel_type: The channel type to extract/deinterleave from the payload.
:return: A numpy array of floats or ints of a single channel type.
idx = self.channel_index(channel_type)
if idx < 0:
return reader_utils.empty_array()
payload: numpy.ndarray = reader_utils.deinterleave_array(self.payload, idx, len(self.channel_types))
return migrations.maybe_get_float(payload)
except exceptions.ReaderException:
return reader_utils.empty_array()
def get_payload_type(self) -> str:
Returns the internal protobuf payload type.
:return: The internal protobuf payload type.
return reader_utils.payload_type(self.protobuf_channel)
def get_multi_payload(self, channel_types: typing.List[int]) -> numpy.ndarray:
Returns an interleaved payload with the given channel types.
:param channel_types: Channel types to interleave into a single payload.
:return: A numpy array of an interleaved payload.
channel_types_len = len(channel_types)
if channel_types_len == 0:
return reader_utils.empty_array()
elif channel_types_len == 1:
return self.get_payload(channel_types[0])
payloads = list(map(self.get_payload, channel_types))
return reader_utils.interleave_arrays(payloads)
def get_value_mean(self, channel_type: int) -> float:
Returns the mean value for a single channel type.
:param channel_type: The channel type to extract the mean from.
:return: The mean value.
idx = self.channel_index(channel_type)
if idx < 0 or len(self.value_means) == 0:
raise exceptions.ReaderException("mean DNE, is the payload empty?")
return self.value_means[idx]
def get_value_std(self, channel_type: int) -> float:
Returns the standard deviation value for a single channel type.
:param channel_type: The channel type to extract the std from.
:return: The standard deviation.
idx = self.channel_index(channel_type)
if idx < 0 or len(self.value_stds) == 0:
raise exceptions.ReaderException("std DNE, is the payload empty?")
return self.value_stds[idx]
def get_value_median(self, channel_type: int) -> float:
Returns the median value for a single channel type.
:param channel_type: The channel type to extract the median from.
:return:The median value.
idx = self.channel_index(channel_type)
if idx < 0 or len(self.value_medians) == 0:
raise exceptions.ReaderException("median DNE, is the payload empty?")
return self.value_medians[idx]
def update_stats(self):
updates mean, std and median for all values
channel = self.payload
step = len(self.channel_types)
del self.protobuf_channel.value_means[:]
del self.protobuf_channel.value_stds[:]
del self.protobuf_channel.value_medians[:]
for i in range(step):
std, mean, median = stat_utils.calc_utils(reader_utils.deinterleave_array(channel, i, step))
self.value_stds = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(self.protobuf_channel.value_stds)
self.value_means = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(self.protobuf_channel.value_means)
self.value_medians = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(self.protobuf_channel.value_medians)
def set_sensor_name(self, name: str):
sets the sensor name
:param name: name of sensor
self.sensor_name = name
self.protobuf_channel.sensor_name = name
def set_metadata(self, data: typing.List[str]):
sets the metadata
:param data: metadata as list of strings
del self.protobuf_channel.metadata[:]
for meta in data:
self.metadata = reader_utils.repeated_to_list(self.protobuf_channel.metadata)
def metadata_as_dict(self) -> typing.Dict[str, str]:
Returns any metadata as a dictionary of key-pair values.
:return: Any metadata as a dictionary of key-pair values.
return reader_utils.get_metadata_as_dict(self.metadata)
def __str__(self) -> str:
Returns a string representation of this interleaved channel.
:return: A string representation of this interleaved chanel.
return "sensor_name: {}\n" \
"channel_types: {}\n" \
"len(payload): {}\n" \
"payload_type: {}".format(self.sensor_name,
class InterleavedChannel (channel: Union[api900_pb2.EvenlySampledChannel, api900_pb2.UnevenlySampledChannel, ForwardRef(None)] = None)
This class represents an interleaved channel.
An interleaved channel contains multiple channel types in a single payload. This is useful for situations where a sensor produces several values for a single timestamp. For example, a GPS will produce a LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, ALTITUDE, and SPEED values with every update. An interleaved channel encodes all four of those channel types into a single payload.
Every channel has a field channel_types that list the channel types contained within the payload. For a GPS sensor, the channel_types array would look like [LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, ALTITUDE, SPEED]. The location of the channel type in channel_types determines the offset into the payload and the length of channel_types determines the step size. As such, this hypothetical GPS channel payload be encoded as:
[LAT0, LNG0, ALT0, SPD0, LAT1, LNG1, ALT1, SPD1, …, LATn, LNGn, ALTn, SPDn]
This class provides methods for working with interleaved channels as well as accessing interleaved statistic values.
Initializes this interleaved channel object. :param channel: Either a protobuf evenly or unevenly sampled channel. note: value_means, value_medians, value_stds, and channel_type_index are only set during initialization or when payload is altered payload should only be altered by set_payload or set_deinterleaved_payload due to the extra data values that are required to correctly set the protobuf_channel
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class InterleavedChannel: """ This class represents an interleaved channel. An interleaved channel contains multiple channel types in a single payload. This is useful for situations where a sensor produces several values for a single timestamp. For example, a GPS will produce a LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, ALTITUDE, and SPEED values with every update. An interleaved channel encodes all four of those channel types into a single payload. Every channel has a field channel_types that list the channel types contained within the payload. For a GPS sensor, the channel_types array would look like [LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, ALTITUDE, SPEED]. The location of the channel type in channel_types determines the offset into the payload and the length of channel_types determines the step size. As such, this hypothetical GPS channel payload be encoded as: [LAT0, LNG0, ALT0, SPD0, LAT1, LNG1, ALT1, SPD1, ..., LATn, LNGn, ALTn, SPDn] This class provides methods for working with interleaved channels as well as accessing interleaved statistic values. """ def __init__(self, channel: typing.Optional[typing.Union[api900_pb2.EvenlySampledChannel, api900_pb2.UnevenlySampledChannel]] = None): """ Initializes this interleaved channel object. :param channel: Either a protobuf evenly or unevenly sampled channel. note: value_means, value_medians, value_stds, and channel_type_index are only set during initialization or when payload is altered payload should only be altered by set_payload or set_deinterleaved_payload due to the extra data values that are required to correctly set the protobuf_channel """ if channel is None: self.protobuf_channel = None self.sensor_name = None self.channel_types = [0] self.payload = [0] self.metadata = [] self.value_means = [] self.value_stds = [] self.value_medians = [] self.channel_type_index = [] else: self.protobuf_channel: typing.Union[api900_pb2.EvenlySampledChannel, api900_pb2.UnevenlySampledChannel] = channel """Reference to the original protobuf channel""" self.sensor_name: str = channel.sensor_name """Provided sensor name""" self.channel_types: typing.List[ typing.Union[ api900_pb2.EvenlySampledChannel, api900_pb2.UnevenlySampledChannel]] = reader_utils.repeated_to_list(channel.channel_types) """List of channel type constant enumerations""" self.payload: numpy.ndarray = reader_utils.extract_payload(channel) """This channels payload as a numpy array of either floats or ints""" self.metadata: typing.List[str] = reader_utils.repeated_to_list(channel.metadata) """This channels list of metadata""" self.value_means: numpy.ndarray = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(channel.value_means) """Interleaved array of mean values""" self.value_stds: numpy.ndarray = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(channel.value_stds) """Interleaved array of standard deviations of values""" self.value_medians: numpy.ndarray = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(channel.value_medians) """Interleaves array of median values""" self.channel_type_index: typing.Dict[api900_pb2.ChannelType, int] = {self.channel_types[i]: i for i in range( len( self.channel_types))} """Contains a mapping of channel type to index in channel_types array""" def set_channel_types(self, types: typing.List[typing.Union[api900_pb2.EvenlySampledChannel, api900_pb2.UnevenlySampledChannel]]): """ sets the channel_types to the list given :param types: a list of channel types """ del self.protobuf_channel.channel_types[:] for ctype in types: self.protobuf_channel.channel_types.append(ctype) self.channel_types = reader_utils.repeated_to_list(self.protobuf_channel.channel_types) self.channel_type_index = {self.channel_types[i]: i for i in range(len(self.channel_types))} def get_channel_type_names(self) -> typing.List[str]: """ Returns the list of channel_types as a list of names instead of enumeration constants. :return: The list of channel_types as a list of names instead of enumeration constants. """ return list(map(reader_utils.channel_type_name_from_enum, self.channel_types)) def channel_index(self, channel_type: int) -> int: """ Returns the index of a channel type or -1 if it DNE. :param channel_type: The channel type to search for. :return: The index of the channel or -1 if it DNE. """ return self.channel_type_index[channel_type] if channel_type in self.channel_type_index else -1 def has_channel(self, channel_type: int) -> bool: """ Returns if channel type exists with in this channel. :param channel_type: The channel type to search for. :return: True if it exist, False otherwise. """ return channel_type in self.channel_type_index def set_channel(self, channel: typing.Union[api900_pb2.EvenlySampledChannel, api900_pb2.UnevenlySampledChannel]): """ Sets the protobuf channel :param channel: protobuf channel """ self.protobuf_channel = channel self.sensor_name = channel.sensor_name self.channel_types = reader_utils.repeated_to_list(channel.channel_types) self.payload = reader_utils.extract_payload(channel) self.metadata = reader_utils.repeated_to_list(channel.metadata) self.value_means = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(channel.value_means) self.value_stds = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(channel.value_stds) self.value_medians = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(channel.value_medians) self.channel_type_index = {self.channel_types[i]: i for i in range(len(self.channel_types))} def has_payload(self, channel_type: int) -> bool: """ Returns if channel contains a non-empty specified payload. :param channel_type: The channel to check for a payload for. :return: Whether this channel contains the specified payload. """ return self.has_channel(channel_type) and len(self.payload) > 0 def set_payload(self, payload_values: typing.Union[numpy.ndarray, typing.List], pl_type: constants.PayloadType, should_compute_stats=True): """ sets the payload to an interleaved channel with step number of arrays interleaved together. :param should_compute_stats: Whether the statistics should be computed or not (optional default to True) :param payload_values: Interleaved payload values :param pl_type: payload type """ # if len(payload_values) < 1: # raise exceptions.ReaderException("Channel must not be empty and number of arrays must not be less than # 1.") # Convert to numpy array is necessary payload_values = reader_utils.to_array(payload_values) # clear all other payloads self.protobuf_channel.byte_payload.ClearField("payload") self.protobuf_channel.uint32_payload.ClearField("payload") self.protobuf_channel.uint64_payload.ClearField("payload") self.protobuf_channel.int32_payload.ClearField("payload") self.protobuf_channel.int64_payload.ClearField("payload") self.protobuf_channel.float32_payload.ClearField("payload") self.protobuf_channel.float64_payload.ClearField("payload") # set the payload based on the type of data if pl_type == constants.PayloadType.BYTE_PAYLOAD: self.protobuf_channel.byte_payload.payload = payload_values elif pl_type == constants.PayloadType.UINT32_PAYLOAD: self.protobuf_channel.uint32_payload.payload.extend(payload_values) elif pl_type == constants.PayloadType.UINT64_PAYLOAD: self.protobuf_channel.uint64_payload.payload.extend(payload_values) elif pl_type == constants.PayloadType.INT32_PAYLOAD: self.protobuf_channel.int32_payload.payload.extend(payload_values) elif pl_type == constants.PayloadType.INT64_PAYLOAD: self.protobuf_channel.int64_payload.payload.extend(payload_values) elif pl_type == constants.PayloadType.FLOAT32_PAYLOAD: self.protobuf_channel.float32_payload.payload.extend(payload_values) elif pl_type == constants.PayloadType.FLOAT64_PAYLOAD: self.protobuf_channel.float64_payload.payload.extend(payload_values) else: raise TypeError("Unknown payload type to set.") if len(payload_values) < 1: self.payload = payload_values else: self.payload = reader_utils.extract_payload(self.protobuf_channel) # calculate the means, std devs, and medians if should_compute_stats: self.update_stats() def set_interleaved_payload(self, payloads: typing.List[typing.Union[typing.List, numpy.ndarray]], pl_type: constants.PayloadType, should_compute_stats: bool = True): """ Interleaves multiple payloads together and sets the interleaved payload. :param payloads: Payloads of the same length to be interleaved. :param pl_type: The payload type :param should_compute_stats: Whether or not payload stats should be calculated. """ interleaved = reader_utils.interleave_arrays(list(map(reader_utils.to_array, payloads))) self.set_payload(interleaved, pl_type, should_compute_stats) def get_payload(self, channel_type: int) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Returns a deinterleaved payload of a given channel type or an empty array. :param channel_type: The channel type to extract/deinterleave from the payload. :return: A numpy array of floats or ints of a single channel type. """ idx = self.channel_index(channel_type) if idx < 0: return reader_utils.empty_array() try: payload: numpy.ndarray = reader_utils.deinterleave_array(self.payload, idx, len(self.channel_types)) return migrations.maybe_get_float(payload) except exceptions.ReaderException: return reader_utils.empty_array() def get_payload_type(self) -> str: """ Returns the internal protobuf payload type. :return: The internal protobuf payload type. """ return reader_utils.payload_type(self.protobuf_channel) def get_multi_payload(self, channel_types: typing.List[int]) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Returns an interleaved payload with the given channel types. :param channel_types: Channel types to interleave into a single payload. :return: A numpy array of an interleaved payload. """ channel_types_len = len(channel_types) if channel_types_len == 0: return reader_utils.empty_array() elif channel_types_len == 1: return self.get_payload(channel_types[0]) payloads = list(map(self.get_payload, channel_types)) return reader_utils.interleave_arrays(payloads) def get_value_mean(self, channel_type: int) -> float: """ Returns the mean value for a single channel type. :param channel_type: The channel type to extract the mean from. :return: The mean value. """ idx = self.channel_index(channel_type) if idx < 0 or len(self.value_means) == 0: raise exceptions.ReaderException("mean DNE, is the payload empty?") return self.value_means[idx] def get_value_std(self, channel_type: int) -> float: """ Returns the standard deviation value for a single channel type. :param channel_type: The channel type to extract the std from. :return: The standard deviation. """ idx = self.channel_index(channel_type) if idx < 0 or len(self.value_stds) == 0: raise exceptions.ReaderException("std DNE, is the payload empty?") return self.value_stds[idx] def get_value_median(self, channel_type: int) -> float: """ Returns the median value for a single channel type. :param channel_type: The channel type to extract the median from. :return:The median value. """ idx = self.channel_index(channel_type) if idx < 0 or len(self.value_medians) == 0: raise exceptions.ReaderException("median DNE, is the payload empty?") return self.value_medians[idx] def update_stats(self): """ updates mean, std and median for all values """ channel = self.payload step = len(self.channel_types) del self.protobuf_channel.value_means[:] del self.protobuf_channel.value_stds[:] del self.protobuf_channel.value_medians[:] for i in range(step): std, mean, median = stat_utils.calc_utils(reader_utils.deinterleave_array(channel, i, step)) self.protobuf_channel.value_means.append(mean) self.protobuf_channel.value_stds.append(std) self.protobuf_channel.value_medians.append(median) self.value_stds = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(self.protobuf_channel.value_stds) self.value_means = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(self.protobuf_channel.value_means) self.value_medians = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(self.protobuf_channel.value_medians) def set_sensor_name(self, name: str): """ sets the sensor name :param name: name of sensor """ self.sensor_name = name self.protobuf_channel.sensor_name = name def set_metadata(self, data: typing.List[str]): """ sets the metadata :param data: metadata as list of strings """ del self.protobuf_channel.metadata[:] for meta in data: self.protobuf_channel.metadata.append(meta) self.metadata = reader_utils.repeated_to_list(self.protobuf_channel.metadata) def metadata_as_dict(self) -> typing.Dict[str, str]: """ Returns any metadata as a dictionary of key-pair values. :return: Any metadata as a dictionary of key-pair values. """ return reader_utils.get_metadata_as_dict(self.metadata) def __str__(self) -> str: """ Returns a string representation of this interleaved channel. :return: A string representation of this interleaved chanel. """ return "sensor_name: {}\n" \ "channel_types: {}\n" \ "len(payload): {}\n" \ "payload_type: {}".format(self.sensor_name, list(map( reader_utils.channel_type_name_from_enum, self.channel_types)), len(self.payload), reader_utils.payload_type( self.protobuf_channel))
def channel_index(self, channel_type: int) ‑> int
Returns the index of a channel type or -1 if it DNE. :param channel_type: The channel type to search for. :return: The index of the channel or -1 if it DNE.
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def channel_index(self, channel_type: int) -> int: """ Returns the index of a channel type or -1 if it DNE. :param channel_type: The channel type to search for. :return: The index of the channel or -1 if it DNE. """ return self.channel_type_index[channel_type] if channel_type in self.channel_type_index else -1
def get_channel_type_names(self) ‑> List[str]
Returns the list of channel_types as a list of names instead of enumeration constants. :return: The list of channel_types as a list of names instead of enumeration constants.
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def get_channel_type_names(self) -> typing.List[str]: """ Returns the list of channel_types as a list of names instead of enumeration constants. :return: The list of channel_types as a list of names instead of enumeration constants. """ return list(map(reader_utils.channel_type_name_from_enum, self.channel_types))
def get_multi_payload(self, channel_types: List[int]) ‑> numpy.ndarray
Returns an interleaved payload with the given channel types. :param channel_types: Channel types to interleave into a single payload. :return: A numpy array of an interleaved payload.
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def get_multi_payload(self, channel_types: typing.List[int]) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Returns an interleaved payload with the given channel types. :param channel_types: Channel types to interleave into a single payload. :return: A numpy array of an interleaved payload. """ channel_types_len = len(channel_types) if channel_types_len == 0: return reader_utils.empty_array() elif channel_types_len == 1: return self.get_payload(channel_types[0]) payloads = list(map(self.get_payload, channel_types)) return reader_utils.interleave_arrays(payloads)
def get_payload(self, channel_type: int) ‑> numpy.ndarray
Returns a deinterleaved payload of a given channel type or an empty array. :param channel_type: The channel type to extract/deinterleave from the payload. :return: A numpy array of floats or ints of a single channel type.
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def get_payload(self, channel_type: int) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Returns a deinterleaved payload of a given channel type or an empty array. :param channel_type: The channel type to extract/deinterleave from the payload. :return: A numpy array of floats or ints of a single channel type. """ idx = self.channel_index(channel_type) if idx < 0: return reader_utils.empty_array() try: payload: numpy.ndarray = reader_utils.deinterleave_array(self.payload, idx, len(self.channel_types)) return migrations.maybe_get_float(payload) except exceptions.ReaderException: return reader_utils.empty_array()
def get_payload_type(self) ‑> str
Returns the internal protobuf payload type. :return: The internal protobuf payload type.
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def get_payload_type(self) -> str: """ Returns the internal protobuf payload type. :return: The internal protobuf payload type. """ return reader_utils.payload_type(self.protobuf_channel)
def get_value_mean(self, channel_type: int) ‑> float
Returns the mean value for a single channel type. :param channel_type: The channel type to extract the mean from. :return: The mean value.
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def get_value_mean(self, channel_type: int) -> float: """ Returns the mean value for a single channel type. :param channel_type: The channel type to extract the mean from. :return: The mean value. """ idx = self.channel_index(channel_type) if idx < 0 or len(self.value_means) == 0: raise exceptions.ReaderException("mean DNE, is the payload empty?") return self.value_means[idx]
def get_value_median(self, channel_type: int) ‑> float
Returns the median value for a single channel type. :param channel_type: The channel type to extract the median from. :return:The median value.
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def get_value_median(self, channel_type: int) -> float: """ Returns the median value for a single channel type. :param channel_type: The channel type to extract the median from. :return:The median value. """ idx = self.channel_index(channel_type) if idx < 0 or len(self.value_medians) == 0: raise exceptions.ReaderException("median DNE, is the payload empty?") return self.value_medians[idx]
def get_value_std(self, channel_type: int) ‑> float
Returns the standard deviation value for a single channel type. :param channel_type: The channel type to extract the std from. :return: The standard deviation.
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def get_value_std(self, channel_type: int) -> float: """ Returns the standard deviation value for a single channel type. :param channel_type: The channel type to extract the std from. :return: The standard deviation. """ idx = self.channel_index(channel_type) if idx < 0 or len(self.value_stds) == 0: raise exceptions.ReaderException("std DNE, is the payload empty?") return self.value_stds[idx]
def has_channel(self, channel_type: int) ‑> bool
Returns if channel type exists with in this channel. :param channel_type: The channel type to search for. :return: True if it exist, False otherwise.
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def has_channel(self, channel_type: int) -> bool: """ Returns if channel type exists with in this channel. :param channel_type: The channel type to search for. :return: True if it exist, False otherwise. """ return channel_type in self.channel_type_index
def has_payload(self, channel_type: int) ‑> bool
Returns if channel contains a non-empty specified payload. :param channel_type: The channel to check for a payload for. :return: Whether this channel contains the specified payload.
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def has_payload(self, channel_type: int) -> bool: """ Returns if channel contains a non-empty specified payload. :param channel_type: The channel to check for a payload for. :return: Whether this channel contains the specified payload. """ return self.has_channel(channel_type) and len(self.payload) > 0
def metadata_as_dict(self) ‑> Dict[str, str]
Returns any metadata as a dictionary of key-pair values. :return: Any metadata as a dictionary of key-pair values.
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def metadata_as_dict(self) -> typing.Dict[str, str]: """ Returns any metadata as a dictionary of key-pair values. :return: Any metadata as a dictionary of key-pair values. """ return reader_utils.get_metadata_as_dict(self.metadata)
def set_channel(self, channel: Union[api900_pb2.EvenlySampledChannel, api900_pb2.UnevenlySampledChannel])
Sets the protobuf channel :param channel: protobuf channel
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def set_channel(self, channel: typing.Union[api900_pb2.EvenlySampledChannel, api900_pb2.UnevenlySampledChannel]): """ Sets the protobuf channel :param channel: protobuf channel """ self.protobuf_channel = channel self.sensor_name = channel.sensor_name self.channel_types = reader_utils.repeated_to_list(channel.channel_types) self.payload = reader_utils.extract_payload(channel) self.metadata = reader_utils.repeated_to_list(channel.metadata) self.value_means = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(channel.value_means) self.value_stds = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(channel.value_stds) self.value_medians = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(channel.value_medians) self.channel_type_index = {self.channel_types[i]: i for i in range(len(self.channel_types))}
def set_channel_types(self, types: List[Union[api900_pb2.EvenlySampledChannel, api900_pb2.UnevenlySampledChannel]])
sets the channel_types to the list given :param types: a list of channel types
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def set_channel_types(self, types: typing.List[typing.Union[api900_pb2.EvenlySampledChannel, api900_pb2.UnevenlySampledChannel]]): """ sets the channel_types to the list given :param types: a list of channel types """ del self.protobuf_channel.channel_types[:] for ctype in types: self.protobuf_channel.channel_types.append(ctype) self.channel_types = reader_utils.repeated_to_list(self.protobuf_channel.channel_types) self.channel_type_index = {self.channel_types[i]: i for i in range(len(self.channel_types))}
def set_interleaved_payload(self, payloads: List[Union[List, numpy.ndarray]], pl_type: PayloadType, should_compute_stats: bool = True)
Interleaves multiple payloads together and sets the interleaved payload. :param payloads: Payloads of the same length to be interleaved. :param pl_type: The payload type :param should_compute_stats: Whether or not payload stats should be calculated.
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def set_interleaved_payload(self, payloads: typing.List[typing.Union[typing.List, numpy.ndarray]], pl_type: constants.PayloadType, should_compute_stats: bool = True): """ Interleaves multiple payloads together and sets the interleaved payload. :param payloads: Payloads of the same length to be interleaved. :param pl_type: The payload type :param should_compute_stats: Whether or not payload stats should be calculated. """ interleaved = reader_utils.interleave_arrays(list(map(reader_utils.to_array, payloads))) self.set_payload(interleaved, pl_type, should_compute_stats)
def set_metadata(self, data: List[str])
sets the metadata :param data: metadata as list of strings
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def set_metadata(self, data: typing.List[str]): """ sets the metadata :param data: metadata as list of strings """ del self.protobuf_channel.metadata[:] for meta in data: self.protobuf_channel.metadata.append(meta) self.metadata = reader_utils.repeated_to_list(self.protobuf_channel.metadata)
def set_payload(self, payload_values: Union[List, numpy.ndarray], pl_type: PayloadType, should_compute_stats=True)
sets the payload to an interleaved channel with step number of arrays interleaved together. :param should_compute_stats: Whether the statistics should be computed or not (optional default to True) :param payload_values: Interleaved payload values :param pl_type: payload type
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def set_payload(self, payload_values: typing.Union[numpy.ndarray, typing.List], pl_type: constants.PayloadType, should_compute_stats=True): """ sets the payload to an interleaved channel with step number of arrays interleaved together. :param should_compute_stats: Whether the statistics should be computed or not (optional default to True) :param payload_values: Interleaved payload values :param pl_type: payload type """ # if len(payload_values) < 1: # raise exceptions.ReaderException("Channel must not be empty and number of arrays must not be less than # 1.") # Convert to numpy array is necessary payload_values = reader_utils.to_array(payload_values) # clear all other payloads self.protobuf_channel.byte_payload.ClearField("payload") self.protobuf_channel.uint32_payload.ClearField("payload") self.protobuf_channel.uint64_payload.ClearField("payload") self.protobuf_channel.int32_payload.ClearField("payload") self.protobuf_channel.int64_payload.ClearField("payload") self.protobuf_channel.float32_payload.ClearField("payload") self.protobuf_channel.float64_payload.ClearField("payload") # set the payload based on the type of data if pl_type == constants.PayloadType.BYTE_PAYLOAD: self.protobuf_channel.byte_payload.payload = payload_values elif pl_type == constants.PayloadType.UINT32_PAYLOAD: self.protobuf_channel.uint32_payload.payload.extend(payload_values) elif pl_type == constants.PayloadType.UINT64_PAYLOAD: self.protobuf_channel.uint64_payload.payload.extend(payload_values) elif pl_type == constants.PayloadType.INT32_PAYLOAD: self.protobuf_channel.int32_payload.payload.extend(payload_values) elif pl_type == constants.PayloadType.INT64_PAYLOAD: self.protobuf_channel.int64_payload.payload.extend(payload_values) elif pl_type == constants.PayloadType.FLOAT32_PAYLOAD: self.protobuf_channel.float32_payload.payload.extend(payload_values) elif pl_type == constants.PayloadType.FLOAT64_PAYLOAD: self.protobuf_channel.float64_payload.payload.extend(payload_values) else: raise TypeError("Unknown payload type to set.") if len(payload_values) < 1: self.payload = payload_values else: self.payload = reader_utils.extract_payload(self.protobuf_channel) # calculate the means, std devs, and medians if should_compute_stats: self.update_stats()
def set_sensor_name(self, name: str)
sets the sensor name :param name: name of sensor
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def set_sensor_name(self, name: str): """ sets the sensor name :param name: name of sensor """ self.sensor_name = name self.protobuf_channel.sensor_name = name
def update_stats(self)
updates mean, std and median for all values
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def update_stats(self): """ updates mean, std and median for all values """ channel = self.payload step = len(self.channel_types) del self.protobuf_channel.value_means[:] del self.protobuf_channel.value_stds[:] del self.protobuf_channel.value_medians[:] for i in range(step): std, mean, median = stat_utils.calc_utils(reader_utils.deinterleave_array(channel, i, step)) self.protobuf_channel.value_means.append(mean) self.protobuf_channel.value_stds.append(std) self.protobuf_channel.value_medians.append(median) self.value_stds = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(self.protobuf_channel.value_stds) self.value_means = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(self.protobuf_channel.value_means) self.value_medians = reader_utils.repeated_to_array(self.protobuf_channel.value_medians)