Module redvox.api900.deprecation

This module provides functions for gracefully deprecating functionality in this SDK.

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This module provides functions for gracefully deprecating functionality in this SDK.

import functools
import logging
import traceback
import typing

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("DeprecationWarningLogger")

def deprecated(in_version: str, alt_fn: typing.Callable) -> typing.Callable:
    Decorator used for deprecating functions in the SDK.
    This decorator will display a warning of the deprecated function being called, where it was called from, and then
    call the alternate function.
    :param in_version: Version that the function was deprecated in.
    :param alt_fn: An alternate function to use instead of the deprecated one.
    def decorator_repeat(func):
        Wraps a function.
        :param func: Function to wrap.
        :return: A decorator.
        warn = "%s has been deprecated in version %s. Use %s instead." % (

        def wrapper_decorator(*args, **kwargs):
            Displays the deprecation warning and runs the alternate function.
            :param args: Original args.
            :param kwargs: Original kwargs.
            :return: The result of running the alternate function.
            _traceback = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[0]
            LOGGER.warning("RedVox SDK Deprecation Warning: %s", warn)
            LOGGER.warning(" -- %s %d %s", _traceback.filename, _traceback.lineno,
            return alt_fn(*args, **kwargs)

        wrapper_decorator.__doc__ = warn
        return wrapper_decorator

    return decorator_repeat


def deprecated(in_version: str, alt_fn: Callable) ‑> Callable

Decorator used for deprecating functions in the SDK. This decorator will display a warning of the deprecated function being called, where it was called from, and then call the alternate function. :param in_version: Version that the function was deprecated in. :param alt_fn: An alternate function to use instead of the deprecated one.

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def deprecated(in_version: str, alt_fn: typing.Callable) -> typing.Callable:
    Decorator used for deprecating functions in the SDK.
    This decorator will display a warning of the deprecated function being called, where it was called from, and then
    call the alternate function.
    :param in_version: Version that the function was deprecated in.
    :param alt_fn: An alternate function to use instead of the deprecated one.
    def decorator_repeat(func):
        Wraps a function.
        :param func: Function to wrap.
        :return: A decorator.
        warn = "%s has been deprecated in version %s. Use %s instead." % (

        def wrapper_decorator(*args, **kwargs):
            Displays the deprecation warning and runs the alternate function.
            :param args: Original args.
            :param kwargs: Original kwargs.
            :return: The result of running the alternate function.
            _traceback = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[0]
            LOGGER.warning("RedVox SDK Deprecation Warning: %s", warn)
            LOGGER.warning(" -- %s %d %s", _traceback.filename, _traceback.lineno,
            return alt_fn(*args, **kwargs)

        wrapper_decorator.__doc__ = warn
        return wrapper_decorator

    return decorator_repeat